M K -C? - 1 1 T ii ;. . ft ii !f : -: t -I VQE.4XVI. The": GhPoxic l.e r. Gaught-ere and" Tfrerti co; week, ; Judge 6 h a wresid i n g-. U' IT LUL. U - DU1U1U. Ul DUUUlHf ji -V , .. - . . i was in town this week; Wm. Marley, of Champion is very low with typhoid fever. ,cr. . . w ,! miss .iviaiiie mciNem nas returned from her visit Jefferson. Miss Louise-Lunn, of isbary, is visiting - at C. Miller's.' ". Miss. Mattie - Mastin i r. hasr taken a position as clerk in'ttie IibstofRcehere4 sawyer Ltwyn :iiniey is visiting his ,6ld home here. Glad lo see him.- , Six additional convicts were brought up . Saturday work-onth turnpike. Miss Minnie Badgett, i to df .tmnois, is visiting ner cousin, W. S. Snrratt, at the Falls. Mr. John Guy and wife, of Iredell, are visitiner at R. ij Scroggs at Moravian, Falls. -blames vveiiDorn, iLsq , ren turned Saturday from a trip v iigiinci. uc bu Fi toe ui i, T l. ii horses is very high there; Two marriage licenses-were issued Saturday Elbert Mcf GLammery to Carrie Faw, and Wiley Yates to Octavia Walk er. . Rev. Mr. Tabor has beeri rnmi u : i, i m m siiius.s i 11 i tk v i v n.i meeting at Union church. Sixteen joined the church or. Su nday , Scime , have pro fessed. The old Union camp grducc is to be rebuilt and it is intend ed to bave a campmeeting1 this fall, there. There are no timec like the good old campmeeting times; 1 . Jim Mullis committed sui otde in Taylorsville jail last' Thursday, by hang-rag himself . He was insane and was in jail waitinsr to be admitted to the asylum, ffe hung himself with atxip.of the bed sheet. He was in the. asylum when a" boy and after coming out followed mattress making, which trade tie had - 4 earned wmie in the asvlum.- He was an albino and was well known here. The other day a young man slowly sauuteired into, the o-Ste of Register of Deeds. He was rather bashful but his face showed there was something serious on. his mind. "Can I do something for youP'- fjasked the officer. "Guess yer .can, if yer know how to- get up marry in papers? said the boy; In answer to question she said, ..VI-live in JoBspVeckon its In Horth Caliny, and -Fm gwine f.n marrv f A..rviAiiw if mvminrl 1 . 1.W a A T UT A I A A.W A A T A. A. A. A T . . . M M . ..V-fAWjS&V ttm -Uf 5Vk;0 riinr rrf nrvit. tsr hnnfiV. 1 v. ;v.s;.-4-; ' . ' -""j -jine courwgcKw -.prej iacge, tnere oeing an preseni, criminal cases, ana au xne ine magistrates nave, no ; ye.p. maae meir reports.; xnere are - -V.; , 6 unci iuiuuttuw. vxutjie win .. uo on"h om i c i d e: cas e- J o h n"43h ep-' herd for killing Ldns Johnson. Th nomiciae occurrea ?a i year. , aga last February, v while the two were:-alone: oh f tlie 'rba'dT Shephard.Ieft :for 'awhile (but recently returned and gave tip to thesheriff . - He gave a $500 Iond for his . appearance at j 'j. - -l" o u -4. H oru-tu- ixuiii.hjb oui!VHUlv "lTPriichard cannot be-here;- buti Shepherded aims the was in self-defence. i.uniiuiuc . - - The Chronicle till Rafter the election for 25c. , 4 lv ' J. F. Lowe's. child died last: week near Poors Knob: Bob lifferty, of Davidson? is clerk at HoteL Lithia. ,r -r It begins " to 7 look like .a court house sute-enough; , Hotel Lithia isf4ibout; filled up-with ummer boarders.' . Come in diiringcoutt and L .0 ,u; Vi :1 7u ' i lets straighten up-the books, r Mrs. Dve Cooper wetit to Chariott&Saturday .to visit rel atives. ; v , ' I Have you got ypurroad an good .fix? Judge-Shaw ;will j be here Monday. " --Chap Minton fsTiinriingan early morning dray with water trom the Iron& Lithia spririgs; The brick work on the new Baptist church gables 'and tower, will be completed this week ! :v : -.:, - Miss "Van Li n.d lay, of ;Po. monaj ana. Miss uessie tlarris, of Winston,, ace. visititfg atlMr O, Call's. , . ' We notice that A, C. Phil-' lip3 