- c if 'A ' - ' ' V I - mi V U L. XV. The - Chronic le. Caught Hire and There -7-1 nere is plenty r or mumps ,in;the county. - , ; ; :Lovd Hays1 wife, of the Brushies, is very sick. y,-.j Parks Lenderman is .hav ing his residence, painted. -Will Foushee; States ville, is,: visiting his brothers at Oak woods. - T - - . - - J- -: . . , - - t- v -Prince Forester lef t this week:to-attend school at -Oak Hidge: - " - --Mr. J. Li. Hobbs and fami 3y will move to North Wilkes boro this week. Mr. and.Mrs. A. L, Combs visited his parents on Hunting Creek the first of the week. The members of tbe Mason ic lodge here shou-ld" pemember tii meeting-Saturday night. The -personal property of he late Col W. H. H. Cowles 'is advertised -to Jbe sold the 27th . 'ihsf. ;j V ' . ' ; , Mr Isaac .S mi they has moved his grocery store and beef market to the middle stor at the hotel. There never was a time when the. poor were more needy than right now, and there's lots: pjL theory Mi6ses Lillie .and Gertid CamnbelL of Vashti, visited at! Mrf 'F.-B., Hendreu!s last; week. Mrsy. J. Frevette is in the northern markets selecting her sirinT and summer millH , . . The mother of Mrs. R. U Doug h ton who. fo rice rlyj Jli v ed heiieiater Holne CP rd. last week. rabbits shou Id 1 have had a lifepblicy for the benefit of their offspring: before thd &now felJ: x 5 The knee pantsM kids tried to rid the streets of snow J Saturday, " by s vieroroUs soowj haUing. , That's better thdn hiding around smokibg cigar ettes. -- Mr.' James b razier s soil died near'Kiiby's Gap, Tfaursr fin v "nifht, and was buried on Saturday. The oby was about fourteen years' old. --The wife of Francis Lowe 3 Led last week in the neighbor hood of : Poors Knob. ; She leases a husband and three Children, the baby being; onlj nine days bid at her death Dr. J. W, White, who hai heett attending lectures at Phi ailrnhia. returned home Moni ay. . Dr., Albert Eller who all attended lectures returned home Frjday. r f The Piedmont Advent Con ference wiih hold, its second ii arteriy conference, at Beave preek church, "beginning - nex ; Friday , 2ist !and - continuing rwr Sundav. Elder- Geo. D Sherrill will preside. " ' Mr R. II. McNeill. !r whd f wenl to Raleierh to. have hi 'eye treated, returned Saturday - j " . to his fathers an thisi.;pigce His eye is rapidly imprdvingl And thftfdortors sav- will1 koon be well if p-priweab taken The specialist fTpnounce'd, x rheumatism of the eye. ;. L :. . : - !- . : '. v. ..... ; , t? . : ' . .- ; 1 .-7 . "rrA' Salisbury gentleman ha s "Ordered 50 walnut, tree sprouts for. the purpose 'of trying why don't bur people hero - pup . out walnut groves? They -certainly would be valuable after anveral vears.for' the walnut . fi&ber fs fst diappearip Esq.. Lindsay Ferguson 61 Kendall,' was in town Friday. Our friend Com Triplet t was in town last week. ; ; r We learn7 that Maj. Lee Horton and Col. R. D. . Hbrton of Elk ville are both quite- sick with grip: B. C. and J. A. Souther were among our visitors , last .week; ,B. C. Souther has qual ified 'as a3ministrator of the late Lydia Souther: The deepest snow of the season fell Friday night, lit .was six to eight inches deep. -In-fact it is the deepest single snow we have had in this see tioa for several years. Near Felts postoffice, on the 13th, Charles G. ' Williams and Julia Chambers were mar- ried; Rev. W. T. Comer pel- formed the ceremony which took place in the' public - road. While Mr. James Hubbard was reluming from5 Virginia he stopped Monday night at Dockery. Tuesday morn'. g he went to feed his horse and found him' dead' in the stable. Rev. J. NV Brinkiey, pastor at Hunting Creek church, will give a lecture there on Satur day before the Grot Sunday in March, his subject being the "Sin of discouragement. 