-rr r- -ii-iii hwiiu. ii i -"7 vv - - V ? - J y ; -i t 3 jiif v -r - : v I" . "... . - Pqual Taxation pircct and Indirect, V .L. XVI W1LREBO.ROy;:.Ci;DNESBAY8FJ;-'l7:19022 WO; 10 "w . is r'.r- r The Chronicle'. Cauzht Here anil There It feel 8 like fall of the year these mornings, , Will Fottshee, of Stats 'ville,' Is hare. - , . Ai Ellerof Ashe, was -iti town last week: W. E. Pharr has re entered -school at Chapel HilL ) The campaign is warmn.g 4ip some so they say. The bean season is passing away. 'Tis sad to think about - -Dr. Albert EUer and E Li. Ii. : Church were in to w n Saturday on business -The anxious candidates are tmt in droves seeing 'the dear people. Ana tne peacn season is .oer. ' except the Cctobbr peaches. Mrs. J. C. , Linney, of Moravian Falls - is visiting relatives at Brier Creeks - Mr. C. Call and wife return ed last' week from a visit relatives in Ashe. v Tyre Holbrook and bride, of Winston are visiting rel a- atives about Trap Hill, 'i , The republican candidates Cor sheriff have not finally deci ded which will 'get there.1' -There is being no futh . . , .... ... '7. srouoie at ine convict .camps tnnce the two colored- convicts . passed out of existence I- r Mr. JL D. - tto we and Miss Carrie Lyons, both! of Trap Hill; were .married Sunda - week ago. r Esqs. J. H. McNeil and An 4erson EUer, of Millers ; Creek TsrVrfi here Saturday on but -iness. - Prof a. W. Hahn, of Hick, ory will begin school at Bea 'er: Creek Academy on Monday : week. He is a good teacher. ; Mr. Bark ley is realizing that it was crime to bare been -aXinney man: The Chronicle told the republicans at the tin: e r and tried to get them not to vote for him. Now they, see. t , - .Col. J. A. Lillington J ; of Yadkin has announced himself . as an independent candidate or the State Senate in this dis ' trict. "He is a republicap and was aepucy collector m ini county some time ago. t : The brick work on th caxkrt -house is comuleete except a few little places to be -finished when the roof ; is I put on. The brick boy 8 leave-this i 'Week." They- are 'certainly - la : irenuemamy ciever sec d fellowsr . ;I ' - . The post off ce , :- at Nort i Wilkeaboro, since it is to be i Presidential; office Oct. 1st., seems to be agiating the mindk of the faithful a little There ceems to be some anxiety, as - to who will be the Presidential appointee, : 4 1 v Wilfrea ia ahead on brave an energetic school- teachers. A ' tale is told on one of onr teachj ets who recently attended ., a Teachers' Institute. He .was : giving' . in; T his experience ond stated that he had taugh t lone month last - winter in a . cactioh; of - the county wher4' the - roads are not ; very good : ahd rhat is ail over ihe county Ho. stated -, that ;: . during: : the month ; he Had to . Wade the crcclr 34 times, was,"set over ion horseback 4 times and; had to swici across 2 times tu jcaid he had determioedt malio out the month or die; ; Guch. determinbd teachers urd, Mr EdHobbs an wife are visiting at North Wilkesbofo. Bring "aiong.V yourwood. - Thi frosty weather needs fire, j J. W; McNeil, Esq.r nas gone to Allegany to make some campaign speaches.: ; r m. ' - - - 1 - . . The summer, tourists from' nrM . . . - -It returned Jiome. ' I .. . Miss . . Hattie Johnson, of Raleigh, is visiting her; sister Mrs. J. W. : McNeil. Rev. E. P. Greene will fill his appointment at Ad ley; next Suuday at 3:30 p. m. . . j What is to bedone abont the Harris hill road? it is in , awfuFshape. Why not- fix it? J. C. Horton, the Watauga tick insspector, was here last week. He reports big: frosts over the ridge. " Mr. J. E. Hobbs w ill move to Summit soon and 'take charge of the pin factory there, belonging to Hobbs & Beaty, All the little girls who want to enter the cooking cont est at Rousseau's hardware store the 23rd are requested to send in there names at once. . The Teachers county Insti . tute met here Saturday , with a fairly good attendance, arid there- was interest shown in the meeting. The first frost of the fall came along Sunday morning' It did very little damage,- ; I,t appeared mostly on buildings and wood. Miss Clemmie Blacktmril who has been visitingi-her brother here for some time has returned to her home in Rock Creek township. i ! c -Mr8. Dr. Erwin and j two daughter left yesterday to visit relatives in "Iredell county. They will probably be gone; till Christmas. .r 'Reports from ; . over the Ridge say that Tarn Bowie and Mont Welborn are r having a lively time in their, canvass