o t i i n i o 1 1 n Cfr3fr 2 . " Get thehaBlt:of redd-1 " . ..... . -.V; . 'keep up', with what iis i going; on in the county. : : " Vot'XXlII FJIOTSSIOJ 1 L. 9. Beabow., H. O. C&viness BENBOW&LpAVlNESS 1 ATTOBNJSYS AT IA.W . Offices maintained In the Court; House Willtesboro. Phone 124a. - . : WUl practice In ail the Court.. Prompt liteattoi u all matters. , : HUGH A. CRANOR . Atlomey-dhLaw WUkesb ro, N O T.B. Plaley P. B. Hea4rea Finley & Hendren ATT0BNET8-AT-T.AW WILKESBORO, N. 0. Practice in all the courts. iokason J. Hay' John .Jones : HAYS & JONES A ttomeys-at-Law f North Wilkes kr, N. C. Systematic Collection Department JPractice in all the Courts. . Monev to Lend. R. N. Hackett C. Q. GIlreth Hackett & Gilreath ... Attorneys-at'Law. WILKESBORO, N. C, rompt attention given to all business entrusted to them, i'Up-to-Bkte" Dr. W. A. Taylor, UP-TO-DATE" DENTIST oa-bla. WiUcoaboxo, XT. GL jSSFTeetb extracted with out pain or danger to patient Office-on Nineth Street, IS. W. White. At. D. Chas. fl. Pah. IT. D. DBS. WHITE & PUGH, PHYSIIA NS & SURGEONS, WILKESBORO.' - N. C. Office: Rear of Drug fctore. PHONE SI. Or t. A: Hauser, - DENTIST Office over-A; M. Church & Sons North wilkesborOi---N. Civ' Crown ar; Bridge Work' a Special ty. Five ears Guaranty. r'--1' ; Nothi but Best Mater ialSUsed : Nov aang; Mrs. Dr. Moor's Meth o of . extracting :Teeth ! 3r. a F. Baity, JJbrtK Wilkesborot A, a. I Office: S6, Residence: 125,. Phones land the best , FLOWER, go to Quarry Roller Mills, where; vfirr can ffet 88 lbs. r flour, and ? , 12 lbs; bran ahdV shorts per Beliand !:yburleanings : back'3';--'HYx QD?.nnT nottER mills, north ;TTUkebQrj kali " Qrr t rr lllllilp; Mill GENERAL HEWS ITEMS. There were four deaths and a score of prostrations jroro heat in Chicago Thursday The temprature was 92 in the even- . . . ' ; f A hot wave is sweeping from the Rcorky Mountains "to the tlantic coa8t. Cooler weath- r is promised and we hope it ill soon come. The West Virginia legisla ture is in special session In re sponse to a call of Gov. Qlass !ock, who seeks the passage f a primary law. . A petition for the admission f Hawaii as a state, has been Seceived at Washington by the enate from the Hawaiian legislature. Ic was referred to the committee on territories. The United Confederate Vet eran's Association, which; was ijQ sessionat Little Rock, Ark., last week, decided to hold its next annual session at Macon, jla , next year. ' FormeT Congressman W, B. 3aker, of Maryland, known as he father of the. rural free de livery system, died last week. He was 71 years old, and had served two terms in Congress as a-republican. ; The appointment of former Governor Ansel, of South Car olina, to succeed Federal Judge B raw ley, resigned, is being lrged upon President Taft by i.he representatives v of Souths 1 Carolina. The presidents is considering several candidates. In response to a querry re yarding the c presidential can-: acy, Gov. Wilson, of New; ersey, who is touriug the vest nri whn marl a a. Rnfififh at ortland. Oregon, said: .i shall certainly not seek the nomi nation, but no man is too big.) to refuse it.' ' . Henry Stimson, of New Y-crk. was last week confirm-? ed by the Senate to be Secre-T ary of-War to succeed Jacob Dickinson Stimson was he republican nominee - for- overnor of .New York ia the ast campaign. The sil ve ry tor.es of a graph- bphone led Frank Kurokski. a young man of Chicppee, Mass , Jivounfir woman who "sang for Miss Jennie Cezuski, and licese 1 were soon issued and they were married last FridayC . The Queen Victoria " Memo rial was unveiled iu London last week. The beautiful mon iiment isin front of Bucking ham Palace, and. work- has been done on it for- the last nine years. An imposingmil itary display in- connection with the unveiling ceremonies was rehearsed -five montlis by the troops -taking part. Texas has a number of jaws relative to card : playing , that have attracted wide,; attention.' One of these makes it an offen ae to play- cards on the train. The state has also some strin gent laws against Jgambiing Joe Purvis, from Tarrant coun ty, thought that theMaw: pro hibited one from playing cards in one's jbwn home and, for the amusement of it, betting on; U icrame. This cas was carried into the courts and thence to the court of criminal t appeals where it was deeided - that 4t was rio violation So : under this ruling -penny ante" and; a 'ten cent r limit" in private; hm3 are-no ces, , II. C. Wednesday Hay 24 , 491 1 GOOD SCHOOtSfAtID ROADS.. IJo county in the State' has made better progress in schools tlian' Wilkes abdi we are still goibg.forward along this . line. We: have been backward in buildiog roads, but we believe that the counter is going to do something for better roads. The Conbord Times, in writing along these lines, says: '.'There has been very notica ble increase in -sentiment dur ing the past year, or two, and especially during the past few months for better and'longeV term schools and better roads in this section, andi