and D. Nichols have been appointedbrandyrgaugers in this county. A jiumber of Wilmington people will be here an a few days to Spend the summer, at the Wilkesboro hotel. . ' . ,w Mr. J. M. German? of -Ken--' dall; tells us that the recent storm in that neighborhood did seriouos damage to the corn; 1 5C4.u want this piper till after the election for1 25c. It wont be a "hummer; with, horns" nor .'a docile sweet scented geranium,7' Iut it wilt 'teeep the hypocrites and other J such a-hopping andX fbeatiag retreats." Send us 25o.. It is understood' that Judge Shaw is going to get after the road supervisors and overseers where the roads are not in good condition. It is not sufficie'nlJ just tO'Tepar&Ah&toa&SL in good condition, theymust actually- be in good conditions This' is an important matter ?to which tne supervisors and overseersw a " should take due head. ' ' . ..... : .-.- 1 Th good people of Boomer community are to be commend- ed for their efforts in behalf of local taxation for their school; IMhe measure carries it will place that community on a higher educational and - moral plane than any othr; commu nity intihe county. We wish,. to encourage - the movement; it. is a., healthy token, and! if j successful, will be a , splendid object lesson for the rest of the Gounty, It is . h opedlra t a big crowd will attend j the v educa-. tional rally at Boomer Satur- day and thusyglve encoujage ment to the movement." Senator Pri tchard can not be pnesent, at the., picnic,: to iTOorrow as-was expected.-- Mr: iJ-aulu v.w . from, him Saturday.! stating Jt would be impossible for him to, be here at this time. , We give Athis much ;of his .JetUr. refer ing to the ntte,. by permisiott- of Mr . Hackettr , You nave no idea now mucn I re iienret my inability to ,be witn you on ;this occasion, as there is noclass of ! people in .Norths Carolina,, in 4 whose Welf ure, I Jake'a greater i nterest ? "thanJ ;that-of tueyphans of the State- WiiHe L will not be able ,to -be with you, , I herewith send my check for - the; sum of'$10 as a . contribution to , the fund which you proposed 6raise for, the- or phans.- il only retrret -thatnI am' noH ;able torcontribute more; but 1 - presume jyoivwill appreciate the many demands .that are made upon-mo as anoffiial.' r It is regretted that -Senator mis aonaiion to ine orpnans is highly appreciated, anyway Actual Taxation, WILKESBQRO , N. C;, WEDESDAX, JUJTJY- 30 1902: Educational Ballj&at Boomer; -1 There vill be a-county edu- National rallv at Boomer . next Oft t. 5 ri r s 1 vallv af : TtAnmai . rt A T f. oatura ay, ana -every Doay iirt this"- and adjoining counties are invited and v urged .l to at? tend.o Dr- Charles- Mclver, of the State Normal arid Indus trial, Prof. Carlisle, of r Wa4ce Forest College, and Hon. R. B. White, will deliver addresses uppnthe occasion; This is a rally not only for Boomer- but for the entire county; it is a cbunty rally, under the super y isio5?,of county Supe ri ntend- ent Wright. Boomer was se lected as the because she asked first. Dr. Mclver- is District Director and Secretary of theJ Southern Edu cation Board and he-will? explain th purpose of this organizatien in behalf of education. These speakersare amonft;the- best in the-State arid a large audience should greet them., Come out ancL hearthese men plead- for the good of yourself and children. xcfo- exercises will begin at 10:30., Delegates to SenatorlaL CoRintl0n. By virtue ofHautlrbrtty given me by the recent democratic county - convention, I; hereby appoint the foltb wing delegates to the Senatorial convention of the 29th district, to be called hereafter; J M Turner, T W Church, J G Hack- ett, J TV Dimmett, L C Carter, A M Vannoy, G W Sale, W A Hoiloman, L JTXiansford, M A Mitchell, J C Hub Bard, T F Calloway,- Samuel Gray, R L Harris, N E Parlier.iD C Jaxvis. A VjJ Foote, Will McElwee, R L Hickerson, TBFinley.j "All democrats of sW likes who -. - i may attend are authorized to act- as delegatesby reason of a motion passed by said conn.