qual Taxation, pirect and Indirect drTsJTrriirsrTrr, . ,.-m . ... t . ttttit. . ..- . . .. . ' . - - - - - .- 1 " - - - Ths Chronicle. ttaujhi WKire ami - There J. W.. Moore returned week from Illinois - ast . Mr. A. H, Walls, pf Ek was in town last week; . Mr J. P Rousseau is Mill quite sick. . . Have you seen the- pre ty Xmas pictures at Spaihhouj's? Mr. C. H. Cowles is home ;fiona Washington for the l.ol days. L,-B, Murray has qualified as-administrator of vVade Dar nail, deceased. ' For a rarity it rained all the day Sunday and the roads are still good. i ., -Mr. Lee Ferguson is aeiiv cring some nice enlarged trait work in the county. Mrs. Raynor Bulhs has-been low is" slightly pbr J who ira proved. Miss Fannie Wellborn visiting Miss Hendrix, at kin. is El License were issued for the marriage of Jim Porter and Alice Felts last week. ; Our friend En. Winki and Mies Mollie Stroud are hp married this week. er to Capt. L. O Ferguson - and daughter Miss Blanche were 4T . i'A town last week. - Miss Blanch Creswell, of ... . . -mm- It Keidsville. is visitiner Mrs J. R. Combs, N. Wilkesboro. The installation of the offi "cers of Liberty lodge, wfll take place Saturday at 10 o'clock at the hall. The pension checks are be ing distributed'to the old sol t 4iara t.hiA wr-flr Tt is a nice Christmas gift. v Miss Annie Rogers ass s tant teacher in the academy here,Tleft for Oxford yesterday tospend the holidays. Prof Boldin, of , Boomer. High School, was in town last week, and says his school h is b een the bes t i n . th e b jsfeory school. I . The schools are havii g holidays this weeTc and the hearts of the little follows are throbbing fast with joy,; They feel free for X,uras. Miss Egbert gave her school a genuine old fashioned cauuv uuiiiukL ; loan j.- cjT , when she closed for,' the . ho i days, arid- the children we: -e delighted. i; The papers state that Lieut C6l. U. D. Cowtes ha3 been ; pxv dered back torthe Philipp.iney. TTa 'and Mrs. Oawles visited his father, ColrCaivin J. i CowIc s at this place a few weeks ago I. S. Call, Jrf; Rogan Rou i seau, Stokes Hunt; . Ira Triple t and Mr. Ashkettle, who ' have been at Oak Ridge,' are home for the holiday s. The boys are looking well and seem -to- te getting along splendidly! Mir-Will HubbartTs - little two months old boy died last week, of spasms. This is, .his third child to die about th same- a ere in 4b e same manne ....... . - . i . Our deeoest sympathy .' is' e tended to the bereaved. family; Misses Rosa and Hellij McNeilli who have beehratten i ing the Baptist' Female TThiver 8ity attEaleigh,' have returne home for the ? holidays,! after attending the marriage of their brother R H McNeill at Stated rillas t- Wed n esd ay . Miss Frankie Staley is home from Summit to spend the hoh days - . " . .5. . Miss Minnie Garner is .vis iting Miss Frankie Staley - and will spend Xmas here. Mr - A. Felts; of Viands; says that there is a lot of Scar Hiram Churchy of Purlear, is not expected -'to live, vith i typhoid fever. He is 78 Tyears olds. -rH. A Morrison aud family, of Roaring River, are visiting Mr R A. Morrison's during thti holidays, i M r. Francis EHer,' an u aged citizen of Lewis Fork Town ship, died last week. He was some 75 year&old and a good citizen. ' Miss Bettie Gray, of Cling man, died last Saturday at the agn of about 75 years j ,, She had cancer and had been.suffer ing for years, s . . . The- Baptist Sunday school exercises and donations will take p ace at the: church to niht, (Wednesday) and the "Jacobs Ladder" Xmas enter ta,inment at the - Methodist church will occur to morrow night. ' T V Since giving . ah endorse ment of Bro. Cobb of Morgan ton for ctiie'f clerk of the House we learn that Wilkes has a can didate for the same position in the person of .Frank 0 Hack ett, and of course we are for our home man. Register Blevins did a big marriage license business Mon day, five license isiied J M Harrald to Julia Porter, An drew Cornett to Dora Hambv, Z B. Hamby to,M. J, Spears, R Chas. -Culler to Mira Clark. C. C. Caudill