w 1 " . 1 j-5"" Z , ' " . - r -- - - . , - - - . . - - ' t- - The Chronic lIe m CV u?hi Were ana I tori, is visiting Mrs, Mott. , ? rThe brick work on the hew Baptist church - is completed . .We learn that Mr. Bb ' 'W'ellborn's child at Goshen has iptheria. , . Ij. Mi Pharr has .. gone " to ,. Charlotte to look : after some .. business and. visit relatives. ' . Harvey. Johnson, of Ral eifrh arrivfid Afnndav to - visit 7 l$is siater, Mrs. McNeill who ; still very sick; t ... Superintendent Wright IS IS "Visiting the schools in'tho ,d f fereht districts and is : meeting -with encouragement. Mr. ' William - Barber and wife aDS. Jane Barber, of R6wan bounty; are visiting at Rev. R. W. Barber's. Kr Will BarbeT and- wife ' retu rn borne to day ; Mrs.. J ane Ba r - beV will remain several weel s. tn his will the late Jud Bynum; of Greensboro, male ' tne especially happy sour jm - Wilkes,. and that is old :aunt Fanny Kelley, a life long ser vant of the family. She is ' wi lied 1,000, with Miss Man- ie Barber as trustee. - , -Our friend Mr. William Bullis, of. Moravian Falls, atd : MissAnnie Brewer; of,Enott ville, are to be married to day, ;at the home of the bribe's ija v rents, and to night at the home C A 1 mm a 4- 1 1 V -h ul IMS gruuui-ai.jiaipUK n u lc given a big infatr supper. extend hem - congratulatio as and good' wishes. K -:From recent experiences it is safe to venture the assertion that there is. danger of "coliS' lOU oil tut) jLiibma opnuQkf.Q- .Moravian Falls road when Hv'courting buggies" turn tne ?e..urves too close together. I This should be remedied, or Fforeigners,, are often' easily tf:."'r: ji '' The Speaks house, aear . ;Dan A'n derso n' s iy as, burn 3d dawn - Sun day ' n igh t and : ts contents mostly destroyed.. It supposed that it was pi.r josejy set on fire, as Speak's nniiirnrxir w nil ivhif i,i ki k iih.ii , been at her parentis on Hunt- vingiCre.ek f or several days and no one was stay ing in tpe .puse, The loss . , is not very r Mr. tandsay Ferguson a id others of Kendall, who- were eribs and gear house were all Jr'-burned:Up,lThursday,"; from ltrpkeonightning. Mr. St a el olives near-' Elkville; adjomihg , the tarms of Dr; Hill Carter - and others-' He had two ! larte 2 s. wo ho rs e 1 oad s o f s h ea v e o a Vbesideall the farming: itoois, vehiclesV harness, -etcu : loss is $-1,500' or niore i 1- V I: I . The conference peo-ptfe haveH veiurneu irora v ane vruuis iiuu 'report a delightful - trip -Tii peopleover therevare ;generous an4 kind-V hearted" and theit -bors were thrown wide ,opem j--j'Elkin was' chosen ;tas the o'Jplace forJhDldm ferencer- t " " 3 J ' ! 1 JThe following areJCthe '"delef ! ccat.Aa " elfto.tert . try :: the lAnnnal "Conference lto.be. held at'Mdn'-j tar"'-' 11 . " t - i &6e: 'Frank P; Hackett G bo 4 F.lPelU Sr WBrowa, . m; ; Oundiff. Alternates W. W. -Mrs. Albright, . of Greensj boro,. is visiting,. Mrs; . Liura Cowles.- 7, . The colored campmceting atDenny Grove is in, progress this week. . , Miss CorarWallace - return ed to her 'home at Moravian th is week from a visit to ' East Bend. - - :r ; Our next cburi begins theT 20 th of Optober an d is fori c vil cases only. Judge Shaw r will preside. ' - Esq. William Bumgarner," near Millers Greek, aged about 80 years, -is not expected to live. He has nervous v trouble. There were thirty -nine per - sons baptized att Three Forks church in -Alexander Jast week, the result of a two vweep jrevi val meetings . : -Barn ey:Xj.! Parker, 