for the matter of the state. The peb pie have begun to realize some thing of the real value of good roads and of good schools. Good roads easily double the value of farming lands. This has been demonstrated in every place in which modern high ways have been built. And not only do the good roads double the market price of lands, but they greatly in crease the value" of the pro ducts of the soil. In remote sections the transportation of the product to market is quite a considerable -expense. In fact, many farm products- for which there is a merket never reach market for the simple reason that the transportation is so great that they are not" marketed at all. Schools stand for an intelli . gent citizenship, progressive ness and happy homes. Good schools linked with good roads and-improved and intelligent farming methods will stop the immigration of the boys and girls of the rural sections to the cities and nothing else will stop tnem NOT DOING THEIR DUTf. Moonshining is flourishing. to a- I greater extent inNorth Carolina riow than m most any other State in the Union, according to Com missioner of Internal x Revenue, R. E. Cabell. In abetter to a North-Carolina congressman who Was seeking information along this line, Mr. Cabell said : tit is -a' matter of common knotodglthal 'xltlciP'1 manuf ac- ture'and sale of distilled spirits i9 distressingly prevalent through- state of North Carlooa. The in large in numbers. -We have 'the r.. largest sorce- of officers assigned in the Asheville district than is appointed in any, district in the United States, and the- records will show that a surprisingly large number of illicit'plants are ; cap tured every year. ' The records, of course, would show that there are : also many men captured and tried, with , not a f ew c6n victions; Were our- reve 1 nue force ten. times as large s it is, it would be impossible r to en tirely break up the practice com plained of " ; : y 'I am in formed that the State laws of North Carolina V are 7 very drastic relative to the manufac ture and sale of distilled spirits, but It appears "that the State offi cers do" yery4ittle to prevent or punish for -the violations 7 of ; this law, thoughvi'8U8pect : that there are ohehundredtate officers . to everyone internals revenue '' offi cer; ; -The meQ :We most admire are the men who influence us most. It isf therefore t all" ; important that ourhomage ;be - given to men: w ho in:character and abilf 4 5 t-tr ran t 1 trh t mfn ct th t r -tel crmi&dc .V''-.-'-rr-'. ''-v ' H0f.1E, SWEET H0L1E. : Home! What a hallowed name! .How f ulli oif f enchant ment and how dear to the heart Home is the magic circle with inr which the weariest spirit finds refuge. The word home touches every fiber of the soul. Ask the lonely 'wanderer who plods along his way;' bent with the weight, of age and white the frost of years, u What is home?" He - will say it is - a green spot in .memory, a cen 7 ter about which- the- fondest recollections of his grief-opprss ed heart clings with all the tenderness of youth's first love Home has an Influence which is stronger than death. It is law to our hearts and binds us with a spell which neither time nor chance- can break. Nor mere ly friends and kindred ren der that home so dear, but the very hills and streams throw a charm around the place of one a nativity. It is no wonder that grandest harps are. turned to singof "Home sweet borne." No songs are sweeter than those we heard among, the boughs that shade our parents' dwellings when-some evening hour found us gay- as the bird that warbles o'er us We- may wander away and mingle with the. worlds strife, from new as sociations and fancy we have we have forgotten the land of our birth; but as we listen, per haps, to thoe summer winds, the remembrances of- other days come oyer the soul and fancy bears us back to child hood days and home! -We may find climes as beautiful and friends as dear but they will not usurp the place of "Home sweet home." Florence More house. - TO CHANGE INAUGURATION DAT. Washington. May 18. A revis ed draft of the proposed constitu tional amendment, changing1 the date of the presidential inaugura tion to the last Thursday in April providing for the convening of Congress the second Tuesday of each January, and eliminating the bienneal short session of that body was presented to the House today by Chairman Henry ot the Committe on Rules. The new resolution is the result of prolong ed conferences to reach a satisfac tory Solution of the inauguration prr Mem- The Henry resolution besides extending the terms 7 of the presideut aid vice-preident from March 4 to the last -Thurs-day in! ApriL and making, their terms begin, and end on that date in the future, changes the . session of Congress so that the newly e lected Congress will convene in January immediately after elec tion instead of the following December.