VOJj. rXVI. Chronic lIe. - rr - " 'i v ' : j -A';lroombs . has; mo vetd "'.!U'l'J'"ll.' ' . ' ' -. 14 ".: . ij-uw me uratiam nou&e. - ; -v Frank duller, of Tennes see, is visiting his parents Ijere fqr a few days 4 ' :?' map, was.m town, tlus wieek; on business. - Jir. iraui Jmaiey, ot o mona, is visiting at Mr. C. fall's; . - ' TT-Esq. R. M. Staley will Have 4s pin factory completed this week, up in Elk township , Glad to state that Mrs, ,UF, W. jyiclJiell .is very mac improved She is thought to b put of danger. Mr. H. S. Eley and famliy, of Virginia, who have been spending the summer here will jreturn horn 3 this week. Prof. W, R. Hendren; who has been in Illinois for several months, returned to old Wilkes lastireek. , v. J. C. Hubbard found a la dies black silk cape Sunday at the Methodist church. '"he owner can get same at Mr. Hubbard's.- The mail route from W: lk- asbor to OsbOrgville is- to be bid off again. See the' Post master at this plfce and jet blanks, if you wish to bid. i-It is whispered aroi.nd ihat the. republicans are , gojhg -to make an effort to get some m& else put on the .Board of EJlections in place of their n; an Barkley. Brad Hanes, son of Hort Hanes, of Edwards township, was nut in fail last waek for making an assault on his father lie has not spoken since was put in jail. Miss Pauline Egbert, he of Richmond, arrived this week. (She will begin a subscription -. m. m . 1 school next Monday at the old Babtist church building. Shd is a most excellent teacher and we hope she may nave encour agement from pur people. --The county Board of Ehic ions, composed of J. L.'Herap hill , F. B. Hendren and E..B Barkley, met- Saturday aid nrcinized bv electine: J. L. -rr o . w i Jj.empmii, cnairman, ana j?. p. Hendren secetary. Tho Board will ' meet later to appoint Registrars and Judges of elec- tjon ' ; - .-There are always bad boys -and bad other folks and th By $ake pleasure in showing: the ir badness in melon time. Several melon patches have been -raided' and the melons cutjind slashed ' to pieces. Some reliable parties have offered. $10.r reward eafch XUr MIW" UKfJ Or.- ' l O UW1U V14IO lowdo wn devilment. pm -Mrs. ii, W. lioimes, Ms. .TaH Aferro and Mrs. Gilbert "came in from Ashe ' FridaV, . wnere tney nave Deen . visiimg Jiheir ' parents. - Mrs. GUbe rt 'iJash ville, V.Tennes, see ,to day. $ Mrs. ; Holmes - will leave so -n ib Join her husband in Johnsc n CityTenn.,, ..s, .v.-- ; ,Mr. C. A. Wyatt, of'whii -Jingtonwho recently applied' for a postmastership, i tellsu s that some one has reported that jie is '-'not ''married to his preset tl wife. He asks us to state az tha.,:rec6rdsshow it) ;" that', lie was married March 16th-rl89, and he is aWa? loss to 5 trio w what enemy has manufacture i the lie. Wiley Smithey's 8 year old ."Doy,.i near Uoshen , aien last week "of cholera morbusV - Blenty of peachas being brought to ' town now'.: The apple crop is Very short. J --Mr. Will: D. Cowles and son Walter, of Charlotte, . are visiting at Cob Calvin Cowles'.. The Chronicle Enjoyed : pleasant calls from ,a number of t)ieAssociation bcethreri . Mr. H H: Jones and family, of Oakwood,; returned : last week from a visit to relatives in Alexander ,cou nr. f : MSss Janie 5odne, -ot Mboresville, visited at Parks Lenderman's . last week. She had been on a trip across the Blue Ridge. I ' jyou want The Cronicle till After the olectioh. Just come in and subscribe or send the money by a friend. I have a fine fresh 6 years old cow for sale, calf three weeks old. Will sell the cow at the rate of $10 for every strained gallon of milk she gives daily. L. S. Benbow. J. R. Poipdfixter & Co. have closed out their business here. Mr. Poindexter has ac- cepted a good j position with a hardware firm at Elkin and has moved there. R, N'.. Hackett, Esq., chair man of the "county executive committee nas caiiea tne com mittee to meet here .Sepjb. 1st, it being the first Monday. It is urged that every member be present, as important matters are to be considered, and the county convention to be called. Esq. Harve Vannoy who returned from Ashe last week tells us about Mrs. Baker's horse, near Laurel Springs, dying of hydrophobia, a few days ago. The horse was bit ten by a rabbi d dog some time ago. The'same dog bit Rev. Jackson Woody the same day. And still people keep useless dogs, even dogs that have been exposed to hydrophobia. r-Those who attended the conference at Valle Crucis last week report the finest fields of buckwheat they ever saw. It is-now in full blopm and looks like wavy, fields of drifting; snow, 'jlo near tnem taik they - : w all intend quitting this section of the mundane sphere and go over and bask in buckwheat fields