The Chkomci.eI , Our friend L A Foster, of jvonaaii, remernoerea us wi th some fine Spanish potatoes and we re Iivmg.high.- -r Capt. O. D. . Wheeler, of unarioue, was; nere last wee He is the architect of the ? plan of our court house.- ? t Mrs. VV. H. McElwee has returned to Konaa . - . Miss Annie Staiey; assts tant teacher at Boomer, parsed inonern last vveeK returrnner to her home in Randolph . -That little you may own on subscription or otherwise wou come in mighty handy mow. - We firo to Dress before- the vote on the graded vSchHl is an nounced.-- But indicat ion are that the question is carnVd by a.good majority We call attention to the-a( -ve r tisem en t b f S m oak B ro then They invite you to - see. the r goods before buy iig eise? where and promise' to give you the best goods on the market at-the lowest prices.- :-: . -Oiir friend G H Walker, of Barlow, .was in. to. see us Monday. P. 'A Lomax, former couc ' ty commissioner, was in j tow i wheat prospects - v Hays " postoffice has) been made a - money order offic 3 which will be of convenience t the people of that section. JlTVT lT . film i V ' P Maa A r wr Hill, tells us. that there has peen several "cases of measles irt that section. , - . ;Our"friend-Coffey Laws says the fruit,:especially peach es about all killed in 4 his sec .'.'. , . . .. ,.- -tion.,- 1 ."; flfit Vofir irardens all readv . mf :- - ! Friday, the approved ; day f o rj -garqening.- " This week-is Federal court at- Greensboro and j of. course Wilkes is; represented Uputj marshal! . Abe ;Brvan carried down three prisoners Tuesday te ve Co mbs , Ro m e Yo u n ge r Taylor Whitley We under stand their main plea for ac-i qn ittal will be that they? had nothing todo with getting the! Federal court establised at this mn Imam - ' - .' !. .' - ' Supt. J. Y. Joyner address ed a larsre audience atr ;the court house last, Wednesday night on the subject, of ;educa tion. . He had spoken the: day before at Bugaboo Academy arid spbke 'the day folio wi rigat B 0 o me r co m m en cemen t ; Good sized audience greeted him at all his speaking and he did good for the cause of education.; ' J James McNeill is home from Raleigh. Mrs McNeill - ?is im proving, but not yet able to re turn home.- .V . Miss Kate Burr, of Morgan ton, anu iur. uarence jounson, of Raleigh are to be married A pril 12 th. at Morgan to o''- Miss Burr is a cousin of Dr. Berry, of this place, and attended the Episcopal convention hero some years ago and ; made many friends while here. Mr John . son is brotherV of Mrs, Ji W. McNeil of this place, is a splen CTlni I? did youngs man and has many friends here; . - Best- grade flour' at May berry & Myers at- $2 40,- real good $2 00, bacon 10c and :11c, spgar 5c and 6ic, coffee 7ic, to call and see for yourself. : ; Rev S F 'Conra, travel ing agent for the- North Caro lina, Baptist, preached Sunday at the Baptist church hereof ; Mr.' Clegg . Scroggs was quite sick last week. Mr. F Cooper's ;f little child, . which has been very sick, is much better ,r Miss Ores well cordially in vit.,s the -ladies to ' see 'some thing special in the i Millinery store Friday and Sarurday. of. thU week s ' Mr. Charlie Craven return ed from Catawba' Saturday with his boy, Norman, who re cen tl y wen t a w ay f ro m home without-leave, - . . . . ' J C. Hubbard, . Esq.; was over. in Alaxander the first of the week - 1 - ;. :s-p' ' ?r ' ; -i? - -Miss - Frankie ; Staley is teaching in the family of i Mr R F ; Watt at Millers Creek; Reports come in from dif ferent; parts of the county ; that the; cold snap has injurodi the early fruit very much It is not yet know. to what extent :. Mr Edgar McLean and Miss Gertie Watts were' mar-" ried last week - J ; Th'er colored people know how to raise money for their churches: The Denny Crove congregation presented ; th past. r with $104 00 last Sunday w h i c h"h ad be n , r ai sed f oy t h e envelope procesin three weeks ora Harris and Florence Wil liams were given prizes for the amounts they had raised. " ' Papers of'incorporation for the North Wilkesdoro Biiild ing and Loan Association have been filed with the Clerk of the Court. It is a proper step , , and will do good.' m' , The Editor, regrets his ina bihty to attend Boomer com mencement, but learns that the exercises v were creditable in every respect, and enjoyed I by all present. It is. always j. a pleasure to attend a Boomer commencement. - f The County Board of Edu cation meets next Monday. They have some important bu siness consider, especially the consolidation of districts. This is one of the most important matters to consider in the edu; cationaL progress.