12 IfidVIC sjocMfr ii ir ran V, John, MuElweeJ ot ! States Ville, was in towir last week ' Dr Charles Bryan,! of Trap . JH11, was in tovh-lhis Wtek ; MrW Jini.McLain Js -'-v ry sick with lung trouble., Esq John- Boshars, , of- S u m rn i t , w as i h X own last wetk. Mr. Rdgan Rousseau ca me home , Wed nesday -from : Oak Ittdge. . . ; ' ; j ' , . ..A pretty little girl arrived at Mr; VV . a Winkler's Sunday night. ' ' f : !' ' P ' John CrcMich,' editor of the State RepUblieau publLihed at Moravian Falls was in rtovr'n Friday on business" f : W S. Welborn has gone to Ekis t Tennessee to jT piirchii ?6 same horses for use at his five ry stable.' . l i . - , r Col T. C. Land,- who h S 4 been visiting ; at ; .i r.-C. c. Wright's, returned to Mt. Zipn last week ' . . - J f ' -Tiie " Scout " says I 'fBi'll Barnes and'fatnily have' ret ui n : edto theiirv home in HVilkes Coiuity'.V Dr. J I. Alessick, Wishes Ft Ue to his, customers that to ie will be here on Alondav and Tuesday -of'next court. . . It istime the towu was pic k Ing ourits ollieers tor the neptr two vears The election is nnar et hahtt.; ": ' At e see our tnena Air; utihs H Armfield, of Statesville, v it be married May 0th, Miss Ma Ly on- Fa: wibett; of t Airy . William Rtllings and A. Whittiug have bechboaud over t Federal Court for ? irregular- lsies concerning "sowpiW." Mr.Vili Djla an'l. vv;ter6f . Charlotte, spent several da linre last week visiting Mr D j.;; lars parents, Col. and .Mrs' T J Dula. fc ' ; A big fro3t and aplenty ice the 21th of April f put pf a coin chili" on the spring tup and distributed plenty of death to vegetation. ' "." " Now is the time to look ; ter the sanitary(corfriiU'on of.t f ie town. It is the most importa hi m itter for tn j consideration the town authorities. ; - bf Mr. Joe Combs', wife died Id st week-at her home on Hiiii t . iag Creek. She leaves a; hu band and two children. 5 ' : . -We-have received a copy t h e s i x tee n a, n n 11 al r e p o r t 0 f . t C?f ie bureau ot laoor and friouDg : riiroujii ine : cuui itsj ui . our i i 1. - ii.' 2. f ciend H. B. Varner. . : H rTiie catalogue of-the Uiji vyrsity just recei vedr slip ws tin : a t t e h d a t rc e b f G O S 's t u d e n t s 1 a yvaiv" This is the largest in its history. v Seventeen States a e represented in the lists, f " . ; 5 ' - r ' ' i 3 --' ..... ;V 1C illUlV l U I , 1 U U 1 tji C to West Va , arid " we'Ih- .be in good shape. in this section: prd vided ttiey don!t come this fa U and put in th$ wirlter'beatir g on.' the, ones who work arid make an honest living: ; - '-This office has recei ved No ii voi. 1 ot ine ocate ittpuo 1 can published, at Moravia n Fairs Dy John Crouch: : - It jis 8t r i ctly a po I i ti cal paper! o f ' the radical sort'and starts out weal i to i ts rn is s i o n -a b usi n g ! d e m 0 -crats. 'I L. - :" ' i-"-" hh The- Henkle -Ltve StoVk Conipany is cleaning- out I th s f5ectioh of- horses and- mules, V uen the people have to : buy thern back at double prices; Tii s they'll want to, kick; but it w 11 j It is supposed that the few ; remaining peaches ,took - their e v e r 1 ast i n g fi i g h t on C he f ros ty . wings of. Friday morningl 'y William. - West, of - Ready Branch waV hereFriday , and Fays the people in his neighbor: hood are getting akmg spleri didly,with,their corn planting. v The Board ot Directors for the graded school organized last week by electing F. B ;Hep ' dren chairman.s and L". Biim- garner, secretary; " - " Talk about "winter linger ing in the lap of spring', ;there is no doubt but that he has been caught doing ,that very thing this year and he likes the posi tion so well, he don't caro who knows it." ' . : The next court here begins the fi rs t l onday in T u he. It is f o r c i v i 1 cas e s " o n 1 y and . is for on e week It will probably not