Vol. xxii,. The Giiuonic le. A nuraber; of important" qmatters were crowded outf of i this week's issue but will ap? pear next week. . .- See W. Elliott for godd jready made JbQ&nossi Mr. and Mrsr JTrank Hart ley, of Elkville, Visited here Monday. . , Carry your locust pins to C. Call; he pays half cash. Mr. Sid Dula and family, of Lenoir, are visiting relatives here. - v -Col. H. M Wellborn, of Ashe, is visiting relatives and friends here.-- Mr. Charlie Lewis, ot Elk in, visited home folks here last week. We hope Congress will put all the new utyleof hats on the free list. Attorney J. R. Henderson will occupy the house vacated by Mr, T. P. Bumgarner. A bright little daughter arrived at Mr. L B. Dulas Tuesday of last week. Miss Myrtle Madison, of Elkin, visited her friend Miss Myrtle Pardue last week. A large number of young men and ladies, former pupils, took in the commencement here last week. ' Mr. Will Lenderman,- of Washington, will be in thi week, lie leit there last Sun day. . --Mrs. J. M. Phillips, of Russ postoffice, Surry county was brought to the sanitarium here for treatment last Monday. Mr. Com Triplette and Mr. Parsons, of Maple Springs, were among the pleasant call ers Monday. The charming and neigh borly "catty piller" is with us in abundance and we are given little time to get lonesome. Mr. J. D. Moore has pur chased an interest in the W. C. Meadows Manufacturing Co. at Poors Knob. - Miles Blackburn, caught a twelve pound carp witha hook in the Yadkin near Quarry last Thursday. Every kind, Equality and style of dress trimmings the most fastidious may wish can be found at A. M. Church & Sons 8 tore, pall and'ee. . -J Wanted: AH the 17 inch and 19 inch locust pins I can now got. Will pay half cash; Bring them along at once. C. Gall. . " " . " If voU want to set the lat- est and most fashionable milli nery directfro o to A, M( Church& Sous. . Dr."W; rl. VVaKeueid, 01 Charlotte; wiliibe ih.i W boro at the' Blueraont, Thurs- day, May -13th one day only. His practice is limited to dis eases of : the C Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glass es. ' JJ ; - . T " h . - ' Esqv - .Wesley Pariivr's daubterj of the Brushy Moun tain, is quite-sick! ' Dr-; White was called out ,to;see her rlast week, t Her mind is badly effect . ted; -i'J 'x Mr. Xj? Y. , Miller -of th& place, moved ;the " corpse - of - a - lady' w h o had been b u H ed some time 'I- from Thomasyille J t o MocksTille ':rMr, MiUler says that the corpse-weighed ' not' less than 1200,pounds and must j frave been po trifled h-M iSA Anna Moore.' o f.El kin. attended the commencement ere.; V " " ' ..S ; : p-Ool. ;and Mrs. 1$. D. Hbrton arid son Willie of Elkville," are spending a few days here. : r-M. Glinard Jonesy of ;$Ik-'. ville.ileft last week fox Wyo ming; ':.-- h-The door receipts last Thursday night for the concert amoUntexLto $70.00; Mr; Frank Williams and son; is on a trip-to Banner Elk, Watauga county,this week. (Dr. W. A. Berry, we are glad to note, keeps improving &&d is thought to he out of dan ger. " Misses Mary Ball and Mol lioKoby, of Elkin, attended the C( mmencement here, stopping with W. H. Starr. Quite a good crowd was in town Monday attending com missioners court and the meet ing: of the Board of Education. Miss Lou Hail, of BoDmer, visited her nucle bard, and took J. in T. the Hub cdm mencement exercises here last week. Mr. T. P. Bumgarner will occupy Dr. Turner's house and board Mr. '.and Mrs. R. N. Hackett this summer. Misses Madge and Nora Russell, of Ronda, visited Miss Ella James last week and at tended the commencement. Misses Delia Biovins, Ella J irae3 afiu Pedie Bumgarner completed the" course in the Eigh School this year. Misses Maggie Hughey, An nie Frankiin and Mr. J. R. Poin- dexter, of Elkin, came up for tpe commencement, stopping witti JJr. Turner. Misses Effie and Edna and Messrs. Fred and Roy Bumgar ner, of Alexander, visited thier brother Mr. T. Bumgarner hlere last week. J -Several applications are be ing made to rent houses in YTilkesboro. Some one re marked that if we had twenty vacant houses, they could all be rented in a short time. People were so well behav ed during the exeicises here last week that policeman" Web ster was relieved of the un- Dleasant duty of haviqg to ar rast anyone. j Th3 County League met its first Waterloo of the season in combat with the Wilkesboro team, Wednesday afternoon. he score stood at the regula- ion ratio of 16 to 1 in favor of I The many friends of