I ' . 7 VOL. XVI. The CHRONfCIE Cftiight Mere and Ter&, ockford last.reek. It is a nrettv little c?irl bt G. F. Cooper. Miss Mamie Hall, Boo mer, -is sick withyf ever. Fodder polling tinxe is -in hand. Esq. Jesse Plummer, 3f iAshe, was here last -weefc. Alexander Wyatt's child, WalnUt Grove last week. A -54. JL4. had some nice .-sale this week. townsnip, died C. pigs -Ferguson here Jar . . 1 1 Mis Margaret Wright rhas returned to her home in ginia. Vir Clegg Seroggff four's is agent for at Spaiii' the Char- Uotte laundry. ; t Te bricjc wprk of ee , court house will be completed within two weeks. : -A. revival meeting, was closed at Mt. Carmel Sunay, and six persons were , baptised. Ttie teachers meeting wil be held here Saturday week A programme ginext week. will be printed Solicitor Mott and family have moyed to Greensboro to make it heir home. They left 5 here Friday. Mrs. Dr. J. J. Mott and son ,Lieut. Thomas A. Mjptt, of Statesville, arrived last wees Jbo spend a few days. Mxs. CoL Jon o than Horn ;ton, of Watuga, is visiting her -.brother, Mr. E. C. Hartzog, at Moravia Falls. r Henry Jennings wife died iSunday night near roads ,-church, of dropsy. She was about 70 years old and was .a jUiember of .Center Baptist .church. - The republicans report - a .big crowd at their rally at Clingman, Saturday.- And .they say that our friend Mont ' Welborn bysat the whole crowd speaking. ;-rThe Blue Sidge Institute .jhas recently added about rOG -. 'Volums of valuable books from the department at Washington ,The people are invited to ex .gamine them. Dr. Burrus and wife who jhave spent the summer here, left last week for tr old florae at Rockford. The Dr. will finish his course at David son College this fall. Revival meeting will begin the Methodist church the vlrst Sunday in Sept. next :J3unday at 1 J o'clock a. m, E. F, Greene, Pastor. Ms. O. M Coopershipped a ?ine car load of poplar logs Fri yd ay, r to J3altimore. The twelve logs contained over 8000 -ieet. There wexe also some urly walnut shlppeol with the car load. Special Inspectors F. P. Boushee and .W. M. Cookso'n, of Washington, arrived: Mon day. Their buisness is ; to lo ' cate some rural free djsli very routes. We hope they may re commend the establishment of seyeral rontes. J ? " - ' . t " ' j ,,-r-We notice that our county" jnan Walter 'Finloy is - in tlie lead in his, --vacation ' work in farm experiment, at the 4- and M; College; A short 5time h ago ' Kewas awarded the prize thnre pn farm work. , Gladr to see 3iim succeeding so we'L " -rMrs. OhaHie leide?jnau Jias fever, we viinderstand. E. Q. Culler is over the mountain with a load pf tobac jco: ..... . v.r;, Mr Ira Twnlefc-i of Hendrix. school. Success to hiw. Miss XQPis Lunn, who has beB yi8iting!here, has retuxaed to her home in Salisbury. JJsq.G. W. Sale aod -ypung eon, of Brier Creek, -were in town last week. T. A Carlton and Qranville Ferguson, of Boomer, were here last week. Misses 'Kate Harlow .and Mary Boyden ot Wilmington, arrived at.the Wilkesboro hotel last week. 1 X,. M. and .A. M. McGUam- Lery have qualitled as adminis- trators of the .estate of their ther- Dr. H. W, Hortoji and fam ily who have been visitiAg here vfor several weeks, return Led to Winston last week. The remains of Col. W. F. Henderson who died at East .Bend, wece laid to irest Tuesday of last week at High 1 Point. The Sheriff is setting liis tax books for another year ready to pult on You. The tax is being1 transcribed into the tax books. H. C. Eller, Jr., of Lewis Fork, sent a cabbage head to town last week I y Chap Mintqn that weighed 15 pounds. Mr. H I. Geen is haying some improvements made on his country residence at his tarm two miles up, tne river. H. M. Wellborn, will Speak at J ones' store next Saturdays He is the republican candidate for Senator in the Ashe district. Mr, JSTewton rKenedy , of Joynes, died" last week. He had bean sick quite a while. He was about 0 years o$. and was a njost excellent citizen. Mr. A . M. McGlanoery and wife, of Moeksville, who have been visiting in this county and beyond the Ridge returned ljome last .week. The Corporation Commis sion has issued orders which reduces the passenger rates on the Wilkesboro ' line to 3c