6f Rieb -moqd,s is visiting his parents down on Hunting; Greek. .'He hasbfeen quite sick and is home for recreation." . , Two gentlemen from New Jersey are out at Tom DeaPs looking at his Brushy Moun tain fruit lands. They will probably invests Enos Moore, of the .Brush ies iSvahead in the, crane busi ness. He killed, two large ones last week in one day, one of them measuring six feet ;from tip to tip, ?i , i -Our friend T; J. Smithey has presented us -with, a nicer-UUI wu" ary J- xxavuer, fan mnrlfl.frnm thAwin0''.nf . a Sam anXIOy, Arthur Jones fan made from the-wing of .a white cran e w nich be r recently killed Thecrane measured 4 feet from tip to tip.: The white cranes are -a 1 rarity in this section; The Wrtkesboro-Taylors ville phone line.has been .com pleted'to Swanner in , Alexan der county a phone being placed at the home of Rev. Jeff Bumgarner, It will be bat a short time till the line is completed5to Taylox8ville, - - The wife of Mr. J ames Caudill died near Millers Creek onSunday night. ; She died of consumption, She was V ' the daughter of Thomas Faw, Esq. waa something over thirty years old, and was a consistent member 70! the ;MetHpdist church. She leaves a. husband and one child. - - Frank Miller, charged with stealing a suit of clothes from Tom Forestersubmitted' )t6 a verdict of ; guilty; of Z .forpible tresspass and the judge fined him ten. dollars ? and;- put ; 'him'; under a bond, of $100,00; X&f ap: pear in one;yearaqd sho wthat he had not drunlra"nyfor7 ;that period of time. ; Me judge fold I hini.that b'q i,wa'8f gi v in g r hi m this chance to help hina to;1 yet be1 a man; - It was in; e violence that this .was-theyoung man's, firstt offense and that being on a drunkj was the cause of it. ; i XXho Associ ation v convenes' beire to-morrow; f - We "extend the brethren a ,b 'ear.tyi, welcome ana wisaior: wuiuru' ipiBaeiu. and profitable?stay; amotng;TisJ, TheAssociation has r not met- '" , iTTiii-i.i r 1. 18S7 fifteen Vearsrasro.4 iVThei changes'since therii- are "tnariyii ' 1 ' 1. - : til. "X l A L JJ.'. A Vl-- .' Jn - mubitjr and also asL tpj.tlie make v up of the associations wMany old faithful familiar faces have passedoyer thet way and new faces h-a ve taken . their. . places inthe councils: of . the-'. associ aj tion It was intended td; have wfelcottied the'":, association in i the liew, and splendid - Baptist -church but, at was ' impossible t d ti t suffi cjen tl y co mplet e d L The Association'' will' use the Methodist churchf for part of WIBKESBQBO ; N. G. WEDNESD & MJGrl ;20 , 1902 : , Alien laws Wets it&ca i rears i;T AUeQ?aws;: was'senten Fridirnlgio fifteen yegrs in the penitentiary; for - killiKg Jim Walls. - He was; put to work on the turnpike. Mondsfy. n Haws submitted' by'; agree ment,' to a vetdict 'of man slaughter. It was hia only chance of escape, anck; appears to be proper": under the " circum scaups. - - r .Our readers are familiar wjtltl the circumstances of the kll ing. They were published -in this paper two weeks ago. - v La ws, Walls and oth ers were! at 3am Laws drinking and ca rousing, and without any? Visv ible provocation .Laws stabbed Walls i n t he thigh ; Walls -died in. half an hour. Liq,uor was at the botto-m of it. It isa very sad and unfortu: nate affair. ' - i nm. ... Convicts on the County Road. The County Commissioners met Friday and arranged?