WM C MMMItMQMtMOMtCIM' - - - - - j- . --. . - ... - i , -- , ,, - Get the habit'of rea If you are interested inf : : your own welfare: and : : progress; you are inter ;ested inThe Chronicle. :5 ? irreThe Chronicle and 4 'keep-up' with what js guing tun inline county. A Vol. XXIII FJIOKSSIONAK. Im S.Benbow. . ' BVC,Caviness BENBOW& CAYINESS - ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offlos maintained ia the Court House Wilkesboro. f hone 134a. Will p: acticfl i in all the Courts, ' ' ' Prompt attention to alt mattei si: . . HUGH Ai-: CRANOR Aitcrtiey?at-Law . Wilkesboro; N 0 T. B. Fin ley F. B. Hendren ; Finley & Hendf en .. ATTORNEY S-ATLAW, WILKESBORO, . N C. Practlce in all the courts. Jbhfesoa -J, Hays John .Jones HAYS & JONES Attorneys-at-Law North Wi! kesbro, N . C. , Systematic Collection Department Practicein all the Courts. Monev to Lend. R;N. Hacfcett" C. Q. (Wreath Hackelt & Gilreath Attorneys-at-LawI WILKESBORO, N. C. I rcarot attention given to all business entrusted to them, Dr. W. A. Taylor, UP-TO-DATE .DENTIST -or-bla. "WxUsesboxo, T. C gpCyTeetb extracted with out pain of danger to patient Office on Nineth Street U. W, Whte. M. D. Chas. ii Pagh, n. u. DBS. WHITE & PUGH, PHYSICIANS fit SURGEONS, WILKESBORO. - N. C. Office: Rear of Drug Store. ; FBONE Si. Dr L. fr. Hauser, DENTIST ChurchScSons Officer oyer" A". M J North ilkesbofo, N. C. Crown ar- Bridge Work" a Special ty. Five ears Guaranty.", -Hothi $ bat Best MatetialSU'sed. Now u- ng Mrs. Dr. Moor's Meth r oof extracting Teeth; ' ; ilr. H. F. Baity, North Wilkesboro iV . C Office: 36, . .r- Residence: 125, Ph&nes " and the best FLOWER go to Quarry: Roller MilU i whterer you can:get'88 lbs; flour, arid' 12 lbs. bran and shorts per Bushel; and' yoTirdeariings back-r - QUARRY ROLLER: I.1ILIS, ortli wiiEesoore, I ForFair Dealuij; ; LOCAL HEWS. - UoUJoe Hendren, df Elkir was hero- on . business . last A few nickles in the subscnp Hon slot would do a lot of good Mr J.VD.f Smiths and ? twin sons. Andrew- and Davis, of ijay lo r8.v i lie, were . in" town "a s lort while last week. , f rt Messrs. Dick -Hardin "and Will Pearson caught "about 25 o 30 pounds of line fish on tlieir trot line in the Yadkin ri ver one day last week. ' Mr. J. G. Bumgarner, who has been in charge of the high school dormitory here, has moved back to . his farm, .a couple of miles out of town. Mr. and Mrs J. F.. Parks and t'vo daughters, of Roaring iver, were in townFriday at- j tendine: the county commence ent. W. S. Hall, Esq , of Parson- vine, was in town -jmaay re turning from the session of the Odd Fellows at Winston. He Was greatly delighted with his Ex-sheriff and Mrs. J. E. McEwen. were in town last .1 eek. Mr. McEwen has been 10 feeble health for a gobdl while, and we are gltd to see bim able to - come to town again. Esq, and Mrs, W. A. Bentl r of Brier Creek, came up Sat urdav andf Dent Sundav at i Ptoors-nob, their former home. r. Bontly tells us that Mr. art Matbis of his neighbor- hood is very ill with kidney trouble. No one will contend that we have not now had a. taste f summer, air. i. o. vanv teiia ujs that last Thursday the ther Someter at his home" registered degrees. This, he. hays, is ijight r than the thermometer reaches in the hottest., pari of the snmmer. At his place many summers pass witholit the thermometer reaching high Her than 88 degrees. While some of the people in Wilkes are kicking because the ew machinery act provides-fbr he assessor visiting their omes, the papers states that ia ther sections the farmers are leased withthe new' law, as hy do not nave to lose a day's york in a busy season, to go and give in their taxes, but, of iioyrse you cant please every body: "' ; , . Mr. H; L. Houck, of Wilkes ibro, came to Lenoir. Thursday with Mr. Ralph Spainhour who bad been to Wilkes on , busi: hess. - M r. 