The , Chronic le. Wa O CJ1 J Jf&M. TTEi Ml Caught Here and? There Mrs. T. S. Miller is quitfe sick. .. Glad Mr. J. P., Rousseau i able to be put again. T Mr. Bob Hubbard, of Elki was in town this weelsu - Lawyer Lindsay Patterson of Winston, came up. Monday. R.N. Hackett left Monday fpr Winston and Danville oh business. - J ( J. T. Hubbard,, Esq., made a. business trip to . Statesvill last week. . Lawyer James W. McNeill leaves to day, for Washingto a City on business.. Lts. Dr. Reeves who has been visiting her parents here, has returned to Ashe. ; " Sherman Bryan's little sou John Wesley who has- been very sick is improving. go Miss Mary- Lizzie Hix and Miss N.elia Staley, Moravian Falls, are both very sick. Mrs. John Davidson is. vis iting her daughter, Mrs. D - Abernetby, at Denver, N. C. Henry. Blackburn, age SO odd years, died in Trap Hi ll township, . of pneumonia last week. - : Marion Pierce, of Union township, died Sunday at the age of about 50. He leaves a family. Old aunt Casey Brooks, who lived near the Wilkes line in Alleghany, died last week sind was buried Sunday. --A ladies' dark gray jacket, lost between Wilkesboro and i.U.rW. mm .mmmm y . Mnraian Hniis? nnfier uiease mini: T?An.tor was rbrousr Tmnlr Mondav from Tennessee under arrest for haying skip ped bond in a revehue case. ; A rathei unusualjsight wias witnessed by the early riser ph the 28th. There was frost, but not enough to do much da Prestos Camp.bell and Sid- Parker's dauerhter were married by Esq. Jones Hen VlrAn in the Brushies. last Ciln.-lnir' uuuuajr i The newspaper reports to the effect that H. L. Greene had withdrawn from the r.ce for solicitor and , that T. B. Finley would be a canaiaate for judge, is a mistake. JohniDobson, of the coi n ty of "Surree which isl adjoin ing uv Wilkes," ; is, here teuding the meeting and. r he vesigating his chances for republican nomination for - bo licitor in this-district. Edward Parlier's Jittle son Charlie, Moravian Falls, vf as badly in j u red Saturdayi byi a gua bursting in his hands. He was out hunting and the guri hursted when he shot it. recieved bad. wounds, on face! hands and arms. - He Ibis ir. R. A Spainhour, Esq., last S.aturday,- accidentally, ran ? his leg against the wrong.end c f a mule and got .worsted. Like Jpsh. Billings,; hereafter, w ien he goes to -preach that mule's f ii neral he will- stand at the -; I Ex-Reprcsentative E: B. Hendren was in tp-see. lis .this '.week. He ".reports that, . big t curn;rops haye. been -planted, f wheat promises- a h alf ; crop, '-fiirtra. nrrisneefcs " for " ueaches. , and - apple, prospects not & so Srus hies., --r- -'-.. ; P. S. Brown's mother at Moravian Falls is quite sick, Mr. A. L. Combs .will move into the Grahamhouse soon. . Our good friend- Tilfred Lowe was. in town this week. Mr. J. Orrin Wilcox, and wife are visiting W. W. Bar bers family. Capt. Peden and family have gone to their summer home in Asho. . The. next examination, day for teachers is the second Thursday in July. Mr. Charlie Shores, North Wilkesboro, has.a pretty, new little girl at his house. In the midst of the meet ing, don't; entirely, lose sight of the gradedjBchool matter. T. A. McKelvie, agent- for Qollier & Co., was here last week taking orders for books. The phone line is being ex tended from Poors Knob to Bob Lowe's. From there, it will go by Swanner and to Taylorsville.r T. Bi Campbell wishes us to state his thanks to his law yers and friends for their sin cere fidelity. and friendship du ring. his recent troubles Mr. Frank Baker's wife died last Wednesday night a bout eight miles from town on the Brushies -She died of lung .trouble and leaves a, hus band and two little daughters; Mikeal Swaim age 76, and Sarah Cristoffle, age 64, were married, near Taylorsville, on last Sunday. There's no limit to tbomarriageable age in Al exander county. Mr. Torn Bumgarner who has been with Call & Combs for some time, has gone to Philadelphia to get a, position in the, Baldwin. Locomotive Works. Good luck to him -Mr. J. G- Hackett has gone to Raleigh, not to escape the Bam Jones meeting, but to at tend a meetingof the PeniterT iary Board, and to shako hands with his old comrades. Miss Blanche Ferguson, of this county, was one of the graduates at the Lackawanna Hospital, Training School at Scranton, Penn, this week. She will return home in a few days She will visit her- sister Miss Jessie, who has a position at .Washington, before return ing, home. ; L. M. Pharr has shown us some lucerne or alfalfa which was sown, April 22nd and was mo wn .May 27th. It is 10 to 12 inches high. It can be cut six or eight times a