\ ill to see ns M It’s thought fcliat Mr. Gentry will find a suitable location in old N. 0. hia native State. —For Oh00 Tlie X.idkin Ripple and The Farm hnd Fireside and 3 Jarge portraits one year * John Carter of near died Monday of lung She was buried at Bal ireh last Tuesday. A ^attended the funeral. Bass will open up the It. E. IJ^on store building for the present. Pass is . of •iyng some rare bargains in un erwegr, ready made aWthhig and goods. , -The Yadkin Hippie, Farm md Fireside, 3 Superb lithograph ic pictures for $1.00 cash in ad Bryant who has t Athens, Tenn., m during the siek guve this office ; rained patrons T Hippie called at lie Monday andu hewed 'ii for another year we say thank you: J. L. w Booe, A. Ilinkine, bus, E. B. Vestal, for, Fv. C. Puryaar, I. I). Williams A. lman, Wm. Taylor, B F. |»bon, and L. G, Fleming, A tty. 8. Carter Williams hrs i: law partner in the person r S. TV'ter No. 2, who arrived at mday morning. Attv ’line a izwfr'&rQ ol mstUU Iimjpwwp WHMT iiU4li0^a will enl^Z ux>ou the* las of his chosen i^ntfession at mce, Compunetabialp, Con irnationality and all other kinds Congratulate!*ibiliiies are m ler. ' v — Chas. E, Tefibetts, general ^secretary of the American Friends Board of Foreign Mission, will conduct a missinnary conference in the Presbyterian church in imville.on Friday and Batur _ Feb. 6 and C. Christians of all denominations ‘are cordially invited to attar J. Services each day beginning at 9 A. M., 2 P. M. and 7 P. M. A most interesting program will be rendered. Let everybody come. imm on his arm. ik Essie who ___ _. Roberts Hard ware Co, of , isjtorae on a vacation, resume his work about the first of Mureh. 7 - There will be a public debate given at this place March 12. One4 of our Courtlier boys, when to see his lady fried ab irries the old man’s lantern afraid. How as about it #1. I will ring off wishing the Rip pie much success. UncleVohii. laut . \ m our Eant j^exul R, F, D Jjmrmeru an* getting b pldghing and burning beds* There is a lot' of sickn ooamnnit.y. liev. Laeter filled appointment at^fTSJon Hill last Sunday. an the travel Bowman and vmg fine success organ •enoK of meetings lias been g st Bend for the pad and we trust much goosd li as been accomplished. Mr. Carel Webb, of Mo., who been visiting relative^* and ing / fora turned back to his home last' week. ^ '!£ The nmiic entertainment givrjfr in honor of Eessrs Will and Tom Norman last Saturday night at the home of Mi. H. F, Epperson was well attended The music was of the high order. There is no use saying that all joyed, themselves. Rev. Homes p^a^B^^iflfriftndt^ Union lasi^W^kpf^jmd Sunday . J. Poindexter who fell mid broke her ana some time ago is improving rapidly. It seems tha t prohibi tion^iasn ’ t IwwL.imich effect in our part of country. I'll*. J. I. F. Norifrau^mvery sick sorry to not-. Corespondent o A Sad Story Boon, Iowa. January IS, 1909. Mr. Editoi : • ^ * Ah 1 sit here this beautiful Sabath dnv looking out of my window oud behold old mother earth clothed in a beautiful month of snow and the air filled with the jingle of sleigh bella and the merry burster of passing parties and as my mind is 5ree from my work today it naturally wonders back to my native abode and the loved ones at homo. Seeing young mep giving their best girl a sleigh ride makes my mind wan der back to the first time tha* I ever had the pleasure of giving my best girl a buggy ride. I re look ’after my “critter.” Well finally she gut ready and we “struck out’f for church. I sup pose we'spoke about half a dozen Junes while goiutf the four miles to church. But we;*ot there all right in plenty of time, far after we naci been were Ubout-<*n not r fclio man came that had the agt'i'vt. .Wi wyC [jiwwjinn all Utu time away bpig to decide wheth er to go mr church