o wkJkmm JJLLJ it - . 4, T ,3 r Iff o 1 ; i it i ACT -VSO VJJ Wl The Chronicle. Z,OC&J, JtTATTJEIlS, m Cancrht Here, and There, Have you registered? Iont forget about it. Mr. Dave W oil born, of Ashe,. iff visiting hei o. Col. Lee Martin was in town last week. Mrs. Tom Miller nas re turned from a visit to Tier sis ter in Lenoir. J. O. Wallace is assisting Blackburn in sending oat fare well literature. Dr. TJ. E. G. Dyer, who has heen visiting hi3 mother, at Ready Braach. returned to Texas last week. Mr. W. H Parsons, of Blackstoae, has gone to Balti- .! and Winter goods. C. Call has goae to the Northern markets to lay in thp fall and winter supply of goods. George Scroggs, at th Hubba-rd saw mill ear Mora vian flairs, got his arm mashea up pretty bad Friday. Mr. Amos Smith, one of the carnenters for the court h-ottse, went home Friday toJ- epead a wiek or so. He is re -covering from a spell of fever, -Bupinteddent C. C Wright, begins the examination for applicants for teachers certifi cation to morrow. This is the J last examination for the yar. John Xieaeh and Aller Brown welicown to Greensbo ro Saturday to help ran the Federal court this week as jii rors. The rest of the Wilkes folks necesary for ttoe court will go down this week. John Baxter, infant son of Br. J. H: Ellis, -of MorayiiS V Falls, died last Friday of chol era infantum. He Was 13 months' old. We sympathize xvith the bereaved parents and: friends-tn the loss of their dar ling boy, . Little Bessie Coleman, aged about 12 years, North Wilkesdoro, narrowly escaped Li cji n g Ktiiea ujr rroi. . u. Beaty's cow. It had the child down, had made some wounds oq her and knocked several of her teeth out wha Mr. Beaty saw it anid-raa to the rescue. The cowls a Jersy, - M. liantfy,, of Union ttUU UiVIO UU1U J "-ww for by several. He foil nda eel in the cifeefc near hte . home, it.Vi a mnln flLTtrttl f. .half SWal- lowed. Both were dead. Some time Mr. Dance's child ren.didcovered a mole swim ming across the creek. The eel must have discovered this , one 8 wimnting across anU though it a good morsel to eat, but -he found it too tough toswallow. Why sot patronise year fiome merchants? Somehow or another, the ladies of these days think that ' to be in the fashion? they must order their dress goods, etc. This may be. th 'fashion" but it is i poor Judgement. Oui y merch an ts can .give you betters-goods at better prices : than :'thee mail houcs;-rovtded:ydtt;iire'iheiB j-ail orders " for y ou chea'ier than you oa n'getthsm, your aif. See our merchants and if Mtss Lola v annjoy has re turned from her visfo to Cftr iotte. " The county cimvas begine to-morrow. Thursday, at Brushy Mountain. Ftpromises to be a rich proceeding:. It will oay to hear it. Mr.T. C. Beaty tind wife, of Moresville, visited their soa Prof. Beaty at North Wilkes- boro, a few days last week, re turning home Saturday. The Hustler very pertinen tly puts it this way- "How about the road between the two towns both incorporation scrould get in some needed wx)rkJ just now before the bad weathesetsin. Do the auth orities- catch on? The Teachers Institute at Dellaplane last week was atten ded by 3$ teachers,, and the patrons and friends turned -out in jroodiv numoers. mere were four counties represented, J and much interest was mani fested. These meetings have J done a good work for edtica It ou . Our friead W. O. McNiell, of Union, discovered a Gray fox walking the fence on his place the other morning. He says it was a pretty one and that there are plenty of them up in that section. He extends an invitation to Mich Vannoy, Herb Greene' John Cranor and the?other fox hunter experts. Nornfe dagter of Esq. N. H. Rbbinett, of Hjendrix. were married lasi week Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. Rev. W. R. Bradshaw tid the knot and i of course it was tied properly and there's no reason why peace., plenty happiness and i prosperity should not be soon f companion for life with this populaT couple. Mr. Arthur Cowles died last ve.ek at Morganton and buried at the Chapel of Rest grave yard, in Caldwell county, in the Yadkin Valley. He was about 57 years o!4 and was a son of Esq. Calvin . J. Cowles, of this place