VOL. XVI. The OauNicx,E. Cawrht II aji t There. -. Mrs, Joe Mitchell . is iverV -sick. - - : - ; J? Our wood subscribers seem "stuck in the mud.' Misses Rosa and Nell Mc Neil l have returned to schoo at Raleigh. - Esq. John Lowe's fine marj died last week, near Moravian Falls. ; ' - Mrs Lowry Dula, of I Elk -ville. visited here durinar the holidays. Sewell and Felix Webster spent the holidays in Alexan er county. , Misses Maggie Hughey and Minnie MnEwen visited Elkfd during the yule:tide. Miss TTannie Wellborn hasi returned from her visit to El kin and other .points. Mr. Ed. Harris., left yester4 vdav for Tavlorsville and other! --- .. .. -points. . - Our friend Wash Lonsford, of Lovelace, smiled in on us this week. R. N. Garner was in towii this week shaking hands witbi -his numerous frieuds here. Mrs. Moore, of .Guilford - . county, is visiting her daugh ter Mrs. J. R. Caffey. . W. J. Dula and family, ofl Winston, visited Mr Ed Har ris's family here last week Uharles Deaton. Jisq., was there during the holidays, visit '4ng his son Zeb Deaton. Miss Bertha Henderson visited her sister in South.Oar- olina during the holidays. v - New Year came in witn a 'pietty good sized freshet, and mud without computation Charlie Hix, of Moravian Falls, has been very sick at Concord. He is improving. ' .- Ben Colvard, of Virginia, visited his old home and friends in Wilkes during the holidays. : Dr. J. T. Burrus, of Jones ville, came up Friday to see his Tbrother ride the masonic goat ' Charles 'Co wles went to Washington to-day to attend .-.the remainder of this session of '.Congress. - Wellnorn Pharr. who snent lthe holidays at home here, re -turned to Chapel Hill last week where he is attending school John Miichell s little child was badly scalded one morn ing last week by turning over a coffee pot. Fine young team of .mules for sale two years old inr the spring call on or address W. T? WarH ftrav. N". G. .v The:anti liquor league has r a. word for your consideration -in this issue. Read it, stop. ponder ana consiqer. Miss v Ulaudie Jones rwon ln1;ke for the , prettiest girl oV entertainment ' at Oak bds d u ring t he h ol id ay s t Read Sheriff Johnson's no t i c A and go ver n y o u r se 1 v es ac 'Cordingly, if you"" wish to avoid trouble.. The littfe orphans at 1 our home' are thankful to.; Miss Mamie Barber for remember ing them with some del icons -cakes for Cnristmas . ; W. M. Johnson; deputy sheriff of Mulberry,- was in town Monday. rje ays : tlie but that he, will pr.ceVdxlxJday behuvio levying at once. - Mr. l. W . May berry went rt Qfofooiritla loaf TODot tn GOA ahnnt rmrchasinff a brick ma- . chine. : - '-- - - , - t z T r a v elers. are having to spend most of their itime now t .1 inking for the bottom .of the - roads and they find them hot. Bud Call, Rogan Rousseau, Stokes Hunt, Ira and May Triplett and Mr. Asqkettle i re turned to Oak Ridsre school this week -Mr F- G Holman and fam j. have movedto Wilkesboro Land occupy their ne w residence. We welcome them among us. M. McNmll has been se lected mayor in place of John S. Crahor, resigned. John -Mitbell is policeman instead of Bruce. ) Mr. R. N. Hackett. assist - ant Secretary of Stat, went to Raleigh Saturday to be present at the opening of the : Legisla ture to day. : ; Mr. F D Backett, candi date for . hief Clerk of the House of Representatives, went down to Raleigh Saturday to present his claims. - 'Eli Anderson's children have the thanks of our little folks for some nice walnuts, and a big old fashioned ash cake for the pig ' T. B Fin ley and H.v L Greene, lavy-rs. have disoived copartnership by .mutual .con seat. F. B Hendren aud T. B Finley have formed a copart nership. W. . Meadows & Sons have their new roller mills i-in operation They claim to be making as good flour as wheat can produce, and they ask for trial to prove it to you. Our ood f rieud J. T. Fer guson made us feel rich during the holidays by donating us a nice bunch of goose quill tooth picks we've sit on .the porch and picked our teeth' in plain view f ihe public, ever since. just to fool jera, you know Mrs. FI tcher Bobbitt ami child ren . o f B ry so u City , are visitincr vlr . Bobbitt's people at Poors Knob. Mrs. Bobbitt came