The Chronicle. y -John Ferguson, of Boomer, ;is very sick; ; I Mrs. Tiee Salmons, .of Ne ar Castle township, is very sick i vv ttJ. W. Horton, of". ElkvilH ,wa8 in town this week. ; t , j. Col. W. S. Hallr4t Parson ;ville, was in town last week. ' There's no joke about the crrr Vi aw - MitnstiAn nlnni nnnr she's hot. . -v --- l. " ; Today a goodly number of Wilkes folks will visit Thomas ville on the excursion.. j ' jlj j .,....- .. - ' t - - : - ; -i ; ;oi uaiaweii couniy, " 'town last week,- were in , rror. james i-iinney return - ,ed Thursday from a visit Ronda and Briar Creek.!'; tb James Hubbard and Robert 43croggs went to Virginia last week on a visit. J" . . H. L. Coble, - representing . Jthe DeWitt Med. Co., was in , : town last week. . . A Several of the '.old .:C6nfe aerate boys wer-j in town last week look after State pensions. -x "Row C. ' fi T fiwA rf i Wntfl Forest preachtd at the.Baptiut church heie Sunday f ati XI Miss Jennie Worth, wljo had been visiting at W. Barber's, returned to Ashe Fri Mr. and Mrs. W. H.McE)- -nad been over the' Ulue u nidge on:business. . , V. r -Mr. J. H. Estep'Si jchild, . whose death we mentioned last week was 15 months 6 - instead of 15 years old.1 v ; r J' T, Ferguson imd J. D. week on business connected , with the Mrs. Davisstate:7 . Mrs; S; J. Ginnings wentio ' Mock8ville, Friday to visit rei atives. She returned the" first , of this week. " . - i was bis wite iiwith a rolling pin. He :;;trvine to - chastise his' v wis wife That leads the record so far, Frank U. .Uraham, repre senting the G. IF. Harvey 4 CoU was in to wn last week." Hft is a brother- of J",. L. G r-aham, - who .formerly resided here. V; 4 4rEsqr William PhiUips,' - f " Bbomer, died Monday, ,. of - last week at the old age of SO years. He had been & in feeble i heal - - i ! i - - .lor Beveraijr eais. : . . . , V The k'bug juice" in Wilkes ia -hainor snnnlantftd hv thfl hiif lonly. Mr. J D, Smith showed '- us a sample of the bug without 4 he u ice, last week, and it's a whopper. , The bug without the juice is less harmful than the bug with the juice. - . - " If Sheriff Johnson's i'long grass" in the. court; house y arjd 4ias been tampered with . some how, for the principal, part of ,tt looks like rag weeds, jimsc n , and cuckle bus.'. The scri y ttira tells about -.a fellow 'sow ing a big wheat field and then went to ied dreaming of "good old 'soda: biscuits that his mama . used to make"',' But . ;erhile be snooze-l an J dfrrimJd' borne, enemies caihe " m aijd' cowed the field full 6f i$$y And some of Tthese fellows getting bo scriptural as ; tb ac cuip some' of eneniies of -lotis?j r3f:iu the court house yard: rot corning in undercover of ho' d-rknes3 . of ' toir;ht arid -owintajfes.. . :-Mr. Stafford has moved his sawmill but near the: Curtis bridge. ; , : ; ; Bufe Oliver killed-a rattler last week, - having 11 rattles His do had bayed' it. : . Lawyer T. B. Finleyapd, Mr. J. G; Hackett went to Jeff erson on business' the first of week. V - - - " Susan Hampton; rcolored, wife of Sog Hampton; died last Saturday. She has been sick for quite a .while-- 5 ' During the thunder storm Sunday afternoon lightning struck Mr; " L. ' Bumgarner's barn and tore up the roof right smartly.1 "t .Mrs Legrande and . 