ii jsquai taxation, pirect ana indirect. VOL. XV. WILKESBORO, N. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 7719027 NO. 43. LE Caught Mere and There. J. M. Wellborn made a trip to Ashe last week. There are about 800 poll taxes yet unpaid in Wilkes. Jno. Gilreath's (col.), chi died Friday night of bronchi tis. ' Rev. Sam Jones will lect ure in Statesville Monday , May 26th. Jno. S. Ferguson and wite . of Boomer, were in town Sat urday. Mr. J. M. Matheson, cf Tavlorsville, was here last week. Clarence Call and W. E Crippen went to Stcmy For Sunday. Miss Florence Copeland, of Marion, N. C., is here visiting relatives. Miss Ida Hix, of Mora vian Falls, was in town shop ping Friday. L. W. Cooper and M. SI. Shaper. came in from Char lotte Monday. There seems to be, an epi demic of mad dogs in this sec tion of the State. The wheat crop is looking; more promising than it did two or three weeks ago, Sunday will be Children's day at the Methodist church. Exercises at 11 ocdock. Mrs. Alpha Parsons is very low with a tumor. She is not expected to live many days. --hroter has plenty of friends now. Candidates on all sides are making much of him, in which his meet is 200 x The large tent Sam Jones will hold ins: has arrived. It 200 feet. Mr. and Mrs. A. L.. Combs visited Mrs. Combs' mother at Riverside, Ashe county, the first of the week. The Statesville Landmark says there are about 1000 white and colored voters in Iredell county who failed to pay their poll tax. Daniel Speers, of Jobs Cab in, died of consumption last week. He was about 45 yeans old and leaves a wife and sev en children. Dolf Nance's wife, out on the Brushies, has gone crazy. Dr. Turner went out to see her Friday and he thinks she will not live but a few days. Isaac Broyhill, who has been confined in jail for sever al days, was taken to the hos pital at Morgan ton Saturday. He is dangerously insane. F. G. Holman is preparing the grounds where he will build his new residence. He is leveling the summit of the hill. He will have a nice home when completed. Mr. Hegiman, of N. Y., Din inspector for one of the largest companies in the world arrived last week and went up to Call & Smith's factory on Stony Fork to inspect pins. Prof. Horn, of Booneville, was here a few days ago seeing about taking charge of Wilkesboro Academy. He is a good teacher and could doubtless build up a good school at this place. Pleasure seekers are be ginning to flock to the sum mer resort:;. Wilkesboro is an ideal resort and our people should prepare to entertain the pleasure see kers. Clean ,; up 'yojir premises ', and make v the toton. attractive ' ; ' , J. R. Snyder of -Winston, is registered at Hotel Wilkesboro. C. C. Smoot & Sons Co. are enlarging their bark sheds at Elkin, W. B. Henry has. the con tract to furnish brick for the new. court house. Prince Edward-, Forester, who has been in schooLat Oak Ridge, came hom'e Friday. G, W. Walsh, of Parson- ville killed a large rattle snake last week. It had 12 rattles and was nearly five feet in length, The Democratic judicial conventiou of this the 1 1th dis trict will be held in. Winston July 15th, to nominate a candi date for Solicitor. The weather for the past week has been very favorable for corn planting and. farmers in all sections of the county have their crops planted. - A few years ago there were not more than one or two daily mail routesin the county. Now every route in the county is daily except one and that one is from Wilkesboro to Brushy Mountain' Wilkes is still ahead. Mr. Vance Whittington has a pig that has six well developed legs and six feet. The pig is healthy and nimble and is growing right along. Next. The cornerstone of the new court house in Taylorsville will be laid May 10th. Hon. Theo. F. Klutz, Hon. R. Z. Lin ney and Mr. A. C. Nclntosh will deliver addresses on the occasion, James Sparks died of drop sy at his home in Trap Hill iownship Monday, lie was the father of J. C. Sparks and one of the old landmarks of the county, being some 70 odd years oid. James Gordon Hackett made a trip to Raleigh last week in the interest of the Jef ferson turnpike. President Roosevelt is pushing Gordon for that automobile ride on the new road and Gordon is straining every nerve to get ready for that "august occa sion." Caily Lowe died last Tues day evening at his home near Poors Knob postofnce. He was 82 years old and the father Ot 13 children, of whom 10 are living. He was the father of Jno. A Lowe. He was a mem ber of the Baptist church and Til X T ian excellent man. tie was buried at Walnut Grove Church grave yard Wednesday. The quarantine line has been. moved to the county line, but on plantations where ticks are found on cattle after the ;middle of May the plantations jwill be quarantined and such cattle will not; be allowed off the plantation, it is impor COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS j Claims'allowed W. F. Hail, burial expenses of paa per 71c- ; O. D. Daricy making coffin for pau per, 75c. J. H. Johnson, services as jailor, $21. 