a. a. f .. . - m i t i i i i i Pqual Taxation, pircct and Indirect. V- L. XVX WILKESBORO ,N. WEDNESDAY. MAY 13. 1903. V 44. -Jv U L U Ml ii Hfi CHRONIC L.E. J. L. Hemphill made a trip io ourse iasc weeK. tieggie Smith is very low with pneumonia.4 V ; Rev. W.' Bradshaw vi ited in Caldwell last week." Boomer, was io town last week -uii. auu uis, r, ra. irtirKss or itoaring Kiver, are visiting relatives here. , . ; V ; - Mrs. John. Bledsoe, of 'Ashe: visited the family of Dr., Tur4 ner last week. . Miss Maggie Hughey began teaching in M r. O ' N-. Hunt's family Monday morninsr. air u. J? . - uooper . movea his family to Sutherland, lA8bd coup ty, this week". . - Gapt. Lindsay Ferguson and daughter, Miss Beulah,! were in town last week --F. F. Johnson offers some good lands for sale in this issue. See his notice. ' j Esq John H. Watts, of Boomer, was among our pleas ant visitors last week. j - Hazel Berry and Will Cra nor have gone to Ashe to 1 take 'some horses , . , - . etbtl, is visiting her parents at North Wilkesboro. L. S. Benbow has som nice jewelry which he wants you to examine. v " - Get your premises cleaned up the town auth orities f are going to inspect them. ' Dr. .Turner was, called to A grt V loot nTnnlr i niifiijciinii : . business. - He returned Thurs day. -; . - ; - Prof. Beaty's -pin factory was- burned at Summit last week. The factory; will be, re paired at once. ' , - ur. ana airs. Jtt. v . jsurrus arri red last Thursday to make this their home. We welcome them - Steven Stale y and Vlarv E. Call, 'daughter of JLindoipu Call, were marrird ;tud lO.n. Esg T. B. James tied ihe knot. W. F Marlow and Miss Clara Transou. - of Hunting Creeky were married ; last "week , T. B- James, Esq, . performing the ceremony - -We learn that Key & jCo's large furniture factory ? at Statesiylle ; was destroyed .by fire Monday, morning loss was about $50,000, but The we j dp not. know what the insur ance is. ' . , - HIT ' J - Ann iviuvjrtJB a yweiuiiKiifar j Parsons ville was destroyed ! by i fire last Saturday She was in I the field at work and the origin . -.t ''' ; " iriAnrn . I 1 It t. Yiincr in th a ho ns a ' wUa r. ii ill i . .. m i u u k iiii ra lctroved f j ' .. ' . A, "v. -Delia Barntt, of the :Br cb.es; had;a prehm.nary har infT here Monday on thv charge .... . of coneoal.nB the b.rth of . child and. was bound-"vers to court. It is certainly a very itifuicaser. .V " . " " . In the commissioners , pro cccdinK8,we see a contract; is rvarded for lumber to floor the t;- bridge between the -towns, ' ' i ru;ge3ts a little question ronomv.. Theia i hridiarre :i: 3 a new floor every ve ir i :tirnate4 b people who - that if the bridge wprj? :d, the floor would Jat to 10 vears.- It can he ."or 0100 to ; 6150. be economy :to Mr. H.--B. Nutt. of Surrv county visited Mr. W. H. Starr of this place last week. , In another column will be found notice of the summer term of the law school at ; the State University, Mr and virs. J W. McNeill arrived from Raleigh Saturday.' Mrs. McNeill is looking well af i ter several months of sickness; , Reports from . different parts of the county are rather gloomy for wheat. The fly is destroy ing Jt in large quanities. Mrs Lucy Greer, of Cald well, and Miss Mollie Land,' of Mt. Zion, visited Mr. C. C. Wright's family last week.T ; The Boomer people are very hopeful of cany ing the school tar election there the 9th' of June. It is to be hoped that they will. Some of the ' old reliable weather prophets say we are to have a considerable frost about the 20th of this month. Mr Frank Pardue killed a Jfish hawk on Mrs. I. T. Prev ette's tnill pond, one : day last week, that measured 7 feet and 9inches from tip to tip. It was a whopper. " - n -Young Bob Deaton who has been staying here with his brother Zeb JJeaton, left Satur day. He has probably gone to hisJ)rother in Mooresville, Mr. Joe Long, of Tennes see, and Miss Mary Joines, of this place, were married here on Monday, Esq. Tom Crysel performed the ceremony. , : The-Teachers meeting last Saturday -was "well attended and was interesting through -out. The next meeting will be in September. ' ' The new town" commission: ers say they intend to put the streets and sidewalks in better condition as soon as possible. We are they at least have the right sort of intentions; B. C. Beck with and B. W. Ballard, members of the State Boarn of Internal Improve inents, were here last week: in specting the turnpike. They a ppeared well pleased with the work that had beeji done. ' Mr J A. Carlton has been appointed registrar for the Uchool election at Boomer in place of J. E. Phillips, who. could not serve on account of being a juror at June term of court. - ; Dr. White performed an Operation last week removing thura), fore finger and part bt the middle ficger of Mans- field Huffman. His hand . was padly smashed in a feed cutter which neccesitated the opera f.loa Mr. P. M. Pearsall, of Ral ame up inursaay to: in np.ct the work on the turnnike W h e n he r eac h ed t he d e no t r. h e w . . , . r sound a telegram awaiting him announcing that his brother in . , a railroad wck.