The Chronic iiis. Caught WMer&hnfr. There; W. W Smoak, of Wiiiston, came up Friday on business. SherifiET Thompson, of Al leghanyy was in - town - last week. , '-'"-',-"- - ". ! . - Lawyer Frank Bv Hendren. visitedStatesville on ' business, - last week. TurneV& Wyatt and Call & Combs are arranging to put up roller mills at North Wilkes -bora; - - : . - What's become of" : the; graded school matter? There is nothing of more importance to the town It is time to be talking: up Jhe Masonic picnic the $lst :of July, It should r be made ? an unusual success. Mr. Jaraes McKeill return ed; from Washington last week wihere he had been on business. He-shook hands with the Pres ident while there. , Wanted :r-ano!d. Confeder ate buckle, (a brass- buckle with the initials "C. S. A.") "Will pay reasonable price. Apply at this office. ; Miss Alice Beaty who has been visiting her brother Prof. Beaty, Norths Wilkesboro re turned to her home e t David son. College, Saturday.,' . -. Mr. James -Rousseau has sold his two blood hGuiids to the penitentary authorities, and the dogsyhaye been placed at the convict camo above No. , - . . Wilkesboro, as precaution-, a- gainst the escaped of convicts. Mrs James- W. McNeill went to Raleigh Thursday ln response to a telegram to the effect that her sister Miss Em ma Johnson, was at the point of death, with typhoid fever. Miss Johnson's many friends ltere wish; for her speedy recov ery: : Mrs. John Parsons died at the 'home of Ed. Joines near Adly last week. She was 75 or. 8Qyears old. She was twice, firs4rto Sam Ciirtij ! brother of : 1. the late Hezekiarti Curtis, f of . 1' this place. After his death she-married John Parsons, who X m died a few years since.. 'v'S' The Grand' Lodsre of Ma- : . -fr ' mm , " - sons will celebrate St. ; John's . y day June 24th at Oxford the, home of the Asylum, with,,, a special meeting; All: Masons are invited' to. attend; This " - '" wilLafford a pleasant, opportune nity for many of the brethren who have never visited, the V 1"" asylum, to do so at reduced - ' . rates. J. C. Hortoar'ofi:--,Watauga , went down to Surry-last week V I,and wjjfj-jr'he. is down .there, "looking after the Wilkes . ticks; We hope theffej-gpntle-. men; will effeetuallyr abolish the pesky fever' ticks forever ' and-let us get out of the quar . antioe. - y V j -1 . - A cfaewinggura-flying-jen-ny-run around contraption ,is t the latest accessioti- in town. ' Xou buy .your ''mouth full ; of v gumpget on the seat, get some one 'to twist the thing and you - proceed in . greet style with workings jaws and dizzy heads. . The grinding organ is ? not at . tachedjiyouV.mqst make . your - own music., ,iou nave a right to fall off and break your neck . at any timeaiid.this is .onei; ot the" most meritorious and pdpuv lar features of .the performance. it.the good work go on, ; W. C Hendria went north for goodlast week . , - i. GF. W. Walsh, of Parson viller was here Saturday. ' i; - The rain was. crlorious but the floods were discouraging." L. A. Jarvis-and'son Gfoir- don wenfe7 to New York last week to purchase goods, r-, j J. T. Finley, orth : Wilkes boro; attended the grand lodge Knights of Pythias at Ashe ville, last week. Boomer township takes the head mark on cats. J. W. Earp has a cat with 8 legs 6- in- iront and 2 behind Mr. T. W; Church's two year old child died at Roaring River last week. The remains were brought to Nocth Wilkes boro and interred: Andrew Smith's wife -near iLucile was bitten by a copper head' snake last week. The knake was- in the spring house and bit the lady w-ho went after the milk. She will recover. Call & Co. and Call &: Combs, we understand "will combine their