- - :J- Y ' V k AX J - If I ii 'If I' I. .11 V hi The? Chronic l,e. OCf MATTERS. There is- an unusual num eij of horses woppers around this weekr -Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bum garner arriyed from Washing ton. Monday. Mr. Walter Mills, of Ashe, a former cijtien gr this place, js here this. week. iVJra, W. L. Earqhart Ijas retuaned from a visit to her people at Charlotte. Phe rain, the horses wop -pers and th fakers Rave been putting in very good tine. Mr.' J. I. Myers returned last week from a northern trip where he went to select gpods. Mr. tiarve Shook has mov ed to his new home near Oak wood. His new cottage is a pretty one. Rev: B. F. Hargett will preach at Fishing Ureek on the third Sunday of this month at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. O. Meadows and family have returned from Florida where they have been for several months. Mr. R. Pharr, of the Hustler, went to Winston Mon day, as a witness in the G. V. Renfrow bankruptcy cose. Lawyer W. W. Barber was n Raleigh several days laet week looking after some legis lative matters for his clients, Mrs. Brank Doughton and children, who have been visi iting her sister, Mrs. R. L. Doughton, returned jto Ashe i his week. The jSnibroidery Club met at the hospitable home of Mrs F. G. Holman, last Thursday, and was mosCelegantly enter tained. ! Miss Mary Hubbard who is attending Greensboro Female Colleare, got a "Furlough" last week, on account of good grade in recitations and came up home and spent two or three days, returning to school yesterday. If there is any truth in the old sayings that if March comes in like a lion it will go out like a lamb, then we may. expect lauib weather. pretty soon, for March certainly came in- with' alLthe roaring attachments of a. first-class lion. The Legislature has ap pointed the following Board of Education for Wilkes: R. A. Spairihour, Vance McGhinis and.R. A Reeves It is com posed of the present members, except R. A. Reeves, who is a new man on the Boards - --Mr. Julius Rousseau has re ceived the appointment from Congressman Hackett as ca det to Annapolis Mr. Rou eeau has gone to Washington has gone to Washington to stand the examination. Here is hoping Julias good luck and suocess all the way through. The groundhog, whose days expire the 1st, has been unusually moderate toward us, although he has been picked at and nagged at by some of the papers and other 'reprobate unbeleiyer8 and sinners. To be sure, his -last days, like" those of Roosevelt, have been a Uttio blustery and windy, but there has been no premeditated malice in it he just wanted to advertise : himself a nd let the folks trio wiiis exhaulted po- itiorhAn intltlve ; ground hog'hast treated us : fairly well The oard of Town Com issioners, at their meeting riday night, appointed the following officers to' hold the municipal election for the town of Wilkesboro, on May the 3rd, atwhich time a Mayor and four Commissioners are to be elected: W- H. Starr, regis trar; ajid Tom Hubbard and Linville Bumgarner, judges. An b!4 fashioned "quilting party'5 was greatly enjoyed at the home of Mayor Staley, Fri day and Friday evening. The Mayor has a new quilt to pro tect him from the groundhog wjeather and those who were present and feasted upon the good things have a legacy of the memqry of one of the most pheasant occasions of a life time. And those who are poet icjally bujlp are still saying something about "Aunt Dina's quilting party," from which he was "taking Nellie Home." Friday was a big law day down at Dellaplane. Mary and Floss Clark and Mrs. John Foster and Mrs. Anthony Fos ter had a. preliminary before Justices Ambros Mathis, Mans field Jarvi3 and Charlie Hol land, on. the charge of drugging and robbing a young man nam ed Shatley. The defendants were all turned loose. It is re ported that there was a tre menduously large crowd pres ant, the State alone having 28 witneses. It was the biggest time Dellaplane has had for sbme time. ! - Mr. Dean Meadows, a mem. ber of the firm of W. C. Mea djows & Co., of Poors Knob, tells of a little incident that oc cured out there last wfek and he is Providential. One of the factory hands got