- V : - v The old question of a hitch ing place for the country peop'.e, which we have been agitating ever since we have been here, will settle itself soon unless the proper authorites settle it the people wt'i go 8omewnere else to hitch.j . c . ; . Our friend Enos Moore, ;of the , Brushies, tells Us thtT!he thinks that we. will have a lot of fruit yeti unless some future freeze -kills it' The peaches, c h e r r i es , a n d o t h e r ea x ly f r u it he thinks,- are! killed, Mr; Moore:Js a good judge. -v, " ' The most important duty a" to wn goverment can perfo.rmJs to keep the town clean and free from disease breeding f ilhine3s. I f the town authorites do this properly, they have , done the p r i n c i pa! pa r t of t h e i r , d u ty j es pecial ly at this season of, the yeart In - sel cting-tnwn ;offi cers in May, this matter should be kept in mind.; r" Select men wno will look aftei the : health of our people. Deputy Sheriff Will John- son tells us'taat M r. Wiley Ly ' lt m.i 'i X mm' XTi1.--s T on, of Trap Hiil township? has a young son only. 15 months old that weighs 50 pounds. It is a show.t0 8ee the boy - i - ; 1 Ji r; S q b D eato n h as ' mo v ed into one of the J. T. Hubbard cottars. ; - . - W4LKE8BQRO ; N. G.v WEDNESDAY. AERIL 8,; 1903; Eschol Districts Consolidate. ; ; The school districts of Eschol and Oak woods have decided to consolidate. At the raa3S meet ing at Eschol7 last Saturday the the matter was decided in fa vor of consolidatition and the location of the- school house was decided upon and will be about a half mile south of : Es chol church, i This will put the school h o u se w i h i n 2 ; ni lies of every school child in the dis trict, and it mates a big district of 135 pupils, where there were two districts of a bout 65 pupils each a large commodious school- building will be erected, and be ready for the school this fall. This" is a good. example for other - sec5 tions of. the county to follow Consolidate and make the schools better. - - S. F'Shore was here last week looking after some distil lers in the county. ; -"Dr. B. E. Reeves has a fine fat girl that arrrived Thursday, morning, A very Call, son of Bud Call of Straw, and Miss Lula , Wal ker were married last Wednes, dav. .. . - John Johnson and Miss Lillie McCarter were married last week in Edwards town ship. We are still looking for ward for a red egg next Sun 1 day is Easter. Several'of our people learn edexperience that last Wednes day was the 1st day, of April. Mr. Albert Forester has moved his family to North Wilkesboro - lr.'0. F. Blevins, Register of Deeds, has; moved to his new home, the house vacated by Mr. Al bert Forester. Friday night there was hail and rain, and Saturday, morn ing t?e wind spit snow. Tue Blue Ridge showed signs of snow and the wind was kef n atid cutting., -Press Hi'nston, of NeW.Cas tie township, dropped dead last Wednesday: morning very sud de n ly He was h i tc h i n g u p his team a n d .a p p eared ,i n as ' good health as usual, when :he drop ped over dead He was about 50 years .old and leaves a wife and five children. Bishop ;; Horner -and Rev. James A,'-Weston will arrive here 28th and hold services at the Episcopal ch u rch . in aft r, noon and the next morning at llo,clock: v They go to : Ronda and bold services the, afternoon of the 29th. : ; I --Messrs. A. W E Ca pel an d C. A. Armstrong, of v Troy,. Montgomery-couuty, were here last;' week; investigating,, our new court house.- Their county is to bu i Id a court : house soon and they compose a committee to recommend plans etc T h ey "Were well pleased with our court house and will probably recommend a similar plan. Wilkes is among .the front in the general "progress in good courthouses.-- ; I .Some of the - fellows who ''cussed" Herb Creene so much abon t the court house areX be ginning to-see that Herb was right- and 1 tbey were wrong, Th ey are now. proud.; o f - the building when they see it," and wheu they, find, that theyT have paid oyer half of the cost with-; out knowing it, that great bug aboo r about increased taxes ceases to frighten. It will not be V lone: till everybody- will thank FTe.rh Qreene. Col; DuIaJ and the others who favoredjhe couxt Iiousq . Eepabllcan Candidates TTatchln : The republican -aspirants -for Cong ress, appeared to be track ing each other last week. Col. Linney - passed through first witn his t wo mules Blackburn came in soon afterwards and examined the tracks,- noted their direction and tried to read tbe sign& in connection with the time of the moon He had scarcely left when Hugh Mont gomery Wellborn appeared and examined the "foot r prints on the sands'? of both Blackburn and Linney s mules - He also consulted, the stars and zodiac signs.