7 "V J" - f." - jgy" "Tri t IP V if If: ;f jJJ, jgqual Taxation, pirec and Indirect. VQL.;iy. The: Ghbonic le. WILKESBORO, N. O.i WEDNESDAY. MAY 21, 1902: NO: ' 45. WjOCJIJ MATTERS, There., is very Caught Mere and Mrs; J. S. Cranor J5ick. A special train was sent out Sunday from hero. " Miss Lola Vannoy has been quite sick for several days. -W. A. Vannoy, of Hunting Creek, was here last week. Mr. Vestry, representing sa Kndxville clothing firm, was here last week. Henry ELleoppelberg, of Cbatlotte. was supplying our merchants last week. JdLenKie .Bros, nave a nice line of buggies, surries, etc., here for sale this week. The special revenue officers are eretting things ready for the Sam Jones meeting. Mr. Charlie iTay lor, of Dur ham, is here visiting his sister, Mrs. Cranor. who is very sick. Mr. S. F. Shore, of Yadkin jcounty, was here last week. He is a general storekeeper & gauger. - A new post office named Spurgeon has been established at Charly Tulbert's store down on Hunting Creek. Last Wednesday, about six miles east of town, Lewis Wil liams1 horse was killed by a stroke of lightning. We understand that Mr. Clarence Triplett,' ' of Goshen, and Miss Mary Day, of Patter son, were married last Sunday This is one time in the his tory of the county that court began with a clear sky. Of - - - . course the rain will come later. 1 Dr. M. V. Burrusof Rock ford, was here last week and decided to locate here. He and his wife will move hero this weeke Turner & White have their soda fountain in good working prder and are ready to "cool your fevered brow" at any time. . The Hustler states that Mr and Mrs. R. W. Gwyn went to Baltimore to have an oppera tion performed upon one of Jbheir little twins, ' Rev. C. W. Smith, presid ing Elder of the ' Northern Methodist church will hold quarterly conference at Epis copal church Saturday the 21st of this month. Judge Winston arrived on Saturday s train. He is a poi- Wi i .t Dr. Rintr. of Elkin, is here. Ashe is well represented this week. Mr. Frank Salmons, of nston, is here. H. M. Wellborn is here. Always glad to see him. 4-Mr. Joe Bobbitt is home from Oak Ridge College. , --The marriame feer is tak ing the co untry it seems. -fHqn. R. A. Doughton and wife, of Alleghany, are here. -Our friend J. E. Buliis, was among our pleasant callers this week. -4-Mr. Leonard Vyue is spen diner several days here this week, on business. -4 Dr. B. E. Reeves and wife and Mr. Greene Wellborn, of i Ashe, are visiting here. Esa's John Wagoner and Bill Bledsoe are among the Asfc.e people here this week. Mrs. J. A. Forester comes in vith the first mess of peas, last Sunday, one is aneaa so far. (Brick is being made for the court house, but the showers have been hindering the prog ress. jOur triend Jesse McEwen ana aiiss J una oceeiman were married Sunday, at Brown s Ford. Heres our best wishes. iMarried, in Reddies River The Circns Was Great- "iticnara is nimselr again land Wilkes according to the mandates of the constitution, has again ''recurred to the fundamental'' usages peculiar to herself. 'The discussion here Monday by Dr. York, Col. Henderson and others reminded one of the halcyon days of long ago, whn York, Henderson, J, Q. A. Bryan, and others, were in their prime. The discussion Monday while it lacked a lit tle of the fire and brimstone, was full of these elevating and refined refereneqto plowing bull calves in scanty uniforms, political pedpgrees, etc, could scarcely tell exactly what the discussion was about by listen mg to trie speecnes, out it made one feel that he ; lived once again in toe good, old State of Wilkes of long: aero when tho "yoeraanry" and the trees to escape the pranks of the bull calves which the can didates used to plow by proxy. But we must get to the point if we can find it. Dr. York led in the discuss V . ft ion it was nis day. As we gathered it, he is opposed to building a court house in which to keep the records and admin ister the laws, unless it be moved to -North Wilkesboro. against Wilkes boro and tried to create a ter rible prejudice against the "old town" because it is the county seat. He was interrupted several times by ex Sheriff Call and others, with some very FTo tx7 n a vopv h i f f n t towpsnip, tne in wm.am a. . d that Ted in Brown, Esq. J. E. Pierce offici ating. Will McElwee is running his Ice wagon in 4 the two towns now, and there s no trouble to get your parched A " J ' 1 - J A M-y.