'than anyv house in ilkes cohhty 5. i . nOfO 10c size good Itfpk powders 7$cv uring ua your cash and ! we toill 5c " " .i 4 proy9.it. Caffbt&Co.. ..- - . . . : Other things just as cheap f- Cash.Orocers ;N:..WiIkesboro: " Caitsy & Co., orth Wilkesbor : A JT-' - If -II II II' I I - 1 I 3 r rr The Chronic Lie. Can vrht tW ere a t & JHiert . Miss Mattie Curtis, ; of Boone, was here last week. ' A fine boy at E . M . Bis ck burns 10 pounds. ; i' i Mr. Finley Curtis, of Tenn esseej'was here last week. - -Charlie Lendermar has a fine boy visitor that arrived Thursday. J, B. McNeill, of Mil ers Creek, was among our pleasant visitors last week. Miss Howard, representing the Orphans Friend, was in town last week taking sub scriptions. This has been an exception ally beautiful fall. . It- will probably pay us back ti.is vrin ter. . - .- - iss Amanda Quia and r Nathan Horton, of Kendall, were here last week looking at ter some business. Our good friend Bob G ar ner arriyed last week from Utah. We are rnighty glad to 6e. our friend Bob back hernia again. --Charlie Biggins, wh re cently carae . in from Oregon with his wife to visit relatives in this county, was in tewn Friday, -Mr. D. R. Edwards tell u that he i s-a few pounds ah pad of " Sheriff Ferguson in th pumpkin business. He has me that weighed .75 pounds Mr, Fergusous weighed 64 p-i - This district bft-m.s to away behind in the- pu 4m )lic school matter The buiiding needs repairs badly, and no ne seem3 interested especially the matter. in There will be a ''shaking up" of old officers. at the ccjnrt nouse iae nrsi aionaay in je cember. which is, not far bff. Only one of the present officer's will continue and that one is Sheriff Johnson. ' There was an alarm of fire at : Spainhour's pin factory Wednesday and considerblejex citement for a while. The fire caught. from the roof, but was discovered, and promptly put jCUt. :. - y -V ,. The Hustler tells of the marriage of IT. C Forester md Miss Mamie McLean iast wtek It was a surprise wedding, The bridal couple went to WaShi ng ton on a tour. Best wishes to them. ;. ; ' Henry Jennings, Esp., of Mulberry, has some large ;ur uips this year. He has one that measured o inches across and one that weighs five pounds. and these are .& just ordinary sam pies. 'Mr. Wiley Winkler, donat ed this office a sweet po a to last week that measured; ;wo feet long,, and he wou Id like ! to know who can beat it. ( All parties contesting wjil pUaise leave the potatoes at this omce -we will look after their pers oq al welfare. ' , The Junior Order Un ted American Mechanics will have ad oyster and ice cream su per in their hall.ber-:'vWeilbor.;-'&: Uavia store on ahe night 1 of fThauksgiving; day. .Oystsrs. Cake, and ice. cream wilt be served. The proceeds' are! for the benefit of the rx order. ; All are invited. :Let every , one rat ' :UD-to-date line ofxollars. cufld 1 aud - -. . , t - 1 XT I" A. C. Mefrley. has moved his family to this place, i Talmage Prevette and Wil son1 Lewis took a pleasure trip to Ashe the first of the week. : . Mr. Bud Foster has return ed home from Salisbury and i able to be out again, we are delighted to note, j A very successful revival meeting was held at Shady Grove last week. Some ten persons were converted.- Bud Lewis and Blaine Henderson have purchased C. H. isomers stock of groceries and hav opened up a line of goods. ' Mrs. Mary Bartley died at Poors Knob Friday. She was about 70 years old and the mother-in law of Esq. John A. Lowe. "A Rev. L P. Bogle, of Jeffer son, passed through the first of the week on his way to the Methodist Conference at Mon roe tii is week, - Kev. E. P. Cireene, the pas tor here, and Rev. Mr. Tabor, of the North Wiikesboro circuit ! are attending the Conference at Monroe which begins to day-. The public school began j here Monday. Mr. Harvey Ferguson has charge of the school and is assisted by Miss. Rogers. The school building is being repaired J. F. Vannoy, principal of Sulphur Springs Academy, was m town Saturday, and says the school there is well attended aud the people are taking in terest in educational matters. Mrs. Dr W. C. Greene, who is at Johns Hopkins hos pital, Balthaore, is improving fast and will soon be able to return home. - This good news will delight her friends here. The county Board of Elec tion have issued Dr Pegrain a certificate of election to the Legislature