Im - o f JScjuaL Jaxatio4ipirect ; and Indirect, VOL. XVI. WILKESBORO, N. Cw WEDNESDAlf i AU 131902 NO. 5. ; - , . , - jt.- - . i . i , . - - J This Chronic tIe. .; -. &ansht Here anil There. . The Chronicle Job Office , is making the tax books ' this ;i week. 'LC. Ferguson, Kendall, j has a number of fine Polan Chiha pigs for sale. V-r-Drr Goo. I. 'White is a mem berbf the county board of elee tions of McDowell county. He formerly lived at this place. Our friend R. E. Poindex ter of Elkin, was in town last wieek, attending court and vis tting his son James Poindexter. Prof. Leon. Cash, Winston, organized a council of the Jr. O. U. A. M. at North Wilkt-s-boro Friday night. He will rganize a council here Friday night df this week. : John A. Oats, sec'y of the N. C. Anti Saloon "League, of Fayetteville, will address the people at the Baptist Associa tion at Wilkesboro, Aug. 21st, and at New Era Hall, North Wilkesboro', the 22nd at 8:30 p. m. Mr. W. E Harris is now i travelling for Watkins, Ct--trell & Co., of Richmond one the-largest hardware concerns in the South. He was in town last week and tells us that he will make this place his head quarters and move his family here soon. Superintendent Wright in forms us that be-' has at his disposal six scholarships in the Nashville college of Law two each in the departments of law, business, and short hand and -typewriting. These scholar ships are valued at $100 a year. Parties desiring farther infor mation will write him at once , " A short stiff storm struck here Wednesday about mid-. , - day and almost stampeded the court. The building in which court is being held was shaken considerably and a good pnr . tion of the crowd vacated in haste and without leave of the " court. Court adjourned for - 1 dinner as soon as the storm permitted, , J The County Board of Elec- , tions for this county is com posed of J. L Hemphill, F. iB. Hendren and E. B. Barkley. It is the duty of this Board to meet on oi before the first Monday in September and or- . ganize, appoint registrars and fudges, make new precincts if " 'necessary, etc. It is important that7 the Board take note of these things. . . , . The republican Senatorial convention which met at Yad ' kinville the 5th adjourne till tSept 1st. There were three "candidates Joe Elledsre, of Wilkes, Lillirigton, of Yadkin " - and Grant, of Davie. The; Vote .f4 " stood Elledge 4, and 2 each for S aTL- oiners. ,-a.Lier several, uai": ; iq siu w as s e e n i u a i u u s u u m i .nation could be made and the convention adjourned. ll W.Vathnoy, of Wilbar, " - T iias ah bld;t)fick building , on . his plaoe?iu which, his parents - HydJAljat is about 125 years :-' Hoia. In its wall are two " brick ?" , near each otlier, one Jiaving-Vn ' . it a rabbit track and the other dog track, showing' that "back . ; " in, those days dogs -WouTdt run . rabbits!" Near.thishouse is si 7. Jear tree which is,as old a.the house, and .while it is consider "ably worse with the' wear .of - . . the jyars, it has f a crop" of pears ; this year.'-" v' ' - ' : ' - Have you.sown your tur nips? . Come in, settle up and let us start anew, 1 Tom Crvsel has srone .to Ashe on business.; There are two "or three cases of fever here. , , f -Mr. Will iSmoak, oi- Win ston, is visitinc: his. brother at this place. Mr. and Mrs. John III Lon don, of Rock Hill, are visiting at C. Call's. ;:?-l R.N., Hackett, (farmer), has gathered a melon weigh ing 02 pounds. v ; . 4 Mrs! J. H. Carrigan and three children visited relatives in Alexander last week, I We call attention to the new advertisement of J, R. Poindexter & Co. in this issue. Plutarch, Prude, John and obula Scroersrs, or. - Iredell, are visiting: relatives at Moravian Falls. ; Misses VanLindley .and Harris, who had been visiting Mrs. C. Call, retarned home Thursday. a ' Mr. W. C. Winkler.showed us a stock beet wnicn was raised in his garden. It weigh ed 7- pounds. ! W. H. Marley, of Lewis Fork, died last week of typhoid fever. He was 48 years old and leaves a family.- Mr. Bob Gailher and fami ly and Mrs. Lacy Gaither, of Iredell county, visited at Mr. Morrison's last week. Up hear Parscnvillo last week Mrs. Joe Larsons ga7e birth to twins. The twins died an an hour or so. Rev. Daniel Poole, the pas or, ana otner ministers are holding a protracted meeting at Cub Creek this week. The Brushy Mountain Bap , . . ' - m . 