-4 . - : 'v- ' - r i .: c - v - (. i r - ? VOL. XV. The Chronicle. . 4Jausrht Were and Titer t Miss Pella Warren, of Koaring Riy er, is visiting here. Mr. Bud Call leaves thjs week to take in the Charleston exposition, f Mr. Torn Pennel went io Taylors ville to day to meet -h s daughter Miss Ada, who hi s been visiting, at Salispury. 'Prayer meeting willfee held at the Methodist church here .'j&i&ryi Wednesday night begir -ning with to night -Mr:' Jake Sheet's little bojy in Union -township broke his thigh last week while playing with his little brother. Ool. William Eliason died .last week at his home at States ville. He was near 72 years old and was a very prominer t citizen. He was a broth er-in -law of Col. T. J. Dula of th s place. Our. jolly friend Tom Hall, ot Summit, was in town tn s w eek. We understand he came down principally to investiga the mechanism of his brother J ohn's new style of. collars. Judge Avery has filed petition in the U. S. Supreme court in ou r bond case as k i n for a writ of certiorari. This writ will take the case back 1,0 the Supreme Court: Pfesiding Elder Renn will hold quarterly conference for the Wilkesboro circuit on tlje 8th and 9th of March, at Boom erj for the North Wilkesboro circuit on the loth and ICth at Union church. --Ex Sheriff C, Call j has a Jjyely; letter in The Republican last week in answer to one written by Col. Liilington it was our intention to publish some extracts -but the paper inilai.:; Mr. J. L. Wellborn, - of Stony Fork, has a gourd which is over 200 hundred years ol i. It was raised by his gre it grand father and used by hi n for carrying powder, . It b is been kept as a family relic at d is rint worsted bv the lapse of the two centuries. 1 Dr. F. H. Gilreath is no w at Red Springs in Mitchell C6 , and-they tell it here that it so warm out there the Dr. has actnaliyfbeen in bathing t le foot log broke and dropbed him into nrifi of-those clear crystal "mountain streams which 1 w ays average about waistdeep. . Mr. J.' L; Whittington hks gotten back the whiskey whi bh w?m rttrpfhtlv seized from him n. ai , He bonded it out pending fin settlement of the case, i One of the striking features about t ae - ;ase is that the liqudr is 313 gallons' short "leaked out it was taken in r charbe by the goverument ofiicials. : - -It seeros that Vur squib a . . hout the RondaXiqupr Co. was misinterpreted by . some- who ; iook it that we' were - fighfrig that combany, because its me n -'bers are not natives of Wilkfes,, This is a mistake entirely. It was intended to , remind the i commissioners that as long as : liquor i allowed to be made 1 ; and sold in the county evdry - tirHv f-hould be treated alike whether native or foreign.' : D. W- Mayherry will sell 5c. - heavy. Dacon xou, uui meal 00c. : Call aiid sedi ' tshhoffio flour at $3:50, ran-1 aught tokick' themselves and - well. We.are sdre this medicine sahed1 croupl ever used in my family, J have 1 DesD " f . J I.,ni,oF1 fnrtr th flmnlflf ' his life." ilillions kn'owMt's the only not w.ords to express my confidence in . ulated sugar 6c, brown stiar j then, folio w the .example cf . ,a m,ollln; t, -mi"j : Ar, ti.' Taylqrsville -court wkslast week. - R; N. Hackett made a trip Raleigh last week The time of year is here for gardening but the weather is absent. The sleet Thursday night did considerable damage in breaking trees Prof. Beaty wishes those interested to read his notice about the school here. The ground hog ought to be ashamed of himself, especi ally when .a fellow is out-of wood Henry Curtis and Lillie Gilreath, colored, were married Wednesday night, 'by Esq. Bob Staley. Mr. Hazel Berry went to Iredell county last week on business connected with his father's farm there, A citizen who recently in vested in an ineubater is losing faith in the thing. It is re ported that he has used 15 gal lons of oil and only 13 chicks have been hatched. The Hustler says that the contract for erecting the build ings for the Forest M'fg Co. has been given to the W. M Absher Co. instead of the Wilkesboro M'fg Co., as was reported last week." The State Sunday School Convention will be held , at Fayetteville, March 18-20, The Superintendents of the differ ent Sunday Schools are dele gates, and the superintendents are requested to appoint" a delegate who will attend with him. Mrs. R. -N". Garner and fam iiy arrived safely last week from Utah. They have taken up their abode at their former home-on Hunting Creek. Mr. Garner will remain in Utah till fall when heT will return to histoid home in Wilkes. We welcome them back home. Mr. R. II . McNeill who has been spending a few weeks here , with his parents returned to Jefferson this week. He is veryrauch in favor of a turn pike from here to Jefferson and he tells us that the bigger part of the mountain trade is drift iug into Virginia sinibly be cause the roaxls are better; that way. By the way, what has