V ' ' -' . - y ... ..' V:; VOL. XXL The Chronicle. MJOCJMl, JfXJM. T TJE RS WANTED: Two good sober jsaea to sell and collect for Singer Sewing MachineCo. Will ;pay either salary or .comniission. Apply ,to C. U. Davis, Wilkesboro, N. C. . - Mr. Tom Bumgarner took 4n the .Jamestotwxi Exposition last week. Miss Clara Benbo.w has re turned from ithe Jamestown exposition. Mrs. J, Bryan Grimes, of jRaleigh, is visiting Mrs. J. G. Hackett. Mrs. M. K-Smoak, of South Carolina, is visiting her son, Ur. D. E. Smoak. Miss Mattie Ferguson, of ll&oaaer, visited at Mr. J. S. Cra&or's last week. Policeman L. B. Dula has jaived into the Doughton resi dence near the pin factory. A car load of barbed wire ,aud nails just received at Morrison's. They say the Show was ' pretty good last week. At least, it was pretty well at rt ended. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Call, of Augusta, Ga., arrived last week and are visiting at Mrs. M. C. Call's. It rained here on tne first dog day, and according to the old saying, that means forty days with rain every day. Rev. R. L. Own bey is re joicing over the arrival of a fine boy at his home. He ar rived Thursday evening. Last Sunday, Miss Martha Stroud and Mr. Ed. Clarey, were married, Esq. A. G. Hen dren performing the ceremony The Methodist pastor here, Rev. R. L. Ownbey, will go to !artersville, Va. the first of .August to condnct a series of revival meotings. --Mrs. WV H. H. Cowles and family, of Statesville, came up last week to spend the summer days at her farm home near Wilkesboro. W. W. Barber was elected "ice-President of. the State Par Association, for the thir , ,tee nth district, at the recent meeting at Hendersonville. Quite a neat compliment. Mr Allmond Mcfoy Griggs, the versatile and polished edi tor of the Portsmouth Star, attended the marriage of his . cousin, Mr. A. azel Berry, last week. v ; v Our good friend, Mr. Mil ton Foreman, rememdered this office and its hungry orphans with a lasket-of elegant toma toes and apples last Saturday. C.. Cailttas usualj is first to give the public the advantage .of'all advances in Cross-ties. Hfi will pay you 45c for no.l ties and 30c for no. 2 ties. ,' ..UTiBik'e him your ties, "favor him that favors you." -Superintendent C. C. Wright ili conduct the ex amination of applicants for High-Scfrobl certificates here ': -. pn tle S5th.of this month Ap , pHcan f.8hould be. oq htnd promptly. : James Tarkin Pearson, the I i ;Wilkes oet Loureate, who has ;'S;fJben: with-'The-: Charlotte f r Observer for sometime, has re r; " turned to Wilkes, where he can worship ahd converse with the' v 'Diviu Afflatus,,? beneath his , i . pwn native" y iue andUfigtree. J Recording tihictates ;of his ;-pwD consienceJ" uWe are, ."glad, V to baye him home again." JSome of the boys forget that there is au ordinance fi gs inst playing Gallon the street. If they are -required to denosit a few dollacs with the .town policeman may be their recollections win get in Detter shape. -JA note from Mr R. H. Mc- J Neill, of Washington, states that! he will be unable to reach here and deliver the address mV Pleasant Home church next Sunday, on account of press of business. He hopes to come a little later. l?he revival meeting At the Prespbyterian church at North Wilkesboro closed Sunday night. Rev. S. M. Rankin, of Greensboro, who assisted the pastor, Mr. Robinson, won the love and admiration of all who heard him Sixteen persons became members of the church Sunday. The Board of Education had a call meeting Saturday, and heard several matters. A petition for a local tax election in North Wilkesboro township was granted, the rate to be 10c and 30c. Petitions for and a- gainst local tax in Elkville were presnted and will be eeard on the 25th inst. Alt the home of Mr; John Martin, near Brier Creek, on the 8th, Miss Fannie Martin and Mr. James Armstrong were married. Mr. Armstrong is a Vilkes boy, but is now located in Jacksonville, Fla., where he takes his bride, to share life's joys and sorrows. Our jolly old friend Col. Bilhe Lenderman who has the weight of over 80 years on his shoulders, was out bright and: early Friday morning, ready and diked in approved style fpr the show. Uncle Bil lie remarked to us in his bright jocular way that he proposed to see the amusements going on in tne world while he watf young and could enjoy them. The Elkin Times has the following: "Maj. J. H. Foote, of Roaring River, with his two daughters, Mrs. -C. H. Greenwood and Miss Electa, and his son, Lieutenant Percy Foote, of the .United States Army, stationed now at Newpvrti Rhode Island, was in town Tuesday J Maj Foote, though more than 80 years old, is still quite active. His son Lieut. Foote has had many interesting experiences. He Has, since entering he Navy, visited ali the con tinents, travelled on all the oceans and baen on most of the important bays, seas and gulfs. He has circumnavi gated the! globe twice and has been honored by having been admitted to an audience with Oriental crowned beads." Th re j were a 21 