51. J. W. Johnson, conveying prisoner to jail, $3.55. .Edwards & Broughton, balanee on blanks, etc., $100.25.1 Wal ker, Evans & -Cogswell, stationary, etc., 29.30.- W. L. Bruce, arresting- Isaac Broyhill, 50c. Dr. W. P. Horton, hold ing post mortem examinations over the dead bodies of Sarah Benje and Gwyn Dula, $40. Other Matters. Threasa Watson was ordered admit ted into the poor house. A petition was filed asking for a pub lic road from Mathis' mill by U.S. Gray's to connect with the road from Clingman to T. M. Greene's at the Jim Cook house. G. L- Myers and J. C. Hamby were exempted from the payment of poll tax. W. S. Caffey was appointed list taker for North Wilkesboro township in the place of W. R. Absher. John Armstrong was appointed list taker for Antioch township in the place of Ambros Mathis. Killed. near Key- Cyclone at Roaring River. There was a cyclone at Roaring River Monday night. The store house of Mr. Green wood was blown over and the goods demolished. The occu pants. had only left the store a few moments before it was blown over. The smoke stack of the A. M. Church & Sons' lumber plant was blown down. There was probably other dam age done but we have not yet learned the particulars. oc- Judge Col vard Last Thursday stone W. Va. Judge Colvard was killed in a railroad acci dent. He was a son of the late Rufus Colvard and about 51 years old! He was an ad mirable yonng man and had worked himself up from brakeman to fireman in about three years. His remains were brought in on the noon train Saturday and taken to his old home on Reddies River for bur ial. The remains were accom panied by Miss Mamie Cosby, sweetheart of the deceased, B. S. Colvard, brother, and J. L. Weaver, J. H. Cook, H. T. Jen kins, W. M. Looney, W. H. Evans, W. E. Gliver and C. H. Jones, friends and associates. His relatives and friends and especially his loving moth er have the writer's sympathy in this hour of sad bereavement. There was a small hail storm in the Goshen sectio n Saturday. . Demus Byers, aged 70 years died, last Friday in Reddies River to wnshig. lhe commencement ati Blue Ridge Institute last week was not very largely attended. Rev. L. Johnson preached an excellent sermon. James Hubbard and Cleg Scroggs went to Moravian Sun day as usual. It is said that they have extensve business (?) interest out there at the Y. J. Office and roller mills. Doctor Butler State Vet erinarian will spend a few days in the county next week and will make addresses at the following places at 1 o'clock. Brier Creek, Tues. 6th, Sale's store. Straw, Wednesday, May 7th. Millers Creek, Thursday, 8th. Moravian Falls, Friday, 9th. Kendall, Sat. 10th, Church's store. At these places the diseases of cattle and stock will be dis cussed. All interested in this question should come out and hear Dr. Butler. Iff ABOR ON, LABOR ON! BUT Remember that we can all' hht- en our burdens by selecting: our toofs to labor with- Our hoes are the best .for the .money pur axes are warranteed and are stand ing the test. Our plows are-beyond doubt. Unexcelled. Don't rhihi f buying anything but a Chattanooga when you go to buy a plow. l. For all kinds of Hardware be certain and see me before you buy. North Wilkesboro, March 4th. J- P. ROUSSEAU. (QOME TO THE FRO Oldest Dog track in the World. Register of Deeds Black burn has the oldest dog track in the world, doubtless. It is stamped in a brick that came out of the old court house. It is supposed that while the brick was yet wet, lying on the brick yard a large dog walked through stepping one foot on tant that the people in the new- I the brick making a track that ages. The track was doubtless made by a dog that had held at bay the bear, deer, wild cat and other game that was abundant in this coun try at the time the old court house was built. Mr. Black burn intends to have the brick cov er, and hand it down to his succeeding generations as a relic of the old court house. iy exempted territory iook ai- j wijj last for ter this matter ana disinrect their cattle at once. According to the State En tomologist the 17 year locusts will be with us this summer, appearing about the latter part of May. The territory that will be visited by the lo n o f r f It i o tt o o t n v f o n , 1 o firnft tt Jran.Pnllv frnm Hhnrlnt.t.A tn t.liA ! PUt 111 a