a : - i - -ft. JSquaL Jasationr JUrcct and Indirect. J WILKESBOKO , N; WEDNESDAY . N( ). 36. ' " :V- J r- 1 A - I I ' v IV-.;- 2ThB OjaRONICLE. ' Caught Here and There r A. V. Foote was in town last week. i '-' ?";''- . ..' -Mr. B. H. McNeillrbas gone $p AVashrngtoii. . : J Mrs! ' Delia' Cooki iofi St; . Louis, Mb.,j8 visiting her rela- tives here"v-"; . '- 'y -y':' Tae Hustler - &ays Praiik Blair has come home from i W. "Virginia- to "stay. H : 7 - -Hiss Cora McNeill, of Mil lers Crek,f" visited "relatives here last. week. Walter 'McBwen : and Ed. Ale Lean went to Statesyille on business last week. : ? Next Friday the 21st is the S p ri n g eq u i uo x . - O n t h a t d ay winter ends and spring begins, Hackett, Greene and Fin ley w&ut to Wioston last week, looking after some law matters. Isaac McNeill who has been an West Va.'. for two years is home oh' , af- visitr" - kt Millers Creek, v- . . If you fail to pay your poll tax by Maj the, 1st, you can't vote, and nobody but yourself so blame. - , The widow Watt, aged 89 years, died near NeV Hope last .Saturday, suddenly. Shewas teurieoT Monday . . - r ; NowJs the time to clean im vrfir nrwmiaftfl.-f wells. : ?etc. germs get to multiplying j SamiJones the ; r y angelist and lecturer has consented" to come here the 3' d or 4th bun- day m May and hold s meeting. John Souther, Bill, McB! wee and others of Ronda "came Thursday night and tried ft he duck hunting business Friday morning. J i " --..-W. May, representing a large insulatbr pin company of New York, was here last' week rnvesligatidg the capacity s of the different, -pin- facfolrtes in the county- - . - The Hey 1- Jarvis Buxton, of; Lenoir, died at" rCsheyille last week. He was the ..fattier Of Hon. l. U. JJUXlOOj OI - W1U- ston,"and, was oho of the best and most prominent, men in the State. M - thunder storni Sunday ,wasT severe Nearly ; all the p nones ? werp um vw . - .v C'.n1n.'na nJnUna WHS ' t.r II r If : and ijhattefedi and seteral peb -pie were severely shocked 1 but "none seriously injured., We seef froni " the papers ' Klueppelberg, . of - Charlotte, and Miss Mamie Louise Hearne of Albemaifle, marry to day, hearty congratulations; ; Prof . J. A; Bbidin, Princi al of Boomer High School; informs us that State: Superin terident of Public? Instructions 1 Ji IT. Joyner has consented to . Aim Via tAA pms n.t thft lnse bf that school on May 7th next: Prof. Joyner, is an attractive . speaker and one of bur, ablest -ofiiirijitors. There will be exer cises both day arid night. The 1 iKaan fill rrtaaf 111 8CUUUI ic. ww .www.-- - ' pne; 130 students enrolled du ring the year. - r If wc (jet the statistics corn toriai district vviiKe3,, x auum n.i via has nrosDects of p-oincr republican; each county) has been doing such things' , lately. It is also understood that our good friend col ..Dula -.ia libA to return to the Sen ate of which he, is ifow worthyj member. If the republicans d o tbo right and handsome, thing, they will Bend Col.. Dula io the Senate. ; - - .: Uncle Abe .Bryan -: tells us that he has a hen that lays ev ery day and eahegg contains t wo y el low s, an d he -3 says , th at occasiouly one of the eggs has three yellows, is some thing remarkable: r ' - p f Rev. Geo. H: Hamby- writes us from Champion that there I will be an Anti-Liquor league meeting at Ait. Pleasant church on the 5th Saturday of March 1902.; Eev, W. Bradshaw and others will address-' the people.: AH are invited.- -' The woods seem to be' full of : candidates, ..- Justf whistle and theirs poke up. Winston dont propose to be lefhe has from one to four candidates for 'every position- known to the jla w, w b ile the other ; counties jhave a plenty hitched around handy, Wilkes seems tardy in tli is important matter. ' There was a 1 small wreeki Ion the frieght train at Roaring ttiver one night last w-eek. !A part e the train came r uncoup led, and when the trained stop ped at Roaring Riyer, : the ' de tached section crashed into the other. ' A box car or two was badly wrecked; A colored break man was injured some. ' : : 'Dr.'r Frank Hall, one of the notable characters of this county, died last Saturday. His wife died just exactly one week before. He was an old Confederate soldier, and was 70 odd years oldl He h4d been to the Soldiers Home - at , .Ral eigh but was not satisfied to be away from his wife who , was old and