JEqual Jaxation, pirect and Indirect. VOL. XV. WILKESBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11,. 1902. NO. 48 The Chronicle; m a CJl Z, HJ1 TTER Caught Here unrl There. Dr. J. T. Burrus and wife, of Jonesville, were here last week. - Miss Maggie Hughey is home from the N. & I. College, of Greensboro.- Miss Gussie Weaver, of Columbia, S. C.t is visiting her sister Mrs. Starr. Mrs Albert Gaither, of Newton, is'visiting her mother Mrs. Lura Cowles. - Hessie Denn-ie, col., died last week, at her home on Mr. II- PenneFs farm. Miss Daisy Cowan, of Row an, is visiting the family of Dr Turner, her uncle, f Misses Sue and EllaBissell of Augusta, Ga., are visiting at Solicitor Mott's. Mr. Wellborn Pharr, who has been at Chapel Hill, came home last week. Glad to see liini home again. We are not goiug to try to tell all the visitors to the big meeting they were all here and brought all their neighbors. Our friend J. Hamp Fores ter, of Laurel Springs", arid Miss Martha Hammer were married last week. Here's our best wishes.- It-is announced that Con gressman Blackburn is to be married to Miss Louise Parker, of Washington City, some time in December. A fine rain fell Sunday af ternoon, and while it bedrabr bled a number of flimsy organ dies and feathered summer hats, it was mighty good on taters and beans and such like. Mrs. David Bower, "Miss Kiter Bower and Hon. Hort Bower and family attended the last aays oi m uig meenu arid are "visiting Mr. Winkler's. Mrs. R.; D. Horton and Mr. Larkin Hortin were also here. Mr. Triad Faw who has been attending school at . Ruth erford College, ,was married at that place last week to Miss Abernethy, daughter of the late Dr. R L. Abernethy. Mr. Faw and;bride.are now visiting his parents at Millers Creek. Qlad to have a call trom our former townsmen N. E. Parlier last week. He is now engaged in training his boy how to kill weeds on his farm at Ronda and of course Lisha himself strikes a few licks as "examples." Dr. F. H. Gilreath, of Ban dana, Mitchell county, where he is engaged by the State to restore the-health and charac ter of the convicts with pills and paraffjric, was in town, last week, and he has many warm friends; here who were glad to see him. -The revenue officers now state that the other report about one of their horses get ting shot, in the Hunting Creek section, is a mistake. It is'now stated as a fact y the officers that there was. no shooting at Tall. They went down, there.' took the ''colic," hitched their horses and !-,-w ent to capture a. distillery; and while they: were suffering with the "06110"; and hunting ' stillh, the horfce'took the "colic' 'and. Buuieu up sumo suifgs iKiu leu. 6u them; he got h'uTt bad... Wo are glad that, those people down;there had nothing to do ,withr giving those fellows and tEeir horaes tneH'colic." - -Miss Mattie Curtis is - here siting friends, .1 -Dr. W. H. Wakefield, the Charlotte' specialist will be at Hotel Gordon, N Wilkesboro, on Friday July 25th until train leaves in the afternoon. ; His practice is limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Why not purchase the big tent for the Masonic picnic? Itj would be a considerable at-!- 1 trjaction, for it has a way of raining every picnic. The big tent and Bob Taylor ought to bring a big crowd. Ex-Senator Col. D. A. Lowe, of Lincoln county, has beri married to Miss Cora Hen derson. Col. Lowe is 85 years oljd arid is well remembered here and has hosts -of friends wlio congratulate him.- There was a mad dog scare here Saturday. It had a fit or two near Mr. Iseley's, came abound the back way and ran through the window into theJ basement of Mr. W. C. Wink let's house, where it was kill- ed. If it bit,anything it is not known. The meeting of the cattle men of the county to organize a battle association to extermi nate the fever ticks, will be next Saturday the 14th at NDrth Wilkesboro. Every sec tion of the county ought to be well represented. Organize, kill but the pesky ticks and get the quarantine line moved. The Lenoir papers give an account of a sad elopement in Caldwell county last week both prominent people. W. M. Nplson, a merchant at Colletts Lv-ille, with a wife and three ch ildren, deserted them all and el sped with the wife of Law rence Coffey and she leaves a husband and "children. Both are of the best families in that GO unty. It is a sad affair. Fr&m Kentrickj. The Chronicle was-recieved last week an read with great pleasure The con tents of my, home paper brought to mnd many pWasant memorieries of friends and relatives in "Old Wilkes." I have a great desire to write a personal letter to many of the friends an.