applicants for tejdfter's - certificates, who were'xamined last week - Thnrsday, Friday and Satur ¬ day. Tjhere were 17 applicants for couqty certificates as fol lows: F. G. Yates, Stantoo; Chas. Joines, Absher; Maudie Lyon, Dockery; Milla Joines, Absher; Fllen Myers, Dock ery; Carrie Jennings, Hays; Edith Jones, Mulberry; Har rison Je inings, Hays; " Eliza beth Bumgarner, Millers Creek; Myrtle Steelman, Adiey; Pansy P; ird tie, Ronda; R. L. Vannoy, Vanhoy ; Mattie F-er guson, Boomer. There were four colored: J. S. Morrow, Mabel Morrow, Kit tie Weather spoon anp Mamie Petty. . There were two applicants for State certificates : M. F. Bumgarner, of. Miller i Creekt aud Miss Mattie E. iSale, of Brier Creek.. There wi re two who stood the exatninai ion for entrance : at the A. fc M. College: J T. Peden of iWilkesboro, and JVFergVison,',of. Kendall. v-eas for gale at Morriou's. JSqual Taxation, WILKE6BQRO, -N; C Beautiful Wedding. At "HOlcrest" .the country home of Mrs. T. J. Wiiiiams, last Wednesday afternoon, at 5. o'clock, a beautiful mid sum mer weddiog was solemnized, when Mrs. Williams' charming daughter, Miss Grace Ellen, be came the bride of Mr. Allmond Hazel Berry, son of Dr. Wil liam A. Berry, The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. L. Ownbey,' pastor of the Methodist church of Wilkesboro, of which the bride is a member, in the presence of the immediate families of the bride and groom and a few guests. . The parlor was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and festoons of greenery, and in front of an improvised altar and beneath a wedding bell of wild daises,the ceremony was impessively performed accord ing to the ritual of the Method ist church, including intheser vice the ring ceremony. The groom was attenged by his brother, William F. Berry, and the bride by Miss Bessie Lewis, of Wilkesboro. The youthful loveliness of the bride was accentuated by her costume of white taffeta, trim med with lace, and embellished with medallions. MissFrankie Staley grace fully presided at the organ during the service. After the ceremony there was a brief reception and hearty congratulations; fol lowing which refreshments of cream, cake and fruits were were served in the dining room, the bride cutting the great white wedding cake with her own hands. After the departure of the wedding guests, the immediate families were entertained by Mrs Williams. On Thursday following.; at p"Fairview," the beautigul country home of Dr. Berry, he entertained most charmingly and elegantly at dinner, in that hearty and refined old Southern way, in honor of his son and bride. We feel no delicacy in extend ing the bride and groom our most hearty congratulations and good wishes, and predict for them lives of usefullness and pleasure, with assurance, for God made them of the right sort of stuff. Card of Thanks. We deisre to earnestly thank our neighbors and friends for their kindness and help shown us in our sad trouble and be reavement, the sickness and death of Mrs. Foster. We pray God'a richest blessings on you all, for He alone can repay you for such kindness as you have 'shown us. J A. Foster & Family. The stockholders of the bank now in process of establish ment at Wilkesboro met Thurs day and selected additional of ficers as follows; C. F. Morri sXn,,Vice President; F. B. Hen dren, attorney: Directors, J. T. Hubbard, F. G. Hoi man, C. C Wright and A. M. Vannoy. There will be another meeting tommdrrow night (Thursday) for the purpose of selecting ad ditibnai directors and officers. In .the -mean time the books 'are open for subscription of stock, and the opportunity is av good one for ihose who wish to in vest in; a safe, sound,: profitable enterprise, ; , r,.- v-Mri Frak , Staley 's'f tXiree y ear 'old child, jn Union, Last week, fell In ; the creek arid ijarrowly escaped drowning. pirect and Indicect. WEDNESDAY, t Word from the Baptist Minister 4t Wilkesboro. Dear Beo. Editor; Allow me paoe, please., to say some things (that I have in my heart about (the people and my work here., I feel like congratulating myself that I h&re the honor of serv ing such noble people. Siace our ar rival here the first of June, ive have been the happy recipients of so many material favors that language -seems all too empty to express the gratitude of our hear ts for same. Prior to our arrival, the ladies of the church took charged of the preacher's home, and they know how to "keep house." Our larder was anything lse bat eapty. Everything needed tor house keeping had been provided by these these thoughtful vrxxcaen. Any pastor is fortunate who kas such ohoiee spirits, sueh congenial, harmonious co laborers as these women are. They in spire lofty aims, good deeds, holy liv ing and genuine service. Their work . is "honorable and glorious. We thank J them again and again for their untiring aid and bid them God-speed. We are brought under daily obliga tions to the eood people of the town of all denominations', for verily we are incessantly remembered in a material waj by some