hungry for fresh meat, and so he whistled up the hounds and soon had a good sized rabbit in chase. The rabbit didn't do anything but take a strait course to the house where the hand lives, en tered the cat hole and meekly gave up "as a lamb led to the slaughter", long before the dogs arrived. Can you explain this freak? f The prize, recently offered by Moore & Coffey and won by Winborne Cardwell, is making rapid strides in improvemet. TheipHze, which, by the way, is nothing less than a tine blood ed mare with the modern at tachments of spavin, stringholt, scratches, etc., has reached the convalescent point where she can stand alone by leaning a gainut the fence. It is claimed that this wonderful reguvina tionof horse flesh is due to ap plications of pure apple vinegar, purchased from N. B. Smithey. They say Cardwell is proud of his prize and is often seen hold ing up the mare with one hand and feeding her grass with the Other. Attractive Place for . Sale. I will sell at a bargain about 14 acres, ?f land at Summit, N. C. It has on it dwelling, a store building and other buildings; is an excellent business lo cation; postoflice at the store; church, schoolhouse. and Odd Fellows Hall learby; splendidly situated for an at tractive health and summer resort, the scenery magnificent and breezes bra cing1, invigorating and healthful. Eor urther information, address T. T. HALL, . ' Summit, N. Ct ' Buy W. L, Douglas shpes. of C. Cajl best on eah.. How can any person rislj. taking spm9 ma Known coagh ceraedj wihenFpLey!a. Hone ami Tar oobts thenaa more? lb id a ae rarady, bontaius ub harmful drags; and cures the most obstinate, coughs and cold a "Why ejfperimfcnfc Uithr your health? Insist upon having the genuine Foley's Honey and Tar. - For sale by qual Taxation, WILK ESBQ RQ N. g; jConrt Progressing' Court was opened" Monday afternoon with Judge Justice presiding.. Owing to the fact that the grip had a good hold on the editor, he was unable to hear the Judge's charge, but of course it was of that excel lent quality which characterize all the work of Judge Justice on the bench. Solicitor Linney, pf course, is doing his duty as usual in representing the side of the State. There are about 150 cases, in cluding 5 cifa, cost cases and all sorts. There are twe ira portent cases. The one is the murder case against Alice Green oharged with killing her husband, Jessie Green. This occured in Jobs Cabin township over a year ago. The other is the case against FrelandTharpe for shooting Miss Mary Bail, with intent to kill. Both cases are to be tried this court. The following compose the Grand Jury: A. J. Moxley J. M. Ordins, L.C. Gald, C. E. Durham, J. C. Parsons, J. A. Paw, Finley Parsons, J. M. German, J. A. McLain, J, S, Holkrook, L. W. Shumate, D. F. Coffee, J. R Combs, F.C. Hall, W. T. Persons, H. A. ft I IIT T T -m A- 1 snumate: w . n. i?orier ana? J. S. Roberson. Mr. J.S. Hoi brook was sworn as foreman. Good Work of Box Sappers. Several succussful box sup pers have occured recently. Saturday night, at Roaring River, one of the most delight f ul box suppers yet held in the county was enjoyed by a large number of people $40 36 was realized. Miss Minnie Harris won the beautiful ailk hanker chief, as the prettiest girl; Felix Harris got the prize for the most lovesick boy, and Mr. W. S. Edwards won the cake of soap as the ugliest person present. At Spurgeon, Saturday night $21.95 was realized, to be used toward putting new desks in the school house. Up in district no. 3 in Brushy Mt. township $11.50 was raised to make repairs on the building Receutly in district no. 9, in Reddies River at a box supper $10 00 was realized for the ben efit of the school house. This does well for one week. Th,e Latest Fish Story The following fish story as told by a truthful Fish Journal, which is communicated to us by way of the Wilmington Star bears the earmarks of a most wonderful truth: Two sailors noticed that a shark was following their ship. Not knowing how to get rid of it, they threw a chair over, board. The shark swallowed this, but sfcilt followed. The sailors then threw a box of oranges overboard to it. The shark swallowed this aUjd still