Mr. T. '3r. Perry; will be sorry to learn f his sad affliction. He hias. lad a complete nervous break down, and has gone to a prU ate sanitarium for rspecial treatment. His friends hope md believe that he - will soon be himself again. " :- ' 'ff; At a call meeting of the school board last Friday Prof. TCI "1 .. . - - tcj. vjr, outiiemyre. was, again elected Superintendent of the Wilkesboro Graded School and principal ot the county State fijgh School for another, "year. No other teachers, wpre elected- at this meeting," v 'v , -f-Mr. Dean Meadows, . of Poors: Knob, has purchased from'Mn R. A Spainhour of bis plapo, tjie" Mprayjan, Jlls w ier utMver anur-mm property- Mr, Spainhour has owned thia. woll kuown property for-sever- j "al y ears . ... Wo a y e , uo tlearneot- what Mr.' Meadowa.-plans- are? (but suppose he intends to more fully dovolp the power and ut in other machinery. - WILKESBORO NvC. The Ladies Embroidery Club met- with- Mrs: Ww Wv Barber last Thursday. The occasion was enjojed by- all present.'- , As the ith of July - &omes ou Sunday this year the "Old Time fingers Association-' will meet on Saturday the rd Mr. W. M. R. Church, of Adley, left for Salisbury Mon day were he takes a position ! with the-Carolina Marble - and Granite Co. Rev. B. F, Haf gett heldJ Quarterly Conference for Mr, Bagby at Roariog River la&t LSaturday, and Rev. MK Bagby preached here at night; Annie Lomax, colored, died last Thursday night, from heart trouble and pneumonia. 43he been sick a couple of days. She was, about fifteen years old and was a quiet, good little girl, having the respect and good will of all. She was buried Friday. As we go to press Tuesday, the town election, is in progress but there is very little interest manifested. There are two candidates for Mayor, C. G. Gilreath and H. A Cranor. There is no regular contes- as to commissioners and the ticket put out some time ago, L. Bum garner, James Hubbard, N. B. Smithey- and W. W. Barber will of course be elected. Prof. N. W. Walker wlb deliverd the addrtss to the High School here last Wednes day nigiit, made a profound impression upon the larte au dience, who were fortunate to hear him. ProT. Walker who is Inspecter of State High Schools, was highly pleased with the work here, and of the glowing prospects before us Revenue officer, Gus Aik en, put a blockade outfit out of business last Friday near Clingman and brought Prince McBride, a negro found operat ing the still, to jail at this place.: The outfit captured consisted of a 100-gallon still complete, 800 gallons of beer and a quanity of whiskey and low wines, Mrs. Margaret Parks, wid ow of the late Willis Parks, died last Friday at her homo 3 Roaring River, and was buried Sunday at Macedonia Baptist church. Mrs Parks had been sick for some time and her death was not unexpected. She was a consistant member of the Methodist- church and about 65 years of age. She leaves four sons and two daughters. A considerable frost is re ported from the various sec tions of the 'county. In tome places the peaches are killed, and the' bean crop is about all gone.- Ice is reported to haye. been . found in inauy places . Mr. A. M.; "V annoys- say r tlat the fruit prop on the Brushies iri safe. The wheat" crop is lthogbt to be-, not- seriously damaged; A little sonof r Mrs-. W MV Jones, 0 Champian , happened to ar very, serious- acciden Sun day. v Mrsi Jones wat' drivings to church-with - the:. little- boy in th buggy, his bat2 blew off' 4nd in getting; out of ' the bug gy his leg: became 'entangled' in thewheeli-aur the horses be came fr.ightened'and moved o. an dbe f 0 re" tb & : buggy co 4 d I be stopped the"'- little fellow ; leg was- torn-off: At last accounts hewasi n a s e rou s co pfd tioh Mucb'eympathy is felt for Mrs, j Jones n ner preBeiiu;:uirt;ir It was only abolit a year sine 8heiost her husband,.. WEBNESDAY7.il AY 5, 1909. We are sorry to learn from the Ulkin Times that Mr. R. L; Hubbard- is confined toT his room-there with rheumatism . ' -Mr. JameaDavi8 and Miss tela Hays - and Mr; William Barnett and Miss Ua Johnson, of Brushy- Mountain w.er mar rifed la Sunday . - -The- closing, exercises of the Uorth- Wilksboro Graded School took place - last Friday And Saturday. Friday night a - very' interest! n g r program was rendered' by the school, with songs. recilations and dia Iogues a vjery creditable con oert, in whih all were delight fully-entertained . Prof. A. J . B arwick, Secreth ry to State Stipt: Joyner, delivered