-to work the convicts on the coua ty roads. Thomas Cryseli has charge of tbem Four convicts were put to work Monday on the river road at the ford of Moravian; creek. THey are to work out a mile on the princi pal roads leading into the two towns firsthand then .. an addi tional mile, and so on. The i. I4. T X TT - . and Ruff Brown (the three last are;negroes). Therje ite;;two others, Bob Stamper and ?Felix Owens, who will go on unless they pay their fines soon. - p. - This beginning at working the roads with. convicts will be the beginning of better roads in the county. It will be some expense to the county but that is a necessity. It is a tax paid by the entire county, but will be only ;a small fraction above what must be paid necessarily for their maintenance in the jail:, ; By theway, it looks like now would be a good time for the Commissioners to adopt the Alexander' road: law,, which gives every, townshipj a- right to vote and levy a.f specials tax to be used on the roads of the Ltownship only. If this were jH&he; then . ad an inducement tne vjommissioners . coum ? efc any township have the use.' of the cpnvicts provided it ; will pay the extra expenses - for guards, etc. This ought-tO" bo an. inducement to each town ship to adopt t he pljan and j wq. could tben soon have ' better, roadsv Think about this. T Miss Jessie ' Ferguson has returned toKendall.r ; - 7' Sunday' afternoon was a pretty good time fox? runaway horses. About' night, as : Mr: -Fate Church ! was d ri vin g "Ao, a DUggy usi xnisj:,siae .01 , tne bridge.bis horse -got frightened at some tan bark, : . backed the buggvoff;.the-banlcoftheroa,d thraw Church, got back.ik5 the toad and made a lively "gaje to, Wellbofn's li v,ery stable; where some chi ldreh narrowly, escap - ed beihcf run over. v The shafts weWiniured : ho other damage Ab.dutTthe salxie time as Renn Pharr-J and Se-welb Wellboxn were leaving Mr. Claud Milters; their horse ran -:away. . , They were not in the buggy r .Welh born tad - taken ' the lines. ' to. t urn JtbV buggy the ,bits: broke; the horse started to. run jerK ing. Wellborn down and I drag ging some distance. . -He was considerably scratchedup.v. fcvj - Mrs. James Wellborn has returned f rom Ash'e. t i s -Sparta'court this weekend many bf our lawyers1 are tKere. r-There- were ? tw elve - bap tisms at' Walnut Grove,' itfrni' day week ago.;.,-.. x( .;. The -watermelon, feas; at CL B. payfs'( Thursdaj; .evening was Tfcry much $n joy edw r Mr; Clarence. Johnson,!' of Gastonia, .visited T Hissister Mrs. James McNeill last week. .A:number'bfyo'ung'!?fQlks- e n joyed a sopial evening at: Mr J. Hemphill's 'Wednesday - Mr. Shaffer, foreman of the court house' forces visited His home at ; Lowell last week, returning, Monday; . ' As a result of ; ihe revival meeting ai Cub ' Creek' last week, thirteen' were baptized Friday at the close of the meefc ing., ' - Don t" forget the concert Friday night for the Benefit of the Baptist church. It will be. worth attending and, is for : a good cause., . I " Prof: James C:- Linney. has taken charge of the school at Moravian-Falls. He has the reputation of" being a" most thorough and efficient teacher. The republican coxmty con vention has been called to meet September 2&th. This.is:ratifr a long time to keep- so y many- applicants on; the,, ""anxious fseat'' -Rev. H. C Sprinkle? Jjttle ISrTbaby , died arMocksviile last Weeki where Mrs. Sprinkle wa4 visitixigo her parents. Mr; Sprihkiewas formerly pastor of ifhe Methodist ; church ,at this place.; - i Rev, P. Gkene, Sir.