f I - qual Taxation, pircot and Indirect. V: H, .X.VL The CattoNictiE. WILKESBORO N. C.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 4. 190:? this vvh 5 is in Mr, E. Wallace is home for few days. . Mr. Kirby, of Caldwell .was in town last week Mr. J. M. Watson, of Lewis v Fork, was in town last week W. W. Barber returned from a business trip to Raleigh ; iMr. J. C. Horton. of Wa tauga, was in the town week, ' Mrs. Milton Foreman ; has been very sick, is impro , .ing.' H. H. Parlier and L. S, Jo ly last week to try their fortune in the West. Lewis & Henderson have - .fresh barrel of splendid moun ";kraut. "find Foushee. who has been gone for some time, home again'. Mr. E. E. Gray a pnminert 'lawyer of Winston, was . ;town on business last week John "Rat" Combs wis ; nnt in iail hre last week retailing liquor in Ashe county The Sheriff is adveitisirg some delinquent taxpayers , this week. He has given .11 sufficient warnings Airs. Amelia Wriarht, 3f Hunting Creek, is very low,npt expected to live. She is quite aged. 'Mrs. Lillie Church Who has been at Ur. Turner's for VfiAvpral wfifiks returned to her home at Parsoasyiile last week Mr R. d. Culler and wife .went to Watauga county - week, to visit Mr Culler s - rents. They will return -week. V... . Register of ueeds, p. Blevins has purchased Mr. Al bert Forester's house and lot Mr - "fiVirfister will build riijht 7 away. r - Mr." A. M . McGee's Larry, North Wilkesboro, was . -kicked by a horse Sunday e nd his leg was broken. Judge Henderson is hope safe. Judge Boyd did not find ,that the charges against b im were true, but cleared him ,nd "kept him in office. There will be a regular communication of Liberty Indore Saturday nisrht. March -7th. The members are reqnes ted to be present. The storm-Friday morn just before daylight was last pa this F. son ing ery . . .1-1 severe. It shoot up linings considerably and did consider ; 'Messrs B M. Pardue. T. M. . Foster ieft Monday the Indian Territory .. w they" intend -trying their tunes. Our best wishes with them. Vick Day and Vance and for here for go Rob bins, of New Castle arid Sotners : wer- put in jail Friday, on the charge of being in the inob that altacked Tom Marshall's jjouse a couple of years agA. The Teachers Association will meet here .on Saturday, March -14th, at 10:30 w A. M. ri?he following are the Qu sries : for discussion: What, is j the 'Best Method of Teacdibg (a) United States Historic '-(b) Civil 3 Government: (c) Elements of Agricul jJS. 1 1 t eac hers in the county urgently, '.requested , to ure, are be. present,' as -matters of impor -"trnice will come , before I the J Mr. C Call has a fine little girl which arrived Saturday. Mr. Jimmie HixT" went - o 1 Winston Monday, where her has a position with Vaughn & Co - : : W. H. Starr, registrar, and C U Davis and J M. Well born, judges, compose the offi cers for the holding of the elec tion on the graded school ques tion to be held here on April 7th Be sure you are ready to vote for the graded school. Tom Atkins, out on the Brushies, was fooling with an unloaded pistol Sunday night, nd the thing fired and punch ed a 38 calebre hole through Tom's leg, Tom isn't hunting up any more unloaded pistols just now. The storm last Friday morning blew part of the roof o of the Church & Sons store building at North Wilkesboro Call & Co. occupy one of the store nxms in the building and by reason of the blowing off of the roof, considerable damage was done to their goods, esre cially the clothing. i ' Dr J H. Ellis, of Texas, in a efter to Mr. C. C. Wright, 4;ells of the death of Mrs. Mary EHis in Texas. She was born and raised in Wilkes her maid en name being Call She ha3 two sisters livitg near Hunting Creek, Mrs. James Call and Mrs. Harvey Beaty. ' W. R. Triplett and Cora Walsh were married last Sun day, at the home of the bride's father Gordon Walsh, in Lewis Fork township, Rev. George Hamby performing the cere motiy, A sumptuous supper was given and those present realized the truth of the scrip ture, 'it is good to be here." Lloyd Estep and Rufus Transou's daughter were mar ried down on Himting Creek, last Sunday. Eq. Peter H Moore conducted the ceremony and although it was his first experience and his knees were j as aspen leaves, he got safely through the ceremony and is -;till alive r -It will be seen from a card from Superintendent Wright that th pre are to be three edu cational rallies in the county shortly and that James Y Joy ner, our most excellent and earnest