to Elkin several days iigo on account of the serious ill ness of her father, F. A Har ri, Esq -he died soon after her arrival' - Hon H M Wellborn, the Senator f rom Ashe passed here this week on his way to Ral eigh He will probably be the leader of the. republican minor ity in .the Senate jtxhere are three other. members of Mont's same faith and order. Dr. M. V. Burrus who spent List summer here "and who is now attending medical lectures -at Chatanooga, was in town last week, Hejcame up Friday in order to rid nie Ma sonic goat Friday night. He was well pleased that the goat j ieft him alive, ' I . The holidavs Dassed ouiet ly and orderly as a general rule around here. The Suuday;S entertainments were successful and pleasant and Santa Klaus x remembered all his little- Sun day School children and helped J to make their hearts glad. I There were a number of home dinners, entertainments, social; gatherings, etc v all enjoyed in j a decent, decorous way. Very little drunkenness or boistrous i conduct was seen, and most 'of . what there was of bad con I duct was among the ciararette" brigade,, the more's the pity. But as a general rule the boli was unusually j'good ; J2qual Taxation, WTLKESBO RO N, C. WEDNESDAY. JAN. 7, 1903. r 1 THE DEATH ANGEL'S YISIT. !" These Hare Celebrated Their Last Holidays on Earth. ' Mrs. Arthur Fo res t e r w ho lived near ;Nofth Wilkesboro died last week from a stroke of paralysis. She was an aged lady andrhad a stroke .a week or so before. Esq. Fletcher A. Harris of Edwards township died Tues day, before Xmas and was laid to Test on Xmas day. He was about 85 years old and was one of the most prominent citizens of the county. He was county commissioner at one time and also county surveyor. He was a man of more :than ordinary ability and in his prime did more business of a legal nature than any man who ever lived in the .county . Another good man has been called away. A Mr Fletcher's little child was buried at Walnut Grove last week. -' - ' Prof. John D Johnson of Yadkin county died just befo re Xmas. He was up in years and at one, time taught school at this place. Mr and Mrs Tom Crysel's infant child died the last day of the year 1902. -It was but f one week old and God called its little spirit to his own bosom. Esq. Francis Eller, aged 76, passed away with old year Hiram Church, one of the oldest citizens of the county, died of t3Tphoid fever last week near Purlear post office. He was over 80 years old and died of typhoid fever, some thing remarkably for that age Cleveland Eller, age about 40 years, died in Lewis Fork township last week, of fever. Franklin Parks, colored, died last week of consumption, at the.home of bis father Alfred Parks He was 44 years old and had taught school around Statesville for 27 years old. Aunt Dillie Evans, one "f-the oldest and most respected col ored women of the county, died with th - second day of the new year at the age of 80 years She was one of the few suryi vors of the good old time darky thatwas loved and respected by all , - Ina Blackburn, 10. year old daughter of Pboeba Blackburn of Elk was accidentally burned so badly that we understand she died since. John F. Gambiil's wife, of Trap Hill township, died last week Oliver Ahsher's wife died near1 VIcGrady pOsSt office last week The commissioners are in .session yet. They have a lot i of work this meeting There ' is some trouble over the con tract for burnishing the court I house. The commissioners 1 hatfi -rvrdp.red . t.lm.ft the nrice - . . . . w Ooot)er . K:. anH that nnlv a reasonahle" '. price will he paid It is also provided that said company, may reeiud ihe contract within the next ten days. . t ' " ' ' BIG DEAL ABUCKLE'S COFFEE- 2000 pounds to go at 10 a pound or 10 pounds for $1.00. Ho w do we do it? It makes no difference to you so Ions aa we do -it without i. 