feeble. With his faults ; he had his goodV qualities: 4 ; The State Normal and In dustrial College at Greensboro will offer women teachers an lustitate of one month begins ning April 29th ah d close May 24th. The object is to better prepare teachers for their work The cost will be $5.00 entrance fee and3 6(X per Week for board, laundry, etc. You Will - have free access to the libraries, text books,- lectures, etc. :r Beside the regular faculty, a number of graded school Professors will assist in the Institute; Write to President Charles D. Mctver, at Greensboro ; Mrs. James W. McNeill and her sister, Miss - Johnson, of Raleigh, were "at home for a number of ' the married ladies, and .entertained in" a most pleasant and charming manner. At night from 8 to 12 they entertained a number . of the young poeple ; with a "Pro gressive Advertising Cbnteat'' function. In the contest, Miss Johnson won the prize: and Mr. Bud Lewis captured the bodby prize. Elegant refresh ments were served and ' alto gether it was one of the most elaborate and charming func tions of the season. May they often return. " : -V . , .-,!. - r -' t - i Hnntlnff Creek Neteg. The rains visit us in abun dance. Farmers however ara preparing for large crops . i "Uncle Six Combs is very low; has been sick: for some time. ; . 1 A few cases of mumps ; have visited! us. r -1 ' 4 - Joe Johnson cut his foot bad ly last week. ' : - Miss Rhode Brd has been very ldw with grip but is im proving. ' . : s " " . Humphry Aioore nas-gone to Tennessee to stay for awhile . Mr. Elza Byrd has put up a good etock of gotfds at , the stand near Chiirlie-Wright's. James Brooks has sold his farm on the creek and moved up on the mountain. 'm Wheat crops are not looking well. . A Reader, : , Tarapike to JefTenoa. The incorporators - of "the Wilkesboro and Jefferson turn pike met Saturday and opened the subscription books, and took other steps look ink to the early buildings of .-the;', road. State con victs are to build the road without cost to the coun ty a soon as the - stockholders secure the right , of way' and locate the road, r The route has not been, located and several lines are in contemplation, and it depends upon where the best grade can be gotten and: where the right of way can be obtain ed free; - I This is one of the best' move ments ever made for the bene I fit of. the county. : The road is to be made one of the best in the States Extract or Letter fronr Wilkes ; Boy to bis Parents. ; " -Talahuana Chili, S. A. : Liea.viog Panama we sail' on down the eoastio Peru and anchor in the harbor at Lima, the capital and empori am of the richest section of South A meriea . .This city -waa founded by Pizzarro nearly 500 years ago. Prescot fn his Conquest of Peru" says that Pizzarro landed . here, he burnt' his ships to prevent his people from 7- leav ing him" while he explored the country in search of gold aad silver, and hav ing captured the Inea, the Chief of 2 the tribes, demanded their silver for his ransom.- They brought in vast quanti ties itf barrfrbnVS to 10 feet long to get their cheif released, lut'ihstead of re leasing him' he was cruelly put death. The historian says: "Lima is aj, large city and : has been : destroyed several times by. earthquakes."; Whilst here I witnessed some famous - bull fights, you have read of. Thousands gather on the Plaza to witness the sport, -bat it. is more of a butchery than sport. - 'The .'Andes mountains are in view and literally hide their heads in the clouds. ; The'stottns! roil and the burst - beneath their "summits, which tbo' exposed to the rays of the sun in the, torrid soneare covered with, ever lasting snow The tons of these moun tains are above the flight of the Condor or the reach of man. N .-. Leaving Ltnue we sail down the coatft I of Chili, being now in the south tem perate zone, a delightful climate. V e arrive at Talcahuana, another very oM city, and will be here for quite awhile. : We had a gay time as we passed th Equator. .We went into Dry Dock for repairs. It is an old Spanish city; and we go ashore at night and have dancing parties and everything good to eat. -- We leave to-morrow Feb. 1st, sailing around Cape Horri; out of the Pacific into the Atlantic ocean, and then north up the coast to thexsity of Montevideo, Uruguay where we .will be : for some timer and may go from there to Europe to the Coronation" of the King. I may then get to visit home a short while, when I will tell you of the wonderful thing I ha've seen on this' voj age; -: Addrtess" me, care of - B.. F. Stevens, Trafalgar Sqare, London, Eng. - Your affectionate son, Pebcy. House and Lot for Sale. ; House and lot containing' 3 acres in' western Wilkesboro, for sale. - Excellent dwelling, good barnr every thing conven ient, fine grass lot, in a splen did and pleasant neighborhood; and very desirable property in every way.