State- Superihtendent will attend them and address ; the people He should have large crowds. He speaks ,at Wilkesboro April 1st, at night Let everybody talk up the meeting. f Ghosts, rh'obgoblings or some sort of unearthly "crit ters" have recently been visit ling Mo Floyd Duncan's 'store -at night. Mr. Duncan sleeps in the store. Onenight recent I h he was awakettedy peculiar noises-and he saw standing near the stove a ; white; figure with out stretched Jarrnsn j reached for his pistol, "and. lo! I the figure vanished throtrgh I the dooriwhich was securely ' locked He had scarcely viosed again when awaken and saw a large white dog approaching the oed. He struck at it - with a stick and it vanished through the door. It appeared to Dun- I can that the ghosts were get ting too familiar and he put on his clothes and left the build ing He says he has frequent i ly heard sounds that could not be accoun ted f o r . M r. Duncan . says that these are facts as he ' saw them with his own eyes. ; -Mayberry &Myers want your pro duce in exchange for groceries, cloth ing and dress goods ' Prices guaranteed jMaberry;&,MjrCf- . : TE31PEBANCE. The Watts Bill Is The Law. What is known as the Watts liquor bill is now the law, hav ing passed the Legislature last week.' - It goes into effect July . 1st 1903 The bill prohibits the manu facture and sale of whiskey ex cept in incorporate towns, and the town 8 can say by a vote whether or not the business be allowed within the incorpora tion. The bill does not effect the making of brandy, wine, cider, etc., except that brandy can no! be sold in quantities less than five gallons nor wi ne. in quantities less than one gallon. Nor is the purchaser allowed to drink on the premises where purchased. There is very much difference of opinion as to the effects and wisdom of the law some like it, some dou't. Conservative temperance people think that if the law is properly -backed up and enforced it will work out good. The extreme pro hibition people do not like it and are throwing cold water" on it. r The liquor men are mad at it. The Eederal revenue of Seers are prouounced against it They say it encourages and fosters blockading; that every hollow will be perfumed with blockade whiskey it -is also privately feared that some of the revenue force will have to go out of business. With these forces, backed by the republican party, opposed to the law, it is not probable that it will get a fair chance to see how it would work. FEDERAL COUBT. Tiro Terms EsUblishei at Wilkes boro. The Federal court at Wilkes boro has been established. In spite of Judge Boyd's "opposi tion, the President signed the hill, and the court is establish ,eti; There will be two terms of court per year ope in July aud one in iNbv ember. It is proper and ; right that the court is established here. - We understand Mr. O.' H. Cowles and Mr. Linville Bum garner are applicants- for the clerkship. The court here is a branch of Statesviile court and clerk Henry Cowks will have the naming of the deputy here, though he will cousult judge Boyd before making the ap pointment. - Educational Bailies for Wilkes To the Editor of The Chronicle: I desire t announce to the readers of The Chronicle that there will be Grand Education al Rallies in Wilkes county at the following times and places: Bugaboo Academy, Tuesday, March 31st. Wilkesboro, Wednesday, A pril 1st. Boomer, Thursday, April SJnd State Superintendent of Pub lie Instruction) James Y. Joyn e'r, is coming to address the citizens, patrons: and children of the public schoolsof -Wilkes and surrounding counties. This gifted son. of the Old North State, the champion of children's rights in North Car olina, will speak to you as no man ever spoke before about the future of your children and the part that all must take in making North Carolina what she ought to be Don't miss nor let your children miss this excellent opportunity of hear ing your State Superintendent speak on the subject that he loves so well and that is fraught -with so much interest to you. : .Speaking will begin at Bug aboo and Boomer at 2 o'clock and at Wilkesboro at 7:30 P. M. A C. C. Wright, " Co; Supt. The beet pill 'nenth the stars and stripes; It olcaiises the system and i ever gripes Little Early Ciaera of wordly repute : r Ask for De Wit's and take no - substitute A small pill, easy to buy, easy to take and easy to act, but never failing in re sults. DoWitt's Little Early Risers arouse the secretions and act as a tonic to the liver, ' curing