CaSe Wlth a SlaSS Tennessee line. In 18S5J this section was visited by the lo cust and according to custom they will be here again this year. i William Hays and son, Fons, who had surgical opera tions performed for white swelling a few weeks ago, were able to go home Friday. It has been guggested that we invite the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons to lay the corner stone of our court house. The work of cleaning away the old rubbish and exca vation will not be completed until about the first of July, and July 4th has been suggest ed as a day for the celebration, and laying the cornerstone. It is not often that a county has the opportunity of celebrating, corner stone layings of new court houses and it behooves us to make the most of this oc- casion. Let those interested consult eaehrother and decide- in what way we will celebrate this important occasion. . So far as inviting the Grand Lodge to be present is concerned we will say that the Masons al ways do all things well and it is quite customary for the Grand Lodge to lay the corner stones of pubiie buildings. No more high prices. See Call Co. Nature's Herb powders and tablets at Turner & White's drug store. Don't forget to call on me when in need of hardware of any kind. J P. Rousseau. Ashes for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay. O. C. Smoot & Sons Co. When you talk please talk about those that have merit. The Chattan ooga plows are the ones I now talk a bout. J. P. Rousseau. You have no idea the enormous big prices you have been paying for cloth ingintil you see D- W. Mayberry's prices, which is ffrst cost. My line ot screen wire lor aoors, windows and " cupboards is complete. You should call and see me. J. P. Rousseau. I. S. Call & Co. have received their large lot of new shoes. In buying goods from D. W. May berry you have the satisfaction of knowing that you get the best possible prices that money can buy. Big strong stock- New goods coming in almost every day. "Pay as we go" is the mot to. Timber for Sale. Over 700 acres of the finest timber in Wilkes co , situated from 2 to Smiles from depot belonging to the estate of Col. W. II. JFI. Cowles for sale at pub- i - , , i i r -it 1 lie auction at court nouse in uiiKesuoru on Tuesday May loth 1902. Terms cash j in six mo in 12 mo. with good se- ! curity. For further particulars see j 2t W, W.Barber or T. B. Finley Com. j If you never. have-before or if you never intend to again, come to the front this spring. The way to - do this is to - come to our store and buy the latest and most up to-'dat'e goods in quality, style and design. ' ' 'l IToh ef&m make a dressy V- out of 'most any kind of cloth but you can't. mako a stylish and up to date dress unless you have the best material. : . We have nothing but the BEST. We invite yoii to come and inspect our NEW SPRING GOODS. : ' - . ' ' t . . r I . i A. Spainlour Co.: The one-price-to-all store. i i 2. 111111: 3. Because we carry a large stock. We give you 2 1-2 per cent dis count on every $10 you spend with us CASH. '". ; j : We can sell you goods as cheap as you can get them anywhere, and; we are going to do it. " l Yours for business, :V C o 1: LOTHIWG To feel good you must be well dressed. What is the reason : we can't furnish you that suit? In a few days we will have in our new stock and a prettier line has never been shown in this: old town. We invite all who like to be well dressed to come -and examine our stock. Yours very truly, Call Combs At Work on Turnpike. Work on the Jefferson turn pike will begin the last of this Ice. Ice. Ice. I will sell and deliver ice as usual this season. Those want ft I Fons had his leg amputated on the Gth, when arrangements j just above the knee. Tne doc- for transportation of the con j tors did not think it necessary ; vjcts was compieted. About i .lLJS ITS convicts are expected to-day Qlaii.they are getting al6ng so ot to-morrow and work will be- will. ; g" aW"w. week. The Board of Peniten- ing ice before I get a car load tiary Directors met in Raleigh can phone to No. 33 or leave orders at Reed's barber shop. See my price before making contract. . Thanking , you for. past patronage, I am. ' .." ; "f Vefy respectfully, I : Horton & Wynn, Korth Wilkesboro C.f Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, Candies, Cigar8,f Tobacco, etc. Leaders in Sehool Books an Stationery. : , We have much experiencg in thelrug busihes arid you canf i?e assured that you are getting. the ' best ; d rugs ; . at ezsonablp prices. 'Call on us when you are in to.wxu.r . :" '? - . ' . . -. : ' - . . i- . : " - . i' , - r V

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