hold but two or three days, as it conflicts with. Rockingham; court, and the Judge Will ..no tloubt divide the time The decision in Jthe VViikes Co u n ty; b o n d "ca s e w i 1 1 p fo b a b i y not be handed; do wn till some time this falL - The U. 3i Su preme Court has a way of ! its own of conducting its business, and it generally waits 6 months or more afxer hearing a case;be f jre handing down its opinion: The concert at the tobacco varehouse Friday night y was quite a success,; some $10 being realized for the benen;t of the Haptist church. Wecongratu late those who worked so faith fully in the matter upon the success of the concert.- Miss Mattie Gilreatli died near. Moravian Falls Tuesday night of last week.;" Slie'wasoo y earmold and had been sick for sevc ral vveks. The burial took .place at Moravian Fulla Thurs day, conducted by: R,e,v. T, E WeavprjTliere was a,- large crowd, present, , - ' Lawyer John S.' Cranor who returned from Jefferson court. Thursday says, the- hills and vah;s were covered with sno'w. andthe weather had Decern oer. icicles in ' every - breath:. lie says he 'was cr-ad to get back to Wilkes again. - " . .( , In tan other column the boar 1 of graded school directors calls a meeting of the citizens of t he town at the court house on next M on d ay s nigh t , th e 4th, to con -sider the matter of a house for the graded school. It is a mat ter that interests - every citizen and all should' attend and dis cuss the m a t te r f reel v . ' Le t everybody interested in rth.e school attendithe meetingsnext Monday; night. ' ' - ' - '.' !' " ' . v . 1: ' -yc, - "r:-"- ' J'",3-'- A' -delightful "Progressive flinch i. arty" was given at' M r A lex a n d e r sj a t M o ra v i a n Fal 1 s Tuesday evening of la3t week, in lit) nor. of M iss Wright, of Vtr ginia, who i4 visiting there.' . A large number ot r "bonny . lads and winsome lassies" gathered and made the evening blithe and merry, with-, mirth, " imisic and othei "pleasant pass time's Elegant , refreshments were served. ' ; . : Robert S ; Hunt died - last Tuesday at the home of his mo' ther Mrs: Fannie Hunt at North Wilkfrsboro. He vvas;Bome-thing-over 25 years bid, and had been in-" declining Jiealth for some time. He-had a strokeof paralysis several months ago H e w as a memb a r of t h e M e t h o dist church and was a devout christian. He leaves a .mother and one brother. 'His father James H u n t d i ed so me y ears . a WILKESBORO; N. C, WEDNESDAY: APRIL 29, 1903. Child Tonnd Dead. - l . , Last Sunday out on the --Bra shy o u n t a ins, i n t h e j Barnett neighborhood, a young child was found dead and concealed. The matter is. beihg.f investiga . tedand there avIU probably. be some indictments to folldw; IlfsOwn Surgeon. ' Old Uncle John Davis;. ,t who is about 94 years eld an d lives out on the Brushies, , has for some tim been troubled with something like a "mushroom" cancer as they are called, It is situated over one eye and had gotten so large that it fell down o ver li is eye ; completely obscuring the sight One day last week, , he - took his knife and -cut it off by himself smobthe to the surface.? It bled profusely; running nearly, a washjpah full of blood. It is said that. he is nowr very much better: Sometime ago ? he ap plied to a doctor to have it : re moved, but the doctor thought best not;to cut it off and refus; ed to do. so. And; so, Uncle John decided to become his own surgeon. . 