- A -friend of all the candidates tells us that he has it strait that Wellborn intends buying or borrowing Linney 's best mule and then - induce ta i uu ey co la k e d i ac K D u r n u p behind him on the other, and by a few near cuts he can head them off and "get there" provided Jim McNeill dont put up a few scarecrows and make some blind motes - to -retard the mule's perambulating abil ity. In the mean time, McNeill is playing "Brer Rabbit," and how many other canidates who are casting longing - eyes, it is not known.' The mirored allure ments of the opposition to the Watts bill are creating hopes for many expectant travelers on. the republican political de sert. ... . ' Rev T. E. Weaver and family have goue to Ashe coun ty to visit relatives. The public school jn this district will resume next Mon day morning. - . ' Sheriff Johnson is having the court house yard fixed up very nicely. It will be pretty when. the grass grows well. Orie thing, yet the court house lacks.- It is not lighted at all Prof. White, of Graham, Alamance county, is here sell ing maps of the State.- It is: a good map and should ,i be in everyfamUy- Senator H . M. Welbon. of Ashe,' was here, last week. He is a canidate for the republican nomination for Cong re rs and thinks he will sure -get it. The ladies are invited to visit the of Mrs. SJ Preette Thursday, and Friday and see the display, of her prettytpring and summer goods. The display will pre sent the latest snd mjst up-to date sty les,-tasef u Uy arranged The revenue" "angels l of innocence" made a friendly tour into-the region ; of west Wilkes, last week, and induced to come back ; with H them,-. in se v eral chariots 1 dra n by decendants of Baalam's - beast, a goodly number of barrels of Uncle Sam's (not v revenue Sams) general : mixture of corn slop, malt, strychnine & branch fluid," tempered to the proper oeaa j; oy some '.-siore; keeper and 4 gauger merry moonshine. : The mi xtu re as well as the manufacturing ap aratus are.' said- to have once belonged to Mote Jones. They are now your Uuoie Sam's.- Mayberry &'AIyers spring line of -clothing, hats, shirts, ladiesV skirt and waist goods, trimmings, etc., are now arriv ing y Call and see ,them. ' - Laundry for the Statesville Steam Laundry: one of the best in the? State should be left at J.: T Hubbard's store-onA Mondays '.Ye rigid ploughmen, bear in mind,, your labor is for future hours. Advance, -spare not, nor look behind; plough deep and straight' with all your powers". . ..... . - - I 0 - x SyHEJJSEASON for PLOWING want the Best plow onthe market so that you may pre-: pare thoroughly your land for an abundant crop, without experiencing that "tired feeling" described in Gray's Ele- gy where '"the ploughman home ward plods his weary way.' Our. plows 'plow without worry and do well their work. A r T kinds of Farming Utensils, -just what you need. -Jt.Li Jul -kinds of Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery; and amy thing you want. Come and see my. stock and prices. . ? , - . J. P. ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro. ' DRUGS I We carry a full line of the - Purest " and Best Drugs to be found in this part of the State, including aH : the leading patent r medicines, tobacco; cigars, fancy -and: . toilet articles, lamps, colognes, etc. - 2)rs burner Si UXUbtte... Hotel. Building. SPECIAL B ARBA1HS. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS, . " I am closing out at cost a few of my fall and winter goods; . left, over, Among these being some of tje prettiest Flannel ettes you ever laid eyes on, worth 10c going at 8c f-. a fevr ' pieces' of nice outings worth 8c only (jc; a few- nice waist; patterns worth 2.00 for 1,5, some worth 1.00 going at 75c; " one peie of broad cloth left worth ,l.Qp poing at 75c ; nice lining worth -lOc at only 8c ; nice canton , flannels reduced ' .r 10c to 7c; a few 3.25 laprobes for 2.25, in4 a few 1.75 forri 1:25; Tugsreduced from 50 to 1.85, froin 1.00 to 75c; un-tl "V- derwearat cost; Coffee at 5c to 12 c.- - Come along and afet a bargain while you have the opportunity... Respectfully,. ; Clarence Call. of All the Latest Styles. T t T have the Most Attractive line, of Clothing ever brought to VV this section. . j v eur Line is complete and out Prices the Lowest. If you or your . boy need a fiuit, we can save you money if you buy from us. Now, remember Tre are always glpd to see you and will give you f our niostprompt attention. - ; ' Weaft; Quarters For Hard C. F. MORRISDNtS Hardware Store. Eveahin(rfrom a Carpet Tack to a reaper and binder alwayscon hand, and we challangc a comparison of the.- ; flsality, Of Oe Goods mi U Prices, Vith"any-Kardvare storie in this section. We have Stoves, ranees and heaters from Buck's Best to any other kind and can pleaco vou in quality and prices. .When'Jyou need hardware of any kind Come torSee us; we have what you want and Our Prices are the lowest, : , 89. is here. "Ye rigid ploughmen" ; I DRUGS call &. combs. ware.? ; ; :'J- C E. MORRISOW

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