He leaves a wife and seven child -reit. ' He has been under the care of Dr. Murphy for some time. Some years ago he con ducted at Gap Creek the lar gest mercantile business-to this ection of the State. Rev. J. N. Brooks, keeper of the aged and infirm gave us the following two items for last week but by an oversight they were left out; Mrs. Elvira Gather, an in mate of the home of the aged and infirm, died 23rd of last month. She was 84r years old and had been sick with dropsy about four months. She was a christian and died in tha faith and seemed willing to g5. The others inmates are ail enjoying very good health, at present. Interesting religious services were held there last Sunday. The Wilkesboro primary of democrats tut out the follow ing township ticket: for Jus tices of the Peace, R. M. 8taley4 T. B. James and C. F. Morri son. For Constable, John Hoi loway . . - s ' .: i Luther Lyon, Esq. one ; of the defeated aspirants for ; the republican ndmi ition for the Legislature, says -he is ; an ; in dependent candidate. He says the revenue, ring ..dnt treat him fair and has going to get gqual Taxation. VVLLKESBOltO N. C WEDNESDAY .OCT. 8, 1902. hafgttlj Attended and a t3oo4 Tiekcrt Selected, The Democratic t36anty Oon rention met bere Saturday and although it was a dreary rainy day the atteadance was quite !atge, every township being TepresenteL. The convention: met at Gin nings warehouse, and T. B. Fin ley was made chairman and J, T. Robertson and Rj A. Deatj Secretaries. The first thing-m order was the norainetion o f candidates for the Legislature and Hon Tyre York and James G. Hack- ett were nominated acclama tion. - : The Clerk came next and JDr Eller, A M. vannoy and Dr. Turner were placed in nomina tion, Mr. Vannoy stated .that he was not a candidate On the 4th ballot Dr. Albert J. El 1 ler was. nominated. For Register of Deeds,; Mr. W. A. Bullis was nominated 0 Vance McGhinis recieved tte nomination for Suveyor. For Coroner Dr. Dan M. Hall was nominated by acclamation. There was a number of can didates for county commission ers place before the convert tion and several ballots were tfaken. Esq. Wesley Joines was nominated on the 3rd bal- I lot Esq. J. R. Buroh, of 'Bern Castle was nominated on the 0rst ballot. . ... : i he nrace f or ttmmm&smm? missioner was left vacant, and no nomination was made: for f Sheriff. A resoln tion was adopted au thorizing the executive com mittee tofill all vacancies, as they mayee proper. The Collowing resolution en dorwng'Hon. C. B. Watson for U S. Senator was introduced by W. W. Barber and adopted; "Resolved that we, the Democrats of Wilkes Co. in convention assembled, endorsed Hon. C. B WaUon for U. 8. Senate. In htm we reconixe an honest ma'nrW troe deiiocrafc, wko in 1896 made the for Governor. hea defeat was certain, aa 1 who in the dark days from 1861 to 1865 fcwigfet with the boys in the rank on Virgiara soil, and who if elected will be the only Confederate Leoldiers in 58th Congress from North Carolina." After the nomination and work of the the convention was completed, Mr. James Pou made a short spicy speaeh. Let the democrats now go to work to elect their ticket. Teacher's lastlrate, Prof. G. C Wright, County Superin tendent of Schools, held a Teachers Institute-at Moravian Falls, which be gun on the 2?nd ult. and continued for one week. Thfrty-two teachers were enrolled." Prof. t. C Linney who is teaching there, suspended Ms school so that 1be Institute could hokl its ces sion injthe acadenfy. The teachers seemed to be well ;plased with the work of the Institute. Prof Wright went over the entire free school curri nhm --with the teachers beginning with Orthoeraphr. . Prof. Wright is a mod el teacher and is doln5 a gwat work a- Jong educational lines ia WHjies eountjr He deserves the ierty o-operation and sympathy of erery friend of eda cation in the coaaty. . On Tuesday night ; tere was a debate on the subiec of compulsory -school law. -The decision was left to." the lajat my place until Nov. 1st and after that diea who decided itt ,avor of tbe affir-I I will pay the market price, half cash motive: - ' . y r - :. . ' . The education of the raaBses depends: entirely upon the free schools. Therefore let us all strive earnestly to make them better: We all have an. i irrepsessible which to see atteHUS oiu efforts for -improvements 'Wiiatahali we-do:to scceed2 " T 'm'?'Z . iet a be content with iiotiing feat t& best: thoaghts, 'best work' and -. best en vironoment - . hot -troulAing .