. . . frftM0 80lftMIIIMIIMMClftflfrt - iv : i I f yu are interested in i : ; fjy :: : ::your oyn welfare-and j; : ; inar.ThaJChrpnicIeahcr 1: keep up with what is goings on ih: the county ! U ft t ill llll III MMIHHH I Mil' VA O : J ested in The Chronicle. I Vol. XXIII Wiltesboro, IL C. Wednesday Bay; 10, 1911 r? Get thahabit'of read- I g : : !TS JCM T XfSy 4 W - PJIOFSSIOKAK I. S. Babow. H. C. Cavlness BENBOW& CAYIHES& ; ATTORNEYS - AT LAW ' , : Offices maintained. In the Coort Houe Willcetebro.. Phone 124a. E . Will practice in all the Coarts . -;-'Prompt attention to all matters. 4, HUCtH A. CRANOB Wilkesboro, N. O I Finley & Hemkeo 1 ' , : attornkystAT-t w . r ' i WlLkESBOROiv N C. . Practice in all -the coarts. ' Jobaeea J. Hays Jehn - . Jones HAYS & JONES - Att6rney-at-Iaio ; North Wtlkesbro, N. C Systematic Collectiot; Department Practice in all the Courts. Honev to Lend R. N. HacfceU C. O. Qllreatb- ? Haciett & Gilreath : WILKESBORO, N..C, Itompt attention, given to all business entrasted to them. 'lto-f&te r;vDR.W. A. Taylor,. u UP-TO-DATE DENTIST i ; rXTeeth extracted with out pain or danger to patient Office on Nineth Street, J. W, White. M. u. Clias. n. Pn. fi, w DBS. WHITE 4 PUGH, PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, WILKESBORO. - N. C. " Office: Rear of Drag Store. PHONE 51. i:n?zX Or L. A. Hauser, j UIIIIIlJ DENTIST Office over A. M Church & Sons V North wilkesboro, - N. C. ' Cr.own ai . Bridge Work a Special tt. Five ears Guaranty. Notbi : f bat Best Mater ialjUsed. Now o.ng Mrs. Dr.' Moor's Meth S oof extracting Teeth. 3r. IF. Baity, North Wilkesboro, At. C i Onlce: S6,- " .r. Residence: .125, I Phones "3--" -1 l 11 - r . I and the best -FLOWER, go QuaMRoilernis,wh 12 lbs; braxrand shorts 5 per: Bushel, and: your cleanings-J back. i., . . " - . lMnnibiLEit;iLisS ueaii r I'orrair ;:- ":, -: . .';' ; LOCAL NEWS. j W. F. Trogdon Esq y w6ot 6 Wiii8tofj last week oa biisi Mrs. G. Jennings, of Tay- orsv i lie, is y isi t n g relati yes id ihis county. It has been suggested that the "Second- Battle of Seven ?ine8' 8hotild - be called "the 'Battle of Chunk's Run.,,s : Mr; and Mrs. R Li. ScroggSiJ who have been at Brownsville', Texas, for some time, arrived it their old horns at: Moravian Talis last week. The Elkin Times says; "Drw iind Mrs. W. R. Vveliborn re urned from Charlotte ?ast veek. The doctor's health is much improved. Miss Myrtle Pardue, who has been spending a few days here, returned Saturday to her po- 1 ition at Dr. Long's Sanatoria um at Statesville. - Esqv Frank Mitchellof Spur eeon, was in to see us fast week and he says' people are jrying-to get their corn planted to ni8 section. , Lawyer C' Gr. Oiireath Jiiade a business trip up in the Red ' kie8 River Gap section of B-eion ownship last week and reports lenty of whooping cough in hat scetion. We notice iu the Supreme court decisions that the case of Rrvan. Vn-. thn TL .T. Cawles' heirs was decided in 'avor of Bryan. He is recov i ng about $5,000 in some land matters. - Since the close of the school at Elkin in which Miss Nellie ousseau taught music, she as beu engaged in teaching: nrivate music class at that ilace. Mr. O. Y. Miller returned ; Friday from Caldwell couuty where- he has been for sev eral weeks-opening up a mar ble yard at Lenoir. He is high y pleased with Caldwell coun ty and, the people there and thinks it is among the best' rounties in the State and he 8 right about.it. Mr. L L. Walker, of Boom ; ar, was in town last' week He ;old us of the death of Mr J Anderson Whittington which sccurred Wed nesday, night at ;he home, of Mr. Jeff Etter near Boomer. Mr. WhittingtonTiad been . sibk for about t three weeks. He was about Wyears aid and was both "deaf and dumb.. ''. - ? . . u ", 5 The cold jwave i which swept Dyer the north west and t nbrtti ast week, with plenty of; f now p.n some "places did b tquitd orget us, it jamped on? the ercury and run it dow n- pret- y low, aiiiiberef as;f jfe iV- icicles in tbe air and - several samples of frost were ': lef t ly- ing: rotmd4oo8ji;4. w Day - after ' to-morrow,! Fri day; is the County Commence rt;Tha exercises tv illfbe held a the auditorium of ' the higbschoot at this place. IjThe addres8'wiHbe;;ma C.fl. Mebaue exSuperiu ten dent of of the Stated and eyery body shouldear-him. L In: the. cibckl theldiplbmaaw illbe awarded. Let every body who canattend Lewis Westfetbenegroyho ledrdepu ty sheri fl! Mii n f crd atijiorlafFe electrocutedT..Saturday " at: the State penitentiaigr,?;; II1F0RL1ATI0II ABOUT VILKES. " The Agricultural Department at Raleigh has received Z: a" letter of inquiry from one; Mr. Carl Heinrich Vogel, ' of New i Jersey, who is desirous of procuring " a farm in Wilkes county. :,-Mr. Vol? gel seems to be in earnest both about wanting to come to Wilkes and about the 'fine sober drink' ' made of "apple whiskey." As a matter of general