-, y conventions F. B; Hendren, Ch'm. Joe Cox's child near Trap Hill.died last week. Deputy. Collecter T. S. Bry an's little sn who has been sick sor long is improving very rapidly. It seems that the commis sion o Walter Jones as post master at North WiH&esborcris being held up for some reason. The Call," Combs, Turner and Wyatt Co. have given out contracts for their large roller mills; They will be" four stand millsy theflfst of" the kind in the county. j l Re vivaL meeting- by. BgYt E P. Greene at Lebanon com mencing FridayAugv 1st, His appointment at Shiloh the 1st Sunday in Aug. at 3:30 will be fiiled?" . J.Ti Hubbard & Bro. ' wh o are furnishing the : lumber - for court house framing," will coaii pete theircontracthis week. It is one of the prettiest lots of lumber we ever saw. , - trJohn- N. Day is," -of - the 3ruahjes,.says the report that he shut up anybody 's road 1 fs false, and that old as he is, 90 years, he can thiaah the fellow that started the re pdrtahd left his gates, open. ' . , The'Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church of ,this place will servaicer- creamy to day, Wednesday,, at the Call & Co. old store, from.JLLJto 1 and from 7 ,to 9i n the e ve'hingrv ' 1 1 is or the benefit of the Meth odist churchv ; - 1, desire? to let about 20 acres ; of land to be cleared by the acre: to be grubbed chopped, wo6d split, brush : piled and1 made ready for . the . plow All Umber from 6 i ncli es u p, has-been- sa wed , f rom the land. W ill pay fair price in cash; and wilrcontract for the entire 20 acres or any part thereof. Please call and make contract at once. ' , - L, . Davis, Goshen," N.VC.! ., pieot; and ; Indirect, ti- tM. V- X - 1 - I -t , T " r .... iiuwuey - uuvuvraio-'-uua ' - j bons and creams' at C "DTL Da" . vis . ; . . - , . - vi S i t iTiQeman tne pnoroenrapner : has rented thd gallery I. in ,-rthe Meadows' buiiding ; for phbto work: during ourt. . r, have the mostr eomplete line df hardware ever offered to the trade and my, prices are advertising my goods., J. P Rousseau -AJotof plows, among ,thm aChaU anooga disc plow, closing out at reduced prices at C. F. Morrisona. 7". v i . --Lifld ofif ancy. shirts; col lari and hbseryjat Mayjberryf b. " My Hue qf shop tools ar attracting . attention vises, drills-. bello4veSi : drawin sd f km yes, hammers, augers and bitt are goings very, day. JP Kousseau. , . . For thfr nextwee:"we wHl '.sell 1ft pounds of the best granulated sugar for. lf Onlya dollar's worth will bo sold taeach person. Call & co,,. " .( . 1 1: Slater flannels, pice - formerly " 2t now goingat $5.50. Other goods pro portionately low. call a cambs.' ' Leave your laundry - fori the States ville Steam Laundry Mondays at M. McNeill's, The Jones mowers is cut -.. ting a clean swath. ' Its sim plicity, . perfect adjustability,' threat strength, ease, of hand ling and matchless cutting qualities command, attention everywhere. J.P.Rousseau . We sell the Dixie Girt'Shoe nothing like it Andrews Bros. "We have a rew ladies skirts going at a sacrifice. . See . them at Call's once. Just in, a nice lot bt new cl o it hihgi at D A W.i ay berry's anil the -hottest prices ever known in this country. : ,t;,; SUIIiTSLaj-ge3t line-of , Summer Shirfcyge4ng..at costat Calrs. - Timber lande wanted-, lare or small; tracts. Address tTiMBER,, care this. ofKce. ' SHOES Special bargains in Shoes. See "Us Call & Co. i- . I BJanJfsuand Job- Printing at this? office:; , J Bummer coats and vests. afccost; Nice alpacas from 85c to $4.