'her daughter, Miss Electa :Foote and Mr. Ovid Foote; of Roaring River, are visiting at Mr. James Well horn's. ; 1- Messrs. X. W. Cooper - and O. D. Wheeler, of. Charlotte, passed through Saturday going to Jefferson to make a contract to build the new court house there. . ' -v Mr. W"m Saunders, near Straw, while ..fryingeggs for breakfast the other , morning found a well, developed egg, shell and all, inside of the i one he broke. That's a new kind. Mfs. J. .L. Hawkins who has been visiting friends here,4 has gone to the Iron and Lithja Springs to spend a few : weeks! HerTtwo children are wijh; her. A.' Ii.. Combs and Henry May, pin inspector, went to Jefferson on-iusinessJaatLeeThey: returned - Sundayand were caught in the - Btarniriiind i had considerable trouble in crossing Red dies River. Mrs. jFletcher, mother - of Mrsl W. R.Absher,. of North Wiikesboro, who has been . in the Winston hospital -for some weeks having an operation per farnied, came up Friday ; and ; went to her home in Ashe. Mrs. Jaines Williams, died last week near Fishing Creek Arbor: She was-about 70 years old and died. of dropsy, i She had been married t wipe, first to Mr. Anderson, j and v was the mother of Messrs. Eli and Dan Anderson v - ' An old time sinking con test was puiieu. ou ai xayiorsviiie Saturday as the cheif exercise in . celebrating 5 the "glorious fourth." Alec sustained her self as being the place, as Maj. Sneed used to say, -wh9re ev eryone; could sing by note and make peg shoes.'' - ' :i The oouhty pension board, composed of C. H. Somers, clerk of the court, R. A. e Spainhour, J. S. Forester and W. TA Mint on was in session . t wos days f last week receiving applications for pensions and revising the; list. The board will meet . again on Friday 17th to finish up their .work and complete the revision of the list. ' : 1. The" Board .of Education met Monday and selected coun ty superintendent,''' appointed the various school oommittees, settled with the -Sheriff, Vetc. Mr. Wright was unanimously re elected Superintendent, a deserved compliment: ter selection could have been made." J f , Next week is the time for Judge Boyd to come and qrgah ize the FederalrvOourtl:aiivthis place. There will e; ypry lillla to do except to appoint a deputy clerk, a bailiff and ' prepare- a Ju ry list for this district; . It is bot kno wnwho will be appoint ed deputy clerk r here, thou gh there is a lot of tho faithful on ih0 f roil t anxious; ; T. P. Parlier Dead. ; rj Vr-Thomas Gregory, of Love Mr Thomas P. Parlier Wed lace, is sporting .twins which at his' home at Moravian I!alls jarrived last week.. - ' on Wednesday Lmotnibfir;i tfufr '; Mcs. EUzabeth YAtes, wid 1st, at 1 o'clock, of. gastric ca f 6 w bf David Ytes. nr W tarrh. He commenced feeling ill a week and a half before his deatbut took his bed oplT:ojl Thursday evening, frjm'which time till his death he jwaft in fit delirious condition. His funer al was conducted by his pastor Rev W R. Brads haw from the Baptist church and was attend : ed by a large concourse of friends of the deceased - The interment was in the cemetery at Moravian Fa 1 Is, where, in peace and honor he 'will repose amidst the familiar scenes of his entire life, until the dawn of God's eternal Sab ath day. Mr. Parlier - was nearly -69 years oldj had been married, '47 years and had been a member of t h e Bap tis t chu rch 46 y ears J He had for years, been an hon ored , member of Moravian Lodge F. & A. M. He wiis al so a trustee of and bad always been a staunch supporter of Moravian Falls Academy, and his memory will long be fondly J cherished by a large number of former students of the institu- tion. ; He was a good citizen, devout christian, a fond husv. band and an effec'tibnate father-and- his loss will be keenly, felt: uot only by his family biit ' by! the entire community: . No man within our acquaintance has lived a more blameless an di exemplary lite -a, Jieritage brtiiy; otthiCadmiraBon and exc2aplicati0nr of his - iiosts'- of friends and relatives. 