& rela tions, but knowing that it is impossible 1 will, with our kind editor's permis sion, saj' a few words to all who may read this. Lexington, in the midst af the grass region, is a very beautiful blue and healthful citv of nearly 35,000 inhabit tants, contains eight banks, twenty chlirches and is noted for its excellent institutions of learning, its historical I interests, wealth society and beautiful homes. As many of vou know. I am attending the Commercial College- of Kentucky University which is located on Main St., upon the site of the old stcnefort built by Daniel Boone. The object of this college- is. to prepare ener getic, ambitious yonng men and women for an active business life. Its doors are thrown open and a hearty welcome extended to all who will con. v Gen. Wilbur Sraith has been President for 25 years and is an able one. Our teach er are thorough in their instructions, ami are very kind and helpful;, but as some of my well beloved Wilkes teach ers will perhaps reatLth is,' I wortld like to pay just here, that while remember ing present teachers, I do not forget former ones, and though my years be few or many upon earth, I will remein bej, with kindest thoughts, those who have instructed me iri the days that are past and gona - .nd no w to-those" xvbo desire prac tical business education, I-' would -say come to" Lexington. I shall be glad to give any information concerning : the school or auy assistance possible to any 'lio may desire it. Address ine. at J 5& South, Limestone, St.; Lexington, ViOLA Carlton. .: - Natice. f i .- . - r All persona liabla to town tax in tbo town of lthi Wilkesboro are hereby notified to tqeet mo od days fixed by the town . tar collector for Vti ke&boro township in said town for the pur pose of listing -their towu tax for the yeor 3901 , ' " F. B. Hendren - - . r Sea & Treca town Board. GLOBIOUS MEETING, Thousands Attended the Services and Five Hundred or More Gave the Hand of Repentance, Among Them 'a Number of .Distillers The Meet ing Closed Monday. The great revival meeting held for a week under the large tent at North Wilkesboro clos-? ed Monday with the 10 o'clock service. The evangelists Sam Jones and George Stuart, who have labored faithfully and ef fectively during the week, left on the two o'clock trsin, bear ing'with them the benedictions of a grateful people for their faithful work among us. . The services all the way through were largely attended and much interest was mani fest from the beginning, and with every service the interest increased. Over three thous and people attended the Sun day services and there were very few less present at the Monday morning service, the last of the series." The preaching was good all the way through and always hit the nail straight ou the head. Sam Jones used hisxwn peculiar style, now particularly rough, now persuasive,, tender and eloquent,, now scathing and cutting, now humble and sympathetic. There is only one Sam Jones and all imita tors are frauds and failures. Mr. Stuart who assisted in the meeting is different from Jones.- He preaches the bible straight from the shoulder in a plain simple though eloquent manner and puts his illustra tions so plain and clear that the force of its application can not be resisted. On Sunday afternoon he preached his tem perance sermon; which is the finest, most practical and pa pathetic discourse we ever heard on that subject. Mr. Jones preached the morning and night sermons Sunday and they were both grand. Sunday night over two hundred repen tant shiners gave their hands. Monday morning was a great feast of love and rejoicing. Both Stuart and Jones made talks. Mr. Jones' text was "What wait I for? My trust is in God."' At the close of his remarks hundreds went for ward and gave their hands, among them distillers and liquor dealers. Such a scene is scarcely ever witnessed at any time or in any country. The spirit of heaven seemed hovering pleadingly over all and eyes, unused to tears were wet and hardened hearts were melted into the tenderness of the hearts of babes. Hands that had not touched for years were clasped in friendship and love again, and tongues-that had spoken evil were turned to words of forgiving and praises to God: It was glorious to be there. ,(. The influences of ,such occa sions can never, die. They Work like the leavens While the praise belongs to heaven, God ; always works through human agencies, and while appreciating the efforts of Jones and Stuart and their effective faithful labors;- we should not forget that thevno" ble work of our, awnr faithful ministers . for untiring- years laid'thV foundation and made ripe the; time for the glorious meeting. Let 'us not " forget them in their untiringjlabors; Wilkes . will .be -better ; by reason o A he- great Cmee t i n g and we should all ; be thankful for, it. i r - - Law blanks at this office! Hotel Lithia, of the Brush ies, opens up this week - Wellborn Pharr is assisting Clerk of the Court Bumgarner. W. A. Sydnor's child that was thought could not live is improved.- Lost,, three small keys; will pay liberal reward; leave at this office. J. C. Hubbard has gone a cross the Blue Ridge in behalf of Vaughn, Hemphill & Co.