' 4 k 1 1 - v V - if " J Ml V VOL. Equal Taxatlonpireot and Indirect. WILKESBORO rN. G.,. WEDNESDAY. JULY 2, 1902, no; The Chronicle. Caught Mere and There. It s a fin fat girl at H. I. Greene's. The subject for theBible class next Sunday asternoon is Faith. W. B. Henry's family has gone to tne aprings ior ine summer. Tede Hall and ton were married Sunday. John Foster's little over in Reddies River ship, died last Friday, Edward Hendren's wife the Brushies, (little Edward is called), is very sick. A big fat boy arrived Mary Mln at Gosnen child, toWn of lie at Mr. Frank Hendren's Friday, is minus a and Mr. Hendren hat. Harve Elledere was put in jail on Saturday on the charge of selling liquor without license.. It is reDortea tnac iix i Hendren's two year old chiljd, on the Brushies, has scarlet fever. Mr. Zeb Deaton and fami ly went down to Mooresvlle to visit Mr. Deaton's mother who is very sick. It is learned that Mr. Dent Campbell's wife and child at "Vasbti, Alexander county, died of flux last week. Esq. Wiley Winkler killed a blue. crane last week that measured 6 feet from tip to ti p and was 5 feet high. Renn Pharr and sister Miss Maud visited Mrs. G. H. Hamp ilton's family at Beavr Creek!, Ashe county last week. Dr. White was called to , Moravian Falls Sunday by the serious illness of Miss Mary Lizzie Hix. Glad she is better Get ready and come t town the 17th and witness tb laying of tne corner stone o the court house, by tne grand lodge of Masons. Solicitor Mott has had al the merchant license tax cases reinstated on the docket. The eneritt is now serving: sum-t mans on the merchants. The Blue Ridere Institute of which Rev. W. R. Bradshaw is principal, will open the 1st of Sent. It offers excellent educational advantages. Mr. J. Frank Davis and family will move to Asheville; this week. Sorry to lose them, but our best wishes go with them to their new homa. Call & Co. have about got their goods moved to their new place of business at N. Wilkes boro, at the E. L. Hsrt store, where they will be glad to see their friends. Miss Gussie Weaver who has been here with her sister and friends for a few weeks, returned to Dr. Wood's hos- pital near Columbia, S. C, to f resume her position as head nurse". i. All the brick work on the Baptist church, except the ga- will be ready for the Associa tion which begins on Thursday - before the fourth Sunday in August. Attend the primaries Sat urday and don't forget to -sleet a township executive commit , tee- of five good men. Let the executive committee elect 'one of it members chairman and one secretary. The chairman frecsomesja member of the coun ty executive committee. f time; your the Mr S. J. Ginnings has been feastinsr on home raised roast- ing ears for several days. The colored convict who escaped the camp near Klon- dyke was captured near Jeffer son Thursday. Harvesting is over and the wheat crop is short. It will not be long till we may hear the song of the thresher. Christian Home and Tem perance Sermon by Rev. Geo. Stuart, for sale by Rev, J. B. Tabor, North Wilkesboro. Esq. W. F. Porter, of Hay Meadow, stated here last week that there was some frost in his neighborhood the 23rd. ult. Mr. Parker, at Turner & White's drug store, is agent for the Charlotte steam laun dry, one of the best in the State. Mrs. John Miller, of Utah, is visiting Mr. Sam Miller and other relatives in the county. She has not visited Wilkes in 15 years before, Messrs. Bradley of Char lotte, Smith and Stewart and Stroupe, of Lowell, Gaston county, came in last week to work on the court house. Mr. Bob Nooe and Dr. Frank Sharp, of Statesville, spent a few days here last week going over to Ashe and Watauga on a fishing tour. Mr. C. Call has gone to Raleigh to attend the meeting of the State Board of elections. Mrs. Call who is risiting at Pomona will return with him. The choir of orphans will reach here the 30th of July and the picnic will be held next day. Don't forget the come yourself ana get neighbors to do likewise. Rev. E. P. Greene, Methodist pastor, conducted two services Sunday at the Barnett school house. B the way" this school house has been enlarged recently and is one of the best in the county. The proprietor of hotel Calidonia according to post master Call, is in "the hands of his friends" as to the nomi nation for the Legislature on the prohibition ticket. He is confident of election if nomi nated. Twelve dollars and seventy