peraoently. For sale by Geo. Donghtoh. . - NOTICE. I want to buy for Cash good elean White Pine Lojrs. Will pay $12 per thopsand feet for good butt logs from 12 feet and upward in length and not less than 15 y inches in diameter. See me on Saturdays at log yard oppcr site Sandy McLean's, N. Wilkesboro of write me at Oakwoods P. O. Bring - a long your logs and get th money an4 save sawing. . Sam Hall is in town. And this is March. Creed Stamper, ot Al leghany, is here. The March winds are as sisting the mud to vanish. Mrs. Hunt, of Pomona, is visiting her sister Mrs. C. Call. The Register of Deeds has issued five marriage license since Saturday. W C Myer8,& Sons have opened'up a big line of goods at Oabornville. See their no tice elsewhere. The municipal election for this place will take place the 5th day of May. The follow ing officers have been appoint ed to hold the election: C. F. Morrison, Registrar; L. M; Pharr and F. G. Hoi man, Judges. We regret tu learn of the sad accident in the family of R L. Andrews who recently mov ed from Lewis Fork to High Shoals factory in Catawba county On his way over there he found a, pistol. After reaching there on Friday a week ago, his little girl 12 years old some how got hold of the pistol and was playihg with it when it fired and killed his lit tle tooy about six years old. J. T. Hubbard has a ood mill site for sale, one mile south of Moravian Falls, N. C, about 35 ft water fall. A' good place for a saw mill, or other ma chinery; will sell cheap for cash Apply to him at Wilkes boro, N G. "Ye rigid ploughmen, bear in mind, your labor is for f . Advance, spare not, nor look behind plough deep with all your powers". a lit HE SEASON for PLOWING is here. "Ye rigid 'j want the Best plow on the market so that you " pare thoroughly your land for an abundant cr. experiencing that 4 'tired feeling" described in (.i, gy where 1 the ploughman homeward plods his v. Our plows plow without worry and do well tbej u kinds of Farming Utensils, just what you nee .5 kinds of Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery and ati -. V. 1 1 want. Come and see my stock and prices. ' - J. P. ROUSS I . . North Wilkesboro- - All DRUGS i. 1 PR I : . We carry a full line of the Pure and Bjest Drugs to be found in this of the State, including all the leading t-j--medicines, tobacco, cigars, fancv toilet articles, lamps, colognes, e Hotel Building. SPECIAL B ARGAIti : TORiTHE NEXT 30 DAYS I am closing out at cost a few of my fall and 1 vrht' -kv left over, among these being some of the prettiest . ' ettes you ever laid eyes on, worth 10c going at 8-; pieces of nice outinga worth 8c only 6c a few m patterns worth 2.00 for 1.85, some worth LOO goinr one peicec of broad cloth left worth L00 poing at i lining worth 10c at only 8c ; nice canton flannels 10c to 7c ; a few 3.25 laprobes for 2.25y and & fe. y 1.25; Tugs redaeed from 2.50 to 1.85, from LOO ttf . derwear at cost; Coffee at 5c to 12c. , f Come along and get a bargain while have the opportunity. Respeptfui Clarence The Legislature has est ah lished a Code Commission The Commissioners are Prof. N. G. Gulley, of Wake Forest, W B Rodman and T. B .Wommack At The Cnnnty Home. Having been frequently re quested to report the condition of the inmates of the county home, and have ; your paper publish it, I will state that we now have 17 inmates and their health is fairly good. Three have, to b locked up all the time and one other is so crafty as to require constant watch- ; sng. une otner nas nts to iu j times a day. Only two are able ; to do any outside work, but be ing very weak' minded they can do but very little J. N. Brooks, Keeper. OLOTIEilJSr r of AH the Latest Styf W 0 N e have the Most Attractive line of Clothing ever bro" ' this section. ur Line is complete, and our Prices the Lowest. If you o DOy neeu H SUlt, WW uim save jruu uuuvjf kikij ,,. ow, remember we are always glod to see you and will ? our most prompt attention. CALL & COMB I Laundry for the Statesviile IReaeonable & Season! h Our stock is always seasonable and prices always reasonable. Our new goods for Spring and Surnt will soon be here and open for inspec ; v I n the meantime we are offering bar. I AiXXl IJli I T I UI batrOV HID .... . - ' steam Laundry-one of the so as to make room for our new goods best in. the State-should bo left at J. T, Hubbard's stor on Mondays. -, - 'A.freclnder for $903 with every package1 of goods tgld ftt May berry j&L." Spainhour t - - A 4' : Va.' ? vv :ir , r " J )