1 " " Teachers 3Iectiuff.'r The? next meeting of thii Teachers Association will be held here at thecouct house ou the second Saturday- in May, which is the Oth. The teacher are all requested to be present The ; questions for discussion are : ' - 1 How can we prevent whisr pering in school, and to what extent can it be done?'7 2 What should bo the man object in studying History? fc... 3 What can be done to bet ter the public schools in North Carolina? - . " " itia pi i. -Ifr is ainouhced that Mr..J. Henderson and Miss; Maud R Caudill, of Dockery, will be married Thursday. ; W,. C. W inkier and. Xwp lit tie daughters visited in Cald wel 1 S u u day , r e t u r u i n g horn e 'Monday. . Services for the. first time will b conducted at th e new Bap t i s t ;Chu r oh next S u n day Byn 1 arrangement between the pastors, there, will not be services at the Presbyterian church Su nday ; the pastor Mr. tlbinson will attend - the ser vices at the tJaptist church, aug. will preach at that church Sun: day night, v ; Mr Bradshaw will preach at 11. o'clock 'Laundry for. the Statesjil e or Cha rlo tteS tea m Lau n d ri es sh o u Id be left at; &lo r r iso n s store not" later than Monday, so that the goods can he raturued by Saturday. Work-: guaran teed to give satisfaction ; Robert Starr, "Agent, May berry & Myers lave all : kifuls of umbrellas and straw hats, trenks etc. ;y Spectacles and eyeglass guaranteed to fit aiid please,' at. Smithey Optical Co. For $1 you get Sibs 'meat at Dan can's. . J - Engine and boiler and .complete sawmill outfit for sale on easy terms, see Alayberry and Myers. ' - - J ; Good greri coffee 7c and best greeit colJis'e at lt)c per ponnd at SnMthej'M store, the cheopest placj hi towa to buy coHees. - . , ; 9 packages Arbuckles coffee for 1 at Floyd Duncair"& Co. : ' Mateiial of all kinds for repairing glasses at Smithey Optical Co. Work done, at reasonable prices and guarau teed to give-sat is.f action.. ' Bring $1.00 to Floyd Doincan & Co. and get f2 worth of goods. - ,.: -Timber Land For Sale. : 210 acres of well timbered 1 a n d s .n e a r W i tb a r 4 U n i o n t o w n ; ship, 14"miles fromW jikesboro, for sale, or will sell -timber on same. See J: II. Penaeil or K. If. VVyatt, Executors of H. C. Ttie town financial state ment is in this issue. Majv J.- H. Foote was - in town this week . y e learn that -Esq.; Jacob Staley, otDdckery, died Satur day and was buried Monday. He , was 80 years old and died of grtp'A.' v- -Mr Jj P.i'Eiledge; was, in town this week.- IleJsays ;the Rural Free Delivery Route ;in hii neighborhood is . having a splendid effect. People are working out the roads better and building bridges across the s t reams. Real es tate is ad van cing in value.;. " vr-Judge Boyd has stated that hq will not organize a Federal Court at this:, place until the County Commissioners make an order and duly record it. giv I him the use and C3nfcrol of those portions, of the court house necessary for conducting the court; during the term3 of court. He Wants a written or der of permission for himself The Commissioners should not forget this atithe next meeting About 30 or 35 negroes left Monday for; the coal J fields of West Virginia. The majority of them were" - women?; - One Henry Horace Hampton, a col ored brother who was raised here and has been out therefor f several years, came in ; last week and got up the crowd to go with him. The coal compa ny.paid the expenses which the emigrants ;will? refund in work. The conduct of jsome of the boys hienas-at the concert Fri day-night is a disgrace to therm selves and those who are re sponsible for their raising. ' If parents can not or will not - see after such matters, the law will, fc has. -got to bi too-,oommon, and this matter vvill'end no doubt in the Superior court." T hen a'mes of most o t the boys are known and the next grand jury will pass bu the matter. Such rowdyism will have to stop.. . " . - 1 T, e Supreme Court has ren dered decisi(ns v in the case.-. from Wilkes" as follow: . Robiuettvs. Hamby, affirmed (In'favor.of Hamby ) '. Bell vs. Crouch, no error. (In favor of Bell.) i Lo we vs; Harris affirmed. (In favo 6i the. Harris heirs). - V i c k e r s v s . Vi c k e r s . affirmed. (This gives absolute divorce .to J. W.