- For terms- apply to R A. Spain hour, Wilkesbo ro, or G. W. Holmes', Bristol, Tenn. . , , ' The Bt Time. ' - -The best time to cure a cough or cold is when you are firat affected. 4 A pleas ant and sore remedy for .sore ; throat, weak lungs, bronchial soreness, congh sng spells, etc s Groocn's Mexiian Syrup for coughs and consumption. Be wise in time and keep a bottle - in your chest, always handy for immediate use, remembering the old adoe,"a stitch in time saves nine.' It is.a true lun tonic and sells for only 25c &t Xth'tftfS drug store. ' , ' - , - . . For The Coapexlon. " - , The complexion always . suffers from biliousness or constipation. Unless the bo'wels are kept open the: impuriUes from the body appear in' the form of unsightly eruptions. DeWittV Little Early Risers keep the" liver i;nd bowels in healthy condition, and remove the cause of such troubles. C. E. Hooper, Albany, Ga., says:- "I took DeVitt Little Early Risers for. biliousness. They were just what I needed. I am f eel i ng better no w t ban " in years.' Never gripa or distress. '--Safe, thorough cnd-etle. The very best pills. . Seed irish potatoes at 1 ; lie Neill's. ; V-' - : D; W. .Mayberlry has ; been' on the Kbrtherif" markets for thy last weekx buying a nice and : .complete k line of : boy s, J youths and mens olething. Bottom knocked out; in 2 prices. tllay berry's spring goods will be ready for inspection by March 22nd. Biggest line ever carried in this section.' Valuable Farm for Sal. Containing 250 acres of land, SO acres 4 of fine bottom, 30 acres of- cleared : up land balance in timber. Good: two story dwelling and splendid orchard. Can be sold as a whole or in two tracts. Situated 2 miles from Elk vi II e on Elk Creek. Apply to W. M. Abaher or T. B. Finley, .tfortb; Wilkesboro, N. C. - Sale 0 Real and Personal Property. Having decided to move to my place of business at Stony Fork, I will offer for sale the first Monday in April 1902, my house and lot ia Wilkesboro, to gether with a - lot ofJ household and kitchen furniture, fawning-uteflsils. a cow and calf, two barrels of vinegar and many other articles. - - 1 " J.J D. Smith. ' Special Cedaetlon. For the next two weeks 'the. States ville Steam Laundry will clean and press suits for 65 cts, coal and vest 40c, pants 25c, also lace window curtains for 30c . - ' rThese prices good only till April lst After that tme price will again be 75cts per suit and lace curtains 35c per : win dow, l . Claejenck Pbkvctts, Ag't. i 5 -Ifsny Wonder.' HTaoy. wpndar how it is that pin worms and stomach worms get into lit tle children, or how a tape worm, .300 feet loagn: get ;in and exsist aud i grow inside of a man, as It sometimes I happens. They may well wonder, for itls a great my etery. "However, many noB know from experienco that vMoth ers Worm Syrup will rid one of intest inal worms' and greatly improve the health after the'wofms have beerr des troyed and expelled; It Js absolutely a harmless remedy to take, and.as-at only costs 23c all shouud try it who sue pect worms to be the cause of ill health. For sale at White's drugstore. TO CCRBA t'OLDllCONB DAK Take Laxative Brbmo Quinine o lets. : All Druggists refund9 thV a ooey if it faUs to Care. 25c Can't Keep It Secret. The splendid work of Dr. King's New Life pills Is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bow el troubles was aver . known before. Thousands bless them for curing Con stipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Jaundice and Indigestion. Try them. 25c at White's drug store.' v. A Printer Greatly Surprised. - T rfefei was so much surprised in my life as I was with the results of us ing Chamberlain's Pain Balm,' says Henry T Crook, pressman of Asbeville N. C. Gazette "I contracted a severe case of reumatism early last. winter7, by getting my feet wet. -1 tried - several thidgs for it without benefit. One day while looking over the Gazette. I notifi ed that Pain Balm was positively ganr anteed to cure rhumatism, so : bought -a bottle of it and before using two thirds of it my reumatism- had taken its flight and I have not had rhumatic pain since." Sold by Dr White. notice., Whereas, C C Winkler and Julia A i. Winkler on the 2nd day of March 1900 did execute and deliver to Faancis B Hoflfoaan, Truatree,- . a trost deedra Unas in Wilkes county. North Carolina ttrin describe, to secure the. 