-Be ,eft on u ,.;-, fine same train no came oa," for. i m to atteQd h buria, X- " ... ' - j . . - . ; J Tnrt concert at the close of i Miss Crowder's school, given iridav hight at . the Gibnings arehouse, was enjoyed, by a , ,krge audience- The music, in j Omental solos and . duets. were excellentlv rendered by M iss Cro wder's music ? pupils. The dialogues, drills, panto mimes and farces were all' we 1 tl?udered and enjoyed. by all." All petsons due town taxes for 1901 ! a id 1002 will settle Uy the 1st day of Jboe or.J will hiv& to levy and sell af- tr 4tat date. , t. :--" - yy-x B&iyx falcon, . BURNED TO DEATH. . A Hepless Old Man and his House Burned Together. On last Saturday, there was a very lamentable'-occurrence in Elk township. Wra. Saun ders, a very aged and hepless old man was burned to death in his own house whih was destroyed by ft re: The rest of the family was at work in the field, w hen the house canght on fire. Mr. Saunders was about 80 vears old and has been al most helpless for several years, He could not move himself from the bed and could not give the alarm for aid, and was burned to death along with.the destruction of.; the building. Everything in the house was destroyed. Caldwell to Pattern after W ilkes , v"7. say in reference to the building or a new court nouse tor uaia well county. It seems that the little leaven that Wilkes put in to the stale court houe ques- tion.is having a "leaving effect upon pur neighboring counties. We invite them all to inspect our court house. The Topic says: The Coun ty Commissioners are advertis ing for lots - to f build a court house on. Messrs. Sigman and Palmer expect to make a trip to W i 1 lra hr rn nnH r i n an Ant .t.li m r new building and it is probable the Board will build for Cald well on the same plan. Town Elections - In Wilkesboro, at last Tues - tfay's election, Dr. J. W. White was elected mayor, and L. Bumgarne, J. H." Lewis, -JF. B. Hendren and J. T. Wellborn were elected commissioners This ticket was elected by an average of six majority. At North Wilkesboro, F. D. Hack ett was elected mayor and E F. Safford, J L. Clements, J. R Comhs, F. D. Forester add A. R Sherman, commissioners. Extra Jewelry. I have a large selection of the finest and prettiest jewelry ever offered for sale in this sec tion of country, and I can sell it cheaper than you can pur chase the same quality of goods elsewhere. c Besides there is a five year guarantee tnat goes-with every piece and if the jewelry does not prove what it is represented you can return it and Vfit voiir monev. We in vito you to come and see the pre jtiest selections ' of jewelry ever shown here, and at the lowest prices L, S. Benbow. Miss EcrLerts school enter- I tainmeht Monday night was excellent in every respect. It was an entertainment by .the little folks and they ; certainly did well, showing thai ..the had'''been:'efficiehtlyrdriilld''f energetic and patient teacher. Every, part of the programme was acted well and was attrac- tive and entertaining. Among the - prettiest pieces was the "Rock a Bye Lady" by eight littlesirls with dolls which they lulled to sleep with a charm- ing little lullaby The cantata, The Fairy Land" was render ed by the little-girls . and Doys and the scenes and the songs made one feel that he was in a real fairy land. . i There were two prizes award ' ed best lessons and best be ' havior Little Miss Gay Hoi man and Selma. Hall won them, and, they were , presented by Mr. C.: H. Cowles in an appro priate little speech. ' " , - -Coffee-at 5 to t2c at CaV '- - See notice of sale of the Mo tt property. ': Sheriff Johnson has Jn' a notice that should interest tax - payers , . . . Esq. Jonathan: Stout, of lewis norK townsmn, was in town last week and gafe us yt very pleasant -call. Ho is near ly 84 years old and is jolly as a sixteen year -old, and he says he is holding his beauty and good I looks very remarkably. It was his first trip to, town in three years. We are always glad to see him. Deputy marshall A. C. Bry an tells us or two peafowls at