-Vickers ) l , - - Those who heard Judge Lonsr's charge at Jefferson say that, he unmerci ftfr?5soredv,threi co u n ty : cp m m i ss t o n e rs about the count - h ouso ." : lie . t ol rl t h e com fnissioners . i f . l h ey did not p ro v i d e a 4 decent ; . co unto r t a bl e and safecourt house, he would ha e them indicted.'; Ashe cer t a i n 1 y n ee d s a co u-f t h o u s e 6. n d needs it b a d I v If those people - will come over and sea bur court he u se . t h ey w ill lynch the com v missioners if ihey don 't proct ed to erect a good court house at once, . . :P.rties who haye- ret rirreeiJ from Jefferson say tha,t all the civil cases were continued $x i cept the oase.ot L$a:iou vu i lou,' will occupy v this entire week. This case involves .the title to large mineral lands in i Ashe" and a considerable a mount is at stake. number f t h e 1 e ad i n g 1 a wy e r s i u ' the State are employed among-thera are Hon? C ,B. Watson, Ex Jud ger James II. Mer ri m an , , R Z Linney. R A. Doughton, W. CvFields, W4v Uf Bower and others. It is an interesting case,; represented on both sides by the ' best legal talon t - in the X Ye rigid ploughmen; bear in mind, your labor is for f uture hours, . Advance, spare not, not look behind ;, plough deep and straight with all your powers".', " ' ' ' HE SEASON for PLOWING want the Best plow, on the r pare thoroughly vour land Or gy where 'the ploughman homeward plods his weary way.V . , , Our plows plow witliout worry and do well their work; A t T ;kinds of -Farming Utensils, just what you need. . ' XJuijl-Jkinds of Hard ware Stoves, Cutlery and ; anything'-; yon ' - .want.,... Come and see rriy stock and prices.' , J. P. ROUSSEAU. North Wilkesboro.. DRUGS ; We carry a full line of the Purest , and Best Drugs to be found in this part of the State, including all . the leading patent medicines, tobacco, cigars, fancy and toilet articles, lamps, colognes, etc. . Hrs, burner & WLbite;, ' Hotel Building. . - ' SPECIAL FO R TfTE N RXT 30 DAYS . , I am closing out at Cost a : left over, among these being some of .the prottiest . Flannel " ettes you ever laid eje3 on, worth 10c. go in at 8p ; a- few. pieces of nice outings' worth 8c only 6c ; : a few,v' nice.' waist , ' patterns worth 2.00 for 1.35, some worth 1.00 going at 7oo; r one peicfe of broad cloth left 'worth 1.00 poing at 75c J - nice . ': . lining worth 16c at" only 8c ; nice ' canton flannels- reduced . 10c to 7c; a few 8.25 laprobes.for 2.25, and a few 1.75 for 1.25 ; rugs reduced from 2.50 to 1.85, from 1.00 to 75c ; un der wear at cost; Coffee at 5c to 12$c. Come along and get a' bargain while yoij have.the. opportunity. Respectfully, CJarence Call.; AlMhe Latest TAT t. h Most Attractive line VV this section . ' s ' 1 TVurJiine i3 complete and'tSfrVrices the Lowest. If you or your,, U- boy need a suit; we can save,you money if you buy from ua. . TvTow, remember we are always glod to see you and,will give you IN our mo3t prompt attention. ' 1 - Head -' Quarters For' IS C..F; MORRiSON.'S Hardware Store. Eveaything from a-Carpet Tack to a, reapen and binder ajways on hand, and vyechallangc a comparison of the. : Iiality Of Our Goods Otir Prices. - With any hardvare. stores in this section We have Stoves, rang:es and heaters fro: Buck's Best to.ahy other kind and can pier. vou in quality and prices. ; When you, need hardware of any Come to See tis; we have what ypu want ;.; Our Prices are the lowest, ' . ' ' i C. F. M,ORRIS0r.'. . v -42;- is here. "Ye rigid ploughmen?' market so that vou . mav pre- for an abundant cron. without 1 1 . BARGAINS. few of my fall and winter gooda oi viouuug eer ...wwuguu Hard A' Styles I Pcnlie 11. deceased. , - '

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