stock of goods, I J- 111 4. XT.U 'X7;it-.oi UU Will IUUVCJ IU iiumu' if u&cn oro, so as to have their, mer- antile business near their pin actory: Dr. T. A. Whittington and family, of Washington City, are isiting.relatives- in this coun- y. Mr. w nittingion anas a osition in the postoffice .de- artment and is off; for a few clays rest. I j fXuriug the storm here on Friday afterpoon, lightning struck and shivered to pieces a poplar tree in the grove near the site where Mr, Holman is preparing to erect his new "dwelling house. ? -Mr, William, Steelman, of Tennessee, was here last week,, laving mouuments erected at Moravian Falls to the memory if his father and mother Mr. ind Mrs. Jonathan Steelman. The monuments are beautiful" ;3nesi This is the last month in which you can exchange school jooks. After July 1st you Gan lot exchange. But you have the new adopted books, and- if you do not exchange bef or the st of July, the value of the old boo'ks are. lost, and you svill have to purohase with cash ihe new books. Exchange now. I Lightning struck James West's barn near Straw Friday afternoon audit was destroyed by fire, .v Two excel l-3n young oEse were burned up in the ums. -A large quantity oi eed was destroyed. The barn iv as a new onei costing about i &250 and the horses were worth 575 to $lQQapeice. It is a se-s-eea loss? for Mr. Wes$. ' -A heavy storm- passed a ong the Brushies Thursda' ifterhoon. Mr. Charlie iTe ve jaugh'S barn was destroyed by ire- from a stroke of light ling His two young;: mules were killed. by ther stroke. A: juantity of feed was destroyed nut i most of the farming unten- Mis' sheltered : under , the barn were saved! : l" i The Landmark of Friday says: "Mrs. w. t. u. .oowies, of Wilkesboro, ' has, bought rom Mr. n. w uowies a lot on ast ; Front street, opposite Col. eynolds' . . residences v:Mrs. o wles w ill builds on thisVlafc in he near future and wilp move tere " from, Wilkesboro," ' The ffce i a desirable - one for a residence and the community Will be glad to know that Mrs. bowles is to make her, home in fetatesville.'- :, - - . - Wilkes Cnuit-f Cattlfe Association Dr. Butler, of the State Ag ricultural department, arid Dr; Myers, Federal inspector, were Here Saturday and assisted in organizing a cattle association for Wilkes. The crowd was small but it was in earnest a- bout exterminatint? the fever tfck. The-association was or ganized by. electing the follow ing bflScers: V ' . . ! , EreskJentj JamefhM; Wellborn. . Vice-President, J; E MoEwen. Secretary, A. M. Yannoy.- v Assistant Secretary. John Crouch. The folio wing? committees for eacttitownship were selected Walnut Grove F. H' Alexander; T C Myers, J T Alexander. Antioch C C Parks, J F Mas tin, James Jarvis, Mack Jaryis. ' New.-Castla-Geo. Sales, .Tom Greene- T6m' Armstrong.- , Somers Dr. LP SomersyE W Long ford, W P Hampton.; Lovelace W H McCarter, G W Hays C C Wright, C H M Tulbert. Brushy Mountain E C Moore, A E Hendren, J A Parker Wilkesboro J1 A Forester. Whit Williams, T J Williams, Geo. Ogilvi.e. Moravian Falls Dan Dancan, J H Ellis, J A Lowe, J SRussell. Boomer-E P, Yates, J J Bussellj Lum Williams: Beaver Creek L C Ferguson, . C M Carlton, J H Hartley, P'H German. Edwards John Dimmette. W H Carter, J Q A Sparks.- Trap Hill T G DeBordeX A Hallf, Oliver Brewr. Rock Creek G M Woodruff, Wm. Johnson, L.M Bauguss. : Mulberry Lundy Absher, J; P. El- ledge, B-F Johison N Wilhesbbro P C Hfetchibgon T B Finley, G W Adams.- Union J Btfhittington, W G" Mc Neill, Louis Vannoy, C. A Wyatt, Josh ua Shepherd-, .', s Reddies River Tom Minton, w A Bishop, w A Nichols; J M Gaither, Z V Church.