and eat 'lasses, butter and flitters. J The concerts given for the benefit of the new Baptist church , were a success; The one given at Wilkesboro Friday night brought in $50.00 - and the. . one at ;K"orth Wilkesboro Monday night - ,$28.00 f and some cents, - The Ladies Aid Society of; the Baptist church deservas much credit for - the effort in making the concert a great success. The concert itself, gotten up under !the su pervision of Miss Nan Wellborn was a .very, creditable and at tractive one. . ' f. : - -v ' Mr. Vance Taylors' hous$ and all its contents , were der stroyed by , fire last week; . near Laurel Springs. ; Mrv Taylor was away frbmhoirie and Mrs. Taylor and the children were out picking beans some dis tance from the house wheg th fire wasdisebvered. , ; Tbey were unable to save - j anything f roni: ,the ; burning -building,' They saved npthing except the clothes' thyjworei :Mrs. Tay lor isa sister of V. W., H. S. and A. . M. Vannoy, of this place,", v"- ;f WlkKESBQBQ t-JT..V- WEDNESD AY . AUG. 27 J. 1 902. .CoL Uenderson Dead. Col. W. F. .Henderson died Monday morning at East Bend. Ho had been feeble in health and mind for some years, but taken worse only a few days be - fpre deth came. He was 80 odd years old.' He was a brother of J. -R. Henderson of this place and his: only daughter Mrs. li. S. Benbow lives here. He had been a man of soma prominence in trie state as a republican politician" and has many friends here. Three Aged Persons Dead. . Mrs. Earp, relict of the late Thomas Earp, of Boomer, died last Saturday night. She had not been well for some days but went to led Saturday night in her usual health. Next morning she ws found dead . She was about 82 years old and had lived a pure consistant member of the Babtist church since childhood. She leaves a family of seven boys and five girls all grown and ran k'among our very best citizens. Tuus another of the best arid most devout mothers of the land has been called across the ri ver. Old uncle Billie Broyhill died Sunday night near Moravian Falls. He was noar 75 years old and has been sicfc for some time . William Mathis near Mora vian Falls died Sunday night ofjdropsy. He was 60 years old and loaves a wife. How fast the old people are passing over the way "The Old Rebs" Happy Again. "I've been to campmeetings, revivals, love feasts, etc., but they were the happiest set ot men I ever saw on earth," ex claimed an old veteran on ljjs return from the Re-union at Greensboro last week, and he felt what he said, as the old rebel fire sparkled anew In his eyes shaded by Jocks silvered with years. It must have been a grand sight to see 3000 of the bravest boys aeatn tne circle or tne sun, their heads white with the frosts of age,- mingling again in greetings sincere, heart; felt i add child-like in . the ; simple heart throbs of pure cordiality. They met as55 one family, as brothers who had touched el bows tenderly on many a stub born battlefield for the protec tion of home and had sworn to stand shoulder to shoulder till death or victory came; and they , feel toward each other just the same now. Gray with age, grim with vicjsit'udes, on the verge of theartin-g ot the ways of life and-, death, they still the most energetic, happir est, most gentlemanly and par triotic people on earth. . God bless the old 'boys in gray." Greensboro did the right thing in elaborate stylo and every old veteran speaks of it in terms of praise. Among those attending from Wilkes were J. E, McE wen, W. T. Minton, Sam Gray, . Tom Smith, W.S. CaTey-and W. A. Myers. , ( Winston, had a bad ' fire last week, Joss Isbme $50,000. - After their joint .discussion at Snarta, Congressman Klutz asked Congressman Blackburn to reconsider -his : former refu sal and agree :tb""a;;Jin cari vass of the' district; , But the drurnmer, boy beat- a : retreat again. !.'- The- people will not. get to hear the important ques tions jointly discussed as all public matters should bg? Hard To Swalloir: Even The Unicn Republican is kinder "billiousf about the way the;Rural Hall republican Judicial Conventiori -was cori? ducted. , It says editorially; "Republican party cannot well afford to endorse.4lie jpreoedezitet by the Bn ral Hall convention, the ruling in that convention being in violation of t. both the "spirit and letter of tha Retwblicaii plan of organizdtion ' ; A' portion ; of county which has duly'tield its"c6nven-t tions and sent up a duly author'ized deir egation ,to, represent that county can n$ more of right be thrown out than. can ft returns. ;.The principal is 2 practically: the satae as well as effect which such' practice has upon opposing candidates. This is a pretty severe rebuke; to