JEqual Jaxation, pircct and Indirect. VOL. XV. THE: ChRONICL. JCaujht Ware and There, Mrs. T. S.. Miller is duite ,ick. " ' - Jonn rariier Das gone to Salisbury on business. . Miss ICjaJte Minton, of Pat person, is visiting: her p iopke here., 'J. ,.7; Presiding Elder Ren u wiU preach to nigfrt .at the Me hod ist "churcnV ... i . .-.-j v The pension board last week had. i;.applicants for examination: Mr. 1. P. Bumgarner sit ed his pare&ts in Alexander, county Sunday. We congratulate BrjTol?--ertsojtipon- the improve ment of The Hustler.' The wife of Press Daniels, tbe borse swopper of iUexan' der, died Sunday. John Dula returned; iome from Oak Ridge school Mon jday, for a few-days. Mr. J. E. Spaiohour wen aiorth Monday to purchase the jBpring and summer goods The Board of Education -meets in regular se$sio& the second Monday in April. -HGUad our friend R. FJWy,- att, of Millers Ceek, ft&s much improved as to be able to be up again.: pne ot the most pleasant unctions q..-tt&e? -season was enjoyed at th4e hotel Thursday jijg&t by a large 4srowd. MrsV Morrison, who) has fieen -with her sqjq C. F. Morri 45on-fe.ere for some time, return 43$ to Jonesville last week!. Sam "Vannpy -s wife (col.) who was thought to I be dying last-week, is still alive .an.d the chahces seem to favor hex re covery. . - M rs . Amanda I?a J died' on last Saturday- 9k2top:4s tef 71 . .years. She had been sick for some time. Her husband .frank Hall is very sick. Prof. E. Brown's jichool .at Sulphur Springs Institute will close.SatUTday 22ndJ inst. There will be exercises d uring e day and at night; v " ; - - . Ji T, Hubbard keens, 3astor oil ancLturpentme m bulk? and an furnisl in any qu antity wanted. He -also has a com- plete assortment f simpl 3 fam ily medicines. friend of Straw it forms us that Mrs : Mary Hendren has grabbled- irish potatoes t last week from her patch; also the "Guineas are beginning, to lay, and this means spring is here, cash- Walter Gwyn, Esq , ftir of the, Bank of No. WUkes- Vioro. has been relieved from - d u ty for a d ay s so t hat he- m ay . $roerly look after the twiqa . V fl hrtv and a mrl. that a last week. '"" y Ehe cattle quarantine line Jias-bpen moved from the Yad- . ;kiii River to the top " Brushy Mountain 6t thfc running ' vWith the Alexander wagons can cross line the Or river y4th0ut molestation now. 1 ,-r; ::.;.'.:. v - 1 - -l At tne residence 01 - ? William Lenderman'last Esq. J Wed ; Miss Builis J. J. cere- V41sd'ayi bis , daughter : Maud and Mr. Raynor "wefe married tlie Rev. Beech performincr' the Thev left foV Hickory Thursday where the will rmake ; : theif hQine The best wishes Titp. Hhronicle and their of friends here goV with Mr. Garlton tells: us -that Rev. T, C. Hodgins has with drawn his appointed at Little Rock church the 21st of March on account of ill health. .-.Si Surratt and wife, of Moravian Falls, were in town last" week-. He has not fully recovered from his long spell of tynfcoid fever. We were glad tosee him able to be; out. J Forester & : Lenderman butchered a beef this week ayhich weighed gross 1570. It was raised by L. Davis at Goshen and was perhaps the largest ver butchered qu this market. E. O. Mastin roasts 31 W. J McNeill in the last Republican and calls Jimmie a few pet names that are hard to head. In the article, there's some thing about "rot" just a Jittle all the way. through. It looks like there's more talk ahead. , Es&. gee Horton, of Elk J ville, died last Sunday, after an illness of some time. We have not learned the particu lars of his life and death. He was rvar 85 years old and was among our best and substantial citizens. How 'fast the old landmarks-are passing away ! It is jaot our fuss, but it 4 looks like that while the im maculate republican leaders are washing through the Win-4 stoh Aewerage sujch able and efficient men as Capt. Peden could step up and take charge of the