VOL. XV. The Chronicle. -Caught ttere.an& There , A hop at the Hotel was en joyed by a number of young people Friday night. , Mr. Elijah Hartzoer, of Moravian Falls, is very sick .with grip. skiff of snowf ell Sunday A nierht and the mountians were white next morning. Rev. S. F. Conrad, agent for the North Carolina Baptist, preached at the Baptist church here Sunday. - Mr. J. P. McLain has sold his farm at Oak woods to Mr. R. L. Ellis, and has bought a - farm near Buck postoffice. Miss Emma Johnson, of Raleitrh. is visiting her sister Mrs. James W. McNeill. She has visited here before, and she has a host of friends here. Easter comes early this year. It is the 30th of March. This is earlier than usual, and if the old hens don't do better there'll be a scarcity of easter Our Friend Mr. R. H. McNeill has been appointed as private secretary to Senator Pritchard. We congratulate our friend on his good luck. -Mr. H. O, Parsons who was ia town this week brought a sample of ore containing gold and siiver, which was taken from a mine near Wilbar. l Mr, W . K. Triplett's scnooi near Champion closes the 12th instant. Rer. G. H. Haroby and others will address the people. - All are invited. . -Mr. J. L. Carlton informs us that Rev. T. C. Hodgin, a Quaker evangelist, will con duct a protracted meeting at Little Rock church in Boomer township, beginning the 21st of March. Reddies River township has got the head mark on the dog trading , question. Last week, over there, one citizen traded his dogto another citi zen and got ia return a wagon, a pup and 25 cents in cold cash. The Curfew says; "Wilkes is always iu the fight and she comes up this time with a gold mine near Springfield. A com pany $125,000 capital will ope rate it. : They are all good bus iness men. Success to you, gentlemen. The Taylorsville Scout says that R. P. Yates was there re cently closing a trade for two town lots. Mr. Yates was ; a counfy commissioner. ,of this county a few-years since and is almost excellent citizen. It will be regretted if he intends moving from the county, i ,It is a very. important mat ter for our people to look after the paying of poll tax. This poll tax must- be paid .before the first day of May in order to be entitled to vote in the No vember election. There is not hardly two months yet to at tend to this matter, . - " Mrs: Jessef McGlammery died last Thursday -night jat her home near . New Hope fihp had a stroke of paralysis nine dayn before her death. ; She- was something 'over 70 years old and leaves' a husband and seven children ' t Vi roo art ii a ATI d four daughters. all grown ana iiamcu. uuo was buried at : New Hope. She was a memoer ot me rap iist church and a most excel ien& woman. , . . M. ?arlier have gone to Ashe. : Charlie McGee and Effie Carlton were married last Sun day near Meadow Hill at the esidence of the bride's 'father Hilton Carlton. Rev. S. D. Barnes performed the ceremony fter which an elegant repast as served and all felt that it was good to be there. - Mrs. Alec Jennings died Sunday at North Wiikesboro, and was buried Monday after noon at Xroads church, the fu neral being conducted by Revs. W. R. Bradshaw and J. W. Stike. She leaves a husband and four children. She was a member of the Baptist church. I Mr John Neal died at his home in Jefferson last week, of consumption. He leaves a wife and six children. He was a bout 45 years old. He has many relatives and friends in this county who mourn his death. His mother was the sister of the late Addison an4 id olphus .Rousseau, of this place. An excellent man has passed from us. "It's waxing hot and wax ing hotter." Last week Mr. James W. McNiell published a several column grape and canister fusillade against the Call faction, in reply to a letter published the week before by Mr. C. Call. McNiell endear- ibgly designates Call, Mastin nd others, as "timeseryers, place-hunters, disturbers and. traitors", besides being sneaks ljars and other such nice things. MciN leli -boasts largely , upon ijis eternal "loyalty to the par tly." There will probably be more talk.' ' The jail birds flew away last Wednesday night and left the sheriff without a boarder at the county hotel for a few hours. All five of the prison ers escaped Moses Prevette, Ed McBride, Wes. Hanes, Pies. egraves and W. A. Shumate. Shumate, it seems, didn't want to leave but the other fellows made him go out with them. He sent back next morning and gave good bond for his appear ance at court. They made t(ieir escape by picking a hole through the brick add. swing ing down the wall bjr tieing blankets together. It might be food idea to fix the jail and e commissioners perhaps will ok axier inis matter. ,r: February in her dying mo ments "stole a march'? . on the real month of March,; and on ijbursday night gave jus one of the most severe wind, rain and hail storms that ever visited this section. Old waeoners who have been on the road for oyer a quarter of a century tell us that in all their experience in. camping out Thursday, night's storm eclipsed anything they ever witnessed. The