1 7. He leaves a, widow, and ' five children, among whom l: is C bur townsman, Mr. O.IE Pac)iex Jb allbf whqmwe extend durin cerest condotepde,- Bronchitis PorTwenty Ycargv Vra'Utnsrvt fimith ft Tkonvillo. Tit' writes: ''I had - brojiclajtis for. twenty and never gotreleif until I used Foley's Honey atid Tar which is a sure care Turner & White. A Sargical Operation : is always dangerooa--do not submit to the sargeons knife until you have tried De witt's Witch Hazel alve., t will cure when everything else fails it has -done this in thousands f cases. Here is one pf thein':. I . suffered from bleeding and' protruding piles for twen ty Was treated by different specialists and used many remeJies, bat obtained po relief until I tried used De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. . Two boxes of this salve cured me eighteen months ago and I have not had a touch of the piles since. H. A. Tisdale, Siinamerton S. C. ,.Fof Blind, Bleeding, Itching and JProtruding, Piles no remedy equals De Witch Hazel Salve. . Sold bj Geo. Doughton Druggist Ni. Wiikesboro" N, C' . i J Just About Bed time . ; take a Little Early Riser it will care constipation, niioasness and liver trou bles. ' De witt's Little Early Risers are different from other pills. They do not gripe and break .down the jnixcona mem branes of the stomach," liver and bowels but'eured by gently arousing the secre tions and giving strength : to these - or gans. ooia oy weo- uongaiou vruggw1 North Wiikesboro, JT. C. . v " ; r V- '. N Pity Shown. . : r.fFor years' fate, was after me continu ously' writes 17 A. Gulledge, Verbena , Ala.4 I had fa terrible casef of Piles causing 24 tumors. Wheu all failed JSucklens Arnica Salve -cured me. Equally good for Bums and -all aches and pains. Only 25c at All Drag Store. i . ; Working Nfght and J)y. - - The busiest and mightest little thing that -ever was made is Dr.- King's . New Life tills. These pills change weak ness into ' streneth, liatleessness into energy, brain-fag into mental- power. They're aronderful in building . .up the cUli Only 25c per box. Sold by All Tbe cut prices made by Hay berry & flyers are hayics the desired effect. The gooda are goln out, eome at and coda below cc-tclothing, hate, dress zlz,Z fcaLurs?,; laccy, shoes, etc. They mast all co oat before we move: j Hope, died last week. She was about 90 years old. kelson Handyof Walnut Grove township was put in jail last week on the charge of un mercifully beating his wife. ; -r-The infant child of Newton Faircnilds; near Mt. Pleasant church, -died last " week. The mother had died Just a week before.'; The people up at New Hope had a big: fourth of . July cele bration Saturday. Cape Eller and others : made p.atriotic speeches. : - - . Superint e n d e nt O. C. Wright will have public exam- i nation for teachers at the court house, Thursday,; Friday and Saturday of -this week. . . ' Lawyer Tu, jLyoo,- who has been out L West for some time, was in town this weekr He says, there's 'no jflace as good as Wilkes. forhim. . ' ; -rThe pin factory .' of Bob JJarr.& Coi; at Jefferson was destroyed1 by fire last .Thursday The loss amounts to some$ 1200. Pur- :fr iend W. ftiJIcElwee was interested ' in the factory r: -The BoarbV of Equilization meets next Monday. ,vthe -13th, I to bear complaints and adjust and equilize '.tax assessments for the county! Those .having complaints should be on hand. 1 7 plchtc at Lithia: Springs orr-the 4 th, give a in houbr MissMaryGrdner of York Pa .and Misai Sara Co wles, ;of StatesvHle, .byhet.CA G- T. ciubi'vWaa tnproughlyenjoyed byv thpsoL - ; present, 1 fMK; apdJ Mrs v W J. B ray:,- chaperjon'edV the .party :! V . - " -rrofi WJ5; Hbrney;vof Greensboro,' was here last week He has been chosen superin-' tendent of our school. : lie is a pleasant geotleman and very enthusiastic in the .pause of education It J .behooves v our people to give him every en-, couragement possible. ..We must make the school