rst,class and ?fc second class. This is cheaper than heretofore.. The report from a good many sections of the county is the effect that farmers are be .hind with breaking up wheat lands on account or dry weatn- br. sr-The road up the hill beyond ub creek ford on the' Brushy ountain road is a disgrace. t ts the worst part of the ountain road and .ought to "be nxed up atonco. -Mr. F. Q. Holman, while rojecting with one of the saws t Spainhour's sash and .door ctory, had bis fingers on one hand right badly cut. All four of the lingers were injur ad. John :Dal, of Caldwell brother of this editor, spent a few days hero las,t week. He came oyer alter a monument prepared by the Carplipa Mar. hie and Granite Co. or the grave ct our father, W. F. Deal. - Cattle inspector C. N. Hunt v as up in the. Summit and Gap C reek section last week look irig for ticks. He 'reports splendid crops. The ! Jamei S ieaks cattle that w'eresmug-t g ed into Ashe some time ago ae still held at Gap Creek. ? qual Taxation, WIliKESBQBO , y. C. WEDNESDAY 4 SEPT. 1902. DEADKEGBO CONYICTS. Two negroconvicts, Ed. Mc Kinney, and ijjranK jiidge, were killed Wednesday mom in er on Hbe rtucupikenear the camps. A blast 'had fbeen nil 1 4n -and the squad was being marched tout. of the way. Arthur Fores ter, one ot the guams, was m .front and the two negroes at tacked him from behind and threw him to the ground and were choking him and trying to get his gun. Johnson, -the guard behind, saw something was wrong and ordered the convicts to lay down. This they obeyed and Johnson -.at Lonce saw the serious situation. He was &Q to 75 yards xaway, but aw that he must act at once, lie tared ana i&ciunney ell dead with a bullet through his head. Forester released himself from the other .negro and fired, the shot tearing off the fleshy part of tha awn. The negro, not satisfied, picked .up an ax ana .made toward Forester who emptied the oth er barrel of buck shot into the negrce's breast, and he eoon lay dead. It was a qally time for the guards, and but qt their ool prompt action, another tale would be to tell. McKinney was from Shelby and was in for - 30 years for murder. Edge was from Southport and was in for seven years for burglary. It is probable that this will Meev tne convicts quiet tor a while. Ref istrars for Wilkes. The county board of elections met Monday and appointed the following Registrars for the next election: Antioch J. N. Harris. Beaver Creek P. H. German BrushyrMt. J. J.Hendreh. Boomer -J. E. Howell. Edwards L. C. Carter. Elk N. H. Robinett. Jobs Cabin W. S. Hail. Levy is J?ork L. V. Card well. Lovelace G. H. Hays. Moravian J. R. Parleir. Mulberry P. E. Dncy. New Castle W A. Holloman. N Wilkesboro A M Church. Reddies Riv. J. H. Pennel. Rock Greek I. N. JBauguss. Traphill Joseph Woodruff. Somers L, W. Lonsford. Union N. M. Vannoy. Walnut Grove J. H. Joines. Wilkesboro I hereby certify that , the foregoing is a true list of the Registrars for the several precinct of Wilkes county for the election to be held on Nov, 4, .1902. F. B. Hendren, Sec'y Board of Elections. Sej.t.a. 1902. Klptz in WiUkea Hon Thao.dB" Klutz, democra tic candidate for Congress in this disrriet, will address the people as follows : . v Clingman, Wednesday, Sept, 17th, at 3 P. M. Pratts Place, Tursday, Sept- 18th at noon. North Wilkesboro, Thursday, 18th at 8 P. M. Beaver Creek, Friday, Sept 19th at noon. . . :The people of all parties are invitee to hear thija ,cloq;uent and chaste speaker. Hon. E. spencer Blackburn is invited io be prjssenit an4 take part in the discussion. Fortune Favors A Texan "Having distressing pains in" head. 4ack and stomach, and Ueing without appetite, I began to ae Jlring'a New Xife Pillswrites W. P, Whitehead, of JKennedalirCex,, 'ajjd soan , fejt like a new man.' Infallible in stomach and liver troubles. ' Only 25c at Turner and Wiiltes drtjjj store? : pirect and Indirect. Rer. -Mr. Green is conduc ting a revival meeting at Brushy Mt. schoobhouse. .