-v" iment Questions wmcn ne re- with him and get your ice tick J ets for tue summer. I w;fh rtf hi. . ---W J.W. T. W. Price, proprietor of After speaking ' for three T"k ' , A - i - 11 If 1 K Z I - . . ... irnce s rt wauery,oi jui. jxtj tourtns of an nour, ne held up is c6ming here the first day of Jan,d Mr. J. R. Henderson pro- June to stay ten days and mate j ceeded to answer him, in the photos for you. He will occu- I same 'Hone of elevation." py the Meadows store. Ruff told of his former cam here is a false impression J paigns-witn lorn, tola over irotteh out over the country to I some bull calf jokes and love the effect that there will be an poetry, bu$ all the time hold admission fee charge at the ing fast to the court house and Sam Jones meeting. This is I "sticking to the issues." Those t a . hot correct. Everything isiwho5heard it say it Was the free) not a cent of admission speech of his life. Both speak fees: It is peculiar how such era had rejoinders; and the dis false things cret started. I cussion was closed by a few ver a thousand people remarks by M r. Clarence Call, visitea tne convict camp near Fl,uwFauJr uigmg mo icpuuu Kloridvke Sunday. The bovs cans 10 stana D7 tneir Party - 1-4. " " who , wear the stripes are mak ing a good thing out of the Sunday exhibitions. They got something over six dollars Sunday for their performances ished and pleasant gentleman, in sihgin, dancing, speech mak And we are glad to nave him ins: etc. The novelty of the ... 1 ' t with us will be pleasant. 1 - Mr. W. W. Barber had an excising time one day last wee.z. His horse ran away witt himself and three chil drenf in the . buggy. He man aged to drop two of them - out of the buggy and then lumped out himself with the third one. It is a very busy time for farmers to be away from home, but. this, only the more empha thises the fact that the old docket should be cleared up so as to eliminate further necessi- special terms of court. ; The railroads are working He hurt his foot very badly, their employes beyond reason I but none of the children were 1 - . . . -I i . , n I ? . L J Ti tnese aays ana nignis. v some lnjureu. .xt was a uarrow cs of them -are; compelled to" go cape'. most oi tne wees witnout sleep frsa. Soencer Blackburn, of ana tnen run specials on oun Root nreek ?s visitinp- his son. day. , AUisis Drutai, ana tne E m; Blackburn, our Register Dig omcers, loo, rming arouna pf Deeds. . He tells us that he walked all the way home from herer-a distance of 15 miles in specials. We have heard of one store Jceeper and gauger , in this couhty who has resigned, and r wish to congratulate ; him " for exercising such h good :"' sense. The time has come,' under this spy administration, for every storekeeper to resign or get ready to wear the stripes, v No fellow can afford storckeep at this time. 'V ' V - : . ' Sunday afternoon, not because he had to, but jtcst to show these puny, lazy, weakly, cig arette do nothing dudes, what an old fashioned' , first class man could do and feel none the wore e for it. It is a pity that the Country can' t produce a few more such men. I and, not to be fooled by York. The'most of the discussion was of a personal political ped- egree nature and no on was enlightened as to how to get along without taxes and court houses. - . The fact is the court house will be built right away, taxes will be collected very - few cents of it for court house courts and county affairs will proceed, and it is Wrong to be always trying to get the towns to fight and to get the people prejudiced. There is room for all and all must necessarily grow together, or all will be injured together. ; Judge Winstqn makes a most excellent Judge. He has the ability, is quick and decis ive in his.rulings, pleasant and courteous to attorneys and witnesses and all persons con-, serned in the court. He. runs the court himself but in a very pleasant way. He. -however keeps the business proceeding, not .stagnating, during court, hours. In fact he is the sort of Judge we need;? Every: one we have spoken tp and who have seen his mannerH cf ' pre siding speak in commepdation of hipa. : " Mr. Gentry Jennings wil work again with Call & Combs. A number of our people in tend going to the Booneville commencement this week. Miss Electa and Mr. Quid Foote who have been in Vir ginia will arrive home this wek. The court docket should be cleaned up. If the lawyers and suiters are not