0 t - i 4 . t w e sen our groceries ; cheaper Best Granulated Sugar &v .luuii auy Bouse in wiiKea county. Bring us your ash and e will 10c size gbod luck powders 1 prove it. apfey & Co., . - Cash Grocers N Wilkesboro. 5c " 4n Other things jus$ as cheap r. t Cafpby & Co., Nortfc Wilkesboro r v III- AX v l Ax J4y A JvX-O VOL. XVI. The Chronicle fauzrht WWere and There The grip is prevalent at this season The places of business will be closed generally to-morrow. Call on Bruce and get your oysters and fisn to-day and ,o morrow. Lawyer Hendren's family spent several days at Moravian Falls last week. xMrs, Rebecca Horton of Watauga is visiting her sou at North Wilkesboro. The oyster supper by the Jr. O. U. A. M to-niorr jvf night. At Wilkesboro Hotel. 'Possums are having very little time to grin along now. The boys are after 'em every night. Corn shredders are being considerably introduced in the county quite a number ol them in operation. Robert and Miss Hatiie Scroggs, of Moravian Fall, wii spend Thanksgiving with rela . lives at States ville. IT " 1 ' Tfc 1 irarKS rxav. wno nas uet-i in West "Virginia for sometime has returned to Wilkes to spend the winter. Revs. Phillips, of Charlotte and Bumgarner, of Alexander conducted a protracted meet-J lag at Boomer last week. The cook question is agi tating this section a little a long now. The eaung qu tion will bother some of the cooks next spring. Mrs. Eliza Kincaid, of Mor gahton, who has been pend iagsome time vvich her m-ptitsw J. L. Hemphill, returned home last week. Th vacant lots from tiu bridge to Esq Staley's ought to be dotted with factories ot some kind, and no w is a good time to. agitate the matter. Miss Cora McNeill is hav ing a very successful scho.il at Poors Knob. The attendance is quite large and the pupils a e showing a great deal of inter est. The Jr. O. U. A. M. wd give their oyster supper tc mor row night. Be sure to attend and thereby hel$ iu a good cause and also enjoy yourself. We see io the Lenoir pa pers an account of the death of Mrs. Jones Powell which occur red last week. She was the mother of Mrs. Whit Williams of this place. The ladies will give a Box Supper" to morrow at 3 o'clock at Walnut Grove church, Poors Knob, for the benefit of the church. All are invited to come. . Misses Jessie and Beufah Ferguson were visiting here last week. Miss Jessie will leave for Washington in a few days ta spend the winter with the family of Mr. H. T. Holmes. James Gordon Hackett has gone down to the State farm to see how things are getting on and to hunt a few days. He has been re appointed a direc tor of -the penitentiary. 1 H. M. Wellborn, ' of: Ashe, was in town the first of the week. He said he was not on his way to-the-"Halls of Ral :veigh" at present 'but had just come over to -fill his bond and employ a boat in which to sail to Raleigh." He returned ;to' he, Tuesday. - 4 oeverai turteys are prac ticing their funeral gobble to day --J. P. McLain took a nice load of tobacco to Statesville : last week J. H. Hall and daughter Miss Lou, jf Boomer, were in town last week. Dr Turner tells us that Lafayette Swanson, who was injured in a run away, is slow ly improving. The removal of the trees from the court house yard will I begin in a few days. J. T. Huhbardhas the contract. The song of the corn shred der attracted much attention here last . week It does its work well and is a "curiosity shop"' to a lot of our people. Woe unto the birds and rabbit- to morrow the bigger part of the male portion of the "rising generation" is prepared to try their marksmanship. The Sheriff starts around after your taxes again 0ec. 3rd and this is his last round It will be a deputy with a levy and cost to pay next time. It would be hetter to settle now, PostofTice' Inspector Frye is up in this section investiga ting tne postornce matters in regcird to the recent frauds in stiyrated bv T. J. Bryant, of A lleghany Rev H. H. Phelps, former r f'tor of th'- Episcopal church at this plaoe will conduct ser vices here next Sunday, the 5th Sunday He is an attractive speaker and we hope our peo pie wi'l attend and hear him. - Ann still our. rations come in. Esq. D. A Reece present d this office last week with two rurnips that weighed 9 pounds. Let the good work proceed -al ways leave the sam