- Congress theraf ter would sit in long' session-each year, the inauguration of apresident taking place without the-Hbreaking of the session. ' It also -empowers Con gress to' designate a l, successor J to thA President-elect between thei time when the - vote is officially canvsssed in February, and: the time of inauguration, if both , the 1 President , ,; and JL. 1CB1UOUU uu. ......... w should die during that period. ' Attorney S. O.7 Williams, of Yadkin ville, 7 was ' ; here last week on business. " " ;- The Southern Baptist Uon - vention was in session t J ack sbuyille, Fla. last weekv7 f& Doubtless God is good, and try to proveit by B;man wheii heas plowin4na new ground ; f(0 -v I your own welfare': and- .V I r- - r I nrncrrPQC." vol i nra InfarL' STATE HE7S ITEL1S. r The 95th session of 7 the Dio ; ce8e; of . the North 7 Carolina Episcopal chuich, was in ses 8ion at Rocky Mt. last week. 7 John La ws, aged 87:. years, and, who has, for the - past 61 y ears, been register of deeds in Orange county, is the father of. a baby-girl which arrived at the Laws home last week. J. F. Ludwicki the Salisbury alderman, who was arrested in' M bore 8 v i He a f e w days ago for selling liquor, was gren a trial in Mooreaville lasts week and was bound to court in a $500 bond; ' i: Postoffice inspector Leonard arrested Robert Glassbrooks at Chase City, Vas, last : week, who is charged with having set fire to the postoffice atJGran tie Falls several weeks ago He is now io ja.il at Lenoir -awaitr ing trial.' : The State" building com mis-J sion, 'which met in; Raleigh Friday, purchased a site oh which the new- $250,O0O State administration building, w hich was provided for by the last Legislature, will be erected. The price paid for the proper ty is $45,000, the purchase be ing from the Grimes estate. Charged with violating the. laws governing the social clubs in North Carolina, ten Salis- bunans were arrested last Thursday by Sheriff McKinzie. Every social or drinking club in the city was visited by the officers and the wholesale ar rests created considerable stir for a time. Other arrests, it is claimed, will follow. - The Supreme court ha8 grant ed a new trial to Bill Baldwin, of Watauga county, who killed policeman' Miller at. Blowing, Rock abou t a year- ago. In the first trial Baldwin was convic ted of murder in the first de gree, but got a rehearing and the next trial was convicted of manslaughter " and- sentenced to eight months iirthe peniten tiary. The newly organized North Carolina Alumni' Association of WashingtonCity1 makes- its enterance into the ranks of capital city organizations with: a banquet-on October 12, 7 at which the president of the State University of North Car olina, the alma mater of the new society, Dr. F P. Vena ble, and the president of the University of Virginia; Dr. E. A Alderman, will be speakers guests.- This banquet ' will mjirk the one hundred and six teenth anniversary of the foun ding of Our State University. A dispatch from Raleigh says' that ad vices from all parts of the stato to the. Corporation Commission are to- the effect that very good progress is be ing made by the local- tax as ' sessors ahd4isters. There are being sent put to all the county seats nowfrom the office of the commission' bill posters 'with dates and places left blank for 1 advertisincr'i under the Anew . - . v - t: ' , state machinery act the dates ; and placesTwhere the property owners can have their last op jportunity to list taxes and save the penalties : prescribed, for Buch failure .-The Iawrequires 1 that these -notices "must be posted ten day 8 before the Hst irig actually closes7and may be anytime from June ; IO77 to 20 Thereaf ter the tax assessments knd lists will be made trb for the review by r the J county H boards oti equalisation; , O i ested in The Chronicle. MMIMMIIIHMtlHMilltlMliv flit '41. 4 J in a Savings Bank I ni youth, andi thrift I I andi .saving; 'while youth and vigor f I were fresh, has J been the making of J many a man's fbr-r :: tune. The prodigal iv ;: son lisn't the man ; : X who secures peace t a n d competence J for his future; but f the man who pla- X J ces his savings; in J I the - !! flejosMSaragi r: The;City Meat Market car- ; a nice line of meat, oysters, 'cured meat, sausage, eggs, 7 lard and all kinds of f resh X1 ;fish. ! Market in old Doughton t ; Drug Store on the corner ' of ; Main and 9th street: !" You. will find this the nicest T ' and cleanest market in this X ; section. Give us a call. 1. 177. Tie isiofa HI Uenosit Bant IFBESH, CLEM. fllTKMHlTV.Mll fl 1 I lllUilJLUUilKllU 1 UorthlVilkesboro.. H. C, - W. B. Haymer S. A. HolUr X HOLLAR & RAYMER " Tonsorial v Artists.:- Polite attention Clean Lin en, Razors sterilized.- ; Only White Barbers. - A first class cleaning and pressing room in connection. ' In. Combs store ' building .''.: , V ! " " V: -: '.. r Baths Hot and ; ; Cold. Tub and-Snower. . "; North Wilkesboro N. C. I FOB 8 AXE One nice residence Jot'-v with balldiogs. 'Also one lot of ma-cbintry,- band awr bntx plainer, bon ing; machine and cat off saw.' Tt 111 sell' cheap ror cash.' ' : ' : ' JB. LEACH, . 1 J,"- 'fi--r.'. Hs7!