If OCA llTTElZSi -Mr. J. .T.- Fintey made; a bu3iQef8ttripoWin$t6cu'-Mbi day: - v"; -: . - . Mr? J Wfilboro has been somewhat indispQsed for some Miss. . Lizzie; Qprdelr.o Polktonjs visiting Jjer Wsjsjters the Me8dames Henderson; r . Mr; P; : E. , Forester, mail clerk, visited his parents Jiere tbis'wpek. : - ; -X-, .-v . ..- Dri WV:A, Berry; was ajble to be taken 'down home Sunday an d wjll soo fj.be himself again Re;, Mr;, Atkins-ans Epis copalian preacher of Valle-Oru-h e I d se f y 1 ceat the ETpis copa t i a p c h urchhere Sunday morning. 3ishop; Qlintbn of Cfearlptte preachelrf or thtfcelered ppoplp here S undajandVleofuredi in thee purt hous e mo n d ay night. Speclemibn tpwomenat the Me t h o di s t chn rob. Ij ere Su n flay morning. ( pttbiic gen -rally is iny ited. " ;.: X , fX Mr. and Mrs Hi HI Jones, of ' Oa& woods, visited -their d auj? h tevi MrslW ill Ellis, at Ciingraah last week. 1 Mrs'; Richard Hardin; I of j 11 j a no ke; Va: , is expected to ar rive ho re this week on a visit to her father and -brothers for a while - - MrWiiil&nderman who has been visiting : home fol k s h ore f or two wee ks left yester day for his home in Washing ton. ' : -- ' X ' ""' .")' . Th e fiadies Embrodery Club met. with Mrs. Edgar Spaiuhour Monday: after coou. The occa -sion was ones much enjoyed by all present. - , . 5 The Board' of., town com misibners tm' Monday niht andlected B l S. CkU secretary and treasurer, - and Charlie Cranor policeman. Misses Lina JTu mer, Sallie T u i b e r t , ,La I a J 6 h n s o n Jessie and Ethel Smoakywill be home this week," from the Normal College at Greensbbro.l c Dr John Q.My ers is mak- v ing a tour Of Texas, UKianoma and Qther southern states look ing for a suitable location .'r; MiSManchl'toawsbU M oravi an, : who graduated v, at Greensboro; ; Female College this year is home or, the : sum mer. SeeCihebrder of vJudge Boy d ad jqutnlii: thjtci of TJ n i ted S tates District Court heretrlimMaMiS be r 28th. ; -.s-x. , "'. , The corpse of isomer " Fos ; ter of Lewis ork F riday from Blue ;Fjeld West Va.;i4 rFbs tcaJrkHleby a falliili WilSbpropitbidg nual con fereh ce of t he v Lad ies Home. Mission'-Society of- the M ethoistchur3hLKi linCpncbr 1 as t;bkgSpgS Sift ---Miss Rbsja Hbeiljgatteu ed the commencement exe ses aFbrest lasteek h erInephe w MrV JosehllMl Pre vett being a meer of , th? Clover S.;C , ;who-hag just com-; pletbd his theological course in thgslmffiaryat WchEud?jV preached for Mr. 1 Robinson J in thelsby&ianfcw SuhlfaPSmorn iniilS7 casion trid a fine And ;? a I fine r Hr." E. Wallace made, busi jiaess trip last week. to Winston, IMocksyille in Cooleemeer I MrL D. E; Sraprk ,and. son pTormau w en t to G reensboro thi$ week to- attends the com mencement exercises at . the Btate Normal College, where Mr.- Smoak's: daughter,? Miss Tessie -graduates. : . v .'; -One of Mr. B. J. lenedys fine hQrs.es"was so badly crip pled in a fright last week that ft died ip a'sbort timer after it was- hurt. Jt is a pity "to loose 1 m ucn a nne norse; : 3r; Robert Ggijyie, of exico7 and Miss Nellie Ogu ie,j of High Land, 111,, ar rived Saturday and are visiting ibeir- brothers apd sister at 3akwo6ds; , : I Esq; D. F. Shepherd of Jnion township,. died Saturday iiorningv from grip and- pn e u -nonia. EJe was 80 ; years old indwas one of the most prom n en t" citizen 8 of the "country and a splendid man.1 in every respect; j Mrs Rhoda Land of Cham , pion Qr died last Wednes day and; was buried at Mt. Pleasant:, Thursday, she was the1 widow of the late Rev. liinville Land and .was about ' '0 years of age. Taylor8vilIe voted a special ;ax for schools last Saturday, ;he vote was 92 for and 10 a jainst. r Good for Taylorsville. hey .will now falLin. line and nave one of -the State, tiign chools ' : Miss Julia Miller who has peep teaehing a class in mueic Tort M iUs S. C; for so In e months i-eturned.home la,st riday. Sh . vas