-V t r -f A fc 4 f . & Ji . 4: Jf -7 7 1 I t ,1.: nil 'FT-x i I lei l! 1 II'' L" . I - ic -: it f- - 1 a .1.1 it i i - V VOL. XVI Tub Chronic Y'' Caught EXsre and ' Titer t. - -i-Kd Hobbs and wite are visiting relatives here. 25c till after the electior is all this paper will cost, you . -Mr. J. P. Rousseau anc daughter Miss Nellie are visit ing Salisbury.- Mrs. J. W. McNeill, vvhd iias been very sick, is improve ing, we are glad to note Wrh; Hendren, Straw,1 re port?, a big mess qf new- sweet - potatoes the 29th of July. Mr. William, Watts, of Joy Burke county, visited relatives in this cdunty Jast week. : , ,-r-L. W. Lonsfprd, of Love? lace, has a cucumber 15 inches j long and' it is still grqwing. - Mr. O. L. Shore and- fami ly who have been visiting his parents at Ronda, returned Eriday. y Mr. James C. Linney was -in town last week. He will probably take charge af the school at Moravian Falls. . Wellborn Childers' wife jn Alexander county died last fwek. She was the daughter ofTSsq. A, E. Hendren, of this county. Willie Parlier, at Moravian Falls, has killed 11 hawks in . . two weeks, and he now claims the -ch a m pian sh i p i n the hawk lulling business Wilkesboro xnd vicinity are losing a golden opportunity by neglecting to establish a grad ed school here. Why no talk up the graded school? Gerret Coats, a convict on the turnpike, died of appoplexy Thursday. He was from Mad ison county, and was in for 10 years, says The Hustler. . : J. H, Poindexter & Co. have opeued up.,a,ne.w grocery store i n the Fe rgu son &.; H u fa bard building, recently occu lted by Call & Co.- They are putting in a nice line. : -Arthur Hutchinson. vs put M jail Friday on the charge af stealing ,roots from F. D. Forester &. Co. There is some probability of. his having, a iChance to"dig,rqots'V on the turnpike. . , CI Call went to Raleigh on Saturday to attend the meeting of the State Board of Elections of which, he is a member. Mr, R. A. Doughton, of the - Board, . is sick with fever , and- unable to attend. -"Rev. J. J. Beech, of East Bend, and Rev. Mr. Swaim, of Iredell, conducted avery suc cessful meeting at Edgewood, last week. Mr. Beech tells us t.hat be has taken charge bf4ut :hat th Bugaboo, Academy -East Bend High school and '.vill open; school; the . nd ofj September. . ' Nathan Williams, do wu on tlia the Kowsseau tarm, was badlv hurt last week. ; He was; : hauling water for a- threshing : v vmachine boiler, v. and;-: in ': going (up thehilL the - water, - barrel. ,;o-verbalancedithe- wagon.s bed ' '.pack ward,, throwing the boy. - rvi61entjy.t6 the ground. He-is . improving slowly., '" ; 'J Mr Dimmett, . a-member-o. the.Boardof "Education, 'tells 'rJus'ttaiE'dwards' township; Ja re ; e't 1 1 h jg. th e p r o p e r : e xa m p 1 et f o n he i'oWoshrp'hasVredueed::iire riurnber of school districts fro J' -15. io lO.5. ; E v ery r to w nhl p : ihj the couhiy. shojtilaldQ Hke.wisa An th bematter, qf-redUjsing- the; ierot districts. -. The Educationnl Rally at Boomer. A large crowd attended '.the educational rail v at' Boomer Saturday. Dr. Carlisle spoke in1 the forenoon and herd-the audience r spellbound for an hour and a halt. At the con clusion of his speech the good ladie of the community spread th'e bountiful repast and it goes without saying that the- large crowd did it ample justice In the afternoon the crowd listened with rapt attentiorr for near an hour to th eloquent and -touching appeal by Hon. R B- White. Short and