party helm. But in mean time, in Shakespeares words, "Lay on, McDuff, and d -5. be he who jF?t cries, holdj o nough" Esq ohn Wood died in Bock Creek ; township last week atthe ripe old age of 82 jrears. He had been in declining health, for three months, and gradually the lamp of life grew dim. and went out forever. He was one of the splendid old landmarks of the county, who are fast crossing over the river. While the county commis sioners are looking after the improvement of the court house and other county properties, it might be a good idea to in vestigate concerning certain lotS'in-town formerly used for hitching: purposes. We have,! been-informed that originally there were two lots given the county to be used only for pub. lie purposes, hitching, camp-1 ing, etc. Several years ago the county commissioners, sold these for a-small sum, tyit if we understand the mattorTight tfye commissioners had no au thority whatever to sell this property, as every citizen . in the county had an equitable nd equal right therein. It 4 wouia oe wen 10 investigate it. oss- Stuart Mnrdered. Saturday, March 1st, atKarthans, Pa. rjqy-brother, Ross Stewart, was shot by anjtalian and died in about 3o min utes. The particulars are not known, He lived with me" over 3 years, went 4o school here, and; ' was a " kind and sympathising brother. He left here a .fcout two years ago and went to' Greens: boro and later to High Point. He visit ed me when my husband died-Apr. 23 19ot and then went to Pa. where 'he was killed. It is reported5" aWt here jthat Boss was sbot at a card tables There is no foundation for such repor as only two messages have been receiv ed from the scene of .the tragedy one to myself and the other to " my sister. Neither message gives any particulars, as to the cause of tks murder. - Ascon as the particulars are- learned- I will mak e-known the cause of th murder, And those whutxrculate the falsehoods iiow shall know the cause of brother's murder let it be card-playing or some thing else. ' LizzisrDAvrDsoN.' " Ashes for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay. ' -C. C. SiiobT.& Sons Co. 'I ' ' - ' r r ' s" ' : ' WILKESBORO , N. C... WEDNESDAY. MARCH 12. 1902. ADDITIONAL PROCEEDIMGS. Claims Allowed. d. H. Johnson, taking Ben and Bob Tf pods io the criminal insane at Raleigh '$48.20; expenses of Avery in bond case 171.27-; keejiing jail 21.52; for stationery 29.68., G.eo. E. Blevins, oflBcer for jary in the Shore case 2.00. ' Amos Taylor, conjroying three prison ers to jail from Ashe, 8.95. T. M. Crysel, court crier, 11.00. F. A. Tflplett, officer td rand Jory, 8.00. : J A Keys, list taker, 4.00. The following were declared paupers at 1.00 per month: Koxie Parker, Car oline Hamby, Tnos. Holeman, W H Foster, Job nson Inscore, Ruth Myers, Rachel Brooks, O O Moore. Olher.lIaUers. A petitiomwas filed asking for a road from J P El ledge's to the Walker road at Q W Sebastian's. An order was made to place steel cells in the jail and the clerk of the board was ordered to correspond, with differ ent companies for prices. The order made last meeting direct ing the: sheriff 4o give license to River side Liquor Co. was recinded, but this does not interfere with the company obtaining license from- the sheriff in the regular way as the law provides . . Teachers' Institute. Quite a number of teachers were present at the Teacher's Institute Saturday. The ques , tion of compulsory education was interestingly debated and the decisipn ws rendered in favor of compulsory education, Resolutions favoring the re districting the county was passe.4. 