- Morrison and (Tof e Miss Morris Hazel 3erry, James . Pennelli WSi, Surratt and Miss Badget andthersifroM; WilWesi went to ,VaIl& Crifcisllast. weeks-toat-r tend the -Methodist 'Conference. .Mr. Ben Pennell's ,wie 'at Moravian ;Falls died Tborsd ayf night,' after an illness of: onif four ,jtfeeks 7 feh7 was ; abou t forty years, old andi? leaves a; husband an d tievetkh chUd,ren, month old;- Her maiden name' wastes and ' sh. was7'half Indian." '.'Sq asptendid woman. and her death is a sad one. ; Maj. Calvin D. Cowles of the tJ;S. Array, .has t returned to the United States? and is exi pected to visit; His4 fatherf at this placed Mi. C, J;, .Qqwlep, at an early. date. . Mr. Cowles, after the 4 Cubans-war," went with;hii regiment tdhe Phiif ippineshere he,has;beep ;act-i ually engaged in service in the - - - . f ..j " '1' 11. Ji pro vincj3.;oi.rMiiuauauj 04u,oug the. AXoiosthe - most "war like and hostile of thosb?peopleJi:l -; vwh.y do pple lXke he Cjaittanob- ga plowt! Becaps? ttMSyknojsU driyes 4Ue -wolf from, the xloor.- I.Koasseau. .-Wehavea nice line, or,' jewelry fa five year ffttkratee on ev.eVy piece yr lia,ve three lioaaes cHaftk-f all of X . hardware of allinda'andI ajlVrt'o close out to the f dx nj ers' esf': the4fa?-- mers come to see--me- ai - uiiue.-7-rjx..' Wanted by .a lady," a , position as boot-keeier.- type ;;writerr' 'aiii vsteno;- rapher..;Appli K'fcare, Chro L -Naila stH? going'tiglajong at 12-65 felai ksjand Jfofc 3?Hn tiog 3 at this .office f O.ThVBacX'Stove'sjwV ' Range"'- are happily balled. "peaGe-nMikeryy be caascttherfamilythat has them Mf . JOn"l O yes, it is - A Eternalvigilence is - changing methodsin the 7 closest attention.in order r: : f 7, 5r3er to succeed 6nTe must jFiuS iu Bioct iimeiy, up to, atq. goods. Tho .Chattanp.oga plows the farmer's .best, friend. The, Chat , tanooga cane mill has theconfidence of all.- The,. Buck ; stovos and ranges Jiave made Sdriy 'hbrae3 nappy that all new house keenrfra rYi entire stock of hardware pleasing; the trade.' . North. Wilksboro, March' 4th.;": ;s ,v I MI j i. IC j. "a II V . , . (TOME TO THE FRONf If you never hare -before or :eome to the front this spring come to our store and buv the ... goods in quality, style and out of 'most any kind of cloth but you can make a stylish aud.upo-date dresaluhles-syouihavelifeest' mateHal.'i We have nothihg but the BEST: We invite you to como and ihspectr; NSW 'SPRING s GfOODS;-" ' The To save your PEACH : "- IS: TKE- T r . the-marketfoV a You want to-sav&thehsmall' seed,- dry therr o.jmey. wiu jue ugntr we ao.not want qjiric ' seed,-.4q eeht.: ;;;. .-; ;:;-: : - , . i't 'W' Flour,; $2.00 perl QO Ibs; V i1:; Coffee; 9 cts- J. " ChtQkens.Bqttf Eggs, etc N EW STOR E; N E W ' ;S :Evetybpdy 7rnust .tst;ahlfreshestj-qri;t . . . . - Eure Drugs;: Chemicals, Xoilet Tobacco; etc. - v;rr,., r" We VayeJm be assured that yoii.are.'getting.the, best drugs at rer.zr prices.' Call on us wheoyou'are-injtow- 1 NO. 6. fcrifet the1 price of 'liberlv. ThA hardware -business require tho that one may succeed: And in et.tho confidence of 'the peo- has been well r selected d Your d i or hardware, ' -J- V mm?. if you never intend to ; again," Thertway to ; do 'this., is to latest design. , ;pheiprice - to - all stord. '4'; ''?,,.. s' ' 1 8EED:i :We - per'lb. Co: V ' -f'l ' ' ' " F I RM ;t N EW GOODS have; Groceries. -The bp: had. ' IT . .J- nn its '.article, Canie3,iJCi2;ar: rfc ;''.-- 1 .-V. . j . you c Wy . Isclaw'and T.: H; Taylor.-: its!sessionst other seriousdamaiaonj