ples at this office. The biggest turnip Drought to this office so far was ffiven us by Mr. A. T. Jones, of Qak woods It. 7 pounds and 6 ounces. It was raised by IV r. Abe Jones, a Wilkes ite who lives in Alexander now. If our people here would wake up, we would soon have furniture factories and other kinds of factories Our folks Iseem to he more inclined to work asrainst than for the town A new furniture factorv hf been organized at. North Wilkesboro, The factorv will jilt- H!'rl be located at th Caffey livery I buildiner place The work work preparing the butldings. etc . will besrin at once Congressman Blackburn came in from 'ashinerton last. ii Mirsrrav i ne papers state that he will locate at Greens- poro soon after his marriaere 1 which takes place the 20th of tVcember at Washington He moves to Greensboro for the purpose of practicing law Mr and Mrs A T Jones, nf OaVwoo?s vfsitpd relatives near Vasht.i lat weelr He tells' us that a Salishnrv Oo. is rapidlv moviner the eranite rom Rocky Fare" mountain The face of the mountain is considerably disfigured. ; -tn the eastern end of Trap TJilV township las week, one pf ; Rpfcer knocked : Lewis fjarks in'the head with a piece of iron and seriously injured hjira. There is donht aVout his recovery. Spicer has been in several revenue troubles and' is not "bashful when it comes Ito a racicet. vve ao not Know what the trouble was about. : JSqual Jaxation, WILKESBORO N. C., WEDNESDAY. NOY.'26, 1902. MeELWEE CRANOR. A Prettj Church Wedding which Oc curred Wednesday at 11 Mr W. H. McEl wee and Miss Bessie Cranor were married in the Presbyterian church Wed. morning at 11 o'clock. It was hone of the most impressive and beautiful church weddings ev er witnessed in this section. The church decorations were under the supervision of Mr. Edgar Spainhonr and were ar tistically and attractively ar ranged. Miss McNeill presided at the organ. As the ushers T. J. Robertson, J. G. Hackett, W. S. Wellborn and W T Cranor followed by the contracting1 parties, marched slowly up the aisle, the .choir sang Lohen grin's Wedding Chorus. The ! ceremony was impressively performed by Rev. C. W. Rob inson. The organist softly rendered "Call Me Thine Own" while the ceremony was in progress As the solemn cere mony was completed, the or ganist played Mendlesson's Wedding March, the grandest the world has produced, and the bride and groom followed by the ushers marched out of the church and were conducted to the residence of the bride's father, where a sumptuous re past was served to a number of special friends. The bride and groom left at 1 o'clock for Statesville, taking the train at Taylorsville. They willlocate at Ronda when the wedding tour is over. May the blessings of heaven abundantly abide with them while life lasts. A fine new girl at Ex Sheriff McEwen's. Several friends have re membered us with wood. We have no objection to cash eith er. There will be services at the Baptist church to morrow. Thankscivinc. conducted bv the pastor Rev. W. R. Brad- shaw. He will also conduct services at Moravian Falls in the afternoon. No services at the other churches. Miss Minnie Badgett, a cou sin to Mr. W. S. Surra! t pf this place, was married last Sunday to Dr. H. J. D-jarborn, at lt Sterling, 111. Miss Badgett has visited our co-unty twice and made a host of friends who send her their best wishes and congratulations She is a charming and intelligent lady and has no doubt chosen a wor- thy companion. Mr James Call died near Straw ppstoffice last week at the ripe" old age of 7a years He died of no special disease; he succumbed under the weight of burden of years. tie was the brother of the late Isaac (Jail of this place, tie was a member of the Baptist church at Fishing Creek Arbor. He was laid to rest at the old Call graveyard. Mr J. E. Garner, of Wa tauga, gave us a pleasant call Monday. He had been over visiting his relatives in this county and was on his way back home. He brought over with him Mr. I. N. Garner, his uncle, of Nebraska, who is now visiting relatives in this county, and- will probably stay ouring the winter months before re inrning to his western home. We were glad to meet again with our good W atau ga f He nd. We have'oeen friendS'Mnce we began the paper here (he pays promptly and is an- all