earn-1 est talks were made by Rev. W. R. Bradshawv and" F.iB. Hendren which did much good. The exercises were conducted by Supt. C. C. Wright- and were interspersed with vocal music. The audience was com posed of the best neople of Booroer and surrounding com munity while quite a number Were present from various sec tions of thecounty. A hand primary was taken just befdre the close of the meeting which showed almost the entire pop ulation of the district in favor of local taxation. It is evi denced that much good was done-by the meeting and we are sure that the fruits will be long seen in the already excel lent school conducted there. Dr. Carlisle and Mr. White had eyerbeen to our county be fore, hence they were charmed with our mountain scenery and vvonderful natural resources md kind and' hospitable p.eo Jle.- We congratulate 4; he-people of Boomer on the success of ,his the first of a series of ral- ies to be held in the county. Our friend W; G. Earp, of harlotte, is here looking af ter the insurance business. L. W. Sparks, of Trap Hiil, died. of. Bright's disease last; Saturday.' -He wa about -71 ears old. : Harvey. Spicer near Joynes postofiice died last week. He was 84.years old and. was one the county's best citizens. We have heard it from- re publicans that Dr. .Hamby, of Dockerv, would be in the race for the nomination1 for' Clerk on the republican ticket. , The merchants' are - here plentifully this week, and there u ti sort of stubborn look oh. tneir brows which tells of their displeasure; at the mer c lantvljpe.us.e tax indictments. Mr. RosaCarJton has. gone to Richmond to study medicine a id his position as book keeper a ; the tannery has been accept ed byJVir. James Hix. Walter Carlton has taken , Hix's place with Vaug)in,: Hemphill & Co. -. : JJ W. Dimmett, Esq;, tells which opened the 5th is free all the children -i n .that '. d is tr ct. , Those outside1 can come in . at;. extremely low -prices.: Those people intend, to 'have . a lage and. ' prosperous .school ar d they are taking; right steps to realize their expectatioUsl MissesB muia anil Lizzie Northrop and " Mrs. k Frank and children, of: Wilmington, ar rived Friday, at the Wilkesboro hoitel C to' " spend J the. f 'summer iseason., numoer; or oiners are coming in from Wilming-tbii-to day. 1 Grlad to welcoma them ta;the en joy men t-- oT: tie mountain breezes-.whicrhn sirrg wi d Avayes-.of ie ,1. Wanted lady, poKt ase l Equal Taxation, WJLKESBQRQ t,y. C, VTEDNESDA; A HOMICIDE. Jim Walls Killed l)y Alleir Lhyrs &vn- day Night Laws in Jail. A- homicide was -committed nar Goshen Saturday night, Jim Walls was killed by Allen Daws. The ' killing occurred at Sam Laws' house. " 1 Walls,, Laws, Will' Howell and Jeff Russell were drinking and were at- Sam- Laws' and were taking supper. - .Laws stabbed Walls in the thigh cut ting the artery, causing death in a half hour, ; Laws is now irTjail and the trial- will probable' come- up next week. . There are conflicting reports concerning the homicide, Laws claiming that Walls and'How- ell were on him. beating: him when he stabbed him. But ine eviaence oerore tne coro-- nor's jury shows differently. According .to - this testimony, they were about the table, no angry word had- been passed, when- Laws stabbed Walls, withont provocation. He also- attacked Howell with his knife cutting Ho well's cloths on the arm and leg. Howell knoeked him down and took his knife from him Walls lived at Boomer, was about 40 