1 ? ' -?r J - ' lc V I I I V - I 1 I - 1 I ' 1 I - I I ' I 1 - - 7-' ; ' ',' ' - i ; .,. - -vi'.t -'-:'1t,-' '7-i'" . "-a o'-.- r ' Jfa&- '. : - - , Pual Taxationr:pjrcct; aiid;iiid ; NO. 2. " - - ... - , v , ; , . -v. 1 The Chronic tip; JL O CiMfj vHM TTIZSl 3? - Causrht Here anil Thcre .. ; ' C. B. Webb, of States valle, was ia town Friday, ; . - -Judge Ayery ofi rMorgan t?3n wTas here last week, Work on the court 'he use is moving-along rapidly. Miss Nellie Rousseanr is Home from a. visit to Ashe. Mrs. Vetra Poindexter, of Jones ville, is visiting her (fa ther Dr. Turner. C.'Y. Miller has gone to Ashe to look after the interest of the Marble Works. Misses Octavia arid Narinie . Weaver; of Cireensboro: are visiting,at Mr. W. H. ' Starr's - Jan-5 Rhodes, Mary Lyons and Amie Anderson were s,ent to the Morsanton asylum last W. W Barber aDd family left Saturday for Ashe to visit relatives. He will attend the Jefferson court this week. Lawyer James W.i McNeill is at Winston this week repre senting Solicitor Mott as solic itor in the Superior court this week. Miss Bessie Eller, dau f1 ter of Jiidsre Eiler of Greens bbro, is spending a few, week . here at the home of C. F. Mor rison, Esq. Herbert Farks.- who is! a a telegraph operator located in the eastern part of the State, is visiting, his old home at Roaring River. Solicitor J. Ji , Spainhour, of Morganton, spent alew days with his brother here last week as he was returnirlg home from the State convention. i y 1 The corner stone oi tne courthouse was prepared the Wilkesboro.Marble W and Mr. Zeb D eat on did lettering. It is-well done. Mary, the little; daughter of R. W. Gvvyn died last week. ITer little-twin, brother di 3d only a few ' wks ago; th 3y are now re united in the pre ence of their Maker. The republican Senatorial convention of this- district , h as :. ' bfeeii called to meet at ,Yadki i , ille;tbe 4th of .August.; It is not' decided!-whether Wilkes or Davie will be given the ca i didate.i v ' ; . " - 'Jake Bare of Ashe brought " an unusually, interesting Ioe.U - of locust pins to -Spainhour's Thursday It"lQoked like ju st a'commqn load 'of-locust - pins, " but in unloading, he found a, big stiake he;had hauled.all tl e -' way (f roin.' Ashe. ; Spainhoi ,r reiused"tofpay pin rates fnr his snakeship. " ' . -. The average attendance at - the Methodist" Sfinday schotl ere has been over iOO for the -' last month.' rMr. Hubbard is ' -Jatt ideal suerihtende.nt, ?' The i " o-ther Sunday-schools areequal , v ly" prosperous, and it - speaks well of our- town. --'Biit sti 1 -. -'thre are .l9t of1 boys'; about 1 f tliestreets that , should atteni -some, Sunday , school; y.Vril.W T.VMintpb; Esq?, ."of - f- Cbugp -tells us . that his; littl .V " six year old7.son narrowly es : : caped being kllledone day last . , wee s liewas placing around - : ; a large stack;.of lumber - which , overturned and he was caught SC Vuuderneath i t. . 1 1 was only;- a I? Rrovidentialfact that hewak not crushed'todes'th. but;as ii Was he'was" only .slightly; hurtl" - ,; A little neighbor boy;was also - clightly injured-"-, r " ''J Miss Mattie Gwaltney has returned to her home atHick oryC-' - ' " a- ' " Some of bur people are a t tending Jefferson court .this week. - ' ' - ' . John Hollo way has donat ed this office a 4 pound sunk mer turnip. , Tom Fennel feasted ob a nice. water melon of his own raising, last week. There was a large crowd attended the foot washing at Xroads 'church Sunday. . The J. T. Wellborn tobacco factory which was blown down recently is being rebuilt. J S. Kline who has been on a trip across the - mountains returned home