-. . , Jobs.Cabih-G.w waishj C R: Triplet, T T Hall;.wm Besbears- i ' i'7 LewisJork L L Church. L - M "Mo Glammerry, D E Shepherd, James El len - Elk Johm wellbonij Joe Johnson, AM McEwen, L A Hendrix. . This is an important organi zation and if the proper work is done as contemplated there will be no more ticks in. Wilkes after this seasom Let our people work in har mony in thia matter.. THE SWEET GIRLS. If girs are brought up simply .with the idea they, must do nothing but look. pretty aud strive to be leaders of fash ion, then it would be. far better for them when children, to . inUale the deadly miasma, of; the East, r wh ich blightBi only the body, than to be reared under such influences which will blight mind,-body and soul and cause them to be a curse rather than a blessing. The strongest, tie on, earth is. the one that binds a child to its mother and the only way to keep this tie, inviolate is to edu cate our girls, to be practical, and teach them that their duty to God,and them selves is not to bedeck themselves with, jewels and silks, and think only of the Iateststy)es,.but-to learn tomake home attractive,! and fit themselves, for the sphere in which God has placed them. The man who marries a "stylish lady' who unites his life with one whothinks-j only, of her. personal appearance and witto stands before the mirror an hour every day trying to hide from the gaze of her - sensual admirers the . defeote which God Himself, wroteron her - face to show that'she was frail and , human,' and of the earth earthy and imperfect yea the man who marries the "lady who has no 7od bnf fashionno thought but style; such aman need. nor die- to find hell wtthal! its accumulative tor ments, forhe finds here, in hiss union with that heartless creature, who dese crates the hallowed office of marriage by assuming the sacred title of wife. Selected by C. J. C. '-- ?f, Eo Pn"61fq SchooPTeaehersw - The next regular examination ol ap plicants for teacher's certificates;': will be heldJn Wilkesboro on the second Thursday in Julyt.jdrcontinu&;the re malnder : of ' the week, if neeessary ApBiieahta-shoal.d come hotlater - than noon of the1 ; second day. . : Applicants for-scholarships in the A. &.Mv College- Lat RaleishwUl-'be3- examined ' on the- first day- s . :U.JU.-VVKliUlV ' " ' Co.jgirpt; of Schools. v . v -Oranges, bananas, lemons, etc, fresh at Turner & White's drug store; .; , Mrsv A. S. Cooper's child is ver-jrsick,;at Mrs. Call's. . Jv Hest"eV, the photogra pher, has gone, toCaldwell. Dr. Ballew, of Helton, was at Hotel Qordpn Saturday. . . The ram storms-of Thurs day and :Friday were accompa nied' by. hail in some localities. Mrs, W. W. McEwea, will do all kinds of sewing atr reas onable prices. Call at her residence.-. - . D. C. Lippincot, of Eaton ville, N. J., is at Hotel Gordon. He is a live stock man and is in search "of good grass land. . Lightning, struck: John S. Ferhusons- house at Boomer Friday, doing considerable dam age. No-member of the family w as-injured. Old aunt Dejphia Porter, aged &9year8, wove '25 yards of rag carpet for Mrs. J. D. Smith in three days last week. We doubt if this record can be equalled, i n the , world ; .precious little boy ar rived at Willie Edwards' Mon day afternoon at 2 :30, and at 8 p. ii. God called the little fellow back to His own bosom. "It Aa well -with, the child. " There will be an ice cream supper given Friday night in Mr. J. T. Hubbard's lawn at Moravian. Falls, for the bene fit of the Methodist church at that place. All are cordially invited;. The rainfall along the southern portion o the county Monday morning; . was; v the heaviest of- the season. Cub creek and Moravian Falls creek were the highest they v have been inv years.