and certified also to that bodyjthe fact of his hold ing a Federal pqsition The Legislature will decide as to the Dr's eligibility. The good news from Ashe brought by Bill Bledsoe seems to have been in error. Mr. Harve Vannoy tells us that Mott Wellborn is certainly elected instead of -Tam 'Bowie. J i Vannoy returned from A. fie Wednesday. Why not organize a Con cert Club here? a. number of o u r ' ci t i ze as could easi ly -organ ize artd make arrangements to have a series of lectures, enter tainments, and such like. v The proceeds, if above expences, co uld be tu rn ed over to the churches, school, or some other charitable purpose " Such en tertainments would be a source of pleasure and profit to our people during " the season of "lorig winter night" andvwould assist in the charitable needo of the town.' Let's talk it up and organize a Concert Glub. ; To dayvat 11 o'clock at the Presoy triao church at' this place, Mr. W H. McElwee leads to the hymeneal alter Mis. Bes sie Cranor, the- accomplished and charming daughter of Hon. John 8. Cranor. Rev C. WV Robinson the pastor, will. per form the ceremony; The ushers are Joo Robertson, J. Gordon Hackett, VV; S. '.Wellborn '-and Will .Cranor. Miss . Bertha Shainhour presides a the . gah. No cards for either town have been issued but their friends are invited to come. They will make their home at Ronda May heavens best bless ings be theirs through lif o- Pqual Taxation, WiLRESBQRQWKG WEDNESDAY; NOT, 10, 1902. Gen. Gordon to Lecture. Gen. John B. Gordon will lecture at the New Era Hall at North Wiikesboro next Satiir day afternoon at 3 o'ciopk. The admission is 50c and reserved 75c. Gen. -Gordon is one of the most prominent lecturers in the South one of the few surviving officers who fought through-the wsr between the States. ' It was Gordon who lead the last charge at Appo mattox, and when Lee decided at last to surrender when hope was gone,, it was Gordon's men, .though ragged and foot sore, who begged "Ob! General, give us one more chance. We have followed the flag through blood and death for four long weary years and have never faltered; give Us one more chanc-j.,, But it was not to be; it was over forever. General Gordon is bound to us by ties of kinship- also the .'Finley s and Hachetts are his nar relatives. In fact he was born in Wilkes, on the hill hear where he will speak. We should hear the old hero our county man. The Hawks Lecture. The Hawks lecture at New Era Hall Friday night was erreatin everv respect. Ibe editor regrets his inability to attend, but those who did at tend speak in the highest terms of the lecture. The Subject was ;Sunshine." He used as his text that pretty little stanza which tells so much truth: "The night hath a thousand yes, The day but one; ' But the light of the whole world dies With the setting sun,7 ' The soul hath a thousand eyes, The heart but one; But the light of a whole life dies, When love is dona." His lecture was a mixture of sunshine and tears, but in eve ry tear was a reflected sun, and the tears were dewa of gladness to freshan and brighten life It is a pity that m3re people did not hear him-'' 'Turned It All.oyer to the Beveues." Some poor fellow is minus a good mule and wagon and about 18 gallonsof blockade of the latest and most up to-date edition. They say you smell the negro that hoed the corn. The way it ocCured was.amoos in,"oo. Bill Merrinion, a liv ery driver of North Wiikesboro was driving up ti hough town. This side of the bridge he halted a one horse wagon and de manded that it be searched. Thefellow jumped from the wagdn and made his escape, th irking, the revenues were af ter him. Merrimon canie back to the hotel and got the reve nue officers 'and went back and took possesion of the outfit, as stated. The wagon and coo tents were brought to the livery stable where they are safely locked up. It is said the fellow li yes i n Te nn . a nd " was mo v i n g some af bis.hrothers goods from this.j;ounty to where they.: live" inTennessee and that the- 18 gallons was. just, for family purposes, r Any way Bill Me r riman had better stop tbe live ry businessand join the reve nue detective force. ;'' . -; W. C. Walkerof Absher, was here "this week.; - t '-JMr W-iIL Foushee, of States ville, is in the county on "busi ness.:. '' , " " - ; --Mri r Willie Johnson1 was c-f18 week iting his; un, cle Sheriff Johnson. : : . The