last week. E. M. Blackburn has a pro lific cabbage stalk it has two nice large heads on one stalk. Court convenes here Aug., 4th, with Judge Shaw presid ing. The evil doers are already trembling. John Follett, "V"ance Somers and others-passed through last week with a number of horses for the Ashe market." s : Senator Pritchard and Con gressman Klutz have been in vited to speak at the Masonic picnic the 31st. Come- every body. - The lawyers here have, a greed n3t to try uny-civil cases at the August court, owing to the crowded condition ot the criminal docket. Register of Deeds Black burn began, work on the tax books this week. , According to the old saying, there are two things absolutely sure taxes and death. - Mr. J. V. Bauguss, of Rock Creek, tells us that he founds a "bee tree" last week in an old log and some of the honey comb was six feet long some thing very remarkable. i Elam Culler got his right band cut pretty badly at-. Call & Combs pin factory Monday , morning. The end of the: mid die finger was clipped and gash cut in the palm of the band. ! 4 Mr. W. D. Allen andIiss, Lola Allen, of Montgomery county, and Miss Lillie Pem. berton, of Greensboro', who visited -their relatives,,!' the Leaches at Moravian :Falls have retnrned home; .... v ... Mrs. Jacob Smith, age 6G. years, died at her nome snear Brier Creek Saturday rnorningj of dropsy. She lrad'ybeeb;, a sufferer for a rong,'time and' her, death hid" been expected rf or some time, -Rev. W. A; Myers conductedytbe funeral services at Pleasant. Grove church ' :on Sunday. She leaves a husband; three children . . and 17 grahd'f ohildren to mo urn. her death, w 'Subscriberf' ' ip.1 .another column brings r anV-important matter to the attention of ; the town co minissio tiers. .Taey were elected'to look afteritown matters and' won on.' the plea of being the largest"," property' owners in town and would of course Took-'after 'the' town's material interests, w They ought, to comply with expectations far enough at least tbloofcaf-' e 'main streetwe pooFt .side. streot devils, have to-hire - mosfc. of the workr done on our streets any way x It wb u I d n' t tak ejbu t , two or three dollars to fill ; the holes:on'Main street now-J'wby-no t "attend "to it? tha'tswbat the authorities are i -for. - LWe are nbtcussln", ' th6 ' commis sionersbut unless "something i & -d one t heV. 'skinniniti me; i s nofcrery!far removedii- " ' The Democratic Conyentlons. .'It was bur;pieasure to attend both the J udicial convention at Winston and the State conven ti-n.at Greensboro . - At Winston, E. B. Jones was nominated fo'r J udge on the 27th ballot, and S. P. Ghrave, of Surry,v was nominated for Solicitor on the 146th ballot. The convention was largely-attended and though each nomi nation was fought long and stubbornly the best of humor was 'manifested'- thsoughbut. It was near two o'clock in the morning when the convention adjourned The State. convention at the city of Greensboro was- the largest off-year convention in the history of the State, there being'some two thousand in attendance.- Lieut: Gov. W. D. Turner was chair man and of course he made a good one. : Walter Clark "was nominated for Chief. Justice on the first ballot," the vote being, Clark 141, Justice 28, Shepherd,' not voting 44. Connor was nominated over Brown by 5 votes Connor G25 and-Brown 620 for Associate Justice from' the- east; Piatt D.: Walker of Charlotte reliev ed -the-nomi nation for Associ ate Justice from the ' wesfe. on ft he third ballot. ' For corporation commissioner, Beddihgfield recieyed the nom jnation on the 3rd ballot. - t ' J. Y. Joyner recieved