VOL., XV. .Caught Here ami iThere J. D. Smith is home from -tony Fork for a few days. ' Mrs. Dr. Doughton, Nprtii -Wilkesboro, is visiting .-at Win--fifcODr " " - . " Lawyer T,. B.lFlnley, vrent jtd Greensboro on 'business last week i . - i- -i 1 ""John Wellborn is with Earner & White, learning "the Kdrug business. . ; Ned Glenn's son, col;, lied ".of consumption last week at North Wilkesboro. . ; ; , Miss Florence- Corpenmg, of Asheville,, who has been sickr at the hotel here; is improving. Miss Viola Carlton, Be om er, leaves this week f Or Lex ington, Ky., ,to attead a , b usi ness college., .' . Esq James Sparks, of ap. Hill, died last week. He - was 75 years old and -was the father ,of,Mr. Calloway Sparks. M rs.! W. W. Barber and little daughter Elizabeth, who. .fcave been visiting at Elkinj and Mocksville will return this week v nome Mrs. Lura Cowles, daugh ter Essie and. son William went to Statesville last "week to visit relatives.. They will re this week. J. urn It wont be lone till time for political .conventions. Let eevje.ryvbody raise s o met h i n gv? to. pat first,, then all these poli leal 'sociables' can be easily added iFrank-Bakerand-wiio whK Irave been liere for Mrs. Baker to be treated by Dr. White, returned to their Home on the Brushies last weeki : She very much improved. , p Mr.-Junie James5 wehlJ is up. Go to his farm Sunday near shen and had lively experience with muskrats. He discovjered a muskrat hole in- the - creek bank and ram a- stick into it. Out came a big rat. He Blled it. He tried the hole a and out came4 another. " experiment .we s kept up ?ajn pis till fifteen were killed, all $mes.- - Thirty three Convicts guards came up Friday have gone towork qdj the ferson turnpike. Other large wiljlc and victs will be brought in later. Th encamps are located;; nearr Artliur Forester's place, in the 'Klondike": region. The camps svere a very, popular resort for pur people Sunday.i The pik will be one of the best things, in the county. ; The latest political news is that DrYork Maj. Foot e and others will organize and la inch forth anew " 'party - here next Monday!. The pbec?t ass we understand it is- tb do s.way; with the court house'and taxa tion. , How tneset,gentle;men will harmonize their,-ant doctrine iwith their- speeches made i favor of tte high frail road .tax will of course be plained Monday., ' " , movement is on foe ex' t to establish a rural ;freej: delivery maif rnute .between! , Boomer connecting wl t.K thfl ; roil t ft f r from Lenoir. Tf, is toTtifl "hed that the move inentwlcceed; And., tVuBiiS'oKnM'll ha'a rnntA hftt, & w lrkesooro .ana. uoomer ifie hole line v" would be ' plete. An", inspector . wil : here the last of thist;montli in-vesticrate the matter: 1 let pnen ween and jcom- t. . l be to -us aiLtaifcfor ine rouieai Coni Triplett was iix to - see us last week - P. 1$: Oerman, . Kendall, has 50 sheep for sale. The brick work at the Bap tist church is progressing. - -rMr. T. A. Carltou arkLwife of Boomer, were in town- Sat urday. ---Elza Roberts,- of Jarvis, was among our visitors last week. - i --Mrs. E. ! Beaty is home -from a visit to her people in Catawba. ' , Gentry Jennings, Esq , has returned home last week, from Asheville. 50c from no w till jaext Jan , is all The Chroniclb will cost you, if you settle backj dues. . Mrs. W. C. Winkler and children have returned fro in oheir visit .to-Cald well county.. The potato bug and bean bug are putting in their work along now, and t4era plenty joi themr too. One of Sewell Wellborn's bayhorses died Sunday after noon, of pneumonia. It is a; very severe loss. Lawyer H. L. Greene has? moved with his family to his, country home on tbe Gray farm, for the summer. --Did you know next week is court? Come in and. settle Up, and give us 50s in- advance for the balance of the year. Our friend J. C. Parsons,, of Stanton, was in Saturday; to renew his allegiance to The Chronicle for another year. - Miss Minnie- Chatham, of Elkin, and Miss-Bess McNeely of Mooresville, are visiting at W. R. Hubbard's, at Moravian Falls,- Esq. Caily Lowe, who died recently at Poors Knob, leaves 45 grand children and 5$ great grandchildren living' n. this county. ; ; : ' The Child rens Day exer cises at the Methodist church were enjoyed by a large con gregation. They were excel lent all the way through; W. R. Hendren Will Ellis and Milas Stout, who went. to. Illinois recently, are well pleasi ed out there. They are work ing on a canal in western, I1H E. Wallace is traveling in behalf ef the Masonic Mutual Life Insurance Co. Its plan is an improvement on the regu lar companies. None but Ma. sons are insured ' ' Prof. J. A. Boldi. ppinci DaVof Boomer Hicrh School, is spending sometime with -.x his parents at Roaring RIvcf He will travel in behalf of his school during the summer. It is. only a sfew:? dars till court 19th. Are . you,-, ready? Courtwill be held ,in the old Cooper and -Miller store houser Come in arid'see us, when you come to court, , x J Mfss Berta Mclvin;.the ef - f ficient assistant of Boomer High School , 1 eft Thursday f&x her home in' Bladen" county. She is a favorite among those whom she taught. " Let us hope she will return 'and' assist" , in the next session which will4 be gin August 10th; .tS'y' ' ' . ; - . ' f ''' ' xne Jaymg or tne corner -I stone y of : the court house : for Alexander; ; 1 eouuty- Satuiv day waa attended by. many, of onr people. The exercises were ' ..." .1 1 a. fj ;l . If - -i - J ' conauuieu uv tuo iuasuus auu Wefe Very interesting. Let Ua i v. " , unTJ VT, arransre to nave .tne ; corner stone of our court house4placed lthe Masons, : . 