years old, and leaves a wife end several children. Laws is about 50 years old and has a wife and five or six children. It appears to be a corn liquor case. Court is going right along, with Judge Shaw presiding andW. W. Barber acting as Solicitor.. The Judge delivered a very comprehensive charge one of best we ever heard. He paid special attention, to-such mat ttrs as perjury,, whieh-he says is the most serious, dangerous and most common crime, good roads, (the civilization of the country), retailing,, drunken? ness, etc. If the precepts of his charge were fully followed we'd almost be in . the midst, of the millenium. V The homicide case of . Shep 'herd -for 'killing.. Johnson is set for Friday. The capital case against-, Laws will come up spmetirrie next week. . .'...The - merchant special tax cases are set for to-morrow. Following is the grand jury: J TY Milaiii, John' Johnsonv C H Holland, it Barriett, A T Lee, OF Blevinsr. R J Gibbs, S Blackburn, M 3 Glbbs, A P Uix,. David Laws, J. A Elledge, R A brysej, II Holbrook, L M McGlam ery; H H Church, T O Byrd. Spencer Blackburn, was made foreman and Thernton Brown officer. . J -Large crowd at court. Dr. H. V. Horton and fam ily,of. Winstonv are here. Andrew Cowles,.. Of Gap Creek, has been qu ite sick . - T. Aw Howell, of Straw, re porta ripe tobacco,the first we have heard of. . ' Miss Joe Taylor, who v- has neen visiting Mr. Oranors fain jly, returned , to ber home at Durham Monday- . . r,'-r-The North-Wilkesboro Cor net Band - gives one of i their most excellent open air ' con certs at thercourt' house square to might (Tuesday we print Tuesday, atei-noon,) .An air traQtiv:Vippogrammewillrjbfr - i -penses-orxneinsxruici;or. - Leut.-;..t.i.;(S . .-:-JL.i1j: JiA.rB.v: . xw. v.rrow vnm.;AnAt; wa . n..wAvwM : rbody ,come; out,, enioy ---rr' o 'v .' jtfcoidrri:i-Hnvf .ttPiiwrii.5 I -1 u:r ... course tne Laitv TrcQr VdlVon us eTvbuarg'ipJowViiioi a 1. 1 I J . 4-3,- . .. J .a, . a.a.i.M V JEt . -- .. -' : ' :t . : : . .f..: '-Si..: s ij.a-.v a... aJlfia. JL' A t . $irect;and Indirect,5 KLUTZ BY ACCLAMATION. A Real , Democratic f" . Lore f east ran d - - -- Splendid Speaking-. !.., i.- The - Congressional' conven tion or the 8th district1 met at; thjs placethe 30th and nbmi na ted 5by acclamati bri w 5 Hdn I jx.ep.i? . .jvtjiz to suceeea nim $elf iuCbngress:i - :4 The convention was ' called. io oraer dv cnairman , x :i Clement of '' Salisbury, . who called Hon;- J. R. Lewellyn; 1 of Surry, t em poraril y to t h e .ch a i r, and upoumotion.he wasv made permanent chai rmah. ' Editors Flo b e r ts 6 n. and . Deal. , wore. . se lected -as secretaries, '--r '- ii. very county responaea ..to the roll call. , ITdmmtipns be ing in order, Ex-Congressman John, Sv Henderson.- placed in qominauon ioiv . r4- heo... ; :v b iClutz in a splendid short speech and R. N. Hackett, JSsq . made ar appropriate speech." second : ip g the nomination. With en? ; tjiusiasm the homination was rxiade by acclamation . r Hackett, Pell and- Waugh escorted Mr. Klutz to the front amia ringing cneers ;ror our next Cpngressman He - ac cepted the nomination in . a high-toned, . ornate, eloquent and touching speech.; He ex pressed - his purpose by the help of the democrats to make this' the banner democratic district in the State. . He pro poses meeting Blackburn on every stump, and discuss fully arid fatrly tho political " ques- tjons.. Ha spoke pleasantly of Wnkesasdherrrpeopie; ; : It was the-hrst time