--about avoiching he worst. .The 'good will drive oat tb 5 bad , - - Pircrt and Indirect. Tlie registration books are- open. Better registers w Mr. J . P. McLainJhas opcn1 q up goods in the store "room recently occupied by White's l dtug ster. Prof. W. S. Snrratt and family, of Moravian Falls, will move to this place -this: week. . The Plasters for the court are .here and have began work, j The editor is confined with grip and the "deviis" have charge of t h is issue. Notices AH Persons indebted to the estate H. Curtis, either by note or accwant are reqpeaed o meet" me at the- old homestead -ou the 10th of November and nettl& the ome. I will ateo offer for sale at pnbliciction on tTiat day 10th of OTaUtbe personal property belonging to the inlate. such as house- 4 iiojd. goods-farming tools, 2 bugles, a good two, horse wagon, 1 (rgan and other things tod tedious to mention. Terms of sale made kuown on day of sale 1?. P. Curtis. JTotlec. By 9tne oj, a mortgage deed executed to me by Lewis wellborn and wife, Eltzabeth, to secaðft payment of $14.43 interest aad cost, I will sell to the highest bidder foj cash a tht-"ootirt houoe door in WiiesborofN C Ou Thobkdat Nov. 6th 1902, the following described lands, lying in Wilkes county adjoining the lands of A. If. Wellborn and J: H. Pardue and known as a part; of the J. H. Pajdao trastt, TLU Oct. 4th J. H Pardue, Mortgasee. Lumber Wanted. We are in the market for all the good Oak Lumber we can get. Will pay the of good oakv-bring-it to -ns; North Wilkesboro, Sept. I5tk.r THE GflRDmCtjE JOB OFFICE, Btl ttinDa of lHain and jTsncv printing Prpmptls iSiecntcd. 'ricaResofiabkf. We have a few nice- Waist Pattesos going at 20c thss week oniy. Call & Co. A good lie of Shoe, now is the time to ge a bargain. Call & Co Laundry for theStatecfvtUe Steam Laundry one of the hest in the State- should be left at J. T. Hubbard's store on" Mondays. Blanks and at this office. Job Printing Wood subscribers drop in along now. might The Chronicle till after the election for 25c. LOST: A pocket note book between Wilkesboso and Mick Higgens, and on the Mul berry road. Finderwill be rewarbed by returning same to this ofiice. NOTICB. Toting ilace Changed. Notice is hereby given that at a meet ing the Wilkes County Board of Elec tions held on Tuesday, Sej, 22nd 1902, the voting place of Reddles River town- ship was moved trwm Nichols' school house to Millers Oeek. This Sept '28. F. B. U.exdren. ecy Wilkes Co. Bd of Election. NOTICE.-I will pay 50c asU per boeUel-for corn, shelled id del i vered and balance in goods at cash prices. Bring me your corn and get the money.. "I. E. Davis, Goshen; N. G, i is Marsr boot of the renalns F remodr that corcc a com tm ) Foley's Honey end . Tar cures colds, prevents pneuacsl" A A J. P. 11 Rousseau i.r" Every other kind of Hbrd ware you need Best Quality; Best Prices. J. P. ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro. March Jtthv 'all Mffliwert.: . Iperfect In SutJte anb prices Our Fall and Winter M ilisryust receivect is the best selectdi best quality, up-to-date and most attractive on the markets. Wexordially invite all to examine burmilli- Offers jtforth Wilkesboro, Sept. 10th. ACM E AH you have to self at the Highest Prices. Saye your Peach Seed and bring them to us. rices Ijeducedo This refers to our line of Clothing; wet have marked down our pripes and offer you the best bargains in Clothing to bQ found in this section. Come and sea us; we can suit you in quality and price. CALL & COMBS. RIHT, LEAN, n lire itBae - IHJeai! IPceittlEo atJ one; DaM oimdl See libir -IToinipcoIllXo 1. SpainlrLotir Co. - - The one-price-to-all Gtor:: Mrs. J. R. COMBS. ' 8 TTRACTIVE. G, inter 4oodo . FT V V: $Hey havenTt exactly what you even and - show the ;ringsters The Chronicle from now till; n A f 1 1.tR H A T7T m - - " - it'theyili5etit for; you; ;; j axhinij or twp, V