Jay Hays' on the Brushies which he saw with his own eyes picking off the potato' bugs. Mrs.. Hays says that these pea fowls keep the potatoes entire ly clean of the bugs and thatl they beat paris green tMn lef rp. or any thing else The peafowl is perhaps the only domestic fowl that will eat potato bugs. Po tato raisers should try the pea fowl. - . ? Superintendent" C. ; C. Wright asks us to state that there will be a meeting of , the citizens at White Plains, , in Edwards township, on - Friday May 3nd, at 10 o'clock A. M. to consider te question of con solidattng school districts No. 1, 2 and 3 into two districts, eJtJ"?r b dividing no 2 and putting part to each of the no. 1 and 3 districts or else making 1 one district out of no' 2 and 3 and leaving no. 1 as it is. Let 1 those Qtcrested attend ; We have received a very neatly printed and designed in vitation for the Oak Rid ere Institute commencment which occurs the 20th and 21st of this month, for which we thank our friends Isaac Call. Ira Triplett and Thomas Buragarner. : Mr Triplett is one of the orators of the occasion and VI r. Call is one of the committee on invitation. Our boy 8 come to .the front no matter where they go. James Hawkins, who was formerly depot agent here, died on Wednesday of last week at the Morgan ton Asy lum. There never a more pleasant gentle man or more conscientious citi zen than Jim Hawkins. He was feeble in frame and o ver work and anxiety destroyed is health and mind. He dies a nother monument to the rail . . ... y ', .... ... . -. . ..... i road programme of overwork inS their employes . The ne w town offi cers have a first class opportunity for do ing something for the streeis, sidewalks, and the sanitary condition of the town , Right now is the time to see that th town is properly : cleaned p; There has been very little at tention. paid to this part of the town goverment for some years, and still it is one of the most important. . ; - r A few nights ago, while all was quiet and the .. moon was hiding behind May clouds and: when honest tolks were taking their rest "in slumber i sweet and idreams delightful", some unknown inhabitant who had an "aching void,V in certain portions of his anatomy, went into Mi. W. J. VVinkler's di- ing room and relieved the same of a quantity- of . cake, meat, bread and other articles. PHOTOGRAPHS. Finest photographs at lowest possible prices at Foreman's Gallery main street west of Morrison's Hardware Store. . Wilkesboro, May 4th 1903. , Nice line of Ladies Gause fronj 5c" Oc at flajberj & Mjers, . uiuuKiiiucu, wouii muiu, yum inuui i iui lubura xiuuxa. Auvance, spare not, nor looJc behind ; plough udeep and straight , with all your powers'- . . . O - HE SEASON for BLOWING is here. "Ye rieid plouehmen" want the Best plow on the market so tht .you may pre pare thoroughly your land for an abundant crop, . without gy where "the ploughman homeward'plods his weary way. Our plows plow without worry and do well their work. A t T kinds of Farming Utensils, just what -you need. " x. Jb Jul kinds Of Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery and anythii want. Come and .see my North Wilkeshoro. We have a new foutain, Lippincois Best. an Ice Cream cabinet of new fixtures which -Headquarters Prescription'department is in charge Wm. A. Berry, pharmacist. : r. r u DbUGHTONJS DRUO STORE. DRUGS ! We carry a full line of the Purest and Best Drugs to be found in this part ,'; of the State, including all the leading patent medicines, tobacco, cigars, fancy and toilet articles, lamps, colognes, etc. Hotel Building. And our New and have arrivedthe prettiest and most stylish ever shown here. The ladies are especially invited to exam ine our new stock before purchasing else where. The gentlemen will find I have the prettiest line of shirts and neckwear in town I can save you . 1 Head (Juarters For Hard :;; , ware " - C. F. MORRISON'S Hardware Store. : Eveaything from a Carpet Tack to a reaper and binder always on hand, and we cMauange a comparison of the. Onality Of flnr Goods ana Onr Piices. With any hardware" store in this section-. We have Stoves, ranges and heaters from Buck's Best to any other kind and pan please you in quality and prices. ; When you need hardware of any kind. Come to See us; we have what you want and Our Prices are the lowest,: iy thing s yon stock and prices. J. P, ROUSSEAU. dnd a complete line puts usin shape to for Drugs, Books, etc. , I DRUGS up-to-date line of m on ey 1 n low trices, . . Clareixce Call. - C. FMORRISOn- c y

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