'Houck wilh be jn enoir a 'few days looking fter his interests- here: . JtLe as recently returned' - f rom j? a leasant trip; .to .Uahfornia where he went on a visit to rei stives. He enjoyed nis visit to the west very much but is . per I .fectly contented to make his honie in North Carolina. -Le noir. Ne ws. WJ , ; Clean up iay in . other:- cities and. towns, so' the papers stated has proven a great "success". It would be a big thing here; if the people would" go into ;it righ tv" It is certainly needed thercleaning up. Alittle work no w ;would 5ave a lot; of Jsick ness and troqble laier . and nu narousdoctbrilU weneedat;rice:J thorough clean up ;day,eyery; day durihV the t warm weather Wilkesboro, H. C. Wednesday TJlay II,- 19M t i jEIIEBAL HEWSITEHS .Confederate monument was unveiled the 10th ,at Elizabeth city -: ; :- . - Secretary Nagel - of the U. ; S. Department : of Commerce and Labor was -at Greensboro last week and delivered" an'.address; : The Senate is now cohsidering the bill to elect U. " Sir Senators by direct vote whih the House passed some "time ago. ; y The hot WeatEier started out in New York the 10th, with several victims of the heat. This is ear ly for fatalities from heat.. The Odd Fellows Orphan Home at Goldsboro Has decided to send a touring singing " class over the State for the benefit of the orphanage. . Concord-, postofiicd has been designated as a postal savings depository. 'Ihis is-the third one in the State, -the other two being' Salisbury and Elizabeth City. Several gentlemen from Cald well county who recently went to Florida to invest in some .-of the. fake-drained farms, have come back home, wiser by , the experi ence and much better satisfied, to stay in North Carolina; The commissioners appointed to have charge of the erection of the $250,000 new State fireproof administration building have ad vertised for bids. It is intended to begin work at,au early date. . Iredell county, at the election held last week, voted in favor of issuing $400jQ00 in bonds for the improvement of roads. The ma jority for the bonds was 1,100. This means that Iredell does not intend to be behind in the good roads movement.- '- . - 1 he Grand. Lodge" of Odd Fel lows which; met at Winston last week, elected W. H Overton, of Durham, grand master, to- suc ceed Mr. Frank D. Hackett, , of North Wilkesboro. Mr. Hackett was.elected grand representative for two years. - At Statesville on Memorial Day two men, Boyer and Hicks, -we learn from the Landmark, ppen od up a temporary blind tiger on a vacau t lot in plain view of the court house and jail and dispen sed a lot of booze. The officers ' - - - soon caught on and put the ven ders in jail Boyer gave bond . W. J. Graudin, president of the Watauga Railway company, has called a meeting of the Stock holders to be held at "Lenoir June 5th. It will, no doubt, be decided at this meeting .whether this company will build the rail road from Boone . to - Lenoir.- and Wilkesboro." Our people : are anxious to see" work; begin on this road. .'- -.' ' ' ...'", , - - ' " - ' " r Mother Daj. . May 14tb was - Mothers Pay throughout th'e United "States Speaking of it a Virginia ; pa-: per pays this tribute to the mother: - ' . '.:;('f':: L . T he're is magic in the' nam mother.- No other word in the I language is; bo sacred No otherioy e is 30 Qbd-like as moth er-lOv S. : "It is the morning star of our young Hyes the love most ;pb tent in ' keeping the C voice of co hscience true to; the pol es the evening star that guides" btir feet and cheer9;the way when' Hfe's day is ending and ; the sh add wsgi jna fal j fjjgM C? 'It is -the-jove that ndureth alf things, "disgrace, sin8ha and'reaches down to its -object even in the gutter or on -- the gallb ws,3b siuslain and ; .recla - GLENN FAVORS WILSON. Ex-Governor Glenn, . who was in Raleigh last week, ex presed himself as confident of the next president being elec ,! ted: bythe -democrats.