whole heavens werejivid with" fghtning flashes and th e . roar of the thunder was continuous, now in murmuring monotones followed by ponderous , peals tnat palpitated and. shook the efirth, as if it were ,t)ie heart throbs of Him who saved the sinking Peter and! calmed , the l' it. ' - mi . " . . eeimng sea. xoe winus were fierce and wild, and whistled I sad reqiems at every "convuK si ve breath, and the; rain and hail in wierd melodv vied with each other.. The streams were much swollen and considerable damage was done. The Yad kin was so much out of banks t at there could be no travel to or from the depot all day Fri- ifv.' I H. S. Vannoy and H. JSqual Jaxation, WILKESBQRO N.C. .WEDNESDAY mKBWh PROBABLY MURDER. Sam Yrinnoy Beats his Wife till She will Die. He is in Jail. Sam. Vannoy, colored, was put in jail Monday evening on the charge ef beating his wife so brutally that she will die. They lived a couple of miles 1 from Wiikesboro. The woman was almost ready to he confined and she was beaten' unmerci fully and her skull fractured at one place. There is no ex cuse for the horrible act ex cept the brutishness of negro brute. The woman is proba bly dead by the time we go to press. . There is considerable excite ment among the colored folks, but it will probably quiet down soon. The negro bute is safe in jail. Miss Carrie Transou arriv-r ed here Tuesday on hor way home from Richmond. J. P. Rousseau, the hard ware man, has an "ad" in this issue. He has the good?, the kind you want and he is selling them at right prices. The commissioners did the proper thing in passing an or der instructing the court house committee to go to wprk and procure plans for repairs and improvements on our court .house. They could do nothing legThe mandatory act of the last Legislature made this AP.tiah rr.mnnlftorv. And this ao tiontooisin accordance with thfecomirnendatiou&.ofgrattd juries tor tne last u years There is a reversionary deed covering the court house and jail property and in fact the entire original 50 acres within the town limits is included in the reversionary deed arid will revert to the heirs of the gran tors if it ceases to be the coun ty site. This ought to stop the useless agitation of the court house removal question. The commissioners request that the order and substance of facts be published by, the county papers and the Union Republican. - Concert. U. A- Miller's school at Mountain View school house clotted on tbe J?eb. 22nd with a grand concert at nigbt. It con sisted of songs, recitations, declama tions, dialogues, monologues, soliloqui es, burlesques, and music. The short and eloquent addaress by Rev. W. T. Comer was considered fine. X large crowd was present.. The children showed that they had been carefully and well grained and they certainly all did well. , Their teacher had not spar ed either or trouble. Mr. Miller de serves special mention as a teacher; he is tireless and his patience seems never to1 be exhausted in the school room. To say we all enjoyed the occa sion would be treating it cool, but we hope td be able to repeat the dose some time. ' - " ' .Green born. p. W. Mayberry represents two of the best known tailor ing companies. Style, fit and price guaranteed. ' . New shoes just in at May brrry's ladies from. 75c to $3.25, childrens from 50c to $1 50, mens from $1 00 to $3.00. . . ... .. v ' . , , , . , ' , - Give us an order for 'your Job Work. When you . need anything in the way of job printing' go to the Chronicle office. Ashes for Sale, or 'will. ex change for Corn or Hay. ; . - C.C Smoot & Soks Co. For The Compexion. The complexion always suffers: from biliousness or constipation. Unless ther bowels are kept open the ijnpuriti.es from the, body appear -in the form of unsightly.eruptions. . DeWjg Little Early Risers keep the liyer and bowels in healthy condition and remove the cause of such' troubles. C E. Hooper, Alhanv. Ga.i savs: "I tooV DeWitt's I Little Early ' Risers for biliousness lliey were just wtiat i neeaea. acn feeling . better - now tnan in years. Never gripe or distress. Safe th .and gentle. ,The very best pills. thorou'h pirect and Indirect. ; COMMISSIONERS PROCPEDmGS. Claims Allowed. A. M. Church & Sons, lumber, $21.11. J. A. Rhodes, for carrying prisoners to jail, 2.25. J D. A. Reece, boarding jrors, 975, . Dr. Yf. P. Horton, county physician, $18.25. A, Loma?, provisions furnished and burial expenses of pauper $5.49. . v.aii, clothing for paupers 1.94 Poll Tax. Exemptions. m. l uilreath, J. N. Revis, E. D. Ball, T M. Wood, J. B. Dula's widow. miBba. Mathis, L,. Parker, Sam StateyL -.1 Roads and Other Matters. Hp. P. Walters was released from pay ment of $4.06 erroneously charged as taxes. F. D. Hackeett was refunded 1.00 tax es erroneously charged. A petition was filed asking for a road jum near jee it oitxington s across Sheets Gap into Ash County. Isaac Mikel, N. H. Robinett. G. F. Hendrix, J. C. Land, and G. W. Walsh were appointed to lay off a road" from JilH. Jones to the Watauga lin,e. Tile Roftrd mad A an rtrAr annrnnvia Hon of $500.00 for an iron bridge at Hoi man's ford. W. C. Winkler, A. M. Church and Dr. W. P. Uortou were ap pointed to see the stqgk holders con cerning the purchase of a bridge in- the lower part of North Wiikesboro, and if purchased, then instead of appropriat ing $500,00 the county gives its interest in said bridge. The Board appointed R. N. Hackett, Jonn Davidson and J. R. Combs to make such changes in the road at the north end of the bridge and other changes as may be necessary to protect .the bride. They are authorized to spend whatever money may be necessary to accomplish this. The Board authorized lawyer JT. W. McNeill to make a demand on the Ronda and Riverside stilling companies firTm lr:.