- The Tadkin was also, cut of; banks in places. Much damage was done to crops and land is badly wash ed., Mr. W. J. Price and Miss Clyde Hamilton dan gh ter of Mt. Rufus Hamilton Beaver Creek,. Jshe county, were mar ried Tuesday at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple-will visit the groom's home in Tennessee for a few weeks and will then- locate" at Elkin. The Chronicle never had on hand better wishes than it heartily extends to- this couple;, - Are the town authorities looking after the sanitary con ditions in to wn& 14 so, we are nofraware-of it. This is the most important question we to look after at this time and right now is the- proper time to act. -Seme people wont, do anything unless they are made to do-so by those- having au thority, and everybody .else must suffer- from the bad re suite of the neglect. Ihere are ordinances regulatmg- the san itary matters and it is the du ty of the town --authorities to enforce theni. Otherwise they should be repealedi -Enforce he laws op oiit collecting tax-- esi, r,1'.. " t - - -DW.H. Wakefield,; tlji Charlotte specialist will he at Hotel Gordon,' N iWilkesboro,. on Fridayr July 25th until trainU eaves in the , afternoon; . ,His practice is limited ta eye, ear? nose and throat.; J . I will meet, the" tax:' payers of . the town or.WUkeiQr atitfceold Miller building on SatardayJone 21st, 1902, for th e purpose of coll eeting taxes for theyear-lOOU , All arsons awing taxes J will rtliMSA mAfc iTvaon that- dav or I'a shall levy eir your; property, the- week following I am ordered by the- town commissioners to collect and settle in full at once. jWL. J3RUCEt - ABOE ON; BUT Remember that We can aH Iirht en our burdens by selecting our tools to labor with; . . Oun hoes are the best for the money: pur axes are warranteed and are stand "PZ f?st- Our;;pTows- are beyond uuuuk yujKAueiiea- -uon t tninlc ot nuyvng- anytning out a Uhattanoosa when you go to buy a plow. f 1- ; ; - For all kinds of Hardware be certain and1 seema before you buy. ; : V ' - J-P: RQUSSEIA.U. North Wilkesboro, March. 4th;., , "J. u . QQME TO THE FRONT If you never have before or if you never intend to again,, come to the frpntfe this spring. The way s to do this is tpx. come to our store and buy the latest and v ;most up to-date f2TOOds imaualit. sbv&atSnd dfeRioru... - ' ' ' w-. oufr orinost any kindof'cloth but you pan't make a stylls. and up'totdate dress unless you have the best material. . , We have nothing but the BEST.' We ittvite you to comb and inspect our NEW SPRING GOOfSi; J . ; . ! A V . A S pa f n ffo u r "S Co.1 The one-price-to-all store. The Best of anything and everything you buy is at our store. It is our business to Please You. 1 . . Come and see us. Chocolate Bon-Bons. v To feTgoodyou must be weir dressed. What is thereasbr wSban't furnish you that suit? In a few. days wewill- have i our new stock and a prettier line has never been- shown in thic olcUto wn; We in-vite all who; lik fec be. . well deiisd,, to? C0421C and: examine our stock. V - " ' i ' . . ifours. very, trtil,; v "'-"-'' , "V Morton Pure Drugs, CHemicalsTojlqt &X&J CandJeHCigar Tobacco). ete: . . - ? ' ; s-- - . '. . J . . Ijeatlers in School Boo72&vndiStatfmx:ry We have much experience in. the drug business and you car- be assured that you are getting prices - Call on us when you are A:BOR ONI '1' Ml ' s . A t CffOCOLATES FRESKt OD!Ay Sometxxly at tibme yrilt: h& wx&a? tonight for a. box .-' hi if, - The. ""Niffl tne guarantee. : , ' ix m &co. t 1, Wynn, the best drugs , at reasonr in town , . Cv.c'- i try x , My J V

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