of them. Scarcely a day has passed that we have not been kind ly remembered by some one. Most assuredly, we feel unworthy of such friends and favors; but we propose to live so as to show our appreciation. The reception given in honor of the pastor and his family, by the Ladies' Aid Society was .an enjoyable occasion. A neat and timely program had been arranged by Mrs. F. G. Holman, Pres. of the Society. The first part of the program was missionary in purpose, consisting of short speeches and two papers read on missions. Then came an informal social meeting. The pas tor and his family were introduced to the members of his flock; after which ice cream and cake were served. We all enjoyed it much. The outlook for the church's growth is flattering. May the people and pas tor grow in favor with each other as they become better acquainted; and may the Lord's cause prosper in their hands. K. C. H. The Board of Equalization which was in session last week for three days, adjourned to meet the first of August to complete its work. There ap pears to be a big lot of inquality in some of the townships in the assessments. So far as invest igated the township of Wilkes boro and Moravian Falls seem to be the highest and most equibly assessed townships in the county. Wilkesboro town ship, which has about as much poor land in it as any township in the county averages over $7 per acre, while others with an average of better lands dont average $3 per acre. One thing the assessors did that don't look right. They put up the mountain peaks and timber lands in the mountains to $4 and $5 per acre, while a little farm with a dwelling and out buildings in the same region goes in at less than half that a mount. That is not right. Timber is worth something only once; the farm affords a living and a home, not one time only, but all the time. Timber com panies as well as everybody else' should pay a right tax, justtjequalized with all other taxe.; The Board, if it does its full duty, has yet a big work before it. It is a very knotty problem, but it is an important one, and there should be a bet ter adjustment .and equaliza tion of values in Wilkes as well as in nearly every county in the Btate. 'We trust the Board 'will fully do its duty to all regardless of political 'pull or aspirations, religious beliefs or previous conditions of ser vitude - v.'- Mr. Arehie Bousgeau has fever- : . ; - - Mr; D. A. Reece was pret ty badly kicked on the leg by his .horse last weekl ' wThere are' fbur cases of fever, in the family; of Melvin Yates in Union to wnship." ' JULY 17, 1907 1 1 TOWN, F tiki We are going to D frain turn loose the Dargllll at our store, and everybody should be on hand for SPECIAL BARGAINS in Clothing,-Shoes,-Hats. Trunks and every thing you wear, from the bottom of your head to the top of your foot. Yours for business, J. T. PREVETTE & CO. YOU DONT GET OFTEN, unless you come often to our store. Summer is Here and we have the handsomest and best selected line of goods suitable for the season ever shown here. Ladies, we have what you want, of tha beat quality and lowest price, from a shoe string up to the prettiest hat on the market ; dress goads of all kinds, white goods, linens, wash fabrics, plain and fancy collars, sample goods of every description, white " and fancy parasols, ginghams that don't fade, underwear, and in fact anything you need; all going at bargains. Be sure to see our sample goods. Am M. 31uircx Sons. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. orrteon Haslthe sortfof you need and want. THE NOBTH Slate Noiwl ai lb JRjasrulajr CorsB leading to dmgnats of Bachelor of fodjagocy- Bachelor 4o Bachelor of Science, Md a new course leading ihe tegeee of Bachelor of l&male. Board, laundry, tuition, and fees tor use vt text book, etc., $170 a year. For free-tultica. , students, 9125. Tjjp Nobmu Depaktubht gives tlioroBch instruction in the sutyects t&afhtta thecfaoct and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession ef teaching. Tone hers ;-dn : Graduates of other colleges are offered a one-jear special course in Pedagogy and allied Rob' Te Commercial Depahtmbnt offers practical instruction ia Stenography.. Typewrit lug. Booc-keepjjr and other business subjects. . " , ' The Departments op Manual Abts mho Douxmnp Scck provide iustractioa ' ia Manual Training and la such sub jects as relate directlr to the home and family. - The Music Depabtmbkt, in addition to the degree course, offers a crt ideate coarse In raeai ' and i astro mental mutie. To seen re hoard in the dormitories, all free-taitioa appUoatioas should be made ketone July , 15. The fall term open September 18, 1907. for caaloge and other inormation, address. J. I. FOUST, President, 4BEEN8BORO, V. C. jJ" ,IB"11 p Niceline of Drugs, Patent Medicines, WH ITB'S DRUGv STORE. CZTT.QoTiieT Store'atJHofceJbnildins. JPHONB No, 51, . NO. 9 SfeOW EH il I'J D Elephant atowafce Call and see. C. F- MORRISON. CAROLINA Mistrial STORE. t t ': A f i

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