become of the turn pike bill passed by the last Legialature? Does our people mean to sit idle and fuss with each other till every thig slips away from us. The public school in dis trict No. 3, in Lt-wis Fork township, taught by: Mr. Jv Frank,. Davis, closed on the 14th instant. The term was $h months; number of pupils 110; total enrolled 82; -average daily attendance for entire term 55. The school was a most success fnl one, and the -pupils made excellent progress. The school building has been enlarged and improved conveniences ;1 fur nished by the committee. The patrons of- the. school 'have shown commendable pride" and I interegt in its success, and; ap- pear to realize more than . ever I before, the importance of . se curing to' their children the benefits of . a comfribn ed u c a t i o n . Such; reports as. this are gratifying to all : the friends of education; . . Those j districts which are spendingKing's New Discovery for Consumption this district child re n . Pqual Taxation, WLKESBQRO, N. C, Teachers' Institute Mar. 8th. The Wilkes County Teach er's Institute will hold its reg ular meeting in the court house on Saturday; Mrch 8th, at 10 a m. The program-consists of adebate on the question of compulsory Affirmative. V. McGhinnis R. P. Johnson I. C. Woodruff H. L. Beshears A. Woody W. W. Elledge L D. Lowe B. C. Eller Garfield Jennings M, F. BumgarnTjr P. H. Parker education: Negative. .T. A. Boldin , John Crouch D. W.: Lee I. M. Crobch L. D. Wellborn G. W Jennings A, O. Hamby T. H,.Vannoy A. A. Leach W. H. Sebas tian D. L. Millsapa J. A. Gilliam M. Q. Snow J. J. Hendren John Isaacs G. W. Sebastian Other teacher who were not present at the last meeting will .be assigned to one. side of the question. Every teacher is ex pected to aid in the discussion. Everybody is invited 'to come; and especially' are: all' the teachers urged to be present as the question of redisricting the county will be brought be-, fore the Institute. ' John Crouch, Secy. . Roaring River Items. The Churcn Lumber Co. is running ifc3 machinery in full blast and gives employment to quite " a number of hands. T. W. Church has erected a fine stpre house and has it well stocked with goods. Maj. Foote; has-been quite sick with the grip but is better now. The people of the lower end of the county object to the county spending any more money to build bridges until we have one or two- at this end. We have been taxed to build four bridges around the Wilkesboros and we think it very unjust to be treated as we have been. FARMER. Moravian Falls Items. Mr. Lindsay Carlton, of Boomer, passed through Saturday going to 2iorth Wilkesboro. A'"party of young peopte enjoyed a horse-back ride over at the home of Mr. Will Hubbard where they partici pated in a participated in a party Wed nesday night. Mr. James R. Hix of North Wilkes boro, spent Saturday night" with his parents. A fox race excited the people in this community Saturday. Several gentle men from the Wilkesboros were up to see. the raci - -v Mr. E. C. Hartzog is very sick. Miss Lois Pari ier celebrated her 17th birthday Sunday, and they - do" say that two young men from North Wilkes bora ate- so much turkey that when they went to hitch up their horses they put the wrong, harness on the wrong horse and the wrong: horss on the wrong side; BILL To the Patrons of Wilkesboro School. The public school will close Feb. 28 1902, and all who Vish to continue sending must pay up all back accounts and for one month in advance, to me, at the following rates: Tlibse who sub scribed,-at the rates snbscribed; those who have not subscribed I. Spelling, Reading, Writing, $1.00 II. Beginners in Arithmetic, Gram marGeography and History, 1 50 III. Higher- Grammar, Arithmetic, Geography, etc., 2.00 IV. Latin, French; Alget ray etc., 2.50 If this does not suit' "you keep your children at home and your mouth shut, for I will teach no longer" for promises and abuse. Don't send your children Monday, March 3d, without the money or they will be sent home. E.D.BEATY. i When you lack energy, do pot relish your food, feel dull and" stupid; after elating; all you need is a dose - of Cham berlain's Stomaclr and Liver Tablets. They' will make you feel like a new man and give you an appetite Jike a. bear. For. sale by Dt. J. W, White,' ; 4 SaTed Her CIilldTs Life. . , J VIn three weeks pur chubby -lit tie boy was changed by Pneumonia almost to a Pleasant CxtyTO. A terrible cough set treatment for several weeks,', grew worse every dav. f We then used Dr. t action. 