- - f , ; , ."J. "- " - -. - ? , , " , - .. '- - - . - v l f ' "-. - ' - ' ' J- - . " - " ; v" - k . ' . -. r - , - v - -i-1i--- J.,-'-s - i- .- , - - - - - . ' - , " ' - - . - ' v - . - - - . " - - , - - . 1 . . ' v - 1 - . " ' - " " , , - i ' - - t - . f . , - -. v . ' - - -- - - . . - , ': -.e N . - - - - ' - " -' - ' ' - ' - ' ... ... .'-'"' - ..- ... - .. .., ... -. , . . - ., ..V ,.- . .'. . : ' ' : . . " . " ' - " ' ; V . : ' ' :... t , - . .3 "". - v "-VI " - - r V - - v - " ' ' ' ' ' " - r j i ' ' . ; ' . .f ' " . - - r - ' T i. . . - V .0. VOL. XVI. Thej Chronic iIe. &au$ht tlerc anfl KTh,re. -s-Esq. R. F. Wystt was in town this weak. ' -Sfrs. Charlie le&fterpian is able to be up again, -How is the Harpis Hill road? Why ot,3o 8omethiQg to it? . Mr. R. L. Carltoa has gone to Baltimore o attead medical dectures. - -We were glad e -see old uncle John Davis in to-wfl this vsveok. , fcsg. H. S. Vannoy has re- 'turned from Ashe where he was looking after his farmj Esq.. S. Y. Cox, of Ashe, was here last week. We are always glad to see him. Mrs. Zeb Deatonand child ren have pfooe dowfl to Ronda on a visit to friends. . The Hun tins: Greek mail route has been awarded to I H O. M4ntop as carrier. Mrs. J.. R. Combs invites you .to see her new. milHnery, ejtore you purchase elsewhere Itjs reported here .that Mr. Sreenwoott has bargainea nis waterpower at Roaring River, Esq. B. P. Foster is in a w:ery critical condition. There is little Jjopes that he will live loa ; .vt cSTeill, Esq., who lias teen ontiBsd with erysipelas tt lUs!ieg5 is alble, to be afuV:,f . pm- n ltny will tell out Lhe ate bf:some of the repblicaii county candidates for omina tious. you want xbe chronicle . xm jNeiv Jl ear sena is zoc- win .... fc'r. . f . ! take it in the "repudiated free j silver." People have got most of their roughness saved, and there's a good quantity ;too. . of it, -Ay cock., the -"Educational Governor,V will speak here it he 27th next Saturday. Com out and here liira. During ' the election times excitement, don' t forget to pay up and? reri e w your su beriptibn to Tse'CbronjcIiE. Miss lUsteiie mcaarasqn, of Ashe, came over last week and went down to Ronda enter school there. Mr. T. P. Bumgaraer, to Alexander, who formerly clerk d with Call & Co, visited felt Mr. J. L. Webster's last week. There has been 500 . land gantries made in tnis county fiince Jan. 1st 1902. There is a ort of land enry epedemic. The new line of fall and Avinter millinery Jat Andrews Bros, is arriving this week. They invite you to come in add I see the selections. - -E? M Blackburn has with- Ahsixvii as a candidate for - the republican nomination; for .sheriff, his means that Sher Johnson ?will he reromina ;ed. ' - r " u ? JXrEGl' Der; cf 1(Tep erlled FridayHfo visit hfs rti:r near Ready Branchy WBbasbeen verygic;; 9h iconsJderably better, at pres.-. :;eot: - ;; 1 : '.j!" v,Dis'co , Chandler a blind oy Of Ashe, went to sEtaleigiiL ja$t week to enter thej deaf 4uiab and blind rasyjum. X- ' vounjr Yates boy,, also " from .shp. nud aPicted the samp vay; came over the safcie time, I lnt refused to r.$ any further l. N. W&rd was in town las week and reported thaY people wepe pretty well along - with saving their fodder and tops in -the Rearing River, section See Sheriff Johnson's tax solace. Come out, pay yor taxes and be edified with the diecu8skwa of -"the issues of the day" by the candidates. The 29th is the republican ootunty convention. October the 4th is the democratic coun ty convention. After these dates the fight for the election will begin in earnest. Mr. W. E. Harris will move his family to this plaee about 15th of r next month . He is traveling for the Watkins, Cottrell Co one of the largest hardware firms in he in tbe South. Ed. Foster tells us that: he and another boy. went possom hunting one niht last week and treed 20 and caught 15. It is too early for the possums to be ripe, too. SText. If Ashe, Alleghany, Watau , ga and other connties will eomc over and see our court 1 house when it is completed 1 they will all follow in our foot J steps. 