1- Equal Taxation, WILKESBORO . IN. , C; BOOMER C0MMENCE3WENT. It was ourgood f fortune to have pleasure of attending the commencement- exercises of Boomer High School,' ia com pany with State Superintend ent Joy ner, County Superin tendent Wright and Lawyer Frank B. Hendren. Hxcepting the interruption by , the rain . storm of Prof, Joyner's elegant address, it was one of the - most pleasant commencement occasions- we ever attended Those- people know how to treatf visitors and they fairly surpassed them sely.es, in generous hospitality.. The exercises were well proportioned,- not too l6ng nor too short j and one of the most re markable features was the fact that there was not" a hitch, balk or prompting during the, entire exercise, both day and night. The declamations, rec itations, etc., were tastefully selected and well; rendered, showing excellent training on the part of the teachers. The annual address was de livered by our efficient State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner It was a. literary, gem.and. was full of progressive - educational suggestions. The frequent in terruptions by the rains how ever marred the effect of the speech . At n-ight there was a concert t wMch was enjoyed by a well filled house. The dialogues, plays, comic speeches, etc., kept the crowded audience in excellent humor, and often - in convulsions of laughter. The North Wilkesboro Cor net band enlivenedthe interims during the-day with music. Prof. Boldin and his excel lent assistant Miss Melvin, as well as the neighborhood, are to.be congratulated upon such a pleasant- ending of such a successful school? The school will open again the 10th of August. Let the neighborhood heartily; support the school. COMMISSIONERS. PROCEEDINGS. Claims allowed. Continued from. last week. W. F. Barlow, services as commis- siqpp.r for 2nd quarter $20. J. S. Holbrgok, services as commisj sioner for 2nd quarter 1902, $21.20. JPofetR -Davidson, services as com mis sioner for 2nd quarter 1902, $14.0. Other Matters. The folio wingpe?soie . were declared paupers and allsvyed ft per month ; Amanda J. Stone, M. L. Jarvis agent. Mary Queen, E. C. Moore agent. John, Hollo way, T' P. Parlier agent. . The Teacher's Iitatitnte. The Teacher's Institute held one of its mbst profitable and interesting meet ings Saturday. The first topic, Best fetiiod : of teaching history, hcoug4it out some, interesting argument and much benefit must feay been, derived from the discussion of this topic. An other, topic that was discussed at length waithe tim.e of beginnings the schools. It appeared that a'maprityv of those present approved Ihe action of - the Board of Education in hat matter. But the crowning achievement of Sat urday's meeting was the step taken to increase the salaries of teachers. The following resolutions will explain: "Resolved that it is the sense -of the Teachers-Institute of Wilkes - county that teachers holding first grade certif icates should not teach for: less, than $25 per month -and those holding second grade certificates should not teach for less than $20 per month." t " Every . teacher . present signed pledge that they would hot teach for less than the amounts stated in. the res olutions,, and all thq o,ther. teachers ia the county- are urged- to ' send -tbei? names to the secrjBiarhJFghji - Crouch, TTTil 1 1 XT' Irt -r 1 lO, : 1. W ilkesboro, -N i to affix' their names ames to the pledge? x ' - The next meeting, will be hetd pifthe second Saturday icr Septemberj't'and a in o uon uarxieu uuaiuuiouHjy requesting the. female members to prepare -essays on the topics for-discussion - at-that topics for ' discussion meeting." Here aro "two of the topics? i - 1. What is theTbest mothod of teach ing spelling, and sh.ould the sounds, of pirect and" Indirect. WEDNESDAY .