five cents was taken in Thurs day evening at the ice cream supper. The night was ex tremely unfavorable, stormy, threatening, dark and muddy. A more favorable night would have insured larger receipts. Have you cleaned up about your premises yetr ne nrst thing you know the microbes will be "playing in your yard and hollowing down your rain barrel" and you'll take the last slide "down your cellar door." An hour's work now may save several months' sickness later. Sorry to see the streets flooded with water when it rains, at the main, crossings where terra cotta drain pipes have been placed. It seems that the piping was put in without adequate or sufficient protection and the wagons have crushed it in. And thus goes the money to waste. The county commissioners have decided to add 9 feet to the'length of the court house, thus giving an additional seat ing capacity in the court room bf about 300. The additional teost is $900, making the cost of the court house $13,700 and it will be one one of the prettiest court house buildings inline State.1 " The Republican County Convention, The republican county con vention which met Tuesday 6f last week elected J. W McNeilfe chairman and E. M. Blackburn secretary. The follqiyinggdel egates were selectefffbWe several conventions: State convention J, R. Hen derson, Spencer Blackburn, Dr L. P. Somers, J alternates, W Walker, B F Tedder, J C Ellis, W A Tharp. Congressional C L Ham by, J S Holbrook, J P Elledge, C H Cowles; alternates, Dr R W S Pegram, T-M CryseJ, L : C Jennings, J 0 Ellis. Judicial Z T Ferguson, . W F Barlow, M McNeill, T C Myers alternates, W D Wood? ruff, C C Winkler, W Walker; A T L-e. Senatorial A T Lee, L E Davis, E M Blackburn, W W Elledge; alternates, E W Settle M C Armstrong,. W G Mead ows, J f-McNeill. The convention endorsed E Spencer Blackburn for Con gress, and J W McNeill for Solicitor. The following reso lution was passed: We, the Republicans of Willses county ,'h convention assembled do hereby most hearti ly endorse the course of oar member of Co)n greas, Hon. E Spencer Blackburn, especially in maintaining- the rural free delivery of mU and having secured the passage of a bjl through a committee to establish a Federal court at Wilkesboro. We commend him coal x - mend him to all loyal republicans and demo crats who fnvor houest government and ate opposed to the methods of ballot box stuffing to eucceed. Signed by the committee, T. S. Bryan, J. P. EOedge, O. H. Somers. FootNotes. The convention was entirely. harmonious it was cut and I d riecTwifch harmonr" hone7 others there. The biggest speech was made by the floor manager who in melting tones of eloquence ex- claimedj "Hon. Mr. Speaker, rise and get up tor the exalted purpose of instructing the del egates to vote for Jim McNeill to the Judiciary." It carried with a whoop just before the "judiciary was exhausted.' J It was funny when some del egate not thoroughly trained by the managers moved to in struct for Col. Dula for Sena tor. The chair made a speech saying there were other candi date's and the delegation ought to go uninstructed. He gave Lieut. Henderson the wink and he moved accordingly, saying that as U. S. Com. he had in vestigated the law and it was wrong to instruct tor JJuia, especially when the chair him self had a hankering for the same nomination. Henderson's motion carried and Dula was turned out with "the dry cattle." The endorsement of E.Spenf cer by the republican conven tion is incomplete in fails to thank him for fully killing the bill establishment of a court here at the- time when there was a chance for its pas sage. That bill he afterward introduced is not worth the paper it is on. This Congress will never touch it and Spence knows it. North Wilkesboro 181 Bed dies River Rock, Creek Somers Trap Hill Union Walnut Grove 3f' 1I 37 29 61 81 60 159 7 5 1 1 2 3 2 6 Wilkesboro , The above shows the vote for Governor Aycock and the num W McNeill !ber of votes each townshin is ' i mt entitled to in the county con vention July the 7th 1902, but under the plan of organization each township can elect as many delegates to the conven tion as it pleases. Let the dem ocrats be sure and "attend the primaries next Saturday. W. W. Barber, Ch'm. v5 Lqjiiig of The Corner Stone. The Grand Lodge of Masons have arranged to come here on the 17th inst. and lay the cor ner stone ot the new court house. The interesting cere mony will begin