1 Esqr J. T. Alexnder, oft i Walnut Grove was here last J week. He is expecting to be a j candidate for the Xjegislature j on the republican ticket, so we understand. The plastering and tin work on the court house will be com menced this week. It will not be long till the work is com pleted, and we'll have the best court house in the State for the price. Rev. L. Parks Gwaltney has resigned the pastorship of all his churches, on-account of his feeble health. . This news will be recieved with regret by his many admirers. He has few equals as a preacher Clerk Bumgarner it s eems has fallen from grace in the eyes of the drummer boy; and his lieutenants. Although in but one term and has made a good officer, he has been slated for defeat next Monday. Mr. John Combs tells ns that John Holler hilled a rattlqr near the Rock House last week that had 19 rattles and was 4 feet tnd 9 inehes long. That was down on Hunting Creek:. Some negroes were seen Monday morning going thro' L. Bumgarner4 corn field, hacking off -the corn with knives Biumgarner says if they do not come to him and make satisfactory explication at once indictments , will be made against thern We understand that Mrs. Reeves of Ashe died last week. She was the mother of Mrs. J. E. MeEwen4 and Mrs. Arthur McEwea and was one of the best of women, and that is put ting the highest ulogium given mortals. We sympathize deep ly with the bereaved. Our i riend ;Wely Joints of Trap Hill township, and Mrs. Caudjll) widow of ; the ! late Jesse Caudill of Alleghny, were marrieof . last week : fie is one-of -the best men in tbs county and, he has taken to himself a good .women. ' '. - ; The fellows who have been rocking and shooting off r the insulators along ..the; Boone Phone: lineiare f ixfpr7to get in serious troubled Rewards are offered f otlf the conicti any one foundoiug sUcl viction of, 1 " j any one lounajaoiug ucn uirty business; Vlt had : better bo f JSqual Taratica, WILKESBORO ; IS. C.A WW$NESA., SEPT; 24, 1902T HOTEL UTUIA IX ASHES. ' : r - - - at a. su comb's. Baraed ap TTetfjiesar Ninglit. Loss wvu A - . -0 rer nlth C2C0,0C0 ose interested are re Iassranee. Hotel khiar the poptUa fiumtner resort, was rfent refer destroyed by fire lass Wdnes- day night. All iwas? lost ex eept the trunks and clothing;of she cruests. The provisions. furniture and all were lost. The fire was discovered Just pefore 10 o'clock in the garret or lumber eom and was be- yna control, it rapidly spread and soon enveloped the whol building. A few of the guests were rescued with difiSculty. xuouugtu u buo ure i a taistery. No one, so far as is known, had been in that part of the building this summer. The building belonged to Mc j. ii.. in ley ana tne loss is some $6,000, with $3,000 insu ranee. The loss of Mr. W. A, Sydhor, the proprietor, is some $500, with no insurance. The notel was filled with guests and has had a ' splendid run all the season. It has be come a very popular and at tractive resort and should be rebuilt at once. Ayeock In Wilkes. uov, ivycocK win deliver an address here next Saturday, the 27th. Our People know the "Educational Governor,' They have heard him before. He is easily one of the- most gifted speakers in the United States. Every man, women and child in the county, who loves his home and county and believes in education and ad vance raent, should come out Saturday and hear our beloved Govnor. -Let everybody come out To Bebnild Hotel Llthia. - A movement is on t foot organize a company and tq q build Hotel Lithia on a much larger scale. It should be done In advantages of climate, min erat water, scenery, accessi bill- ty, etc., the situation is unsur passed in the U. S. We hope the fiotcl may be speedily re - built. , Seglstratlon Dajs. Alw,uoJ uwiwumuBr,iiw ri.:. t-.rJ rt cicuiituu lair ir(uiiiu u ujo for - registration means Q working days" and that the books must be opened pet. 2nd and closed Oct. 25th. To this construction of the law Chair men Simmons and Pritchard agree, do that there b no con troversy as to this point books are to be opened Oct. 2nd and closed Oct. 25th. Remember too that there is an entirely new registration this year, the first under the amendment. Our (arse stock of el o thing is in and open for inspection. Mens, boys, f and children's clothing at all - prices. Be Rnra to Red .oar line before bwridur else- where. Our prices and goods all right- The republican speakers are 1 criticising the v democrats .:. for borrowing $200,000. for state ex penditure. ' It is true this has been done, but it is attributable to the ''fusion" administrtion. The Democratic administration turned over to the fusion: fel lows $300,000, and the fusion fellows instead of v turning back to the Democrat adminis t ration $300,000 ; cash, u rned over a deficiency . of,: half a million A dollars. It1; required the democratic , surplus of 0300000 and t200,CQ0, borro wed money to pay up the fusion