'rain of $ W0 00 4&e by said parlies to the Cbitish a Akkbicax UoaTOAa ' Coxpaxt,' Lntrrat which said deed is recorded in deed beok Si, page 195, and whereas default has been : made in payment of the moneys secured by said tragi deed,, and said trustee has I been dary jreqaeated' to execute the trust therein eon- Uinedf now therefore notice ia hereby , giren that nnder and by Tirtue of - the power con tained In said trust deed, I, on the - .19th day of April, 1902, -, ; between the hours of 10jn. ani 3 p.m. ( at the conrt house door in Wilkesbora N. Oq will by public auction, sell to the highest; bidder for cash, the following described property, viz: on the waters of Cub Creek, begin ning on ; an ash on the hank of the brasCSr which branch is said to be Holder's lit $ rs&niog down the meanders of said branch 15S poles tp an ash in the fork of said branch, f hence down the creek to the mouth of said branch to Wm. Smithey Jra line to a poplar (his cornerJ"tMnc sonth 70 degrees eaut with said SnritheyCiine 55 poles to a black gum, "thence south croesing a branch C3 p?los to a" Spanish oak sapUn on the top of the ride, thence south 83 de gree west 173 poles to a rtake, thence to tlu? begiuninff, eontainuig 1Z5 acres, more or' less. Said land to be sold to" satisfy the debt secured ty trust deed, ' and such title win be given aa is vested in said trus-" tecs. This Uarch 5th 1CJ2. Hardware. Ghatanooga Plows by all odds the best, Chatanooga Cane Mills outstrip all the rest. V;r ; I carry all kinds pf plow supplies and farm ing tools; the famousDiXiethe best on the market for money, Harpers hoes, Distorsawsfiiesfarm bells and in fact every thingrto- be found in a first clasV stock of ixard ware Cojae4iid see me. - . - . :V : w k ,r u u J-P. ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro, March 4th.- win keep Conine nieoT OriTIL Yflli GET TO SPAINHOUR'S, Whenever you want anything: in the Xlndr Mercantile line, flour, meal, groceries, ,atc And also bring along your Lacnot' Pine Staves and all your Produce; ; r - ' We pay the highest market prices for what ypu.have to sell us, and sell you goods at the lowest price. And we always have the same price to all. TZ2 WHY NOT HAVE THAT SPRING SUIT MADE TO ORDER? We represent some of the best TaHoring. Houses in the World Continental Tailoriog Oo.i Ed. V. Price & Co.. . Wabash Tailoring Co., Globe Tailoring-Co., and the lines we 1 display can't be beat. The beauty of it is. we will " J) 0R;THE NEXT 30 DAYS ORDER FOR 5 PER CENS COMMISSION. GiUE. m. a, A . Fit GuarairLteed. (get gfeem WLbiU UbeVte XTe?. " ' IB tUtmmmtmmmm ttm MM tm m bbbbbsbI shissssl m sssssW sassalsia MBbM bsbsV bsbsMsbhbi bsbHbsIbssI bsVbsssbVMMbBMBMM Our new line of Fall and Winter Goods are jnst in and wo invite yqu to call and examine them and see for v yojir&el: thai we have the latest of thejate. We are prepared to give you good goods in the latest ttylcz c$- r 1 -feTen's Suits from $3.50 to $20. '" " - V ' ? Children's" Suits; 775g- to $0.09: - - r We invite you to examine -our Children's Clothing it yot: are looking for serviceable goods. We have them with doubles seats and double: knees. . Nothing i bettergood as "old homo spun."- Our line of Shirts, Hats,; Ties, - Underwear, and TJm brellas is complete. Give ; us a trial; . we, can pledso you. pleased customer is our best advertisements j. : - Call Combs Wo WantlAll Your Locust Pins.. -: r JforthTVWte8boroir,C., ' : Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet ;A rticles, Tobacco, etc. . . " , Zteaaera in Select XZooTzs and tatio:icr We have much experience be assured-that you ara getting the best drugs at prices. Call on us when you ere fn tOC n n -n loosinsip tew. ' fl !' Ttllflt Not a "has been ? in tho lot. Candies,, Ciarr, in the drug bucinecs civl 'C.2 c: JT w w G O0.

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