1 tist Association will convene With the Baptist ch arch at this )lacc Thursday of next week. Mrs. L. A.. Crinshaw and jrand daughter, Miss Gertrude Orinshaw, of Richmond, are isiting t Mr. Edgar Spain lour's., : I M:r. D. E. Smbak has se (jured a patent on his improved Ipipe heated. He claims that it is the best heater of the age The Republicans vseem to jiave plenty of candidates for he ' : Legislature. We hear )r. Pegram, Jess. Alexander, ! iiiff. Henderson, John Crouch, rV. F. Porter, ,Bud', Edwards, Calvin Hamby, L. M. Lyon, on Laws, and Jim McNeill f p9ken of. There are. others hitched out in the woods that will come out when the gap is fet down. . , Often amid the' most sol dmn scenes the. humorous pears dou-bly humorous. - The c efendant Laws was being ar raigned for the killing of Jim Walls. 1 He-had answered c ue&tions proceeding and S olicitor asked, hbw "will t o tried?'' His lawyers L im theanswerj "by God the . the you" told and my. country,' . but' instead of repeating the answer :he said simply "ye&." -Again his. at; t orneys told him to repeatthe answer but he said ohly yes.'? 1 his was repeated several times t 1 f a t 1 as t he see me d t to . ca t ch t le idea and. in - quick y her ous tones she exclaimed 'yes' bv God, and my ; country yes.'' And the dignified. ;dourt even "smole ah innocent smile." "J iVV anted by a lady, a position as bdofc-keeper, type' writer and steno- gnai-her,; Apply to 'H" care CiiRONr- c4e office. ; r John Shepherd "Not Guilt jT of Murder of Lous ' J ohnson. . -v . The jury in the case against John Shepherd for the murder of Lons Johnson returned. verdict of "not guilty" about dark Friday evening. ... Pv The case was taken up Fn- day morning. The Solicitor was, assisted by Jv W. McNeill and Finley& Greene appeared for the defense, ' it The circu mstances as r de vel oped by the e v ide nee are abo life as published at the time of tllie homicide. The killing occurf ed in Feb. 1901. -These men had been to Anthony Foster's store that afternoon and- both were drinking some. Jonnson got pretty full and Shepherd lethim have? his mule .to ride home on they lived near ieach other; they, were raised -and had been schoolmates together. Not far from the store Johnson got off the mule and began cursing Shepherd and several words followed. However, it was seemingly adjusted and Johnson remounted and rode around the road while Shep herd walked through a path. When they came together, a gain, (it was then dark), it appears that Johnson was off of the mule and as soon as Shepherd came in reach atv tacked him witha rail. Shep; herd drew his pistol and fired twice, one ball taking effect ill Johnson's arm, from which wound he died! It was shown that J ohnsori was a bad. man when-drinking. It " was also proven that these men had al ways been friends. The lawyers made able ar guments and the judge's charg was concise and pointed. Af ter deliberating: for some three hours the jury returned a ver dict of not guilty; and John Shepherd was made a free man again. 80 Days on the Roads for Ruff Brown. Ruff Brown, colored, who was charged with a crimina- assault upon Julia Robinson, submitted to a simple assault and was sentenced to the For syth roads for 30 days--the limit of the law. Ruff will be apt to find on the roads a thirty days respite for his ha bitual "neuralria" and trifling laziness..' " - Tim Merchants Cases Dismissed. The cases against the mer chants concerning the special icense tax were all nol prosed Thursday morning some 140 cases. This ' action toliowed after the result of the first case tried which was the case vs. M. McNeill. ' After hearingthe evidence and facts, the judge asked the jury to retire until he heard the lawyers present Heir contentions as to the law and after hearing these, : the jury was recalled and the judge ordered a verdict of not guilty;. The facts are that neither ,the merchants nor the" officers of the county knew of - the law, and the judge said that while ignorance of the law is no ex . cuse, yet when even the offi cers froi Corns, down, whose duty it is to' exeMite the law were entirely ignorant of v this aw and therefore could - not execute the' law and that no citizen could' possibly; kno w and obey, thfs la w and that Une J3tate did not'require of. its citizens impossibilities . The Supreme Court by a ma jority decision in the Piikenton ACQUITTED. case recently decided against ybut the judge madethe order the merchants, but judge Shawt as above noted.ClTickers gave by reason of differences in . the .bon. ' . " Tr? t v : '! . ' Lcase-decidecL by: the- Supreme Court and the ; case heard by raim aeciaea wiin ine ;,mer f nVtantd: Thia io flia. .Anlv rlia- trict in whicn, - sRhr indiVt Z ments .were1; brought demo cratic': ooiiciiora :.aiav not ut t em pfr such a m o ney schemed . Thesecases go; off at half. cost against" the county This" amounts to a big thing, about $i, 000 