accompanied by her aunt Mrs. Barber who will visit" li'ere f6r a while. Mr J. L. Hemphill has fought from Esq S. J. Gin ngs about eight acres of land on the knoll, in rear of the Wilkes hospital, and will build at an early date a neat , and bp to date residence. -Mr. W. E Pharr, or the lustier, by invitation delivered the diplomas to the graduating lass at Salisbury Public School ast Friday , night... Mr, harr once taught -the school there, and the class he deli vered diplomas to were his brmer pupils. - ; Mrs. Mobre State Lecturer 6f the W. C. T. U., lectured in the methodist church here tTuesdav "nierht; Mrs. Moore is an earnest . : worKer - t.hft lrrr 1 ; -nninn - rn and bie ved quite an inspiration. from her talk. Mr. Joe Crispy who-. live d near Moravian Falls ' sdld . hi$ lace last w eek to M r y - He nk lo if the TOnkle Live f ? Lenoir. Mii " HDf ispM will b Ye - tod ay near "Richmond. a., where, ne nas pougnc.prop- rty. Mr Henkle's obj ect in uying the property is. ,,to ; pre pare more extensively for , the attle business. J -Dr." Oj C . . Hubbard, of F ar : er, -aji8on ;co.uiity, - arri v eu Ion day, , and ?is visit i n grela- ies here . and at loravian ?alls.x says that te bpera ; ion pMr5 vi cn mo navwas: an. c re suu- ess and that he will be ablet to f intimri hnma- (Vila vxrckolr ' 1 f ur. visitors ta t he bigK eel 6b"ratiorX at Carl6.tta-lAst week: bad quite an , experience wiir theyelereat8ddri raijeterf Jwa?a blojudfcr rrt wH a-nt drftnohedr biit since teir wra ioe are aii .luoit ; i - PKOGAMME - 7 . - T - ' ' of the - . Sanday School ConTentlon of Bmshj Sloantain Association to be held at Zion Hill Charch, Itodmer.N. C. - May 29th and 30th, 1909v ,y; "V SAtDSOAY MoNIKQ, 29TH. . ' - 100 Opening exercises" by Bev ,W. lCMeadowB.;j -..c. Jl.-CO r Address of the Presideot Prof. C. C. Wright lliSO What we can dQ fpr - a forward movement in our Sanday fccbools F. 1 B. Hendrei. , ; 12:00 " Enrollment of Delegates . " 12:15 Song service. ..." -, 12:45 Announcement. ; 1:00 Dinner; - AflBRNOOK- : 4 2:00 Opening exercises Prof. G. G. '-.- Wright.-.'- - -T-'rr-- ' 2:20 yhe Sapday School Oncers.- '? ' (a) The Supjerintendentr-His quali fications, duties, etc. , . .. . (b) The Secretary & Treasurer-rrHis qualifications, duties records etc fc)Othert)fiictrs,, Committee, etc By Rev. W J. Bumgarner; 2:45. The Teacher-Qualification,' su preme opportunity, tc r Rev, vA T. Pardue. r , x , v 3:20 Some up-to-date rjeods inv our Sanday School Rey; C. M. Kock' 400 Announcement- and; Adjourn . ment; ". : , - , V' ' . Sunday JJcbning.May 30th; 10.00- Devotional servicer-Rev D. W. Pool- ' v-;"- . . j 10:20 Enrollment of delegates. ' " -i0:30 The country SundayschoQl, edu ;: cational oppartunitiesi organization and equipment; - dificulties and triumphs H.. Steel man. ' 11 ;00 Blackboard" exercises H. W, Horton. 11 ;30 Sermon. 12;30 Dinner. AftebUqo 1;3D Devotional exercises Rev. W F. Carlton. 1;45 ilasa meeting; rtuul table talks; open discussion on any . subject by everybody : ; 2;15 flection of officers. - 2;30 Report of committees 2;45.: Appointments of committees 3O0 l Idiournment " " ' m 3 if Federal Conrt Postponed. Order: It appearing to the satisf action of the Court, that there is not sufficient business pending-in the " current and district'Coart of the United . States at Wilkesboro to require- the holding of the regular term there which begins on the fourth Monday in May 1909. It is therefore ordered by the Court that ttie Uuited States. Marshal, in per son or by Deputy, be present on the fourth Monday in May 1909 and "pres ence of the Clerk, . of the -said Court at Wilkesboro, adjourn the said term to Tuesday the 28th day of September, 1909 at 10 o'clock A. M. That all parties and witnesses required to appear atjhe May term shall be and appear at the said and adjourned terur. That the"Clerk; and the Jury, com miss ioneers shal returddue tim, draw from the