-r-Miss Minnie Badgett has (returned, to Illinois after visit- Lang Prof. Surratt at Moravian .Falls for several weeks. The Blue ridge Institute opened Monday with 87 stu dents. There are about 25 -boarders. Glad of the success of this school. Mr Bradshaw, the principal, should be proud. Doc. Absher and Miss Minnie Absher. at .North Wilkesboro, surprised their friends Monday night by get ting married. They were mar- xied ajt the residence of sq. W,1 M. Absher by Rev, W. R. Bradshaw. r Here's. our most hearty congratulations. Reports re that there are great many cases Of scarlet fever in that section below Wm . Sanders' mill. Lindolph cer's Kittle son died of itnot Parker many . days since and some others are reported .as not ex pected to live. The matter ought to be looked after by the county board of health and pre vent Its spreading as much as possible. P. The eounty physician has visited the com munity jand jGLnds ihe reports very much exaggerated. There are a number of boys large ones and small ones, in the habit of gathering over on Ararlomir Villi whara ftia lavna' ones make the little ones fight, and all such stuff. I It is a nuisance and disgrace. xne parents naa oetteriook ai ter them. We can name a lot of them, but refrain, and they are boys whom some of the pa rents think are little an gals with snowy wings. Pa rents had better put their boys to work at something if it is nothing more than trimming toe nails for seed ticks.. Merchants should be alert for the, fall and winter trade. This can be done most success fully by constant and judicious advertising. Let the people know what you have; attract them with bargains in goods they .want and need, and when they come, do towards them as your advertisement states, have the goo.dsjof the quality and price you advertise. Don't promise things you can't or do not intend doing and then if' you fail to trade say "it does no good to advertise." Tne advertising judiciously done will attract customers but it wont sell the goods unless, you have the goods you advertise and the kind the Customer wants. The advertising helps the merchants to attract peo ple; the merchant must do the rest. It's the advertiser -who does what he -advertises that succeeds. Those who do not advertise are behind the time.s und are sort of "CQwbuncles"' on progress, content pick up crumbs dropped from . the ta bles of " those who advertise, put their shoulders1 to the wheels and push forward. It is absolutely necessary in or der to draw trade to yourself or your V town to advertise. Thp ..merclants ot this town could profiit by this suggestion; . XJard of Thanks. , Jn retiring from -the firm of LB, Cali&;Co. I .take this means of thanking my many.; friends in this and adjoining f counties for, their, rery liberal patronage Sr tor the past ten years. . - thank you f all very kindly. . JWith best wishes 4 to yoxi ' I am .; w, , ; u t . ;J5Tour8 rvery truly, Isaac S. Call, . 1 ' ! .... , We furnish ail materials: SonfHo- isme aay.i You.make, we hake, and 11 ----- ... cuit-and the baking will be done SUm(fl JfrleBi(ffl JL ' ! North Wilkesboro, March 4th. AGRICULTURAL AWD A combination-of theory and manual work in Engineering, ity, Mechanic Arts and Cotton Manufacturing. Full coursi (4 years), shourt courses (2 years), special courses f3 mos. ' I Tllltlrtr flniT VrtrtTYl 41 n a foiim. 368 students, new buildings vfqr00. Write for booklet "A diw at the 4-& M- College." ; l. President GEO. All you have to setl at H lghest .Prices. Save Peach Seed and bring rices PE&QB This refers to our lixia of Clothing; rwe have marked down our-prices'and offer you the best bargains in Clothing to be fpjind inthis .section. . , Come and see us; we can suit you in quality and:price. .;V y RIHT, o ur (Dzzlfc stimtfl &b IFapp - :l i ' ' r"' - ' ' I --'A. Spa x nlour. CTo O Theone-price-tOrH $Qrc ? i ,. '.'...--.v. .'-s..; --..-,. , . . . ... ' " NO; 8 At costs nothing: to win th handsome BUCKS JUNIO Range on display at ourstore. , : goes to the girl that makes t! ) best panof Jbiscuit at our ?Baker y Contest. . r -i 00 ' I -w . iwrva ,r- - I the srrown folks .'will' fh 1,: . on a , ffiftp lidDlB V fJbtHK i Jlyjiu qPQj J. R ROUSSEAU. MECHANICAL COLLEGE. pracfcice7.of;'book tndv Agriculture, Chemistry. Elect r en Tinnnil AO x X jS L ' T. WINSTON, Balclglj, NC TE t1?ie your them ,to u$. tit ' D VAl& Ss, COMBS. TTBACTIVE. HSmaoM9 a for"

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