expence. Lieut. Gov. Turner's recent speech linoc!i3 the props from tho radical figure ii!""rlin7 on thl3 r;ciVt JUrcst and Indirect, I A fine boy arrived Monday quested to cpeet Saturday in mora d clean ff the wccry, uacjt oi ioe e8bten8n churcd. - 1 Mr Joe Perry got aehicken I bone lodged in-his throat Sun I day, from whic h sufferd j until the ' doctor extacted it (Monday. Esq. L, I. Church was in town this week Inn Vino- j repairs on t bo phone line and other matters. He has qualified 1 as administrator of the late A. Wm. Walsh. we are now ready to show and 4 price our stylish line of Fail and Win ter Milliners, and wonld be pleased to have our friends call and examine our stock. Miftus Andrxw& McCuekkih. Lawyer Lyons and Judge Henderson are both' expecting the republican nomination for the Legislature at theconven tion,next Monday. The differ ence, between their expections is tuav i uuge is simply in 4 the hands of his friends" whild Lyon has suspicions that some of bis ''friends" are "wolves in sheeps' clothing," and are stealing the livery of Lyons to serve Henderson in." Mr. J. R. Bell, of Walnut Grove township who was here this week, says that there are a number of ceses of scarlet fe ver in his section. Three chil dren Susie Henderson, Joseph Blevins, and Joseph Caudill's died of it recently. He says that just 20 years ago the scar let fever scourged that same section. Mr. E. D. Byrd, of Elk ville was here this week and tells us his, brother William has moved to Elkville, He brought his j mother, who Jas been ' visiting I llim anil ' aka tutk 4Va timin i cw ouo wa uo vtaiu Tuesday for her home at Ronda. The Peldmont Advent Christian Conference will hold : its annual session with the (German Chapel church near i Blackstone, Caldwell county. commencing ; on Thursday before the first Sunday in 1 October and hold over Sundav. fr R J PVAtfA will 1 haveher opening of HaU and Winter Millinery next Friday and Saturday. She will dis play some of the prettiest, most stylish and most . attractive selections ever : exhibited in this section. Be sure and call and see for yourself. : Just rscieved at D. W. Majbery's a nice line of men's' and boya winter pants. . " Nice line of mens pants of the cele brated Becks lot&ig at 8painhear. May berry A Myers is bead quarters for me a' 8 women's A children's nnder ware and losery. Best valaes for the money that can be had. Indies, our large line of dress goods srrvicg this week, and we want yon Uto .come ana Bee uem.- uur line ox Spainhour. A big line of shoes just recieved at Spainbours", Our line is so well known it needs no recommendation. When in eed4f shoes you know where to get the best. M 7- Laundry for the States ville 8team 5 Laundry one , of . the best in - the x State-should be left atJVT Hubbard's store on .llpday8. , S '?- - r"- , Lingering Summcr.Colds. : Don.t let. a cold run at this season. Summer colJs are the hardest ki&d to care and if neglected may linger along for fcaontbs. A. long siege this Hill jmll down the strjngett constitution.. One lUute Cousii Cure win break,' sp the attack at ence.' Safe, surej-acts at oacc. Curc3-ccu-!:3, colds, croup, brosnchitis, z.: thrc-t cr.d lur tr : ' :sjr-;lir.cn . We furnish-aTFwaterials. September 2S is the day. - ' : -; v ' You make, we bake, and the grown folks will eat the bis cuit and tbeibaking will be done (Hurls TUcfiLti anndl ifiriteiadls Hini '- ' -' North Wiltesboro, Ilanch 4th. Ipetfect in uaKlSStJie anb rice. Our Fall and Winter is the best selectcU lest qtaality, up-to-dht and most attractive on We cordially invite all to exarnjne our mjlll linery goods and prices before purdhaoin- ' Noscth WSIkes1x)ro; Sept. 10th. AGIKt J AJ U U P All you have to sell at the Highest Prices. Save. your Peach Seed and bring them to usu JL 'SL (DJULJL do, o) rices ": This refers to our line of Clothinc; vc . have marked down bur prices and offer you the beet bargains in Clothing to be found in this section. Come and see us; we can suit you in quality and price. . ; CALL. & QUIDS. - . RIHT, 1 iLEAN. O Fa,, n ur EoflE aocl C33 'flbi? YT( i j JiTO.H. 3t :osfts titrthinc to nVin thr.t handscan e B U CK'S J U N I C Range on display at our store, r. goes to the girl that rYtnUo tl best pan of biscuit at our Bakei & Ccaite.st. .. . on a s . yotai?, EHoiiljiGii's o IToirJjo'IlIly jcod J. p. Rousssru. . MiHery, just received. ifco jmartcets ": r Mrs.. J. R. COMBO. TTRACT1VE. inter ooda r r .1 ,. -m ' c: 1 ? ' .i D vv

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