- MAY 14;. '1902: letters be taught in connection , there with. - - . . : . ' " s , 1 2. What ia the Uae object of the pub lic school? - ' We are expecting State- - Superintend ent Joyner to bewithins in September, therefore the program is short. Should he fail to come another :r topic will he addei.5-- - rSatudays meeting' concluded the work of the Institute for the present school yar.; It is indeed gratifying to note the progress 'medtinngihey 'ear, and the prospects are promising for evenietterresults'Wxt:year'Wilkes is coming to the front , and the Teach er's Institute is doing its part in putting her. there..' i . Mr. EL D." By r4 and bride, accompanied by Miss Hgu. Is belli went down to Ronda last week to spend a few days with relatives. They returned to Elkvyie the first of jthe week. Dr. Tait Butler, State vet erinarian, whb has been in the county several days investiga ting the cattle for ticks, gave this office a pleasant call last Frid ay. He is working up an organization of farmers who raise cattle, so as to enlist all the county in the effort to de stroy the ticks and . thus get Wilkes out of ,the quarantine territory; This is the proper thing to do. By a united, co operation of all our people, the tick business can easily be eliminated in a short while The thing to- do is for all the cattle raisers to organize a gainst the tick; . -We keep constantly on Land a large asortment of spectacles and eye glasses. Smithey Opticle Co.- ' -Child's tool set-hoe, shovel and ralce-T-at Sp&i nhour's for 10c. The largest and most complete iine of hard ware irt the county will be f ouad at J. p.. Koussean. --Ladies linen patterns--for shift waist sets at Spainhour's, also a new lot of stamped collar and tie patterns. The times change and the people change with the times. Everybody now seems to want a Chattanooga plow and I .- can see where the people ar right. J. P. Rousseau. Nicest line of umbrellas at D. W. Mayberry's you hava seen. Prices from 40c to $2 50. Best values he has ever carried.' ; The hundreds of satisfied' custom ers proves that jar spectacles and eye glasses are aH that' we claim them to be Smithey Optical Co.: N Don't you want a new suit for your boy? Some pretty blouse and Norfolk suits of Peck's manufacture at" Spaing houjr's. 1 Bereene wire and scseen wire-doer at J. ;P Rousseau's. Come right- along; prices right. - , 100 men's light colored suits of clothes at D. W: Mayberry's going at 25 per-cent less than first cost. Just come and see. It is nottoo.lato to get your dresa ready for the Sam Jpnes meeting. We1 hy some pretty gpods yet. Some new galoons and tf imming.for, white goods this week. Spainhour & Co.- - ; It will pay ypu to visit my store if you contemplate .buying . hardware. Machinery of all kinds; binders, mow ers, rakes, harrows .. J. P. Rousseau. The second pxinitpg of : The teop ard's 3 pots" ia now oa.t: Call at: Spain hour's and get a copyl v Ashes for Sale, or will ex i change for Gorn or Hay, - : CO Smoot & Sons Co. . Timber for Sale. Over 70? acres of the finest timber in Wilkes eo., situatad from 2 to 3milesfc from depot belonging to- the -estate, of Col. "WVH. HjCowles fpr sal at pub lic auction at court house-in Wilkesboro on Tuesday May 15th 1902. Terms i cash' t iifsix. ma 1 ia 12 mo'? with ;goodB? curity. . For further particulars see 2t W, WBarber or T. B. Finley Com ' V Je. - Ice. Icb.;' , : I will seli and deliver ice a& usual this season Those want ing ice before ! get a car load, canhone'tblNo-.' 3S or leav orders, at Reed!i . barber j shop.: See my, .price .before making contract; ..Thanking you-for past patronage, I am. :; ; , 7 y yery respectfully, -I ABOR ON, LABOR ON! BUT Remember thatwe can all .lirrht f " r b urtfens by sete ct? xyq s u r too 1 g : to - Our hoes are the best f dr. the money; pur axes are warranteecLandare stand ing the i, test-, Our plows' arebeyond doubt. Unexcelled. D6rit thinlc of ouyingr anytning -ftut a Chattanooga when you go to buy a plow. T , f y For all kinds of Hardware ?be -certainand see me before you buy. i North Wilkesboro, March 4th. P QOME TO THE Tf vrtn nawai Iisva V-x.. Come to th ft f r n n t - t. bis anrmrr - f ISE&wk cam isaaSte out of 'most any kind of cloth but you can't mate a!stylisli and up to date dress unless We have nothing but trm - . The T 1. 2. Because we carryla Iaiistock! We g ve y o u 2 1 pe 1 1 ;c en $c, d is co u n t on everyt $1 Op U i$&pe hefc We can sell you ookis as c K eap aoz you can get them any where,2 dpctj we are groingr to do it. ' Yours for business. 3, GALJti To feel good you must be well dressed. What is the reason:; we can't furnish you. that suit? rln a few days wewill have ia our new stock and a prettier line has never been shown in thic old town. 1 We invito all,who like to, be, well . dressed to coxaci .and examine our stock. Youra very Ca Mgrth Wilkesboro? W. C. ; ,Pure Iru.C!mica Cigars Tobaccbetc;,, r , - -: . . ' -f-'v - , ' Jjeaders in School JZooUs and 'Stationeryp'-: We have much experience in .the drug business and you cci be "assured that you are getting the best , . drugs at re2.soi:",tI prtees Call on us when-you are in tawn. .r . ' NO . :. 44 4 '. J. P. ROUSSEAU. 4" I IS J fill a. nu i.W4:(i..J i. : . Tho xxrav ' K?o ita ' 4- , . " v . . .'..'i'c .' t Jr- a'dliress you have the best material.; ; RTP.PrT - W iwvif - . . w j w 1 wv one-price-to-all store. a 1 truly,. 4. "f- v f - .(.ill II ;,Combs - ; -1 t. ' , V. v i : ,1.. Cb, v; 1 :