- i . Tt-. land if they refuse to pay, he is to bring smt-inrthe name of the" county; "Mr. McNeill is to get one fourth of what he 4 collects. This appears to be a rather an unusual proceeding. The Court Honsel It is ordered by the Board that the Committee hencefore appointed by this Board on repaires on the county Court house be authorized and are hereby di rected to procure plans and specifica tions for repairs and impro vements on the said Court house and to ' adopt one of said plans subject to the approval of this Hoard and take bids for the com pletion of said repairs and improve ments and report the same to the next meeting of this Board. Prosperity Scrlkes Bearer Creek; Roosevelt prosperity has at last struck our place and we hope it will spread. Dr. Ellis brought us a fine boy and hisi pedegree being good we readi ly adopted him. We have 14 Burkshire pigs, 20 Shropshire lambs and sevn Devon calves, and in a few days will get a thorough bread Shorthorn bull from Tennessee. We are selling hay, corn, flour and bacon . to our neighbors. ; Phin H. German. The mumps and measles are abroad in the land. Mr. Tom Armstrong is in town- Now is the best time to have the mumps .or ; measles if you can't help it. TO CCBBACOMI I if OKB DAT . Take Laxative Brbmo Quinine 0 lets. All Druggists refund the ft oney if it fails to Cure. 25c Can t Keep It Secret. ; , The splendid work of. Dr. King's New Life pills is daily coming b light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bow el troubles:-was over known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice and iAdigestion. ' Try them. 25c at White's drug store. ' ' A Printer Greatly Snrpriged. ; t peyer was so much surprised in my Life as I was with the results of us ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm,' Bays Henry T. Crook, pressman of Asheviile N. C. Gazette "I contracted a severe case of reumatjsm early last winter by getting my feet wet. L. tried several things for it without benefit. One day white looking over the Gazette, I notic ed that Pain Balm was positively gaur anteed to care rhumatism, so bought a bottle of it and before using two tliirds of it my reumatism'had taken its flight and I have not' had a rhumatic pain Sold by DpVVhite. IHlardwarei - . Jardvvart Chatanooga Plows by all odds the best, - Chatanooga Cane Mills outstrip all the rest. I carry all kinds of plow supplies and farr--mg topis, the famous Dixie the best on market for money, Harpers hoes, Diston saws, files, farm X - v and in fact everything to be found in a first class stock or ware. Come and see me. - . North Wiikesboro, March 4th AND -KEEP COMING RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAINHOUR'S, Whenever y ou. ma nt anything in thei Genoi Mercantile line, flour, meal, groceries, et - And also bring albng ypiir JLacust F ,: Staves and all your Produce. . r " We pay the higliiest market prices for v you have to sell us, and sell you goods at lo west price. And we alwaysShaeSthe s; price to all. : ' p- - ' -' . i. ' n-v !.-.'. j r "-'..'..-"-.'"T -.i '. j- :! f At We have on hand a larjg 1pt of. Syracuse, Oliver Chilled and Lynchburg one and two horse plows, for saJe'f and now is your time to buy. . ALL (Set tCbem TOlblle Sfceg'ce THew.. Our new line of Fall and Winter Goods are just in and invite you to call and .examine we have the latest of the late. We are prepared to give you good goods in the latest styles owest prices. .-." ( '' " Men's Suits from $2.50 to S20. , Childreo'je S.uixs 75c to$o.oo. T, . We invite you to examine our Children's Clothing if -;.v- are looking for serviceable goods. 1 vye have them with.,doii ';" seats and double knees. Nothing better good as : "old h spun." uur line of Bhirts, Hats, Ties, Underwear, and i brelias is complete,;; Give .us pleased customer is our bqst advertisement. . r Ca We Want All Your I-ocust Pins.. ft o rton - Pure Drugs, Chemicals, -Toilet Articles, Candies, ' Cigor Tobacco, etc. , V" ' " - - - . Leaders in ScJiool JBooks and Stationery. ; We have much experience in the drug business and you, c be assured that you are getting the best drugs at rersoru.. m V ".Li "V . -n ' '. 1 "...: t T- - :'.' - '. .; - pneesr van on us wnen you are 4 P. ROUSSEAU si fplbws DMows, a them and .see for. yourself t Hot a.has been",,, in !the. , a rtrial; we can please you., 1 1 1 Combs; & Wy n 0 , in town. V