a success from the beginning. J. C. Rash, of Fairplains, tells about the lightning strik ing at his house last Thursday. It struck the cloths Hue which was attached to some trees in the yard, and a in j ur.ed every tree. It jumped from there to a log chain hanging to another tree, then to the wagon : near,; doing -considerable damagev Then it jumped to the hog pen; killing the hog. A little boy. was struck senseless, but after some time recovered. Another boy was badly shocked. . v latln? and Ueplatlngr Metal Goods ' I plate and.replate xnetaVgoods of all kinds made of ironsfeel, lead, .copper, bra la, britannia gerraait etl trer etc : Siliror Plate.-Such as tanle ware knives, ' forks, spoons,- caster, ' spoon holders, cups, napkin rings, suffar bow leg, pitchers, tea sets, -communion sets, butter dishes, dentist's - doctor's and surgeon's instruments, sewing machine i typewriter parts, rsoda -fountain cupa, and spoons, etc - - ' -'I Gold r SlUer PUte .-Jewelry of all sorts, watch cases chains, scarf orna ments, "hair and breast rpins, ' finger rings, enff and collar buttons, ear riegs. netal hair combs, belts anp-belt buck les charms, medals, badges, .bracelets, etc. - v " "- ' . lam prepared to platethe above ar ticles eqnal to the best new : work, , on the same priulcipal as Jlogers .Bros or any other manufacturers. - . ;v Cleaning silverware f and jewelry a .specialty ' ' ."Tf. H. Starr." Foley's Kidney Care purifies the blood by straining out im parties and tones up the whole system.- Cares kid ney and bladder' troubles. Turner" & f 'Ye rigid ploughmen, bear in mind, . your labor is for future hour.?, Advance, spare not, nor look behind ; plough deep and etraiglkV . - 'With all jrour powers' , - . 1 0 ' : V; pHE SEASON for PLOWING is here; "Yerigid ploughmeT 1 , want the Best plow oh the market so that you may pf . .X tare thoroughly your land for an abundant crop, ' witlfo experiencing that 1 tired feeling'? described in Gray's E i ;'-v'v-Tv:: gy where "the ploughman homeward plods his weary way Our plows plow without worry and do well their work. . A T T kinds of Farming Utensiis, just what you need; XLilj i kinds of Hardware, Stoves, Cutlery - and; Jtny thing you - want. Come and see my stock atid prices , J.P.ROUSSEAU. . North Wiikesboro. - . raj We have a new f outain, . Lippinqots Best, an Ice Cream cabinet and a compIete Hne of new fixtures which puts us in shapd to Serve; ttllri JBeQKJ3.c?iinIIia 'I Hee (Dieaiiim 7" Headquarters for Drugs, Books etc. : JPrescriptibna"eparlmen ALBerryLphamac : - 'We:cairy-a.fuIl:Jthe'jo-h0r:'Rurest I and Bjast Drugs to be found Jn thispart x nrieciicines, tobacco, cigars, fancy and .toilet articles, lamps, colognes, etc- re. burner & HClfoite, "-'Hotel Building. m And our New and up-to-date line of ; . V have,arriyed4 the prettiest and most -stylisfi ever shown here. ' The ladies areespecially invited to exanr- ine our new stock before purchasing else where. The gentieme n will 4 i nd I uavo : the prettiest Jine of shirts i can save you : r "Z Head -Quarters For "Hard - -V-' : ware: ; C. F. MDRRISON'S Hardware Store. Eveaything from a; Carpet Tack to a reaper and binder always on hand, and we challange a comparison of the. ' - fc DaaM7 Of Our Goods ana iM races. any .hardware We have Stoves, ranges and heaters fron Buck's Best to any othor Jcind and can please you in quality and prices. ' - 'When you need hardware of any kind; Coma to See us; vve have what you want ant! Our Priced are thai lowest, - . ; . MORRISOAC -a jra sidrclll 'Mmraea 'C'J DoUGHTOlN'S DR1Z0 STOREr C"5 .ion: GratE If -3 if and neckwear in towru money in low trices. - Clarertce Call. store in this section. DRUG v

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