ready, the ' a. , 1 1 m court snouia maKe a tew ex amples and proceed with the cases. They have had several years to get ready and if they not ready now they never will be ready; and this court was called for the purpose of clean ing these old cases from the docket. Mr. James Poindexter aad Miss Vetra Trarner stole a March on their friends Friday and got married. The Rev. Mr. Tabor, of North Wilkesboro tied the knot. They went down to Jonesville to visit his people as soon as the marriage was t ver, and returned to Wilkes boro Sunday. It was a runa way match. Here's our best wishes. -Wheeler W. Elledge and Elora A Wiles were married at the residence of Esq. Am brose Wiles on last Friday afternoon, Rev. M. McNeil per forming the ceremony. At night a big supper wjas given at Esq. Wiles' and next day at Mr. j. P. EUedge's, the father of the groom, an impair dio ner was given. It was a most delightful afiair all the way through, and we wish them a long and" happy life. A writ of mandamus was' served on J. G. Hackett, as one of the Penitentiary directors, asking him to show cause why convicts have not been furnished to .build the road from Marion to Burns ville.. This does not effect the work on "our road as some feared. Mr. Hackett informs us that the reason the convicts have not been sent is because the penitentiary haven't the convicts or the cash, at present. That would look like a good ex cuse.. ' ' Tft, ABO'R ON, LABOR ON! BUTRemmberthatwecanfln ircrh. en our burdens by selectirig.our tools to labor with.- - . :. , rt , ? ,.. Our hoes are the best for -the money our axes are warranteed and are stand ing the test. O.ur plovvs rare beyond doujbt. Unexcelled. Don't -think buying anything but a Chattanooga when you go to buy a plow. T . . " For all kinds of Hardware hfi rprfam' ahri see, me before you buy. North Wilkesboro, March 4th. J. p.rousseau; P a (OME TO THE FRONT- ,! If you never have before pr if you never intend to ' agafij come to the front this spring. The way to do this is to come to our store and buy the latest and most Up-to-date goods in quality, style and design. out of most any kind of cloth but you can't make -a styWatT ana up to date dress unless you have the best maJrlal. ': w e have nothing but the BEST. We invite you to . coma and inspect our NEW SPRING GOODS. ' ( i f? s - -The oner-pricerto-all store, to Nice lace curtains, 75c $1.50 at Spainhour's. Yes, D. W. Mayberry hafe wagon umbrellas, Buggy Um brellas walking Umbrellas and most any kind you want. Ashes for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay. O. U, Smoot & Sons Co. All over lace at Spain- hour's 50c to $1.00 Let's everybody adopt the pay down system and buy your clothing, Shoes and dress goods from D. W. Mayberry for one year. You will be worth dol lars where you are now , worth cents Try it. Nice line, of white shirt waists at Spainhour?s. Leave your laundry for the Statesville Steam "Laundry Mondays at Call & Combs. Price, the artist, will be here the first of June for ten days only. t He does first class work and guarantees satisfac tion. . Get yourself a good pier ture while he is here ' . Fels Naptha soap at Spain, hour's - ..' Photographs ? at reduced rates during Sam Jones m,ee.t ingy Now is the time i boys, come' with your girls, all work gu aran teed. J -L. Heste New lot of wash silks, pop ular shades, at Spainhoi r's, 2. V ' - ' ' 3. Because we carry a large stock; ; We give you 2 1-2 per centrdis count on every $1X) you spend with usCASH ' -T; VMW! . ' We can sell you grpods as cheap 'a you cn get trie m anywhere, a.h we are gping to cJo it. :y ' Yoursor-busihessJ , -: v C , i saBca THIK1GV To feel 'good you must be well dressed. What is the reason we can't furnish you that suit? In a few days wetwill have in our new stock and a prettier line has never been shown in- this old town. We invite all who like to be well 'dressed to com and examine our stock. - , .A' '. , 4 Yours very truly,, ' - . Call &s Combs ; Morton WynhJ orthJVUIcesboroiN. O.f ": " - s Pure Drugs, ,ChemicaJst Toiled 4rticles, Can4ii ' Cigarst ..Tobacco etc.-. -V; ".'::'-."." 'VV-,"- Y'.-V:.'. " . , Leaders in SchopZ JBoolzs, and -Stationery " r . We have much experience in the drug business and you car be assured that you are getting the1 best 'f drugs ' at reasoq.abt prices. ; Call on us when you are in to wn : , ; ' - , x :v3

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