around 300 pounds good fellow and "one of the boys.) pirect and Indirect Gen. Gordon's Lecture. Gen. John B. Gordon, the old hero of ,the Confederacy, lectured at liew Era Hall, Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The house was well filled but not crowed. The lecture was from the subject "The Last Days of the Confederacy" and it was a magnificent production. The General is a stately command ing personage and has an easy and attractive manner upon the stage. It would be impossible in so short a space to anything like a synopsis of the grand old he ro's great lecture. He told mostly of the deeds of the boys in the ranks, the boys that did the shooting. The pictures of heroism and devotion, taken from actual facts he was there should be fixed and fes tered in every heart, both north and south. He told many amusing occurrences that came within his knowl edge, and how friendly the "Yanks and Johnny Rebs" were when not in battle; how they used to wade the Rapadan and trade tobacco for coffee, and many similar incidents. There were many old soldiers present who remembered these pleasing incidents, as well as the many privations and hor rors of the war We younger set cannot realize these things as they really were, and what is more discouraging many of the "smart set" don t seem to care enough about these things to learn and remember and cherish the deeds of fathers, uncles and brothers. Gen. Gordon was here among a host of relatives and riends. He was not born here himself, but his father lived here many years, was one of the pioneers. He was born in Georgia and represented that State many years in the United States 3en ate. He is a grand old man, a bout the last of the old Confed erate Generals, tie led the last charge of Appomattox and was first in leading the strug gle to rebuild the wasted for tunes of the South, and he is about the last of the old Veter ans wno nave so aarniraoiy done their work in rebuilding an industrial South where blood and ashes and ruins were left, to whom the summons tkas not come to "cross over tne river and rest under the shade." It was inspiring to hear the grand old Southern General. Our fiiend L L. Walker, of Boomer, says he hasn't the largest pumpkin in the land but he has a real purm.kin cu riosity. It is of medium size and appeared perfectly sound on the outside. When cut open about 20 seeds had sprouted and vines had run 8 to 10 in. long and there were leaves as large as your thumb nail. This is something "new under the sun." Among the numberpardon ed by the goyenor last week is Samuel ,Hayden, of Rowan county, who was working on the rurnpike. He was in for larfiftnv for 3 Nveara and had anpnnd.nknnt T TT rn 1 e Irt-o O 1 consumption and his friends will send him to New Mexico to prolong fits life. He is an intelligent young fellow, and of good family. He was at one time a trusted telegraphy oper ator on the Southern. - - D. W. My berry has a nicer:: line of mens and Voyaf pants from JCcta to $5.00 also men andoys medium, priced suits; rice3 the toasU 'irsseca wca Rousseau r B iraeeaD a sitove; Every other kind of Hardware you need. Best Quality; Best Prices. J- P, ROUSSEAU, North Wilkesboro, Marcb- 4th- A perfect in "Quality, Srgle anb Iprice. Our Falf and Winter Mil lery. Just received,, is the best electd, best quality, uprtb-dater and most attractive on the markets. We cordially invite all to examine our milli-r linery goods and prices before purchasing1. Mrs. JP R; COMBS, North Wilkesboro, Sept. 10th. An Oiortnflity to Save Money. If you want to do well and get you money's worth, we are the people to buy your gooda from. We have just received our up-tondate Falf and Winter goods, and you money. Just give let you say for yourself . C. CALU gucooft&or to. 1 S. Call & Go, rices This refers to our line of Clothing; wo have marked down our prices and offer you the best bargains in; Clothing to bet found in this section. Come and seq we can suit you in quality and price. yQAJJL & - COJUBS. us; RIHT, OurF UiLEAN, fMI mm m w mmr . . m Rtf mm r-j aUa"d;Wi mmoDstt StfyMQiln odibi ttlliie inmai?IIietor ODciEE anadt See fop l!owi?sWr v A;SRainixQur Co. .The Qneprice-toafl stora NO. 20. J BAT LIRE IB iis tide? we are able to save us trial and we wilt educed TTBACTIVE, G nterj Mooda