50c4 f 1,00. Trial bottlej? freejL -oLtuav 111c diseases. ; Dr. White guarantees satis- Star, Mich. For sale by Dr. pirect and Indirect. WEDNESDAY. FEB: 26 ; 190 George Worth's child ;died a t Nor t n W i 1 k esbor o Su n d ay . - A serious cutting affray occurred last Thursday up in Union township. . Adam Staley stabbed Uriah Faw six times, and some of the wounds are serious, one under the arm reaching to the hollow. From the report: we get, it appears that a cro wd of the boys were drinking and that Staley came up behind Faw and V began to stab him -without saying a word. It seems that they had had a little difficulty a few days before. Faw is in bad shape: ; Mr. A. M. McGlammery, agent for- the Southern, at Mocks ville, arrived here on the freight traiu at one o'clock this morning. He was accom panied py his wife. They; left 011 the train for .Wilkesboro to see Mr. McGlammery', 8 mother Mrs. Jessie McGlammery, Who received a stroke of paralysis yesterday. Her right side is affected. On' account '. of her aere; the son has little hope: of her recovery. She is 70 years old. Mr. McGlammem stated that he had arranged I'that he had arrauged with Mr' O. E Crowson to takVthe manage ment of the Davie Times. He will take chargeHn about two weeks. Mr. Crowson was edi tor of the Times before it was leased Jy Rev J, E. Downum, Winston Sentinel. Senators Tillman and Mc" Laurin of "S. C. got out of any other way to act the fool and on Saturday had a. fisticuff in the Senate. No, damage done, except the 'dignity ' of the Senate was somewhat wound ed; The Landmark has a proper editorial approving the indict ment of persons who fail to list their taxes. The Solicitor is right in prosecuting such cases, for everybody knows that the law requires the list ing property for taxation and this virtually has been the law ever since government existed. There is no excuse for failing to list. The Solicitor is right in this, but he is all wrong in his "accumlative" process of running the couuty to a big expense by indicting merchants for failing to pay a license tax before such a law was known and before the Co.; Corns, made such a levy, especially when the merchants promptly -paid as soon as the law was known, even befbre demand was - made by the. Sheriff; There's no right in such proceedings and that's what we have oriticised. Give us an order; for your Job Work: , When you need anything in the way of job printing go to the Chronicle office. - . Ashes for Salej or will'-ex change for Corn 5r Hay. C. C.Smoot & Sons Co. -rD." W May berry has 1- pr; five dollar Elkin blankets for four dollars; two extra nice lap robes at first cost; ; . -:,---, - . .a'l'i.. , i v" r.;-v.--:-:f. Millions Pat to Work. The wonderful activity of the new century is shown by an enormous de mand for the. world's best workers Dr.' King's New Life Pills. For- constipa tion, sick headache, biliousness or any trouble of the stomaotf, HAer or kidneys ( ' - !l have used Chamberlain's Couglj - Remedy for a number, of years - and 'have no hesitancy in saying,' that' it is Wite. CLOIV IAG WATCHES AND RINGS Otiv Goods are Hicjh. Grade, as in fact only the best quality could te sold upon the $1.00 a. week plan, TERMS; -Smalt cash payment and $1.00 a week: until bal ance is paid. , Call on our; local agent or write to" Miatual Supply OoJ, Eiclimond, V"a- v v W We want a live, progressive young..man in each commu nity to representus. The time we require will be your odd nours oniy, ana we offer attractive pay. Write us, your references, , , -. ; - ' start AND KEEP. X0HIH6 RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAINHOUR'S, Whenever you want anything in the GerieraV Arc3n.tlle ,ine' f,our meal, grroceries, etc. And also bring along your; Locust Pins, Staves and ail your Produce.. - We pay the! highest market prices for what you;have to sell us, and sell you goods at the lowest price. And we always'have the same price to all. ? . . ' ' ... V . - We have on hand a, large lot of: Syracuse, Oliver Chilled and Lynchburg: one and two horse p 1 ows, for sale, and now is - your time to buy. S'CALL (Bet bem mmc m&xc-MewJ Our new line of Fall andfWinter Goods are just in and i wo invite you to call and examine them and see for oUrself tbat we have the latest of the later Not a .'has been?, 1 in 'the 'lot. We are prepared to give ylou good goods in. the latest styles at lowest prices., , ' - ' ' - ' ' " Men's Suits from $2.50 to, $20.,. - Children's Suits,, 75o to $6.00. ' We invite you to examine our Children's Clothing if Tyou are looking for serViceable goods.. We have them ' with' doubla seats and double k'nees. Nothing: better good : as" "old homo spun." Our line 6t Shirts, Hats, Ties, Underwear, and Um brellas is complete. "Give -us- a, trial;; we can please you. A: pleaded customer is our best- advertisement. : V l; Call Combs We .Want All Your. Locust Pins, Hbrtoii Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigars, Tobacco, etc. . : : . , Xieqders tn School JBooJzs and Stationery. ' We have much experience in the drug biisinf ftic 'v w be. -assured that' you are getting the b'vbt - "drugs at re?.?5ormDlv prices, - Call on us when you are in town. 1 NO. giving IG'HT R te; IP 10WS. , i 'i..t.- tit & Wynn.

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