Mr. McNeill wh3 has : beerji very vicious against the Demo cratic officers for throwinjg ou iokr, lowusujps ior. irregulari ties and thus defeating him for the Legislature. The hit is pal pable. However there is a marjcea aitierence in tne cir cumstances which justify the officials in the election case and condemn the, action at Ru ral Hall. In tho election case, the officers -are swprn to Ad minister the law and' the law prescribes regulations govern ing elections' which - must be conformed with and if in per forming their sworn, duty of carrying out the law, the offic ers discard townships, no blame can attach to them. It was dif ferent at Rural HalL Forsyth was admitted to the conventioni as having representation prop erly and regularly selecied. But after bei n g regularly seat ed, it was deprived of half -of its vote by a legerdemain- act of the majority. We give5! these facts so as to show the points of difference and to. for t evereal;Mr. McNeilPa moutn about "stealing elections - C. Y. Miller goes to Davie this week. The republicans have a rally at - Clingman .Saturday Mr. John " Crouch has moved his family to Moravian Falls,-' ::-:-:,J ' -r-r'i Jim Howell, colored, aged about : 14 years, shot Ad die Johnson's-twp ; year jld xh.ild, last Thursday, the ball striking the head about themidle of thV forehead and going through and coming' . out the backvof head. The brain was penetra ted. .lit is not exactly known how it happened.lTwo children and this boy-were atrthe house' alone. The other child, some four years old, says that Howel had his pistol trying to make the child dance when it fired. Lowell has run oij. He, is naturally a mean negro any way. The child is still living. - t . -'..,. . 1 . .- . . t . . - ' " ' -All together for; Rousseau's Hard ware store, the Buck stoves and Ranges, have come. J. Pi Rousseau. , . ' ' , - We are closing out,' our summer stock at a very ! low price. -"Our sister starts north tomorrw to huy her fall stock : of millinary. ' Andrews Bros. - Why do the farmers, all Join me in praising the chattahoega.plow?, because they ;are crop nxakers.rJ. Rousseau. " i Wanted, : 1000 ? ; bushels peach seeds, highest price paid; apply to B. S. Call. v. V ' - Laundry for the Statesville Steam Laundry one of the best in the State stiquld' be left at-J T.v Hubbard's store on Mondays.-i r ' 1- - ; The cooking contest foimy $15.00 "Junior Range'? ill be held sept."23rd. All-little girls J2 Vears qld and under, wishing to enter this contest willpTease forward their naines to;me' at once or as soon as possible. .This stove is the neat-1 estind i)est cook stove on the market for the money.-, No dues -to pay to en ter -the contest. Corae' and see 4he stove and you will enter your name for tho contestjJ, JR. csscau. ' : O yeSi, it is - -v- - - A ; aubcruaiignence is - changing methods in the hardware business require tr - V closest attention in order that one amay , succeed, arid order to suoceed one must get the confidence4 ;of tho t ,ple by paying in stock timely, up todate goodsl I'i Chattanoogaplowristthe farmer's bst fHend. The Cl Hjanobgaacell-has the confieoor all.."The Bu t -stoves and ranges have made so many homes 4iappy i all new house keepers should purchace one. Ik f act i entire stock of hardware has been well Selected and ia pleasing the trade ' ; Tours forhistrdard,' 11?'" z J. P. ROUSEil" nca VTN , (OME TO TH E FRO :lf you never have-before uuto w t ue t root- tois spring. T Trne way to qy jnisMC;- io, ' come to our store and buy the Jestinjrnosf:f J:p;a t goous in quality, style anp: out of niost any kind of cloth "but you can't make'ti MyXxn and UD tO;datft.drfiSR linlflRa vnn Visiva f.Via'Koof ' y - ----- ; We have nothing but the , ann inspect our JiE W SPRINC5! QOODS inn The PEACH Ail you have to sell at tlie , v , Highest Prices. Save your ; Peach Seed and bring rices " This refers to pur have marked down our prjees ahd'offer . ; you 'the best bargains inXJIothfng to bo "found in this section. jCpmeand; ede us; we can suit you ih'qualityiand price. Horton ; Pure Drugs, Chemicals Toilet .jlrticles ; Candies Cijnr Tobacco, etc. . :-, . , . j jv- ..." - , Leaders in School Books an d Statioitery, 1 ' ' We have much experience in the drug business 'and you c te assured that you are getting prices;' vU.Qn us when youare 7, A.1 v. trues tne price of libertv. Thn rvec- ! t iriii un .Xmr. .? ' M or if you nevr-intend to araiii aesiga. it mm W W " V . M VW f . BEST.i ;,We invite you to com oxir pjiephipe-tprajl storc t Mi. J thenci to usA --I'm' K- S is. r, eauCQGJ line of jiClothlnrrr we 1 Wynsa. the best drugs at reacc;: ; ' jq towa. 4T

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