for Senator from that district; It is undbubtly a regular : circus. r The negro campmeeting is in progress at St. Home h and they say things are getting in weaving"-" way These annual carapmeetings are cer tainly big occasions for the colored people. ; : r - : ilr. Jess McNiell tells us that while returning from , Mr. Bill Barlow's Sunday he f ou nd a man's hat in the road near Beaver Creek church.' : The owner can call on him and get it. . " - - - r ' l- -The' Junior Range contest" at Rousseau's hardware store comes off the 23rd. It ' is f f or little "girls. , between 4 and 14 years old.. - Girls; send in your nameat once so : that you ' can be marked as a contestant, j; " Miss And rews has teturn - ed from the Northern markets, where she purchased a - nice selected line of Millinery Goods .which are now. arriving and be open ' for - inspection in a few. days: Call j and see" -them at Andrews Bros. ' . r"- 'J. Pastor Greene, " of"; the Methodist church, -, preached a sermon Sunday night n on ' Sab bath desecrations. He poured hot shot into: Sunday picnics, straw rides, . steer : driving to buggies arid Suuday pleasure drivings m. general. He gave scriptural reference to back up his criticisms. , He made, it , in teresting for ' the -folks- who habitually engage 7in these Sunday amusement, fj He did n 3t mis3 , the mark so very' Accidentally Shot Himself f '. Sherman, the thirteen year old son of CrC. Winkler; Esq., accidentally shot himself, last Tuesday. He with some other bo8 we 80016 miles fIom home quirrol,- hunting One of the boys had killed a squir- . - -- rel and Sherman came up, set his gun by his side and started to look; at the squirrel . ? tie slipped, the gun fired and tne load of hot tore oft the - fleshy portion of the front side of the rierht shoulder. , Drs. Turher and Dbughtotr . dressed, tfie wound; The boy is i getting along fine. " " " ' - Louis My res who was sent to the reniten i ary ; for t3n years for r the killing of Mat Hamby escaped last week from the roads in Yancy, county. The Sheriff has been notified to look out for him. The little colored girl, three years old, th at was recently shot through the head, is able to walk about again. ' -This contradicts the idea that shoot ing through the brain always kills. . This child was shot through : the. head and the brains oozed out at each side. It was thought for several days that the child would surely die but it is about well now. Mrs. Mary Gentle, wife of William Gentle,'- died near Oak woods, Wednesday nighty from a stroke of paralysis. In the spring she had a stroke, and , this - second stroke soon produced aeatn. one .was a bout 60 years did. " - .Mrs. J. ' R- Combs' ?. grand opening br Fair rand Winter Millinery, began yesterday and' continues to day. It is an at 1 1 active display of well select ed up to date ml Uinery , taster fully and artistically arranged. A cordial invitation is extend "ed to all, and if you failed to go yesterdays be sure and drop in today and feast your eyes on the pretty display and make your selections for the fait and winter. f It is learned with sadness that Mrs. J. L. Hester died last week at Bio wing Rock, after a few days illness She was the wife of Mr.-'JF Li. Hester, ; the photographer,of North Wilkes- boro. ;Mr; Hester with bis wife and eight year Old girl were making r a tour through the mountains where his wife took sick and died as above stated. Her maiden name was Busbee and her home was. in Alabama. She had been 'married about 9 years. It is a sad death. , v;i Oik Lnmber .Wanted. . - ::'.Ware ia the c?arketor all the good OakXamber we ca.it get. Will pay the c&sh for it. : If you-onJy have one load of good oak, bring it to oa. ' -:: FoaasT Fusxxtuxs Co. -North W ilkesboro, Sept. 15th. ' Clothinjt ClotklBgt Clothing! " ' We are getting 'in the , largest ; and fullest line of clothing , we have ever"; kept and can supply y on at the very lowest prices. Big lot of heap goods ia job lota going Very Zoio. . The finish and fit of Peck's goods are perfect - and we can snpply yon at any price from fo.oo so si5.oo. r : - . .r-The firm of Mayberry & Myers has succeeded D. W. Mayberry in the gen eral line of dry, goods, a notions, shoes, etc. k Tbis does not include the cloth ing department which is entirely under May berry's control.) . A big stock ;wiU be carried strictly on the pay-down sys tem. v Best values for the ;'money that can be bad oa the markeis. , Call .and see them. " ? " J ': ; -A few: nioeTwhite plgue skixts going rery cheap for icaslL; At Spainhours's; tJU75 skirts redueed to tijo, and f 1 .40 skirts to Cl.f)0. - - - i - XV: Mavberrvis vet in the cloth- ins business. A good line at prices x that cannot be met in this section. Call That little you owe ns, , we need it. See Mrs. Comb's new 'fad'' concerning her fall and. winter ' millinery. The republicans, report very good attendance at their speakings last week. -rLovera of flowers can"' get some choice bulbs and plants at J. E. Spainhour's. J Willie .Wellborn has . en tered the medical department at. Davidson College. ; i Arthur Dimmette, of Wiles recently went to ; Chapel; "Hill to take the second year course in medicine. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cooper left this week? for Charlotte, Johnson City. ' Sorry ; to lose them. Quarterly meeting will be held at the Methodist church here next Saturday arid Sunday week, the 4th Sunday. J Bishop Horner preached a most excellent and learned ser mon at St. Paul's church here Sunday. They, say the , fight . for Clerk of the Court ori; the - re publican side isi between Somers and Bumgarner, and each thinks he is ahead. Col. TomJHail, of Summit was in town this week, .as jolly as over.. This - little campaign business don't disturb Tom's good nature; and he's right. The candidates for republi cans nominations in the county ate keeping - the tracks : warm aldtfno w; r'-?Ififlr about concede ed that some of I them will get left in tha wind up t - . Toney , John - FiuleysV fine i bird dog, one the finest in , the State, is dead. Some young negroes shot the dog up above Haekett's mills, just to try their marksmanship. - : The democratic county con vention convenes here - Satur day Oct. 4th. The ; primaries are to be held Wednesday , Oct. 1st. Remember the dates and attend. - . , . , During the colored camp meeting some of the young negro bucks have been amus ing themselves by driving fast and shooting along the streets late at night and disturbing people. If tho police; doesn t get them; somebody else will, The county Superintendent Mr. Wright, . is conducting a Teachers Institute at Trap Hill this week. Next week ho will conduct one at Moravian Falls. He is very much pleased with the success of these Institute. The ' teachers . are being very much benefited and the people aroused, JThe people as well as the, teachers .should attend :Now'that the court house is nearin completion, the principal portion of the toes should be cut from the grounds so that the yards can be beau tified and so the peple can see their.- splendid, "court; house: The contracting company will level , up the grounds, make walks ect.; provided ; the trees are cut out "of the way.:. V ; Morgan DeBorde, son' of Wv.R. DeBorde,, of Trap, ECill, died recently of : that diseases consumption. He was. about 20 years bid and' was a most exemplary youngs man. j He' was of the kind that the county needs, but 1 God called , him awayv.Our deepest sympathies' are ss-ith the - bereaved parents i - For sale-second v hand one horse JSlssen wago n , h eavy onaai. lor casn.-iM . omitneyd ' Big lot of boys and mens pants just j It costs best pan of Contest- ' ' :- ' : We furnish all materials. September 23 js5;thea;ii ;: "You make wo bake, and the grown folks will eat the "bis cuit and the baking will be done on a ' ' : ' c f v;i North Wilkesboro, March 4th. Mm perfect fit ualittle ahb Iprfce- Our fTall ritf Winter M UIei is the best selectd,;best '-quality? "up-to-date, knd most attractive on the markets. 1 We cordially invite all to r examine our mill i- tlinery goods and pricebef ore purchasfntj. -s-'z -. ? r - North Wilkeaboro, Sept lOth. aiv- VBMV MWk I - - " J " ''t " "' r " t, ' 1 " " i ' " - I - " 7 '-f - " 'l- 2. ' ' "". ' ' r'. AH you have ta seH iat theT, . V t Highest Prices. . Save your ; v Peach Seed and bring thereto iibi- 1 r Mi' , nces II . ;This refers to pur line of Clothing; wo lhave marked iibwn our prices arid .offer you the best bargains in Clotbirjto bo .found in this section,, Como and coo Us; we can suit you in RIHT, .o F nd ur all Callll oz2cl -Geo fibi? -czibcDiru; 1 "A;Spaiatiqur Co The pne-priQc-l-r!! tit a .free. nothing to win that handsome BUCK'S J U N IOR Range on display at our store. It 'soes to the rirl that makes the biscuit at our Bakery . . J. 'p.-rousseau. 1 , iM rs. J. R.:CO M BS. 7 quality and prica VAlAste ..COLIC, gijiTTRACTIVE. V'inter. Qobda far eitiier t. - - nd3& -"- - r 'ja at8painhoar ft