the nomination for State Superin tendent of Public Instructions by acclamation The convention . adjourned about day light Thursday morn ing after being in session all flight; The primary for the selection of a U . S. Senator was not a dopted. There was some dig cussion-over the platform, but it ws all adopted except!" the Senatorial primary featnre. The convention was very large and was impatient and gay and rather boisterous at times, but always in a good humor a large number of pa trotiG 'fourth ofMuly" orations were amputated close-up to the beginning. Very few speakers could command attentionthe delegates had come not to hear speaking but do business The exceptions were rare; we recall three notable onesCongress man Klutz in; nominating C. H. Armfield for Assopiate Justice, Congressman Will Kitchen ad vbcatingtheendorsment of the: national democracy as reported by-the"majoTity of the platform committee, and our -townsman It. NiiHackett . favoring the Senatorial primary.; They un doubtedly, the best speeches of the.convention in- ;their- scope, and they- recieved the closest attention! Snpftkino' isnf Mr : ; ..... . . - - -"CX - - .Hackett's speecli the." News & Observersays: . '- "Some ffiea won attention even, when the'eonvention was most hilarious. A notable case, was that of R. N.rHackett, of Wilkes, who ina3e the.-most' able plea for primaiies ever fceartTat a- con vention.'! ;' -' - T-fie, fo-ifbwing persons' "com." pose the ecutive Committee of .this Judicial district. , 1 1 Alleghany A S. Carson ' ; . Caswell B. F; Graves,' 1" . : i : Forsyth Clement Manly; , - : Rockinghain CT'H. Overman 'Stokes- Dr.'E. Fulp,- v Sury W.'IJS.Reecef . '? ,: 1 1 : Wilkes4i Mi'VannoyI " ' : -: xjcaxy 0 j uui: ;;i.iouuui J-.,-;, iur: the States ville Steam ilaund ry Mondays at M.-McNeiU'si,; t e The? Chromcle till after' the election 25c. ' ' About Oar Streets. - 1 ot WiikesbwS, h I - do - nafe see how we pan cptisistantly 1 criti U V(VtlCU W. i lUORt U TV U cise conainon or tne roaas inrther d6uritry-;or advocate good foodk ih tbe county atid4 cnu wi;uuK ittuv sireeu i- io je- maiti in the cbnditionit ift-how and has been . all ''spring: tr x ne west en a or :tow t n ere are dee holes . that u ought .r to - be filled; there are frocks loose that ought to.be removeidVand the cost would be: very : little; I hope the townr commissioner's will at least take enougn inter est in our. town si to look-, after main street ay-way.. T R. N. Hackett;. br ought :iri from his patch last week a 40 pound melon. - - r r ' j " There wa? : a sharp ' wind here Sunday afternoon and along the bott6ngo'nwas" badly damaged.! Over near the poor - house,- Rich' Hane's house was blowh down a,nd two of the children -were hurk slightly. Th contents, of the house' were-badly damaged , " An employee of TheW'.M-.' Absher Co., John Porter; Jiad the misfortune oi losing his. right Jiand last Thursday. uThe ' hatid was so badly crushed- by t jeraachi nery that amputation Saras necessary. Dr. Horton j assisted by Drs. White ; and Burrus, performed -thej-.Qpera; tioii, and the patient,' ig getting along well. : , . Mr. Reece had 'feiven up the Wilkesboro-hbtel to Mr; W S. Wellborn,. who has charge,, Mr; Weilborn 'will endeav or , to make the hotel .attractive, for the travelling public and' for summer tourists, .