season and? is the best food; on the market. It requires good clean ground for its growth. More of our people should try it. " . Perry Coffey died last week over, in Mulberry township. He-died, of cqnsumption. Cof fey is the man; was convicted and sent to tho penitentiary, in 1895 on the charge of killing his brother Drury; He ;esGaped the pen. some 18 months , later and was never re-taken. We understand that he denied to the last , that he killed his broth er. , . r i Court closed Saturday: and Judge Winston left forhome orfthe'two o'clock train. Some 35 "or." 40 v cases were- cleared from the docket,-some of them very.tedioiis anilenght- jury trials. Judge Winston endear: ed himself to our people w hile here. He is bneof the ablest,' quickest - audf most pleasant judges in the State.' We hope to h aye". h i m with us as judge again..-: Laying of the Corner Stone. . Arrangements c are being made to celebrate the laying of the corner stone of the court house.. The Grand Lodge of Masons will be asked to take charge of the ceremonies- and will do so.: Prominent speak ers will be securedand a : gen eral good time will be given. The time has not yet been fixed r - Greenwood's Barn. Burned. Ex-Sheriff:Green wood's barn with all its contents was de stroyed by fire Friday ; Jiight, at Roaring River. Seven head of excellent mules and horses perished in the stables. A lot of., feed, - some, vehicles., and farming implements were de stroyed. The loss is immense. MjT Greenwood thinks the fire was incendiary. The fire was discovered after midnight and had made such progress that nothing could be saved. Mr. Greenwood is having a run of bad luck. Not long " since a cyclone destroyed his stor-a house and goods. The Meeting,; The Sam- Jones meeting is progressing and large crowds are attending. The, meeting began Sunday and was conducted,- until Tuesday afternoon without Sam Jones. But there were other good preachers. Rev Mr. Holcomb conducted the different Sunday services.' On. Monday Rev George 43tew art arrived, audi his sermons are most excellent. Sam Jones himself came in Tuesday jand preached Tuesday 'afternoon. Much interest is being mani fest, andn o doubt great gqod will be done. C Large numbers rom adjoin ing counties are in attendance, and more are coming every dayl The large tent is begin ning to be oro wiled. The tetit is excellently arran ged and is lighted . by electric lights at night. It will do you good to attend - Taxes LeTled. The Commissioners levied the fol lowing taxes for the year 1902: State tax, $ .21 Pension, " .04 County, .21 Poor, .02f Railroad, .45 Special, for court house dr jail .15 School, ' .16 Total, . $'f.26f Poll tax, .. 3.80 mtm' Jury List For An jnst Conrt The following jurors have, been drawn for, court which begins August 4th: . FIRST WEEK. H S Hoibrpok, R N Vannoy, Lee Riddle, I D. Greene, C H Holland, R M,W;iles,'S ARash, R O Eoind ex t er H Church, M S Gibbs : R J Gibbs, . A T Lee, J W-Milam, L M Mcriam mery, W H, Edminston,, J J Marley, Joshua.Shephard, R A Crysel, D ,W. May berry, A P Hix, J R Finley; O F Blevins, John Johnson, T O; Myers, W C Walker, A May berry, J. B Laws, W H Barnettj E, Har raid, P C Johnson, Aaron Brown, W esley Nicholls,, H Baknett, S Blackburn, W C Wiles,. DaVid Laws, W . C Myers, L B Pierce, J A Elledge T C Byrd, J M German, W G Meadows - - 1 v SECOND WFFK. A M Church, J N Felts, E. M Parleir, G G ParleirT RtCock: erhamr E,Hollerr: J O Pardue, D J.Pardue,, J O Wood,.;J W Gaither, D R Edwards,, , A JA "Finley,-A JTTaylor, J M, Par dons, J.J.Blackburn W; MtJoi ly, JrA Buchannan H Er - Har rold,T M' Greene, L,F Johnson J.T Eller;S A Swanson, T B Duncan, T..C. Tevepaugh. : V You can ero : to? hear Sam now; he's here. j The blank transcripts for list takers will be sent out v a bout the 15th, inst. Dr; M. "V. Burrus and -wife of Rockford arrived last week nd 1 will remain! duringt the summer. The executive committee has called the county , Demo cratic convention to meet here on July 7th, and the primaries are to be held on Saturday be fore. Read the call and act ac cordingly. . . Taylorsville has a dog law proper. If it don't put an end to the prowlers of; the canine species, we shall be fooled, Here it is, and Wilkesboro has our permission - "Keeping Dogs and Allowing them to ran t large in corporate limits of the' town is hereby declared a nuisance. Any owner of a dog or dogs. in said Town- shall pay a tax of 50 cents each annually. And tha Town MaJ- , shall is ordered to kill any dog found running at large, at night, whether Tax paid or not, shall be killed. Revenue officers Blaylock and Hardin