- v He thinks the democrats are mak ing history of a notable . char acter in Congress just no w and unless somebody did something that; would make a . powerful landslide towards the.' republic can party. "the democrats have the presidency -bagged right now." He, however, realizes that the democratic party is not yet deep-seated-enough in power to "stand many slips of the. cog-wheels in the presi dential ascendancy." In speaking of the presiden cy, be expressed himself as favoring Governor Wilson for the candidate. He said, how ever, that the middle and" far .west is Harmon teritory, but says that" Wilson is growing everywhere. THE BAREFOOTED B0f. v' The hookworm" business is trying tointsrfere with the barefooted boy, and the Win ston Republican nghtfullv takes up for the boy. It donH believe in allowing. 'the- hook worm to deprive the boys of their greatest pleasure in life going barefooted. Here is what that paper says: "The barefooted boy has existed since the State -was founded and may he continue. There has always been danger from stumped toes, broken glass poisonous insects and reptiles and other things . too numerous to mention. The "grouud-itch," alias the hoofed worm is a new theory, possi ble and probable, but rare, so far as Our observation of near ly half a century goes, and let us hope not so milignant as to take away from coming gen erations the comfort and econ omy, as well as the pleasure, of going barefooted in the good old summer time. Cyclone Cella rs In Kansas. The people of this section do not appreciate what a paradise they have. The following news dispatches from Kansas tells of troubles there that are un known here. The idea of build -ing cyclone cellars - for school houses or dwelling, houses has never occurred to the people of this favored section. Ve give the dispatch in full: f' Every schoolhouse in Brown eounty is to h a v e: a cy clone cellar in to which the teacher and' her pupils i may adjourn when' a twister appears.- That is the edict of, the school board. One third of the school buildings in the rut al districts will be re lated With new buildings this, summer. The destruction ; of 'school buildings byj the torna do which swept across ;tbe country . about a- .month ago mad e rebuilding, an ', absol ute necessity; in many- districts. Everv where ; the parents are unanimous for cyclone cellars. More than $100,000 w i 11 - be spent in erecting 'modern up- to-date bounty, schoolhouses " ? r There were two - cases ilkes Ibefore the ; Supreme court las t weefc ilo-the1 case of Brow rj .vs." Hutehinsbn the court f ound f error; and there wiil be a ne wr trial .The'i ca se Lof Sudderth vs. Southern -Kail- .way .was afirrned : and Suderth wul get the damages awaTaea. f .Miss Ola Moore, of Gilreathy isy isi ti ng her sister ne rail ra ' NEWS AUD COMLIEIITS ' Talk about new - dispensations, but what is generally needed now is a new dispensation of honesty in office.... , 1 . )o(- . - The tax on dogs in Germany is $7.. r The legislators ; oyer there are not as afraid of dogs , m the. North Carolina- legislators are.; v -"; ' ' :-: ' ; - ; '. . ". )ot T' From every side we : hear the opinion expressed that the county commencement was a complete success. Ib has -opened the" way for a bigger success in the future. .- . - )o - ; Major J. C. Hemphill, r of . the Richmond Dispatch, delivered the memorial address at Raleigh last week; His was aa eloquant . ad dress; but he, howeyef,.forgot to mention his hobby, "the ..Meck lenburg Myth." -7 )o( j The iact that several died in Philadelphia last week from drink ing adulterated beer will not de ter others from- drinking every thing, ni-beer and all, in sight. It is not that they fear death less but love beer more. )oC Judge Clark, ot the Statesville Landmark, is taking precautions to keep from1 being identified as; the Judge Clark of Raleigh who has been spoken of for. Senator. The Landmark judge -wouldn't rmss the good time which - the Press Association will have at Lenoir or at Bob Rivers dinner in Boone for a- dozen senator- ships.