- Mr. , iteeee r4as.gqne-.teL his home at the Lithia7Snrrars;AMrT Wellborn asks the public to give him? trial; Hacks will cqeet the trains. ' "" ,J 1 4t Remember UieChattanDega . plow is5 the plow .for ,Wilkes County. It will jio better work and last- longer l than any other plow sou cari'!cet' for the money. J. P. Rousseau ' ' ' ' p. W. May berry is receiv ing his stock of clothing with his other new goodsi; ,uw - I have a new supply; .of ? window screens corpming in thisweek. The flies-: '-.never- trouble when - you have thes: J. P. Rousseau . ; - Timber iands1 wanted, large or small tracts;. Address 1 "Timber"; cara this office.1 ' Blanks, and Job Printing at this office. 4 ' ' Tli e Jones chainv drlver ianwer'' is - " . the thing you, want tscut your grass. J. P. Rousseau ' ' Dr. WH.. Wakegeld,' the Charlotte specialist w ill be c at Hotel Gord on; N" W il ke sbbro: on Ff iiay .tTu!y25 th? onhtil traiiv 1 ea v e s . i n: t h e aftarn b on .v His practice is limited toeyeeari: nose arid throatU",. M. Vi Eikirij'shVes,lat Di W,:May- be rry s. M e ars coarse s shoes , $1.40; : womenls-v "coarse -shoes When yon want nails (idme to me'I have them and can saveou' mney. J P. Rousseau ,"' 5 T "TT .'""" i .'i.i : - i ; land For Sale...- - 107 acrea in Brushy Mpantai. -tqwn; sh i p, tnis county 1 miles south. of, Wilkesboro on tbe-pine hilt grades has 2 dwelling houses;- outrb4Ildfng9, well watered, 140 to 2O0! yoaig-f dpple treesV 40 acres4a cultivafionp fine viands for: fruit,' wh eaf ; tobaccdi etc'.'t wil T; sell; i jar two traots 18 and!59jacfesl", Ellas' ; also about 75 peach 'trees j an soaejje'rr trees..; 1 Chap,!f QrtIir.V: -'Bjtljer.H lnformation;.appry-.th J. TJ Kenned3V kor B. J. Beard 'Brushy Mountain, . NwC. -Acts lmnieiJ lately. -i' Colds :are - sometimes more' tr'ouble- gome suffimeftnoBf iBwraierjiU' so hard to keep from -adding to iHeirC wh it cooiiriir off -after exercise. One Mmuta Cough Cure cures atl once?: : A bsof uteiy safe. TActs imntfedia.tely. tSure oiire for coughs; colds, ; croUp.nthroat andjlucj? trouble, Geo. Dougbton, drapes." " m " But move steadily on and success -insure -to -follow. : solid car of Buck stoves and : ranges coming in. Thi3 stove Atandchallened. for its quick -heating capacity and its asbestos packing which prevents, burning out quickly aW:many other stoves de; . ' My Chattanooga plow is a .'thing of beauty and joy forever' fro every ,armer who buys - one.'. In fact ray; line orchard ware is comprete: and my - prices are right? Come and see me. . ' J- P ROUSSEAU. ; jyortn wiiKesDoro, March. 4th.. QQM& TQ-THE FRO If you, never bae before or come to the front this spring. c6me to our store and buy the ;7.' 1 i wwi lit ia e&m ssisillie si direst : out f 'most-any kinii of cloth but you cant 'make a' stylish and, bp to -Sate dress-unless you have the best-material. Wehave nothing but' the BEST. We iuvitg you to' corncv ad inspect our N&W-SPRINQ1 GOOD8. . ;. . -. . r-.f , . - , 1. -.'A, Spa i n lo ti 1 Cb ; " The one-price-to-air storo wr: mew At the E- 1E;;Hart sfand ih NortFi Wiikesbo roV We areamciousfto havy4?vir; ptronaae? and we can save you moneys an aihythijpyov may wanttO:.buy , Ceme. anjrfsee.uOll, iB:;': , , ' . - . . ? ." IL0T1WG : iK,To feel good yon. must be well dressed; What is the reasons we can't furnish you that suit? In.afew days: we will have irrs our hew stock and aprettijeline oid town. We injriteall-who-dike and exnina Qurstock. t . : m . . "55ours very tibrtote - Pjjre Drugs.ChernJcalsoile .Tobajcatc. ' - ; 3 J vve naviL muen ox.parience in U4 utuj uubiuwn uuu-juu be assured that you are getting the hest : drugs at: rer.sdr3r.I T -prices; 'Call oh us when you are in ta.wcu-; ' - : ' - i if you never intend to'again.. The way to do this - is tov latest . and- most u to-datQ l30te Of has never been 8horivn , in; thic- tdi be well dressed. to xjomc . truly ' ' & - Wynh. ritoles; .Gandies,XCigarr;A . - - , . .