box the names of forty five Jurors to serye at the said adjourned term., and at the term ninteen of . these shall be seclec-ed and appointed to serve as Errand Jurors and twenty six shall serve as Petit Jurors and' the said . Jurors when so, drawn . sh.aU be duly sum mohds by the mars.hal- . -' .. The Clerk at Wilkesboro wtH enter this order and give notice in the. two newspapers published in. the toTfn of Wilkesboro of the said abjournment. This the 18 day of May 1909.' .,'r J U. S. Judge. - I A true copy,- . : ; Milton McMiell Clerk. ? --Bargain sale at JI Myers & Son.' beginning June ls and c6niinueingsix days, i ,''V;r ' " Embrodery of all sorts . and sizes from 5c to $lV pfer yard, laces, from 5c to 0c per yard at A. Mr Church and So n?s nroidery-jTSalef to d; ojearly jandick out;what;yo;W ' --Talk; aboi;t5 your shoesr; just- IcoJc oyer the bargains J. Myers Sonare : off ering.; v : X'i , y':'-1 ;'-4See the; bargain prices- offered i ik Mulinery.bx J I Mera-goPy v' r H "? tk ntwstck ibill pnnwnce von; Oi the splendid Jbargains they ar 6nng.1 Tdav.J Wednesday, is the. em brodery Saie at A ai Charch and Son and von canH afford to miss': it if i yon are wantingay kind bt ' embrodery, larini mincSeJ MtpnisEyQti; " mT,., cv von know you . ara gttnn ine ut-su v- 7 : M r and Mrs. A.; JMicti a rel, of : Ashevrile; will arrive this' week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ' Carrigan. i Editor Deal is rcuperatipg kout at " Oak wood -.for a few days." His recovery' is 'cslow', iut he keeps improving and' he will soon be himself again. : Mrs.fc"J. T. Huhbard return- ed'2ast night from Richmond; V a.,. where she has" beeo .' with her husband- at the' hosDital. J ph e 1 ef t hi m -very mu ch ; better. V Tiie "May- Season" has certainly- been of sufldcient length to convince: e very body that it is a "rale sesin".; It us' iilso known as the "Sheep Killer and it" has-. been ; su C5 cient to kill the sheared sheep, too. . . . : ;-This section" was visitied1 bya heavy- rain last week, "the river was out oyer the bottoms in the low places and quite a' lot of damage was- done to corn and; wheat, corn will in. many places h a v e to be planted - over again,: -The extent-of tbedara age; is not known, but we. hope, it ia-pbtx as bad as at .first, thought. . V -J John Hays, , R. P B lev ins, Walter Dimmette, E. S. Hen dren, Joe and John Prevette, who have been attending Wake Forest College, have re turned to "Wilkes. Three of the boys graduated. Two, Joe Prevette and S. Hendren, recieved the degree .of Bache lor of Arts, and one, John Hays, recieved Doctor of Lawf,. Th e boys grad u atedhi:Jibi-.f ors. The decision of the" Su. preme Court concerning the -North - Wilkesboro injunction case concerning the purchaseof the Hackett water power seems from the papers to be mixed and it is hard to tell just how it is. As we. figure it put, the Supreme Court reversed tie ruli n gs of the court here, but dismissed the case for want of jurisdiction. This leaves the matter either to be abandoned or he'gun ajiew by the plaintifi. .LA letter from Dr.v C. O Hubbard conveys the welcome new that Mr. J, T. Hubbard oi this place who .undervfent a surgical operation at a private hospital in" Richmond ya., last Thursday is doings . fine,, and will be able to return home in about a week, the friends of Mr. Hubbard. will be glad to know that his case wa ,uot as serious as at first feared; and it is expected that the operation will be the means of. a perma nent cure;. -: : -r HUtchins made a vpbst mortem examination of. the stomach of :Mr Xee Bently who died so mysteriously la9t week, on fthe Bru8hys,neahrPobrs Kncb,' Dr.;Hutchins ave tinVcontenS: ;ofc:thie" sfoda anH?,ed to see if c anyc poise n can .be f ouud . sxX-- 'X:; p$S$Tp. t QeonljCare er jr Snuch!wrouHI-u'a andwill &pae fio pains to ffnd the guilty parties-a.nd1; some V sensational de v 1 o p me nts are jook e d f o