at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon A short but en tertaining programme will be arranged, and a prominent speaker or two wilfbe secured for the occasion. The cere will :be worth seein tr. County take a dayJp, coiQp town, shake handstand epy the pleasatries of they occlSu, the like of ccur in Wilkes Let the entire ABOR ON, LABOR ON! tsu l Kememoer that we can a ! nrrh- en our burdens by selecting our tools to Tabor withv Our hoes are the best for the money our axes are warranteed and are stand ing the test. Our plows are beyond doubt- Unexcelled- Don't think of buying anything: but a Chattanoofra when you go to buy a plow. For all kinds of Hardware be certain and see me before you buy. J. P. ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro, March 4th. . , Ts I w Oil which-will again withjiMp&ir lifetime. that it the Federal The Tote of Each Township- In County Convention. Township. Gov. Vote The Votes Antioch 37 1 Beaver Creek 52 2 Brushy Mountain 7 3 Boomer 98 4 Edwards 17D 7 Elk 03 4 Jobs Cabin 63 3 Lewis Fork 127. 5 Lovelace . 30 1 Moravian Falls 103 4 Mulberry . 61 , 2 New Castle 59 , 2 rr-Leave yotir A laundry -for tne Statesvilje Steam ..mundry Mondays at Call & Combs. .Timber lands wanted, large ocmall trafcts. Address - Imbbr1 -careSpfflfe. -Slanks and Job Printing at this office. -Blank deeds, mortgages etc., at this omce. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, the Charlotte specialist will be a Hotel Gordon, N Wilkesboro, on Friday July 25th until train leaves in the afternoon. His practice is limited to eye ear, nose and throat. Nails can be bought of me cheaper than elsewhere. Come and be convinced. J. P. Rousseau. For Sale: A first class Forquhar threshing machine in good repair, and a good six horse power engine complete threshing outfit. Apply to W. A. Bishop, Adley, N. C. You dught to see D. W. Mayberry's new stock of shoes. Biggest stock and best values he has ever carried, I cany the largest and most varied line of hardware in the county and my prices are advertising my business,. J. P. Rousseau. In order to make room for bis big fall line oi. clothing D. W. Mayberry is clearing up his old stock for almost a song. Don't wait too long. A few pieces of summer dress goods at Spainhour's going very cheap. The season is here for breaking fallow ground. Re member that the Chattanooga plow is what you need for this business. J. P. Rousseau. fOME TO THE FRONT If you never have before or if you never intend to again come to the front this spring. The way to do this is to come to our store and buy the latest and most up to datp goods ill quality, style and design. . , ISTspu earn mafee a alress ; out of 'most any kind of cloth but you oan't make a stylisii and up to-date dress unless you have the best material. We have nothing but the BEST. We cinvite you to comm and inspect bur NJKW SPRING GOODS. A Spa.inlouir Co. . The one-price-to-all store The Best of anything and everything you buy is at our store. It is our business to Please You. Come and see us. "Name on Every PJec." Chocolate Bon-Bons. 1 HbMZ ON. evenv piece.- 'Eft Chocolates FRESH TODAY Somebody at home fee waiting tonight for a. box. The "Name on Everv Piec" i the guarantee. FOB SALE BY I. S. CALL & CO. r S CLOTM1NQ To feel good you must be well dressed. What is the reason we oan't furnish you that suit? In a few days we will have ir our new stock and a prettier line has never been shoAvn in thi old town. We invite all who. Uke td b well dressed to comt) an4 examine our stock. louret very truly, Call A Combs. Valuable Property For Sale. Farm on the Yadkin river within I mile of TFilkesboro and N. TFilkesboro. One-half interest in the Hackett flour and grist mills and fine water power on Reddies-rivet at North TFilkesboro. House and lot on- Main street in the eastern part of Wilkesboro, One-third interest in the Tobacco Manufacturing business of J. T. Well born & Co., Wilkesboro. Several tracks of mountain land in different sections of Wilkes county .J I will be glad to correspond with prospective purchasers. ' - B. N. H-ACKETT, . Wilkesboro N.C. - Horton & Wynn, Pure, Drugsv Chemicals,: Toilet A rtioles, OaadiesCigar Tobacco, etc . ' - . , . Xteaders in School Hoolzs and Stationer if, - . We have much experience in the drug business and you car be assured that you are getting the; best d rugs at reason aj prices. Call on. us when you .are In town " i v. i5 ,V-.