information, it may be . stated that it will be. no trouble for Mr. Vogel to get 'ship ped in secrete! all the "apple whiskey'VJie may want for "sober drinks," but everybody from the Aid Societies to the Whitling Clubs, will know it as soon as' the "bottles" arrive and' will flock in large audienees and offer their free to his home assistance in aiding him to keep "sober" as long as the drinks last. Here is the letter: ; - f'Dear Sir: I like to buy a Wilkes farm, can I slay" down some of the " wood and use" for fields or is there the legislature that the forest must be forest for ever, like at Germany. There must-be one-fifth of the farm for est. One agent wrote to.jne we must use the regular lawful farm iu this State- What means that?. Is there another law . concerning purchase, "thai in other States? I mean if I buy that ground re corded by the court be I then not the real owner because I be still a stranger? Have-I to live some years iu that State before I be the real owner? Is there any special iaw or legislature at North Caro lina? And,of which style is that? North Carolina is temperance State or prohibition I know and I don't like - saloons or whiskey stores. But I like still liberty and suppose I "get me shipped in secrete some bottles of apple whiskey to make me at home my own milk punch (that is a very fine sober drink ) , is- there any hard punishment I use such drink lonly for my own use Please give me the particulars about the Legislature in that qua ter. " ABOUT THE CORN CLUBS. To the Wiikes County Corn Boys: ; The. time for sending in ap plications for membership in the Boys Corn Clubs expires Monday, May 15th. In case you have not sent in your application- and wish to become a member, write me at once for blank ' applications and rules and regulations governing the contest. The names of ; all membera are placed ,on 'tho mailing list of the . Departmept of.Agriculture at Washington and Raleigh to receive all pub lications Of these departmen ts which pertain ; to the : cultiva tion of crops," the- preparation of the : soil, C etc. Badges are also - furnished -free. ,! by the Stae2:ftlki Several prizes Jbe sides those offered by- the; State Depart menf of Agxic ulture will be given to the members of Hhese clu b.".tflF.:itjiis Our membership in this pun ty is 260 per cent greater than t bat o f o ne year ago i.r:;iCb?,Suptv'x;cho WrPruittbt Greensboro; has a paten t J, for - making ice without the use of y amoniaiT or acids it-is claimed thaindet his process-ice can be '.r manu- tactured at trora &oo.tp-sij; iper- tonv s A;.machihe has be3n tried SpgfieWLlIland worfeilal IIOV TO MAKE A ROAD DRAG. . .Our friend D, F. Shepherd, of Ready Branch, was in ouV of fice a few days ago and told us how he had made a splendid road drag f bra very little mon. ey. Here are the directions as well as we remember: - Take two pieces of lumber 4x10, 7 feet long for. the two runners or drags. Sharpen the bottom edge from the back so that the- front edge "remains straight. On , the front lower edge of these runners fasten a flat piece of iron about 3 inches wide and as long as the runner Set the runners about 30 inch es apart and the hind runner should be set sufficiently to the left o f the front one so- that! wbea moving at an angle of abour4& degrees the, two will "track.,r T be runners are fas tened together by three pieces of 2x4r lumber about 20 inches long, which are notched into the top of the runners and nail ed well. These should be put' on square across, and a wide plank nailed along the top to Ftand on. Two holes are bored in the front runner near .the cross-pieces, In which a log chain is fastened by running through the holes and wrap ping around the cross pieces. The stretchers cau be hitched at any point in the chain so as te make the drag run at any angle desired. It doesn't cost much to make a drag like this and it will do the work of two or three dozen men when properly managed. Every overseer in the county should have one. IMPORTANT INVESTIGATION. Congress, especially the dem ocratic House, is in an investi gating frame of mind. Just in one day last week the bouse decided to investigate tbe shoe graft business, wherein it is charged that one Boston Arm by the use of money, has pro cured all the contracts for fur nishing shoos aud boots to the army and navy; the steel trust the sugar trust: the wool trust and the consular services where it is charged that favoritism and partiality is being used: Already committees have been appointed to investigate the expenditures of the depart-: ments. the "lame duck com missioners, tern" of the postofBce depart men t' and many otherr things. There is plenty, room for. inves tigations and it is to be hoped theywiil result in good for eveiybody." '----.7."' AGAINST THE HOBBLE. There is something good in Queens after all. Queen Mary, of England; has