to Jennie Bowels. Dick Hardin was called - to Ashe last week by a telephone message announcing the seri ous illness of his father John Hardin, who had suffered a stroke of. : paralysis. He re turned Saturday and says his father is recovering rapidly. -1. Esq S. J. Ginnings informs us of the death of Mr Thos R. Martin at Lewisburg Tenn., the 12th of this month. He was a native of Wilkes? and was the uncle of Mrs. S. J. G i n n i n gs,' of this place. ; He was about 84 years old?and was a prominent citizen and a sue cessful and extensive farmer He has hosts of relatives ? and friends in-Wilkes who wilUiear . in . sorro w-' tne news; ot nis death. He was the fourteenth of a family of sixteen to j pass ' over the river from whence no traveler.Teturns.1. - , Notice. ; , - . By virtue of an -xecuJion in my hands for coiJectiou isseingSrom tbe SDperior 'court : of vVjikea cuuty teturntble. to Jq. tenn of Wiik- a rp. eoort in favor; f . Anderapa Flier and against Hays and Milea Stout for the bun ot $50. 00, intcroat And cost. Lsvy bar r t t , in been raaJe bp me npm the hatne tract of J. W Havs lu exceea oT hw homestead ad ioin his honifcHtead the landvf j;,'Biaiiop T. M, L. Gridt ond others, containing one hundred ' acres morr or lens, also upon his interest in a certaia store bonc and lands attached thereto c mtainiog 25 acres, situated at, Millers Creek post office, a (I joining UuJ iai3tj 6f of. iira- F. J. B aylock JR.J. Baths B. C McNeil and others; all ot which is situated ia Buddies River town bTp. I sell for cash at the ;. court house door in Wilkebbom N. C on the 26 th l& Jan : 1903 Petweeu the hoars of 2 m,aud 2 p m. The above described lands tosatisfy salk execution j - -- a 1 W ' - ; This Dec. 23rd 1902. - '.''. NOTICE.- " " J. H. Johsson, - 'I Having qualified as ndmiiiiatsator of Judge ' . . 8berifF.il'-' F Colvard deceased, late of" Wilkes county, ... . r ,! - ; Notice to the Pribllc. : ' r . , The public is hre by notified to stop using. the road leading by my residence. Thisvle6rl5 to 1902, . - ; f J. ; P. Pousse ait. ' I sell more guns and shells than any body. VV hy? Because I sell a i better ; 30 in. barrel 12 gague, call on me. Price , eve sawing.,- - grade of guns. J PRoaseau. I $25-00. -Jf Rousseau--. ' j .' " G eokgls-F 0?ilvj - WILKESBORO . N. O... WEDNESDAY DEC. 24: 1902. MAYAGUEZ, PORTO EICO. The White Squadrons Great Victory in the West Indian-Islands. On Board the War Ship, Iowa, Dec. 1U My Dear Parents: flailing from Mon tevideo we arrived at Rio Janneiro" on Nov. 8th and went ashore to attend the inauguration of the newly elected Pres ident of Brazil and it was a grand af fair. The dinner was the most Bump tious I ever saw.- There were two qt. bottles of Champaign placed at every plate. Foreign officials from Spain Ita ly, England. France, Germany Argen tine and others as well as from the Uni ted States participated. The ball and dancing lasted till sunrise: Our Minis ter, Col. Bryan, was the leader socially and diplomatically. I greatly enjoyed the occasion. The ladies : werer very pretty, I did not see an ugly i face, but they lacked the intelligence and char acter of our women. - By invitation I went out to spend a night with one of the proprietors of the celebrated Ar bu'ckles coffee industry who lived across the By. ' This is their headquarters and their business is immense, having large loffee plantations here. ! The next day we gave a reception on - board 'our, ship in honor, of the new President who attended with his cabinet. Our dinner cost about one thousand dollars, but it did not compare with , the one above mentioned. I had the honor of being master of ceremonies in receiving the dignitaries on deck and the forms of etiquette tested-my nerves. - But I got through very Well. On their departure we fired a salute of 17 guns, while the band discoursed sweet music. I reckon it made the old fellow feel like he was somebody. We sailed next day for the port of Spain on the island of Trinidad wnicn we reacnea arier iu uays. nere we joined