- Sam Ward and Miss Belle Whittington were married last Sunday at the home of the bride's father J. L, Whitting-- ton. Congratulations and best wishes. C. C. Winkler, tax lister, will be here in Wilkesboro on Saturday 21st,. to list the- prop erty of those who have not yet given in their property. Be sure and attend to this.- Sash buckles, ladies em broidered collars, a few, muslin skirts, and some boys.' shirt waists. Timber lands wanted, large or small tracts Address -"Timber', care this office. A few embroidered baby caps left at low prices at R. A. Spainhour's. Why is the Chattanooga plow the best plow made? Because it is the most endurable plow on the market. Come and get one and be convinced. J. P. Rousseau. We are selling straw hats for cost.. You can't afford to miss these bargains. Call a Combs. Leave your . laundry for the Statesville Steam Laundry Mondays at Call & Combs. '"All things work together for good" tohim who works well. In order to work well you should have good- tools to work with. My saws are the best My picks and mattocks are the best goods on the market, and for shop sup plies be sure-and see ne. J. P. Rous seau. Keep cool. Come to Call & Combs and get your summer clothing, hats, etc. They are going cheap these days. Bet ter see us at once if you want a bargain.. Remember that D. W. Mayberry carries a nice line- of Laces, Hambursrs, Waist Goods,, etc.,. at paydown prices. Ashes for Sale, or will ex change for Corn or Hay.. C. C, SJ100T & Sons Co. We are determined to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. Call St Combs.- Harpy Time in Ola Tfcwn. "We felt very happy,."' writes R. N. Beuill,. Old Town, Ya.; "when Buck len's Arnica Salve wholly cured our daughter of a bad case of scald bead." It delights all who use it for cuts, corns; burns, bruises, boils, ulcers, eruptions Infallible for pilles. Only 25c at Tub ner & White's drug store Leads Them AIR 'One Minute Cough Cure beats, all other medicines Irhaue ever tried for coughs, colds, croup,- and: throat and ludg troubles," says D. Scott Curoin of Coganton, Pa. One Minute Cough Cure is tde only absolutely safe cough remedy which acts immediately. Motn- ers everywhere testify to the good Jt has dope tolheir little ones; Croup is- so sudden in its attacts tnat thedocto often arrixes too late. It yields at once to One Minute Cough Cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it. Sure cure- for grip. - Dr. Geo. Douffhtont druggists - t . r 'A Virulent Cancer Cared.; , Startling proof of & wonderfal - ad- ranee- in medicine is giqen by druggist G, W- Robertso Elizabeth, W. Va.. An old man' there h ad long 'snfferei with what good doctors;; pronounced incuca. ble cancer. They "believed his case hopeless till he-used Electric Bitters and applied Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which.treatment completely cured him. When Electrio Bitters are aised a to ex-? pell bilious, kidney and microbe - pois ons at the same time this salve7 exerts' its matceless healing power, blood dis-. eases, skin eruptions, ulcers and sores vanish, ; Bitters 50c, salve 25c at Tur ner & White. Vi Tfh ABOR OJS, LABOR ONI BUT Remember that we can all light en our burdens by selecting our tools to labor with; ; - Our hoes are the best for the money our axes are warranteed and are stand ing the test. Our. plows are beyond doubt- Unexcelled- Don't think of buying anything but a Chattanooga when you go to buy a plow. - . 4 : ; . For all kinds of Hardware be certainlfand see me before you buy J. P. ROUSSEAU; North Wilkesboro, March 4th. - fOME TO THE FRONTfc ' If you never have before or if you never intend, to again come to the front this spring. The way to do this , is to come to our store and buy the latest and most up-to-date goods in quality, style and design. . . . ; r out of 'most any kind of cloth but yon cartt make a stylish -Tand up to date dress unless you have the best material. ; We have nothing but the BEST. We invite you to comm and inspect our.FEW SFRIISTG GOODS. . , The T 1. 2. - w -mini "JT ' Wil'W4i : '"WLL'sKy Because we carry a large stock. We give, you 2 1-2 percent dis count on, witn us uash., We can sell you goods as cheap a$2 you can get them anywhere, nt we are going to dp it Yours for business . ' 3. ALL- GLOTHIMG To feel good you must be well dressed. What is the reason we can't furnish yoathafc suit? In a few days -we will have lab our new stock and a prettier line has never been shown in thiffc old town.- We invite all who like to- be - well dressed to come and examine our stock. - , Yours, very ; t : Pure DrugChemicals,Toilet 'A Hides, . Candie8,Cigarc Tobacco.' etc. ',: .". - - ' Zieaders iiv ScJiool JBooTcs and. Stationery. l-WeJiavemuch experience in the drug business and you ca&j be assured that you are getting,' th best : drugs . at restsonaW prices. Call on lis when you are in town : s : : 3 I one - price - to - all store. every $10 you spen GO ' truly r C '-c- t , & Call .Combs

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