'Next week w will print the resolutions and the program for tne next meeting. millinery opening. Mrs. f. J. Prevette, who has J just returned from northern markets, will open up her new line of millinjery next Friday and Saturday. All invited. Old cunt Vira Wood died jn Rock Cree? township last week. Sho was very aged. Mr. C. Call has returned from a trip to Nashville, Tenxx. Mr. Bob l&cNeill, private Secretary to Senator Pritchard, is in town. Jesse Havener's house at Woodlawn in North Wilkes boro, was horned about 12 o'clock yesterday. At the time of going to press we have not learned the origin of the fire or extent of the damage. Bark Contracts. " We are now ready to make bark contracts for the season o.ia02. All who expect to get out bark this season will please call at our office and get con tract. C. C. .Satooac & Sojjs Co. The Best Time. The best time to cure a cough or cold is when you are first affected. A pleas ant and sure, remedy for sore throat, weak lungs, bronchial soreness, cough sng spells, etc., is Groocn's Mexiian Syrup for coughs and:cohsumption. Be wise ia-time and' keep a bottle in your chesT always handy for immediate use, remembering the old adoge,"a stitch in time saves njne." It is a true lung tonic and sells for only 25c at White's 4fug store. D. W. May berry represents two of the best kpowi tailor ing conrjties. Style, fit and price guaranteed. . New shoes just in at May bVrry's ladies from 75c to $3.25, children 8 from 50C to 4l 50, mens from $1.00 to $3.00. Stoves we have them, I. S. CaJU &: Co. ,r For The Cdmpexton ; The complexion alwavs suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bowels are kept open the impurities, from the body appear n the form of unsightly eruptions De Witt's : Little Early Risers keep the liver and bowels in healthy condition and remove the. cause of such troubles.' . C Et Hooper, 1 Albany, Ga.. says: "I. took De Witt's ljiuie jcariy .rwisers iur; ihiiuubuc. They were just what I needed. am feeling better now than in years." Never gripe or distress. Safe thorough and gentle. The very best pihs.i - , Sawmill men, see me 1 and buy your packing from me. J. P. Rousseau. The "Times B" and the "Southern Times" are the .cook stoves you need J P Rduseau. Th e Oh&tanooga - low is the plow that came to stay.' See me. J, P. Rousseau. " Have you tried the "show down" tobacco if not, try it. Call & Co. : How about some Pratt's poultry food. It will make the hens lay. Call & Co. Try Pratfs horse and cat tle powders, and Call & Co. School Apportionments J The following is the addition al school appropriation for this county, and this insures a our months school in each district in the county. Sheriff John son, although he has hot yet received the money from the State will pay the amounts as soon as taught out. Antloch No 1 colored 20.15. Beaver CreekNo 1 white 49.91; no 1 colored 21.46. Boomer White, no 1 22145, no 2 47.72, 3 7 74; for colored no 1 14.65. Brushy Mountain White, no I 20.50, no 2 25.50, no ,3 25.50, no 4 24.50, no 5 27.39. Edwards White, no 1 1S.00, no 2 21.50, no 3 9.84, no 15.00, no 5 28.00; jio 6 no 7 32.50, no 11 22-00, 110 12 356, no 13 20.00; Colored nol 38.65 no 2 42.00. Elk White, ne 4 27.05, no 5 15.01, na6 29.70, no 7 23.10. Jobs Cabin white, no 1 8.16, no 2 30.66, no 5 20.49. Lovelaee white, no 1 15.19, no 3 22.51, no 4 27.33. Moravian Fall white, no 1 16.00, no 2 13.58, no 3 32.35, no 4 14 68, no 5 100, no 6 20.55. Mulberry whtte, no 1 4.20, no 3 30 07, no 5 1.58, 110 6 9.74, no 7 "23.00, no 8 25.00, no 9 9.00, :New Castle-white, nol 5.T7, no 2 9.95; colored, no 1 29.49, no 2 35.55. North Wilkesboro white, no 1 36.60 no 2. 18.33, so 3 155; colored, no 1 46.90, no 2 24.00. ' Eeddies Eirer white, no 2 225, no 3 28.00, no 5 8.00, no 7 15. Bock Creek white, no 4 10.00; col ored, no 1 280. Somers white, no 2 20.93, no 4 9.73, no 5 36.21. Trap Htllwhite, no 1 21.00, no 2; 37.00, no 3 20.oo, no 4 36.oo, no 6 20.oo, no 7 17.00; colored, no 1 67.13. Union white, noj 7.16. Walnut Grore white, no 1 15.oo, no 3 15.01, no 4 13 00, no 5 2. 