the European rfquadron and combined with it o engage in the great "war came" to take place in the West India Islands. We took the name ofthe "White Squadron" and our ad versaries ''The Blue." Our squadron consisted of the Iowa, Albany, Illinois, Chicago, Eagle, Atlanta, Nashville snd 8an Francisco, under the commad f Hear Admirals Sumner and Crowning shield; while the Blue consisted of the Kear8age, Alabama. Indiana Texas, Cincinnati, Newark. Massachusetts, Raleigh, Olympia, Scorpion, Hist Wasp Vixon and 8 torpedo boats, under com mand of Rear Admiral Higginson. The rules governing the maneuvers are in brief as follows: The white squad r n represents an advanced detach ment of an enemy whose object is to seiza and secure a base in the Porto RTcan waters between and including Mayaqnez oh the west and Great Har bor,. Culebra, on the east; also to mine the main ship channel of the port seiaed before 6 p m. Dec. 10th when the problem ends. Now if we enter the port and complete the mining of the channel before the arrival of the Blue force double double our own, we win, but if the Blue force .should inter cept us at sea with" a superior force or attack us before we mine the. channel, they win. We sailed from Trinidad Dec. 5th and had a race of 1500 miles at highspeed across' the Carribean sea, with no lights at night to keep the ene- my from seeing us, running for 5 days large and heavy ships into a strage bar-, bor and outwitted them, and drove their scouts from the harbor and took posession 14rhours before they came up ! with us with their large superior force, and Admiral Higginson sent in one of his sh!Ps uader a flas of truce and ac- knowledged his defeat under the rules, and congratulated our Admiral Sumner on his victory. It was - an i exciting scene which I am unable to describe. The entire fleets will now assemble -at Culebra island to be re organized by. lAdmiral Dewey, for stilj greater Naval display during the winter. - One of the ! nnrinatia oA:n thf trin Urf.hA lalr nifnk'A . asnliaUnm noip Tri n ? A a A from which immense quantities are taken for cement used in paving streets and roofs of houses, and what is strange there seems to be no diminution of the Iake,i.he pitch rising to the surface as fast as it is taken out.-' .. Affectionately, your son, s " ' 5 Percy . - P. S. Ho w I wfsh I could - be with1 you all during Xmas and shake hands with ray dear .Wilkes friends. O. ibis ia to notify -.all persons baviDg claims against the estate of said deceased - to . exhibit thein to tho underdiRnefl on ( t befe the 12th f day of December or ikia notiee. will- be Pieaiibr bf their .recory All persons iadbbted to said estoto will please . inake 8et tlemeuc at once. V I :. HENBYO.PArwSONSAm,r.- Any one desiring a first- classdou- ble barrel shot gun, made by Stephens, McNeill Bro irni - The followittg.account of the marriage of Mr. R. H. M cMeili and Miss Cora - Brxwn,-' at S t ates v i 1 1 e 1 as t Wedties d ay, - i s taken -from - the Mascot, and will -be of-iriterest to their many friends here who wish them a long, happy and - prosperous life: , 1 Statesville lost one of its most lovable young ladies yesterday morning when Miss Cora Beatrice Brown was joined in holy wedlock to Mr. Robt. H. McNeill, of Wilkesboro. i The ceremony was performed at 10 o'clock in the parlor of the'bride's par ents on Mulberry street by Rev, Milton McNeill, father of tne groom, while the wedding march was rendered, by the bride's sister, Mrs L. C. Wagner. i The bride wore an exquisite gown of white peau de chene silk and carried a shower boquet of white carnations, roses and maiden hair ferns. The maid of honor Miss JosieSigmon, of Hickory wore white organdie. The groom's best man was Mr. R. C. Lawrence, of Raleigh; A number of friends of the bride and groom were present, among them were Misses Mattie, Rose and Nell McNeil, sisters of the groom," of Wil kesboro, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Brown and Miss Alice Brown, of Long Island.- There was quite an array of presents, some of them very handsome ones. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill left yesterday for Wash ington where Mr. Mcneill is now serv ing as private secretary to -Senator Pretchard porsonality who will prove a treasure to husbanL Mr. McNeill is a promi nent young lawyer and a young man of splendid traits of character who de serves the'fair young woman who has given herself into his keeping A Teacher Talks to the Teachers To tJie Members of the County Teachers Association'. ; ' Having been appointed one of a com mittee for 'The good of-the- Order". I fjel it my duty to urge, upon -'every teacher in the county to be present at the Jan. meeting. At that meeting, coming as it dees soon after the meet ing of our General Assembly, the Asso ciation will have soerh thing to say ' to that body relative to the public school law. There will be resolutions pre sented to the Association that will re quire discussion and , much of it, too, and if accepted, a petition to the As sembly will necessarily follow to which we want the names of the 145 teachers of the county. Why, dear teachers, every one of the associational meetings the writer attends makes him a more willing and efficient teacher. . Do you not need the encouragement, and ' ad vice of your co laborers to make you more proficient? . The writer dot s, and none have a wider experience than he. Hence he urges upon every teacher in the county to be be present at the Jan meeting, ine writer aesires tne ac-; quaitauce and encouragement of 'every teauher. He feels sure we shall have a Jan, rally and that old Wilkes will aet her part well in advising the General Assembly what she thinks ought to be done to make the the public schools subserve the purposes for which they were established. Respectfully, Geo. W. Haux, Beaver Creek Academy. aIBIGDEAL ABUCKLEfS COFFEE. 2000 pounds to go at 10c a . pound or 10 pounds for $1.00 Sow do we do it? c It makes no difference to you- so long as we do it without "doing'- you BEST Granulated Sugar 5c. . We sell gooda cheaper than any house in the county VJ Caffey & CoCr Cash Grocers. Oak Lumber Wanted. We are in the market for all the good Oak Lumber we can get. . Will pay the cash for it. If you only have one load j of good oak, bring it to us.- ' . , Forest Furniture Co. North WilKeabopoSept,;- 15th. , ' ' NOTICE. I want-to-, buy - for Cash good clean vYhite Pine Logs. Will pay $12 per thousand feet for good butt logs from 12 feet and upward in length and i hot less than ; 15 inches- in diameter Se meon Saturdays at log yard oppo site SahdyxMcLean's, N. Wilkesboro or write me at Oak woods P. (X Bring a- Ioog your logs and get the money and '-'.. -'.".. -a - : .-'.V'.. . .. :. H -j " j: p. mA-i; ' Rousseau - JBest; QJbia,vo, it Every other kind of Hardware you need Best Quality; Best Prices. J- P. ROUSSEAU North Wilkesboro. March, 4th. - 0a li: DSbttltmter perfect in uaUt Our Fall andWihter Millery, just received, is the best selectd, best quality, up-to-date, and most attractiye on the markets. We cordially invite all to examine ourmilli-r linery goods and prices before purchasings : Mrs. J. COMBS. North Wilkesboro, Sept. 10th.. - - ; ' An fliorHmitir If you want to do well and get you moneyfe Avorth, we are tbe: peo pie to buy your goocfe-frorr).- - We have just receved-bur up-to-date ; Fal3 and Winter goods, and we are able to save;r you money. Just give us a trial and we" wil:; let you say for yourself. , CI CALL,. Successor to I. S. Call & Co. D rrces This refers to our line of Clothing; w have marked down our prices and offerf -you therbest bargains in. Clothing to -be- foundlin this section ' Come and seer ua; wecanu it you in quality and price. ! GAEL &: COMBS. : LEAN; Ml R1HT, ur Tims fl 11 rn yn CiTkrt ?WrT V - llll UJiCur kzJl&& iiUPiL . A - W - t ZJ- cX i I X i y o sblI flip west piripe StIe anb pvicc. to Sa?e Honef. duced TTRACTIVE- nterj Qoods W T -T -fr9 XL wUu. k wiiil 1 1 f ( " A O Xha:one-price-ta-aIf store-

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