followed. The men seemed completely beaten for a moment what( to do, until oa of th era, said, that those on board should draw lots for who had to satisfy t& shark. It fell to an old w.om.ani So the sail ors tossed br pverboafdand, the shrj ate her atr one bite,. This did nofr content the fishv which still followed.; So tbesailoss- baxpoonT ed it and dragged, it on, boad, opening it they found to their surprise thedd woman sitting on the chair selling oranges "three a penny." Grass SeeddD.CairB. T3-Let every body wear a pair of W. L. ouglas aioesr get them of C. Call sole agenf., , Fqjey 'at idne Remedy uxe any case of kidney or bladder trouble that is not, beyond the "reacbiOf medicine Cures backache and frregulariflea that if neglected might iesult in rBaighVa disease or diabetes. For stale by . tha pirect and Indirect, WEDNESDAY . 3Leetlng or County Commissioners, The board of commissioners met Monday and were in session two days. The following business was trans acted; - Claims audited: Dr. Myers, county Supt. of health $38.75; F. M. Ander sod, judge of election, $2; W, L. Whitney, for supporting Middie Gam beli, a pauper, for 12 months, $24; W. S. Atkins, for lumber, $81.62; J. Glass, conveying Elizabeth Clark to jail, $1.50; G..F. Morrison, for ma terial purchased, $12." 50; N. C. Lew is, judge of election, $2; A. M. Mc Ewin, registrar of election, $15;C. L. Castner, conveying a pauper to county home, $2; J. C. Kilby, for lumber, $3.65; Walker, Evens & Caswell, for stationer, $15; S. A. Spainhour $ Co. goods purchased, $8.63; D. V. Nich ols, judge of election, $2; P. M. Sev ain, conveying Esau Sales, col., from Winston to Wilkesboro jail, $7.60; U. G. Foster, judge of election, $4; D. V. Miches; bailiff of election, $2; J. W. Joins,' jailor, $57.82; K. R. Luns ford, judge of election, $2; Ed Harris service as -janitor, $12.50; S. J. Bar nett, for lumber, $9179. -The following persons were exempt from poll tax; N, E. Myers, of Rook Creek; A. B, Hall, of Lewis Fork; E. C. Anderson, of Brushy Mt.; Mac Parks, of Rock Creek; J. E. Byrd, of Beaver Creek; John Elledge, of Mul berry; J. F. Stone, of Rock Creek. Sallie Miller, of Lewis Fork, was rer leased from $4.05, erroneously charge ed; Lonnie Jams, a pauper, was al lowed $2 per month, Nancy Privitt, a pauper, was allowed $1 per month. A petition was filed asking for a public road from Lovelace township line to H. M. Andersons, and Z. H. Hayes, H. M. Anderson, and J. B. fendergrass were appointed tjQ ly off said road.. J. E. Maston, of Antioch, was re leased of 45c tax erroneously charg ed. R. H. Elliot was appointed overseer in place of J. M. Minton, on the road from A. Forester'-s to J. M. Crysels, Rebecca Johnson,. pauper, was ak lowed $1 per month. Jas Lewis, of Beaver Creek, was released of $3.5 taxes erroneously charged. W. L. Wilson was released of $26.67 tax erroneously charged. The order heretofore made declar ing Julia Aunt a pauper was recinded and she was discharged from the county home: Tempie Cowles, a pauper, was al lowed $1 per month. It was ordered that a local tax elec tion be. held in Somers township, dis trict No. 5, rate 30c and 90c on poll, on the 13th of Apr& 1909, at the school house. R. M. Johnson, regis: trar, J. B. Pendergrass and A. L. Johnson, judges: C. C. Wright was released of 62c taxes erroneously charged. Jeim Tayior- was appointed super visor q Mulberry Gap turnpike from Mulberry to top. of the mountain.. The contract tox making repairs on the. bridge- below North WUesboro was awarded, the Owego Bridge Co. Seed Oati?,r Clarence Call's. 4 Keligioos Auitho's StateinfeB,t Bex. Joseph E. Feaperman, Salisbury, N.O , Who is the author of several books, writes: "For several years I waa.affilcted with kidney trouble and last winter I was'saddenly stricken with a severe pain in my kidneys and was con fined to bed eight tfeys- QDable to get up with out aaijjStance My uripe contained a thick white sediment and I passed same frequently day and-i3ht, I commenced taking. oley's Kidney Bferaepyvafid;1ibe psio gradually abated and finally ceased and my urine became nor maL . I cheeofuIlreeommenJ Foley's Kidney Remedy. V For sale by the White Drug