00, no 6 7.6o. Wilkesboro white, no 2 21.94, no 5 41.44; colored, no 2 38.36. Manj Wonder. Many wondar how it is that pin worms and stomach worms get into lit tle children-, or how a tape worm, 300 feet long, can ' get in and exstst and grow inside of a man, as it sometimes happens. They may, welL wonder, for it is a great mystery. However, many now know from experience that Moth er's Worm Syrup will rid one of in test inal worms and greatly improve the health after the worms have been des troyed and expelled. It is absoluteiy a harmless remedy to take, and as it only costs 25c all shouad who sus pect worms to be the cause of ill health. For sale at Whites drug store. To epKB j oxi nr one dav Take Laxative Bromo Quinine ao iets. All Druggists refund the oney if it fails to Cure. 25c Can' t Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Or. King's New Xife pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bow el troubles was ever known before. .Thousands bless them fox uri$g Con stipation, Sick . Headache,. Billoasness. Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. K 25c at White's drug store. A Printer Greatly Surprised. Inyer was so much surprised in my life as I waswith the results of us ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm,'! says Henry T. Crook, pressman of Asheville N. C. Gazette "I contracted a severe case of reumati8m early last' wintey by getting my feet wet. I ;trie4 aexeral things for it without benefiu- Qaeday whi looking over the Gazette, I notic- vu tuair - Aiu paiui was puetuyij. gaar anteed to core-rhumatiani so- boeght a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it my reumatism bad taken its flight and I have not had a 'rhumatic pain since." Sold by Whit fUl? It. Mi Chatanooga Plows by all odds the best, c Chatanooga Cane Mills ou tstrip ll 1I10 re3t. I carry all kinds of pIjcw an form ingtbols. tKe market for most, harpers hoes, Diston saws, lc3, farm bell c dnd in fact everything to be found in a Scat lass stock of hard ware. Come and&ee fiae.. North Wilkesboro, March 4th. . , : RT AND KEEP COf.HIIG RIGHT UNTIL YOU GET TO SPAJNHOUR'a Whenever you want anythirisanrthe XJener Mercantile line, f lour, meal-f groceries, etc. AncLalso iwln along Vyour Locust Pinq Staves and all your Produce. " We pay the highest;baarRft prices Tor whtxt ypu have. to sell us,and ell you tjoads at the lowest price. And we always .have t h o oam p price to all. , IE. A. SpalimlIiiDraiir S CDocmpciayo w U Will WHY NOT HAVE-'.. THAT SUIT MADjE TO ORD.ER? w e recresent some of thA hvat Continental Tailoring Co,, Ed. V. Price & abask Tailoring Co., CHobe Tailoring Co., and sthe litres we display can't be beat. T The beauty of it is, we wiiP : FOB THE NEXT 30 DAYS ORDER FOR 5 PER (W commission:. , ; . : D A Fit Gii&ir&xite&cL (get Ubem Wblle Hfoey've Vi&n. Ournew iioe of Fall and Winter Goods are just in and wc invite you to call and examine them and dice !ojt yourself that we have the latest of the late. We are prepared to gfve you good goods in the latest styles at lowest prices.,. . ' ' - . J- MeEfs Suits from $2; SO to $20". : : ' " Children's Suits, 75c to $G.00. We invite you to examine are looking for serviceable goods. We have theca with double seats and double knees. Nothing " bettergood as ."bid homo spun." out iue or nirts, nats. Ties, Underwear, and Urn hrftllaa is comnlete, ; GivA- ua pleased customer is our best aavertlseinent.- ' Ca We Want All Your Locust Pino. HortorL Wyoo, - Jgjorth WUJcesboro, If. C, . ''. . , Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilets-articles; Candies,: Cicarr rTdbacco. ete i esc. --" JOeaders in? ScTiool Books: an JSta t lottery. ; . . We have-much experience in the drug business and you cac he assured that you are getting the best drugs at rer.sohib!c prices. Call on us wb.en jou are ia-tarra. NO. 35, n n -tv on IB i TaiinirinM rtrAHaa. M ,iit- . Not a has been" in the lot. our Children's Clothing if .,you :st trial. : i7AAin)MQA -vmi A 11 & Combs Z- - - - - -