'V The ground hog at least has a generohs disposition and a liberal heart in himi ' He turned over the eather direc tory Friday nigh t to Old Moth - er Goose Ib'ng enough for her to pick the' pinfeathers from her goslins. , -John Dula, son of the An- de rison 'Dn la of Lew isSSFork . was brought home dead last week. He was killed in W "Va. by the caving in of the mine in which he worked. He was about 40"years- old. and; leaves a wife and two children.' He was an nonest nam wording good citizen. Mosey Moore, colored, .was killed last week up in Un- ion townsnip, wniie cu ciiner vv logs. A tree had. been cut down and lodged sevoral feet from the ground. As he went to walk across underneath it the tree fell" and 4caught him, mashing out his brains. He was a good hardworking darky and his home was near Lenoir, We regret to learn of the death of Ed ward' B, Havs, son of Esq. H. Hays, which occurr ed at his home near Liberty church in Brushy Mountain township, on Thursday, 13th inst. He died of pneumonia of which he had been ill only a few days. He was a quiet and industrious man and a good citizen. He leaves a wife and several children, the oldest of whom are about . grown. He was ar member of Bethany Bap tist church. . I - The young people of Wilk boro and xf North Wilkes esboro were delightfully' enter tained last Friday night by Mr and Mrs. Clarence Call at their beautiful residence in the wes tern part of town. Quite, a number attended and all report a n e v e n i ng b f u n a 1 1 oy ed ; p 1 e a s ure.' r Elegant refreshments were served and those who, so felt inclined participated ;y in dancing . till after midnight. To all, the hour for departure came tox soon. This is the. first entertainment giverf 4 by ,Mr and Mrs. Call since their mar riage and all were charmed by their, hospitalit y. v The youn g people will lookr forward with eager4anticipation to e frepeti tion ofsuch a pleasant occa sion. , " ' . . ' , . JSqual Jaxation, WILKESBORO , ST.- C. y U. S. Court for Wllkesboro. We see that Congressman Klutz has introduced ar bill in Gongress to" establish a falland spring term ' of.- the United States court at -Wilkesboro This is right and the court by all means should be established Wilkesbord is centrally situa ted in a section of the State which furnishes a lot of Feder al litigation, and it would . be a .great economy to the Gov ernment as well as the litigants to establish a court here; Mr. Klutz understands the situa tion and ts doing the right thing. All our people" should do all they can to encourage and assist Mr. Klutz in this matter; and we hope our re publican friends can use some sort of influence upon their representatives who have here tofore been against us, and persuade them to join in with Klutz to get the court. Favor a Bridge at Holaaan's Ford. AH persons feeling an inter est in the building of a bridge across the Yadkin River "at Holman's- ford are requested to meet at Wilkesboro on the first Monday in March to de eiiss the ways and means of getting a bridge there. The bridge is au absolute necessity and we hope all those interested will meet at the time and place designated' and fully discuss the matter, and agree upon how to get the bridge. This notice is given at the request of such men asC. Call, A,. M. Church, M. MbNeill,: E! S Biair, R. A . Spainhour arid others. Thr CuEONiciiEr wishes- to add a we rd urging thatprompt action' be ta ken. ;: The-for d : can scarcely be crossed and the people of tnat section cannot reach the depot or court house and of course the trade is turn ing elsewhere, mostly to Le noir. There must be bridges at -Hoi man's ford and Elkville too and the sooner the better. Mr. McNeill's Card. Mr Editor:! see in your paper of t&e 12jnst. where 3-oa state in referring to a fire back of my house and - Mr. Barbers Sunday last,. which you say o riginated with some knee pants boys g.nd cigarettes, and you further state that the parents must obey the boys or kids and-'stv&ild their cigaretis aDd oth er meanness with "little white lies." Now as the fire originated by some act3 of Mrs. S. J. Prevette's boys in iome. vvav I dont know how.