r . . -4-AH men's shoes not branded. W. L. Donijlasatroauy.Tfiaucea prices ai, u A i Ktims the largest y stoick of. mens ; l '.' . '-.. " j : 1 - Q -m9t and mAke yonr: : se to comTibt m and njAke F00'' Ieption.X8ll:i: B Q Stewart,' a " m,ercharit r of '. Cdar yiewlllisssays: VI tei I my '-euplomers. when they-buy a box of Dr King's Nev? TJf Pilia thev- setHhe worth' of -that rr.Vi ocAiK itrpiffht. if afflicted with -ft"' " e . . v YnnRtinatioii: - malarial or bil iougness. Sojd under guarantee at vv hite Drug Lo Bram Drug Cor 25c. .7-:- . ' .. X": ' -v" and " " -" :S . Beiffihriiner to-dav. Wedhesdav 26th: and continuing 4 days, we wiihput on sale severW al'thousand yardaof Lgige and Embroidery of all'kindsi styles; qualities and prices, ranging from 5o to . $1 per yard. Remember the time,'' ..come .eyr examine the attractive ,'val ues and make your selections. A. II. CHURCH & SOBS CO Do you ever stop to consider the present rate of interest paid on .deposits, and how much cheaper ycfu can borrow money Jnow than you could wh & Savings Bank was the first bank tp pay 4 per cent, on.savings deposits, and that it has been doing-this contin'uosly for six years? If this bank has been the cause of bringing th is-state of affairs about, don't you think it : woulcT bef air and right to keep ypyr money in the Deposits-Sayings Ban k? f -:H"P It is safe, sound and well m'anaged, ; and . you can get your money bactoy. for. ' " . -' " .: ; " ' " ; Always Your Friend, Deposit Savings Bank : Fb r Re66 rd Y oil Ono nf the ing a bank account js the fact that every transaction recorded ; on the books of the bank in con- nection. with your acpolirit: is ?a ' record to which you may have -5 access if necessary. Such a record often proves pf great value- This bank will be pleasr . ed to have your banking busi- - CAPITAL 50,000.0a J E FINLEY, President. ..R. W. (iWYN, Cashier. , . ' e. G. FINLEY, Assistant Cashier: 'V noA for Rnflinfifls 1892. OLDEST. STRONGEST. - Vuv . 7 June 1 st Prices below, that suffocate you. .. . 5 l.,. .r'trVtt. $2 25 ladlrs skirt $1.69, $1.25 8c Pixales io?ii caWScJ Sc calico 4 c ; ECc briUentIe 3 SCe vrhtte dre 5t0r Si 00 mens shirta 79; 50c men. SOc men. wofk .birt. 37c;,loa ; :" .ci ei on., ki-vi X fSrTrotr 20c ctox ,a.. ; XOc- iace 1 6ca75ehud W 4c; 0c hand bags 29c, 26c bnd bac 19c; So UerU VM , t- lwi 1 1 i IMPRY C R E ATI O N S.-Cr XNot apomt missea lu.yu.-: . Anil n i nnirt HVIOUB WH Will Dull TTntpiiaraeV Shapes $2-50 Latot $t:98 $2.00 bata at $1.69; $1 75 Late at $1.29: $1-60 bat at 98c; $1.25, bats al 79c; $L00 bats at 49c; 75c liats at 38o. : . 4 XXX: f Caps and Babj Caps. : V $1.25 caps'at 79c; 1.00 caprat 49; 75e cup at 89c; 50o cape at 22cfc caps at 19c; c s ; ., -XxXX-X-X'. mor$r.XX:- -XlXXX. 1.00 bnach flowers at W1te bnncteen it 39c;50c bunch fuwcMt'35c; . 25c buncb flowVw at I9c;15 ttnch flowers at Jl 25c bat pins HCK$l-7.5 plume, for, l.i6; 1 50 plumee for98p;2 503.IU ouncuior, c 14 n P DP X Yoiill see ironi the figure below the reduced price ve . have ore v I' . W '4 " l.lTTU IKI. lilll Hill'' C3 1A V fc. T u p XiX- g advantages of hav - and lasting six days Figures oik left show Swhutyoi ATA hnf flJllfi Tirie J. V.-. '"',-..' 7,. 1 M all, ttei Sis China Uk Ac: 50.! tfhthtAla. 1 2: 1.23 umbrella 98s; 75c nmbrei a " .-u. r irnnntL 11 1. jl vkiviiiw uiiun. 21.11 . uwwiiv .V" J , '.ir",7 ' ' '. 7!kiIrf&n tilbonii at 49ci 60o all Tafeta Rin wid 81c id: 80c all Tafet ribb n wid 19e d; 20c all TaCuta ribHrtn 8 in wid, t r, .a. i v ,i Tafnta r(lilwn 1 in. - wifl lOrt 3d 7c : tio riobon at 4c jd j Tarta at , 33 ydj 3o Mtinai 2i ydji pnnT ribon 3 yls for 2cf 5ariuii)it Deiwog ai iac juiaunwwu at0c jut -r-.-.'.-.v hsV'''' -1' XlX. X Tfcl 1 1 nr all Tolorsl' "CXr tXX' 30c veiling at 21c yd: 25o veiling at 19o yd m. . v . . .n a . 2 00 reil 3 rows of frill 1.29fcl00 relt 79: "f. ' ? PART M ENT. ' ae r v ice v was en j 6 large cro wd present