the ad dress to the school Saturday night in; the Opera house. The speaker was Introduced by T. B Finley Esq. The address was well received. At tthe close of the address Prof :. Col- traue delivered diplomas to eleven graduates and" certfi cates of merit to a number of under graduates. Beautiful bouquets of flowers were given by frieodfi to the gradUtes. A handsome purse was presented to-' Prof. Coltrane as a token of esteem and appreciation of his work as principal of the school. Madam Rumor Says; That the "street corner club" has busted. - That some of our enterpris iogjcitiSens took 'em off too soon. .. .. . That the shades of old Noah Webster are, busy these days trying to figure out what the baseball writers are talking about. That Mr. Clarence Call is not only a good business man, but is a first class farmer. - That the Band Boys in their new white suits have made a decided bit, and "Easter hats' have swunk. That Messrs. Judge Dula, T. P. Bumgarner and Renn Pharr are sawing: wood, etc. That the daily papers say that snow fell all day last Sat urday at Roanoke, Va., and other places north. North Wilkesboro Election. The town-election at North Wilkesboro was- -lively and hard fought, resulting in a di vided victory. The two fac tions were divided on the ques, tion of where to get the water for. the water works o&sl: fav oring Qeddies River, the- other Brushy Mountain- .The- Bed dies liiver adherent8-felected three 'contuiissiouers and the Brushy Mountain - side elected the may 05 andstwg conamis stoqera The vote1 was- as fol lows; (Reddies Jiyer.) Mayor, 1. yyne.J4i; - Commissioners,, Finley, lfjv If: His, 157, J. P. 4;llen, 166 J. D. Moose, 148, A4:X CQmhs,457. : , (Brishy Mountain ) Mayor, T. T Jenkins- 154; Commis Sfioners, O. 4-bsher 103, Ghas Smoot J60r C. C; QambilJ ISfy.W. lf Wilson AAt J. E. ynqoy J?9: FQr-.SchoQleommittee: - J. Ir Myers 27Q, WrR Carlton 170, L. Av Hauser 138. - The two :- fjrst wer elepted. Th e qi ty i onciaU o f Ne w Haven, Conn , .; are wres nver th ue8tioqra to wheth er: roller, skates are- vehicles or persboes ".That's- silly question. h veii-a common -ev- eryday routteu-lieaded: wayfar er- fcnows theya're neither 'one; they are just ilangeroS--?Ul Bances. , ' . Do you ever -stop to xte of interest p much c h ea pe r you can ;borrow " monoy noy ttian you could wfien tthi ushed? Do you remember that the OoDOsi i & Savings Bankjvya the -fjrst- per cent; on sayina i dfpp$its. and that it hao? been doing this continuosly forei If this bank has been the cause of bringing: this sta,te of affairs abojj.t, don't you think it would be fair and right to keep your" money in the Deposit Savings Bank? -: - : It is safe sound and well managexli :iind: you can get your money back any rday called' for.' " - r -; 7;--,?'':;;:-i:r-i:: ; ' Always Your Friend. . Deposit & Savings BankI ; .? We eep a For Record One of the advantages of hav ingbank account Ja the factvv that every transaction recorded V on the books of the bank in coa- nection with your account is; a record to which you may have access if necessary. Such a. recrord often proves of great v value- This bank will be pleas- ed to have your banking busi- . ness. ... . : N CAPITAL 50,000.oo! ; , J. E. FINLEY, President. R. W.'GWYN4 Cashier. E. G, FINLEY, Assistant Cashieivt- -:; A ;V;: Opened for Business 1892. OLDEST. STRONGEST.;'' 1 ' o(- 1909 finds us at our old sta n d b stter pre pred than ever to furnish our custpmer$r with substantial bargains--the kirid-thatt saves money to the parchaser. We. are hot: giving our goods away, bift pur lovy -priced wilT surprise you. In taking our inventory we f j n d vy ycf some left-over.odds and end which yom get almost at your own price. Come . and; get your choice- y -jl M ay the new year be a prosperous oho? for aU- Yours Millar, Harris & Co. North Wilkesboro, X. 0, We sfeil th Virginia-Carolina Chemical : Co. brands of goods, made at Winston, N. Sleqtric Standard Guano, 8r2-2. Foird;a Speei 9-1-2. Winner Graiu M:ixtute,.10r4. . Jouo3 Grain Special, 8-4:.. 1 Comet, acid phosphate, 16. Victor igh Grade, 18. . Old Tar Hee, 12 7 Mammoth wheat and graaa grorr,- 10-2U All f resh.goods and drills delightfully. Prices, Rockbottom. ,Cqme and see.us,. for we can save. yon some money,; 7 1: - - i a CHURCH I W.Cfl. 1 rrT T Till TITIT ITrt ft nUfTTI 1 lT If : r.OMPIlETE LINE; ' SEE - . consider thet i V -. -. Yow, truly, - -- 4 . era - ro- Mt3. thy. ca Izr cd r Jid . 1 C (-' t I I v t. A i 4 4 - - i, r . - t