Co. FO& SALE.' fimall farm and 8 roomed cottage, good barn, and, out- i buildings. The homje plae of the, lale W. A. Foster tw miles south of, Wilkesbor,o, on Cub Creek. MbS;W. A. Fostkiu -readies Dress gopdsiai) C. Calls. T& cent outing at 0 cenjs, Jfi cent oajtng at 8, cents. and. or prices on dress goods in the same proportion at C. Calls r -"Ladies Dress Goods of all kinds at MAR. 1O1909. WHAT WE HAYE RESOLVED. One day-in tfee latter part of of November our officers and direc tors got together and talked over ehaugea we would make in th bank at the first of the year, and what new resolutions we woiiht would adopt. We decided unanimously that we would' conduct the business of this bank as it has been conducted in the past. We reeoived to keep our bank safe and sound as it has always been to keep the respect and friendship o! townspeople. We re solved to show our patrons that we have appreciated their business during the past year by contiuuing to gave them efficient and courteous service. We ehall show, by -onr statements that the bank is being conducted upon lines that assure our depositors that every precautiui.. is being to care for their money, so that no customer of our will BV&r have rea son to suggest tha need for guarantee of iposits We think these resolutions are far better thau auv uew ones we ooald make, and tht ot patrons will appreciate and approve of them. We mvs all others to ayail themtelves of tl security of this bank by depositing here. We are pr.iud of the record and paat ' LUtory f this justifcution, and we want your help to make it even bigger and better than it is now. , When opening an aoeoanj with a bank yon reason nowethipg after this faahiom "Z haye pot my monoy in that bank and I expect tlie officers to take good care of it. Pf,?peofc them to so manage the affairs of the bark that whenever I call for my meney I oan get it. I want them to he careful how they lend my money or anybody else's, and 1 expect them to say 'No' to any proposition that indicates any risk to my deposits."- ' We have made the subject of Security a life-long study, and the inform ac tion we possess, together with the well business ability and integrity of onr officers, make your deposits absolutely secure. A deposit with as is a trust ts be carefully guarded. Come in and see us. Yours Truly, r .-. Deposit &Savings Bank . MONEY TO $ CD CD CR Q $ If you have money to burn, hide ia likely to be burned or stolen at any time. If not, deposit with , thB Bank oF North Wilkesboro where it will be guarded by the strongest ana most expensive vault, ease and Time Look in Wilkes county, eeside several big insurance companion.' We point with pride to our record for the SJtJCn TEJEN XEA.IIS as the best guarantee for the sajfety of your ' money. Your biiBiaess can not be too small forua to welcome an'dr we cordially invite you to open an account with the OLD HE . LIABLE Bank of North Wilkesboro. ' : r J. FINLEY, President. R, W, GWYN, Cashier., Capital $50,000.00. r )o(- 1909 finds us at our old stand bstter pre pared than ever to furnish: our customers: with substantial bargains-the kind: that; saves money to the parchaser. We are not giving our goods away, but our low prices will surprise you. In taking our inventory we find we have some left- over odds and ends which yoU get almost at your own prica. Com and get your choice- r" May the new year be a prosperoua onof for all, - Youra truly Miller, Harris & Co. North Wilkesboro, N. O. . - ' )o.i We sell the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Go. brands of goods,, made at Winston, N . C na.1 t i 1 1 O O TUva -A CI -r ml Jiirectric otaiKiaru uuuuo, or-. o x, .. Winner Grain Mixture, 10A, JoaeQrain Specfcvl, 8-4; " Oomt, afiid phosphate, 16. VictorLEIigh Grade, 18. . Old Tar Heel, 12 Mammoth wheat and grass grower, 10-2 All fresh goods and drills delightfully. 1 Prices, Rook-bottom, Com and see us, fqr we, qan save you some money; A. i CHURCH & SONS GO. ILLER-MS GOiPMY, COMPLETE LINE. SEE.US Al' NO. 43. B U EN. f it away in your !touse,where it c atcb! ear. the-White Prog Co. . , , ..-f;,:--" : 'A- ''V-,'. V"- J 1

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