many of our people ever saw. or heard Mr. Klutz and he made a Very, f ay ora bio, .i-n"r.e.s.s40'n ; Short spicy, speeahes were made by Porter Graves, candi date for -sqlici tor', Col. Paul B . Means,, and others. Graves promised tomake it lively for his republican , opponent- who ever he may be,. and felt sure of his election, : C ,1 Col. Means made a 4 pleasing talk. He said he was like the christian longing for heaven, in that he. had all. his life, been anxious to visit Wilkes;: now he was here and1 wias rh'appjK tie - referred " feelingly; to r f he late GeniOoivdoiii.and.y Col Cowles with whonr she- served during the, war. V He' mention ed hisrpoliticaily,erringbrdther George in a kind jdvialJ wavy and said7the boy WAUld return and they, would: kill for?' him the fatted calf: :; L 1 -dv I ' The follpWjihg" corhposef the executive committee: , . ; Alexander Jno. L: Gwaltfney.-T A lleghantiy R..LJ Doughton,. ""-: Ashe Dn-JrW. Colvard.: ' ; ' Cabarrus Chas. E. Boger.' C V Caldwell H. ,T. Newland..' . . ''f Iredell II.. P. , Greer.; : ? r- ' Rowah John S,- Henderson ' -., Stinley?-rRnEi, (Austin. ' - ; Surry L. G. Waugh. :.- ; -' '. . Watauga J.XJ. Horton. Wil kes W.- W. Barber. ' " , " : : Hoii. JohnvS;i Hendereon;' f of Salis.bury-,was selected as chairman' of " the" executive committee. v It; was-a sort of a t Ioyefeast ratification j meeting ahd' we hope j the ' brethrenUe their little vi si4 among . us I and will come again.1 1 Having be6'n' appoinfdj-rsiir, veyor and,bond-tak,er for;bran dy distilleries 1 wilt", visit rthel 1 difTefentvtowhship FprVhis .6, 1902. , -3 A But, move steadily ,a solid car orBucIr shoves stove stands unchallenged fot its quicb heating capacity and its asbestos packih g1 whichl prevents"' burningiOUt" quickly as many other sto'ves? do?' ; , My Chattanooapiow is lfjtfti hgpto? beau ty J and joy forever?t6-every ,aritier wfibbujte tny line of hardware is complete andvmy prices are right. Come and see me. . : ' ISTr T-. Y W illroa horn IfovtK All r. o (OMfe TO TH E; 1 J "1 1 1" 1 t t ; ' .......... j .... , . ' ....... , T" '. T .:' 1'. ',.!' ii :ri'' -' ' '''''' '' ' ': '; If you never have before or if you never intenato again come to the front this spring. The way ainls" : is vto ? come to our store and buy the latest and mOstup-io-dato' goods in quality, style and design. .r-dkri-, , a out of 'most any kind of cloth but'you can't riiake a fetylish . ; and. up to-datfe dress unless ;y6u.have theb'est ma . Wejhave nothing but.the BEST.' ; We invite you to como and inspect our NEW SPRING ,,QG6DS.!;';il,'';-'J'i- a.i , ! " -"'.;-.--; , tyd! S - ; J ' t" 1 -C f : ' j ... - " - ? ,. 1 lilt:- -! t; ..- ijci f:pt(J .vw : ": IS?-fttEsvfjsKfflflSl ? ., ..." ' . : -.: : . - d: ;.i.r i.; ?' - To saver your- P EACH S EE D. the market for a You want to save tha sm so they-will be lights seed.--40 cents. si- :,t, iin ilirll .Ijll- ta'f'u ;? , rfeelgood y ou must- be vvell-dessedv g,Wbat is: the-reasoiSfc we'cah't nish you t haiiiit?; In a few'days - we will ; have ic oGr qew; stock and a prettier line as ney old town. We invite all who iil toi bo r eelt and: exam'i ne b'ur stdck" i. '-i;i; v-vjX -:'f- . .;. '''i -'.A it 3EC5 ; ; NQ. 4.;; ..-..4 - t f..i i and success is sure tafpilpW. A and ranges , coming in. This-. ' ; '-' - : r . " j ' ' ' ' """" ' '' ''!' e.one-price-to-all store;, V d;$m.: we do notr want darlc Com :1A J .'.! Li v T

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