- . I suppose I am the parent referred to as the boys 'ale in rcy carej especially in the abscense of a good mother away from home waiting on a sick brother, that must bbe.y the kids and shield them in cigarette and other . meanness. Now, I wish to say I have" not lied in the matter in any way whatever, dont know how the fife originated, but by some carelessness of. the ,boys, I sup pose, and I ain as clear of telling white i lies or black 1 ies" either to shield th e boys or anybody else in a wrongs as the Editor of The Ciiroxicj.e. I write this because I think you have done me a wrong which you should correct. - ' ' : M. McNeill. . - Don't forget to-, send your: orders for Job vpriiiting to the Chronicle Job . Office. & First class work at living prices.: . St.;; Valentine's day was; Friday, - If the birds waited till nighft do their courting, and choose their 4mates, , they had a snowy, time sure. The Liquor Co. at Ronda to which theJ county commis sioners seem to show special favors is - doing .an- immense business over this section with their wateredL-arsenicated spir its. Better turn the home folks loose too. ' , , . "J " ; . Ashes for Sale, or, will ex change for Corn o r H ay. Q. C, Smoot & SoVCo. ' pirect and; Indirect. WEDNESD A . FEBv 19, .1902. North Wilkeshoro Items.' 4t The lumber, and warehouse of Mr. J. J. Ross, sit North Wilkesbo to, was destroyed by fire last Friday, -The fire orig inated from a defective stove fliie. About 125 bags of fertili- f zer and a number of manufact ured crates; besides a Mot of lumber, -were destroyed. We understand-. that the. Poors knob Lumber Co; had some' .saws-arid i; other- machinery in- tthe warehouse. The loss is from 8700 to $1000. " . Mrs. Feter Johnson died on Monday morning: of la grippe, ftJt the home of her daughter Xfrs, J R. Combs bt Norih Vilke3boro. She had been feeble sometime but: was taken had Saturday. The funeral ser vices. 4ook- r place at the ! residence of Mr. Combs at 11 cl:ck Tuesday, conducted:by4 T? tt XXT T? .. T5 o 4oVn P4.- R-v. W. ,R. Bradshaw, after Miich the body was ta'cen to the old family graveyard, hear Roaring River for inter lent. She Was SO' years ' old" sand for 5 years had been a Jev o u t me m be r o f t h e Ba pti s t Churchy She lived an exempla fjf life, foiight a good fight, arid Jienceforth the cro wn of right eous is hers. f Work. on the addition to the pepot will begin in a few daysy Lumber and brick are beings piaced. It is a needed improve ment. IMr;- MoGee ' is makiug some convenient changes at his store hieh makes it look very cit Adam Haffis is spending 3 adrtie days with his parents at 4rap Hill; f S' ' ' - The VYi:kesboro Mfg. Co. has the contract for the buildings tde erected by the Forest Mfg Co. Work will Be pushed; as soon as the weather permits . A gentleman from Chicago; is in the . county looking after the mineral interests. - D. W- May berry will, sell: you gnod home flour at $2 20, best, home flour at $2 50, gran ulated sugar 6c, brown sugar 5c, heavy bacon- 10c, bolted corn meal 90e. Call and see. D. W. May berry has 1 pr. five dollar Elkin blankets fr faur dollars, two extra nice lap robes at first cost. To the Patrons of Wilkeshoro School. The public school will close Feb. ,28 1902, and all who wish to continue sending must pay up all back accounts and for one month in advance,- to me,- at the following ratest - Those who sub-: ....... scribed, at the rates sHbscribed; those who have not subscribed . , I., Spelling, Reading, Writing, $1.G0; IT. Beginners in Arithmetic, Gram mar, Geography and History, 1 bO III. Higher Grammar,. Arithmetic, Geography, ete., ; . 