- ,' . )o( The last Legislature made an office for MrL. D. Lowe, of Wat augay and put. him in lfc, no doubt, to compensate him for the loss of the judgeship. in this district It incorporated Banner .Elk and made .Mr. Lowe- mayor. Mr. Lowe formerly Jived here and we note with pleasure this great hon or thrust upon him by the " high est power in the State. )K- The proposition to vote a special road tax of 15o in Elkin to wU8hip, Surry, was lost' in the election held last week. The peo ple, in town didu't vote because the people outside were opposed it, and as the 'people in town would have to pay two-thirda of the tax and. get noue of the di rect benefits, they decided to let the country folks cut their, own throats .without protest. : -)o( Before Congressmen stand up in Congress and accuse the newspapers- of - nofr getting facts- stated right; they should dense : their o w n daily r rgau , the "Congress ional Record" of - its falsehoods. It is the most deliberate and;; ex tensive lying sheet published in this country. It pretends to give the proceedings of Congres, but most of the speeches it prints were never delivered in - Congress and those really delivered J are never printed lik they were de livered, -. .i - " "--:-'Z." ':' " '--.)0( . The special dog: law passed by the lastr Legislature for Asheand Tditcheltcouhties seems to: bea pretty good " la w;" - It 'provides that everydogmust be listed . for 1 taxation and the owner pay a tax this tax is tb be' held as a fund jio re-imbcrse any person or? per sons who may have sustained, loss by reason of dogs damaging their 8tbck,T at the same price such prop eirty was listed fcr taxation, to be determined -by the county com- rniflflionera" noon sufficient ' .evi dence''- The surplus, if any goer tdthe roa&fuod. That is Herein Tie H HesDlt of a H Small Deposit in a Savings Bank : r hi youth andi thrift and .saving while::' youth and vigor:: were fresh, has t been the making of ; : many a man's f or- i : tune. The prodigal son 'isn't the man fc who secures peace! and competence for his future, but:: the man who pla- i ces his savings in J t the - - ieposit& Savings Bant. y g 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 m i 1 1 m FRBSE, t The City Meat Market car a nice line of meat, oysters, cured meat, sausage, eggs, lard and all kinds of fresh "fish; ' '"' ' . .'. . ' Market in . old Doughton Drug Store on the corner of Main and 9th -street. , You will find this the nicest and cleanest market in this section. Give us a call. I TtaB 1. 177. !i ........ , .. -.. J Ilorth Wilkesfiorb,: J W. B. Kaymer ' ' S. A. Hollar Z : HOLLAR &. RAYMER :: Tonsorial- Artists; . . ix CITY MEAT MARKII Polite attention, Clean Lin- ; ' en, Razors-, sterilized." Only ; ..; : ; : White Barbers. - ' '. Z A first class cleaning- and Z " ; Z nressincr room in connection. t . W M. w ....... : ' 7 - . T "V ..... ( hmlHtnr J T 5 Baths: Hot , and Cold, f : : tTub andShower. .v, . -', NorthvWiilcesb'oro - K. Z : ' - . . .'T' ri.C. ' FOB SALE One ,nice residence lot "i with ba.ldins.v.A.lo on' lot of ' m- cbinT7, band saw, buzz plainer, boa ing toachlnend cutoff saw. Will eir cheap rorcaab.v' : ' , ' , -. ' -JB. .LEACH, 1 "' I 7 r . ' : . v' . v." ' p '''''.. (liou4d be a cleah-up.day,- : -'r- CGOilreathraMft-; ': A.prettygopd doJaw- c i'-; v" -' f1" -js:"j r- :i 't'iis ft - ..:irS'r?5:2 : It ."i?;-SJ K --... .- .....

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