which the county, must pay uselessly and without ben efit to the county. ; ' ;i : Allen LawsHurdeT Case Thursday Z : ; Tfe case; against Allehawsl charged with the murder, of- Jim Walls, near Goshen, is set. for Thursday afternaon at two" o. clock. A special venire ; ofe So men has be'eri summoned fo this case. R. N.: ' Hackett ap-: pears with the Solictor for, the State and Finley & Gieeno for the defendant. The Grand Jury's Work. The grand jury completed its work Saturday. It passed on 44 bills, finding 32 true and 12 ignored bills. Six present ments were made; They made a favorable re port regarding the keeping of the jail, and that the county officers are keeping the records properly, . They found-the poor house well kept. There are three lunatic inmates,, for keeping whom they recommend that the keeper be given-more com pensation. f l I Bin i There will be a concert on Friday night of next week jgtverr here f or-i the- benefit of the new Baptist church. Dr. H. Horton will spend :the balance of the week ; here, and if your - teeth need fixing now is the time to see him. Mrs, I. T. Johnson and son Tommy, of Raleigh, -are visiting Mrs. J. W. ' McNiell, daughter of Mrs. .Johnson.. - Mrs; M. A. Ham, of Indi ana, a sister ofVMr; Bobs Ed wards of this place, is visiting ht r old home and relatives in this county. r Dr. Turner was called to Ashe last week by the sickness of John Bledsoe, his - brother in law, who has: typhoid fever. He is improving slowly. ' . -lILf . M. H: Chalkly ahd Mr. L. M. McGlammery, of Stan ton, were in town this week. The big tannery, there is about ready for tanning: on a lasge- scale. The court caught up- with the business Saturday and judge Shaw went to; his homo at Greensboro, adjourningithe1 court till -tomorrow, Thursday, at 2 p.m. when the Laws mur der case comes up. There are only two or ?three other cases besides th! be 'heard. - The court proceedings took ra rather sesatiohal turouSatur day .when Mr, J. . Wt "Vickers of N.; Wilkesboro was placed in custody of the Sheriff and required . to give a. justified bond of $150 for his" appearance at next ternrof court , and an swertd the eharge of. fornica ; tion and adultery, according to his own admissions. - This was done by order. - of . the . Judge after hearing Mr. Vickers testimony in the case - against John .Wade colored, for retail ingi Yickers admitted that he had married twice ahd'thut his first wife was living when T; he last he rd from her five years ago; He gave in 1 explanation ' extenuating cirqumstanc e s, yfes, it is true -: .-Eternal vigilenoe is the changing methods in the hardware business require the - closest attentioii in order that-dne may succeed, and" in order to succeed one must get the confidence of the peo pie hy laying in stock , timely,, up" to rdate goods. Tho - Chattanooga plow is the farmers best friend:; The Chat , tanooga.cane mill has the confidence of all. The Buck: stoves-and ranges have made so many homes happy that all new house keepers should purchace t one In fact, 'niy entire stock of hardware has 'beeV well' selected and: is pleasing the trade. Yours'for hardware,' "J- P. ; ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro, March 4th. - ' .:-.- : I T S SP H 1 "J;S 11 f:: ; 9-. QOME TO THE FRONT. If youpever have before or if you never intend to " again, come to the front this springs The way to do this is t& come to our store and buy .the, latest and most' up to dato goods in quality, style and design. " ' . v . out of most anykind of, clolh but you can't make a stylish and up to date dress unless you have the best material. We have nothing but the BEST. ' We invite you to come and inspect our NEW SPRING GOODS. , JK.t Spainoiir ;:Cq. : ; ; The prie-price-tq-all storQ. To save your. PEACH, ,-' the market. for a ; V iLarge'. Quantity.- Yoii want to save the smalt sejed,', dry there sothey will be light-we'db ,n'dt warJTdarks seedi--40 cehts: ' 4 Flour, $2.00 per 100 Lbs. 1 . Coffee, 9 cts. per lb, - : - n ; . ? Chickens Butter, Eggs, eta Poind NEW STORE;" NEW FIRM; NEW GOODS. 11 Everybody must have Groceries.- The best and freshest bh the at ovr store; ; r- "- -; Ho r tori 4Wyn n , JXorth Wilhckharoliq-. C., .Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles-, CandiesCigaro; Tobacco, etc," --"'-.' "! ' Leaders in ScUogIJBooIzs and Stationery, . yG have mucii experience in the. drug business and you car be assured that you are getting'the : best V drugs , at reasonable prices. 'Call on us when you are in town " . ' , a a price .ot; liberty . The ever- 7. . - SEED,, We are ort exter market may be had ; "-. ' . ' a 9 f r 4 I i. 5l '7 :(-, - i