2.00 fylV. Latin, French, Algel fa, etc., 2.50 r If.tliis does not suit you ' keep your d'lildren at home and your mouth shut,? for I will teacn.no longer for promises and abuse. Dont send ' your children Monday, March 3d, without the money or they will be sent home. -' E. D. BEATY. NOTICE. I haVe a. nice black mare to sell and will sell cheapfshe is 8 yrsi old and will work well to anything, t prefer te sell for cash'but will give good time on the gproper security.: Any per son w ishing to buy will call on me at once asI propose to sell the first opptr tunity I can get my price. . . ' . : j vv. McNeill. . : Sa?ed Her Child's Life. ; -"In three weeksour chubby : liltle boy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a skeleton-,' whites Mrs.t VV. Walk ins,1 of Pleasant City Oi "A terrible cough set in, tbat,"irr spite Qf "a'"gcod' doctor's treatment " foV several weeks, grew worse every day. Wejhen used Dr, King's" New Discovery ' for Consumption and our darlfng was 'soon i sound .and well. We are-sijre this medicine sahecJ hU life.". Millions know it's the only sure cure for coughs, colds' and all lung diseases. Dr. V hite "guarantees satis-1 faction 5Cc, $1.00. Trial boitle free, T GJL;0fiiIKGWAT'CHES:ilND'RINGy OITTME INSTALMENT JPliAJK OixtGroods are liiliOrade, as in fact only the best. qaality could be'sold upon the $1.00 a week plan. ' - .;T?RS;" Small-ash payment and $1.00 a week until ba -."'.'anTcfl is paid. ;Call on our local agent or write to - i Mntixal Supply; Co., EicHmbiid, Va. We want a live, progressive young man in each comm'n ' nity to represent us. , The. time We . require 'will be your od'i hours only, and we offer attracUvpay.V SVVite. us, giviriir your references r . 1 ' - ST'ART'R Witt KEEP COMING RIGHT Ilimi TOU GET TO SPAlNHOUR'Si When you want anything In thf nn IKf . - . - i """o 11 I Lilt? j, VJt5l 1 Mercantile Ime, flour, And'also bring along your Locust Pins; staves and all your-Produce. ; : We. pay the highest market prices for what you have to sell us, andsell you 'goods at the lowest price. And we ;always have the same price to all; . . t Waiting to hear what, we have tp'S&y; the fact is we have Ben so; busy that e :;. have not had time to "do anytning but vyrap up goods y ; and shove them over the counten.;r Bnt:,come io usv - i 'r when you needjanyjhing, we can aIAAays save you money. BLANKETS :& COiyi FORTS AT COST. Yours very truly, CSS Call (Bet XTbem mtlbile Zhey've mw. - ' Our new tine of Fall and VVinter Goods are jus in and we invite you to call and examine them and see for-yourself1 that we have the latest of the late, i Not a 1'has '.oeen? in : the lot We are prepared to give yo,ii good gooda in the latest-style's' at lowest prices. , - : : - - . r Men's Suits from $2.50 to $20 ' ; - - Children's , Suits, y7oc to $0.00. r 1 .-- W are looking for serviceable, goods We have them" with double seats and double kneesi Ifothing, bettergood ras V old bomV s'pum Our line of Shirts, Hats, Ties, Underwear and Um' brellas is complete. Give X us ! a trial; we can please you. pleaded customer is our bst advertisement. ' " J v, CaH Combs- ! We Want All Your Locust Pins. V Hortori: &l Wy n n " , , t J&rtJi-WlUtesboro.N. C:, Pure Drugs; Chemicals, Toilet A rticlcs, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco," etc. -: . ' ... - - Leaders In School JZoofcs and Stationery. ' We have much experience in the drug business and you can be assured that you are getting thb best drugs at re?.sonabJ" priCCS. Call on uawhen you are r : " N'- :W. ACS KIT erai meal, groceries, etc. If!1- i t M in town