$0,caU Call & eonbs'. : . - -- 4 Best-jftssorfrment of cook stoves at JVforrisons, at lowest prices. 1 " The Chattanooga plow, is at my place. The Chattanooga cane mill is here also, J. P Rousseau. " : We have the, largest line of .hats in the county a lot, .of them, going at cost, at Oall &-Cos.-: : Soflveextra fine pocket- cattery at Nails are still 'worth : $2. 55 per Keg; v;o me ai ong. wnne they are cheap. J ,P; Bousseau Historical Sketches of Tf IlkJes Connty '-: This boek'will ife' ready, fofdeliery in afew days, t The edition of , 600 -will be disposed of in a short itime;1 if. you want a ,copy jovt had better order it- at xnce Pflce.' by mail, post paid, 75 cts. Every family'in Wilkes'wiir' Wantone-j and hundreds of Wilkes people out of the county will .want it. The book" contains about 15& pjges1 and ; a com plete - history of, tho - county, giving sketches on the Formation,; Early, Met iers, Qaniel Boone, Benjamin Cleve land,, Judge Mitchell, . Gen." Gordon, Col. Stokes,. Col. Cowlea. etc, etc. J Ad dress John Crouch, Wilkesboro,. N. C. Land For Saleii-" ' W7 acres in-Brushy 'Moantain town ship, this county 10. ; miles ,; south- of Wilkesboro on the pine hill -grade, ? has 2 dwellhigihousesou buildings, well watered, 140 to28( ybirng apple ;trees, 40 acres in cultivation; fine lands ' for fruit, wheat,' tobacco, etc.; will sell"" iii twolfaots 48 and 59-acres. '-' Has also about 75 peach trees and ? some ; cherry J rees.-, fjneap ior casn. xpr iurjier information, apply th J. I. 5 enivejly, or B. J;'BeardBrushy Mountain, C. . : Acts Immediately.' - , Colds aTe Bometimes-mpxe troublet some in" summer thon in winter, it's' so i bard to keep from adding to them wbil. cooling off after exercise. One-Minute Uoucn Cure cures at once. . ADSoiuieiy safe. Acts immediately. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, throat : and' lung : B)it move-steadily on and success is sure to follow. ' . solid car of Buck stoves and ranges coming in. ; Thii-; stove stands unchalienged for liquiciheatinfj capacity -and ife aaJfestos - packing -whichvprviitV burnioc out, quickly, ad many other stoves do. x. My Ohattanobgapiow is a "thing--o beauty and jef fare-er,,iovery ,armer who buys one. In fact n; Hne-of hard ware- is complete and ;my pri pes - are , ri gh t. Come and see me. . - .: ' I . . 1 -4 ; - 4 orth-WilkesboroMarcht 4th. ,liS-Sffpi.v!'': (OMF TQ: THE FR ONT ' If you neyer have befareior-if 'you n&ver intend to again come to the front this spring. Theway ta do thi is tc come to our store and buy . the latest and. most- up to-d&tcry gftods: in,iiuality, style and dasigja - 1 out of 'most any kin of clotlrbut yol can't make a stylishc and up todatedfessUBlsa you have i" the best rrmterial. We hare nothirig but. the BEST. We invit you to coma andTnspect tue NEW 'SPRHTOGOODS;v ; , A. Spainlxoiir..5-Co'J , " . Tie.one-pnce-to-airsttrc 3 to save your; PEACH" " BM ' ' , . , ;r": tKe market'fora - You'wamt to save tKe. so the&will baJigtt; 9 ssaed.---4Qcerits;'. : .Tjo feel gpod.yon-mustJj well we can'Munnish you.thateuit?- In.a'few.days we will have ir pur new.stock and a prettier line has never-been shown in tljicj old town. We invite all who like to... be.- vzeli dxessedUo com andexarajne our stQftk, : :v i, "5Q5ursery truly, t - . . ' ' ? - - Ubttom it J&idhz TVffl&sbv ro, JSXJS : 'Pjce.Dfac8 ChernicalsTailet Tobacco, .etc . , ' Xicxider8 in School Hoolts and S ttttiim-srjf. We 1 have much experience in the drug business and you can : be assured that you arq getting the best druga at pricesi Call on us when.yco-are in.tovru. NO. 8.. j: P: rousseail - , SEEQJ ara ore small Vseed, dry ther? ye do hpfewant dark Km dressed.. What 13 tlio rczzozn Call CoJoaJb dvnn r i rttclesJ Ccndica.'ICl.Tarr a - ;V3

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