'doing" you. BEST Granulated Sugar 5c. ., . We sell goods cheaper than any house in tlie county. , Caffey & Co. , Cash Grocers. wtiiiiinirwiin .j. naif i n nr i 't ' i i I'm mm "mmtmm will , r- wamm,mim'm'' ''' ' pirect and Indirect. : BThose owing us subscrip tion or for. other work 'will do us a favor by settling at once. We will revise the book soon and want everything even. The county Board of ; Edu cation meets next Monday; Willie R. , Wellborn and Burt Ed wards returned to Da vidson ; College: to day where they are taking a medical course. Bruce, the town tax collec tor, says he must have the town tax at onceor he will ,be compelled to levy and sell the property liable for tax. The ; Methodist ' Sunday School at this place has v select ed Mr. W. S. Surratt as super . intendent for -this year good selection. Mr. Hubbard, the retiring superintendent, had for two years most efficiently, faithfully and acceptably per formed the duties of the office, and the children regretted the necessity of giving him up. The marriage of Mr. Ed. Winkler to Miss Mollie Stroud at Straw on Xma3 day was a delightful occasion. The cere mony was performed by T . B. James, Esq A big infair sup per was given at the homo of the groom's parents at Straw and a large number of relatives and friends enioved the de lightful occasion. The rogues who have been operating around Moravian Falls met with a few disap pointments last week. They visited two or three places and were greeted with bullets, .At Joe Hubbard's, Tom Hubbard discovered them back of the house and fired on them four or five times. It wont, be long till the. rascals land in jail. W. F Ward, of Gray, has a hat that beleives in migration and "rapid transit,"' The oth er day, while the wind was whistling -swift winter songs, this hat. without warning, left Mr. Ward's head, absconded from Ashe county, skipped: a cross . Auegnany county and landed in the mountain fastnesses of Wilkes before the pursuing possy captured it a good race for a hat. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wallace attended a big Masonic oyster supper at Jonesville Saturday night after Christmas. It is reported here that Mr. Wallace made the speech of the ces sion. It was in poetry style I and ran along, like this: You scarce expect one of my siza To eat any more lest insurance rise; -But though, I fear it'll cause the croup, "Just gimme a little more oyster soup." If I should die before I close And aint filled up above the nose, My latest breath will be wih a whoop, 1' Gimme a little more oyster soup. ' S They report -a ielihtf ul trip among those good people During the holidays Dr. J. I. Messick and Ant Dula, in !Xe wis Fork township, became in volyed in a difficulty. From information Tecieved ; Messick was feeding his hogs some dis tance from the house when Dula attacked" him with a knife Messick in protecting , himself shot Dula, the shot taking effect in the left should- er- The wound is not very e rious. -It is thought that the trouble arose over the fact that Messick and Dula's . brother had a fiiss a few; days . before. Dula is of unsavory reputations He has figured in '-lthe court records extensively and has been out of the State sometime on" account of an indictment for bigamy in.vVataugA coun . '4 1v! ip- imrir,. ' "' . aaeed si stoves JHJeaelk9 il tltrs Every, other kind of Hardware you neei Best Quality; Best Prices. J- P. ROUSSEf i. North Wilkesboro, March 4th, : r CI We carry a full line of the Purest;. and Best Drugs to be found in this part -of the State, including all the lead ing; patera medicinesji tobacco, cigars, fancy and-;; toilet articles, lamps, colognes, etc, f " Brs burner dTMbite V " Hotel Building. , ' ' , An Oiortnnity If you want to do well wonn. we are ine neonie to nuv vour e"onr. . r -- t from . A- " ' :. We have just received our up-to-date' ;Ff and Wi n te r go ods, and we a re a b I e to savv you money- Just give us a trial and we - wj let you say for yourself- . f c. call, . ; Successor to I.- S. Call fc Co. . , j Prices This refers to our line of Clothingj ;VC' have marked down'our prices and offeV you the best bargains in Clothing to found in this section- Come and seV us; we can suit you in quality and price. " ' RlHT, OurF and! all - - - - : JEjmt9 . - SSIfPf f Vlfifill SB LEAN, Call aisndl See foi Zmi?m&W. SpeiiolOTULJr Co. , The 26. i DliUG to Save and get you money '3? u . ' ' ' - ''P&ZJztf!: i jeduoed GALL & COMBS. '5' TTRACTiVE, Wmter: Q oods . IPllelt4S8Qtt' SHIS lE pne - prjce - tp - al! stora

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