got into a hornets nest down in the Hunting Creek neighborhood Monday ni&rht. One of the horses was badly shot and will hardly live. The officers were not touched, but they say it was a mighty hot place for awhile. This means that a, whole lot of good people in that section will have to sff uer on account of the hel lishness of a few drunken bush whackers. This firing on offi cers won't do. Look out for Indictments. . There will be k convention of the Pemoerata of Wilkes ecu hty held in Wilkesboro on th& first Monday in Ju ly, 1802, for the purpose of electing del egates to the.State, Congressional, J udi- cial and-Senatorial conventions. The Democrats of the various townships will meet at their respective voting piaces on Saturday July 5th, 1902, air 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing delegates to the county convention, and also to elect an . executive committee of five for each township, the chairman of which township committee, will be a member of the county executive com mittee for the next" two! years. Jt is imyortant that the townchip conven tions be fully attended and active and earnest Democrats be chosen on the township committees. It is necessary for the chairman of the township com mittee to be. present in Wilkesboro on July 7th as the executive committee will on that day elect a chairman of the county . executive committee to serye for the next two yeare. , -By order of the committee. . W. W. BARBER, 'Chairman. Why is the Chattanooga plow the best plow made? Because it is the most endurable plow on the market. Come and get one and be convinced. J. P. Rousseau. We are selling straw hats for cost. You can't afford to miss these bargains. Call a Combs. -Leave your laundry for the Statesville Steam Laundry Mondays. at-Call & Combs. . - Price, the artist,, will be here the first of June for ten days .only. He does first; class workand guarantees. satisfac tion. -Get yourself a good pic ture while he is here A11 things work together for good" to him. who works ; well. In order to work well you should have good tools to work with. My saws are- the best. My picks and mattocks are the; best goods on the market, and for shop' sup plies be sure and Bee me. J. P. Rous seau. Keep cool. Come to Call Combs and get your summer clothingr hats, etc. They are going cheap, these days Bet ter see us at. once If you want a bargain. 'Re member ; t hat;. 4 D. . W. May berry carries a- nice 'line of Laces, Hamburgs, :' Waist Coods,.etc.,rat paydown prices; Ashes for Sale, or will ,ex change,forrCorn or Hay. C O, Smoot & Sons Co. We are : determined to st ii - you goods cheaper than ever be fore .Call & Combs. ---r " " ''I' "t ABOR ON, LABOR ONI BUT Remember thatwe can all light en our burdens by selectingr our tools tp labor with. , Our hoes are the best fort the money; our axes are warranteed and are stands ing the test.. Our plows are beyond doubt. Unexcelled. Don't think of ouying anyxning out a Uhattanooga, when you go to buy aplow.- For all kinds of Hardware be certaingand see me before you buy. v J. P. ROUSSEAU North Wilkesboro, March. 4th. iron COME TO TH E FRONTi "; . , If you never have before or if you never intend td" agairr. come to the front this spring. The way to" do this is to come to our store and buy the latest and ; most up to-date goods in quality, style and design. ' ' . :. s . can- malte adlff;ss - : out of 'most any kind of cloth but you can't make a stylish and up to-date dress unless you have' the best material. We have nothing but the BEST. We invite you to com and inspect our NEW SPRINGS GOODS, ' H A. Spainhour Co. The one-price-to-all store, I. 2. Because we carry a large stock. We give you 2 1-2 per cent dls-s. count . on: 3.J We can sell. you goods as cheap a you can get them anyWhere, an; we are going to dp it. r ...... Yours for business, v 0.. CAILL To feel good you well dressed. What is the reason we can't Jurnish you that suit? ; In a fw, days we will have in, our new. stock and a. prettier, line hasjnever beenhown in thie old town. . We invite all who like well; dressed to come, and examine ourstock. f . . ' . - Yours very truly,: - . Ca 1 '-' Kprt7WUkespor6,K. C TVo:Trntra. niiflmifialfl. Toilfit A rtir?is, rfflnrli Pr?i. Tobacco, etc. , .. 5 V - - ' " ; - , ; - : 1 ; Leader in jSchool JBooka and- Stationery v; " . We have much, exDerience in the dru sr business find vnn 4e asSUred that you! are getting prices.- Uaii- on us wnen you are i :Jt,m,' 'W W r - every $10 you spehc GO. hi rats ox 1 1 &: Combs the best drugs at reasonable" m iown, r - I" ' -

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