put. the ban on the bobble anoVharenVskirt for the good old reason that 'Jthey; are not decent." No lady in England will wearjihese skirts since the. Queen "has : put .the It is believed that the; Queen will further help humanity by pla&ing the ban on huge bats and pyramids- of ? stores hairr Long live the Queenl -rr H New Orleans is going to have" a Panama - . Canal Expsitionr ven if Uncle Sam did refuse to help her,-. New Orleans is the place lor the TEx position any lbei JteJPress : As sociatio n, whichllmeeta;' andirthisj year; Bas been postponed from ,lnne2ath to J one; 27tbp5gfJ IEVS AUD COUUENTS. The case of Senator Lo rimer, of Illinois, is to be re-opened in the Senate, . " He will probably get to leave: the Senate this time. ' ''j-:'-y": 7J )o .: ' The democratic House .will tackle the woe! schedule of the tariff next. This schedule js admitted by " all, even Presi dent Taf t, to iniquitous - be indefensibly The commissioners of Cabar rus jcounty have passed a reso lution forbidding the sale of liquor by druggists or pharma cists in that county . , The "dry" fellows will have to go to Char otte. - -)o Hon. W. C. Newland, of Le noir, was in Raleigh last week and declared that he is in the race for Governor and : intends to be in the race till , the finish This will help to keep things lively. V. ' )o( ' The country is progressing. The latest card game of the "upper tens" is called ' 'tout a tout," and is pronounced "too tatoo." Wonder what would happen if Gabriel should hap pen to join the "tooting." )o - The farmers- free list bill will cut off from J the govern ment about $8;000,000 tariff taxes, But it is estimated to save the farmers about $300, 000,000 which is yearly paid to the trusts. That would be some help. )o( - - The Senate committee has reported favorably on the prop osition to elect Senators by di rect vote of the peaple. The democrats and progressive re publicans of the committee voted to.report favorably, while the old line republicans oppo sed.'" " : " - - ' V t ' )0(- . The 'carpet bag" bond, col lecting company of New 5Tork, the fellows that Marion Butler formerly associated with to col lect the North Carolina bonds, is again at work trying to dis credit North Carolina bonds It is a black mating process for the purpose of trying to , com pel the State to "pay tbe old carpet bag repudiated bonds. Butler may be back of this new move.. It is just like him. - )o( j Old: Man Rockefeller 'must have a cinch on the shoe . btisil nessh as his agents of the : med -ical division have pronounced against children goings bare footed, for fear the hookworm will bore up through the chil dren's toUgbr heels and infect their whole system. Really; the hookworm can bore thro j most of the children's , shoes sold these days much easier than they can bore" through the hide of the child ren's fee t. Just as well go barefooted. . : )o( , -Governor "Harmon, of Ohio, who has:been trying to get 8obineritorroU8 matters thro the Ohio-Lesri8lature and : f ail: ed, :deeided tb- see -: w bat the troubiewa8-- Detectives : went to work - and soon ', discovered that there .'was wholesale ' bri bery going on. that the inter ests" were purchasing enough. members-of the Legislature to prevent any legislation not ap Droved by them.f As'a" result, 8bme40 members o f that V body hftVA to ans Wer : charges made by the grand j ury. ; ! r'V.. 7 The" ; Aheyille people last wee kT voted almost solidly for a -curf e wr law- for tb' citv... . i THe i Result of ji ! Snail Deposit in a bavmgs Banki I ni youth a n'di thrift X I and .saving while i youth and vigor i were fresh, has I J been the making of 1 many a man's for- f J tune. The prodigal t ''11 ' 1 a ' ' - t son isn t tne man t I who secures peace t land competence; J 1 for his. future, but ; ; -the man who pla-: : ;;ces his savings in I the - ' - Bant. y e 1 1 1 1 it m n t a 1 1 1 1 n FBESH, The CityMeat Market car- f I a nice line of meat, oysters, carea meat, sausage, eggs, T lard and all kinds of fresh X tfish. Market in old Dough ton T T Drug Store on the corner of X X Main and 9th street. J You will-fmdthu the'nicegt t T and cleanest market m this X X section, ive us a call. NO. 177. i t run KBT: tr.c.; I north Wilkesboro, W. B. Kaymer S. A. Hollar X HOLLAR & RAYwErl J "T": Tonsorial Artisfs. Polite attention, Clean Lin- J X fin . R&zorsV sterilized. . Only T White Barbers. : ; X A first class "cleaning and X X pressing room in connection. $ In Combs store budding X X Baths: . Hot : and; I TubandShower, - coia.t North WUkes&oro N. C. I Deposits SaMs PilOUB mi i awm auui : ' FOR SALE One nice residence Jofc -with buildings. - Also oner: lot ' of ma chinery, band saw, trazz plainer, bon ing machine and cat oft saw. IT ill selt ' cheap ror cash. 'ti:l -tj "?;:: ,;' . :-U;t S'?-. " J.-B. LEACH, J ' vv. : 'x

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