twQ. State Senators from the Alexander, Caldwell, Burke and McDowell district are both from the same county, McDow- pircct and Indirect. To-morrow week is Thaks giving day and turkeys are. scarce. Lawyer L W. Swink, qf Winston, was in town the first of the "week. W. W Barber and family went over to A she Monday to visit relatives ." ... Mrs. R. F. Wyatt, of Mil lers Creek, was in town this week, V ' ' ' : - - Mr. A. B. Carson, of the JBrushies, brought us four tur nips Monday that averaged 4 pounds each. They were whoppers and we're living high now. All who wish oysters Jfor Thanksgiving day are request ed to leave their orders7 with W. L. Brucv by to morrow the 20th. Don7t forget it, or vou will miss something fine The biggest time of the season will be at the Jr- O. U. A. M's. hall on Thanksgiving evening, a lecture by Rev. W. R. Bradshaw, recitations and songs by the ladies of the town and Oysters. Ice Cream and Cake galore. James Hubbard at J. T. Hubbards store is the agent for the States ville laundry, one of the best in the state. Leave your good& there Monday so he can send them off Tuesday. You can get them, home Satur day and be ready for Sunday. Judge , Shauthas signed and returned a judgment giy ing ah absolute divorce to - J W. Vickers from M E Vickers. This is in accordance with the verdict of the jury at the last term or court, roe judge re served signing; the judgment until satisfying, himself on some law points involved. Mr. Sidney Swanson's team of mules ran away Monday af ternoon near Dick Reins'. He was thrown from the wagon with such force that his spinal column was affected,' which produced a partial paralysis No bopes were broken and Dr. White ays that he thinks he will be all right in a few days. He is comfortably housed at Mr. Reins' at present. The team got scared at Mr. Ben bow's white spotted hoi so and Game all the way down toSpain hour's pin factory before they were stopped The following account of the ' Round Dpzen Club" of Winston contains a very com plimentary notice of Mrs. Ham ilton Horton who is well known here:" ." .;'".' : ' "The Round Dozen Club was most charmingly entertained this afternoon at the home of 3Lrs" L. A. Vaughn. The topic discussed was "Joan of Arc, the lightof ancient France" and was handl ed in a most interesting manner by Mrs Hamilton Hortoru Mrs. Horton brought out many new points of interest about this famous heroine, who just missed canonization in the Roman Catholic church. At Mts. Horton's; request a a" most striking article was read by Jttiss C. Gaudier, the President; this was tak en from the preface of Mark Twain's translation of the life of this wonderful woman." George Grinton, colored, age about 12 years, is making a reputation for one who has scarcely started in life. He was up before Esq Somers Fri day for stealing Mr Joe Mitch ells watch. Seme time ago he c"ut up a good k raw- hide whip and a little wagon . belonging to L Bumgarner, and ; several others say he has- been taking things from their houses The only thing lacking is; be has so far failed to steal a chicken. He has been bound over: to court ana'X the judge will have a chance to administer, a lecture on stealing. 1 lai ' j very other kind of Hardware you neecV Best Qtiality; Best Prices. J. P, ROUSSEAUj, North Wiikesboro, March th- r 'all jfH&f pexfeci in (SlyaUt Stle anb Iprice, Qur Fall and Winter Millery, just received, is the best selected bet quality, up-to-date. and most attractive on We cordially irjvite all tQ examine pur milli-? linery goods and purices before purchasing Mrs, 3, R. COMBS; North Wjlkesborq, Se.pt. 10th. ily If you want to do well ancj get you moneys worth, we are the people to buy your good We have jut received our up-to-date Fall and Winter goods, and we are able to save, you monpy. Just give us a tril and we wilj let you say for yourself. Successor- to, I. S. Call ' & Op. - rices This refers to. our line, of Ctothing; west heve marked down our prices and offer you the best bargains in Clothing to be fou.nd.in this section.. Come and see. us; we can'suit you in quality and price. call & comes. RIHT, Ou KLEAN,. PI FalL a "d Winter; G (Dallll siimdl "See fifois" Uopraellfi. ;&.. "A.. Spain Ho ta ir iSw Co; '.. , The dhe-pri.ce--tQrQjl o.tQTC 19. Uinem the markets. to Save Lionet i' i. TTRACTiVE, oods

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