or not, when about iMn time my brother came up and-well I doi|t fbtiieve it woifld have scared me much worse W> have seen the receu Earthquake in Italy than that did. And of eourse that nettled the question about our going in church; so we, started for home at once. When I got hyine in y fitlier asked me ivliat the preachers text was but I told him he had already taken his *'Onsfc part about ft thought) ^vds that my girl turned me down shortly after tlmt, went oft with another and soon got married; j North Carolina [ In 8up. Court, jffkhin County f Before Clerk. J. 8. Dor.thit, Administrator of J. M. Williams, deceased, vs, Hannah Mack and husband, Heury Mack, W. A,v Wil liams, Geo. Williams, and Robert Williams The above named defendants, W. A. Williams^ George* Williams and Hebert Williams, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been c-omaieuced in the Superior court of the couty of Yadkin, North Carolina, before Hie Clerk, to subject the lands of J. SL William, deceased to sale for the payment of the debts against the Estate of the said J. M. Williams, decease, and ihe said defendants wid further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of the county of Yadkin, North Carolina, on the 27 day of February, 1909, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintilf in said action which is now on file in the office of the said Clerk of the Superior Court, or the plain tiff will apply to said court foi the relief demanded in said complaint This the 2nd day Tam CTsiiantsil NOTICE* Notice. ini Carolina ) In County j Beft J. L. L^nch Admr of ) [iutdtfuis vs. [ cn Lynch ct ul. f r.'jki • 7'; .lrw_ , By \ .I’tue of tii order of the r nperic Coi'i-c ttiiitf.-* :ti tii.- .,h >ue entitled action I tvilt rttri! itt tfn» Court fjiture ,'0Qor #in VctlKiiivUle N. Q. on the I day of M?tJi 19".) the f<dluwiOi»land. Jibmjtt' ^3 k erea a i loti; l to < da fey it a t division of i!»e loiSowing l« :u fol itovt. L ginning at it Coin bunch vutin * Orth 11 4 Kuma-l* itii«!f 15 h5 cl ts So a then M»utJi t fondngcUin cite to h iwricit of ninjilea, cLh iua stone on the chin ih.-inch, then up $h* i<» toe beginning, o !J. Lynch Temis of M>iic onoi cnMi|||ie rcra linii month-. hoi fit drill WaHiisr itiwi-ost from Pith n-aernad until pur ilaid. Ttiw .lan 27 lyOt). ......... 4. T* Lynch x4tar of dcrcy Hutchens. «,Cty! 01*1 paid, money; is •jiv NOTICE. >'otioe is hereby given that by virtue of the power Vested in i.ie through a mortgage deed mpde to me by G, L. Williams and wile S- H Williams ot YadKin county N. C, on the 27 day ot ifeb. 1907 and duty recorded in book no. i page 449.1 will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Yadkin county, on the 27 day cf Feb, I90(J, nt 1 oMottk p. -m , tiie following tract of hind, adjoining the land* of fl. ft. Williams, J. E. Hutchens and othres Beginning at (winters and an old stump in If. E. Williams' line runs ftauth a woot 4 dog west 18 chs arid 85 links to a stake then North .f,(j deg east 5 clii and 85 links ^pointers then Sknith about 78 deg east 9 chs and 70 linns to .Jotip E. Hutchens corner then North about 3 deg east along an old hedge'row 15 cits and 5C links to a hickory then East 80 links to a stone tnen North about 3 deg wo,7t 9 chs and 72 links to a white oak on east side wf branch then down the branch north 17 deg tost 3 ehs to point ers on west side of branch then north a* tamt 59 deg west 19 chs to beginning, including 5 12 acres mow, or less. Sold to satisfy notes secured by said deed. .ml look after -refully and we hope to balance of your crop and nre you .that your interests taken care of. We want to increase our business and can do so with your help. We can take care of all you,. Come ahead and bring ns your tobacco. ^Planters’ Warehouse, A. G Matlock, Auctioneer.{ Statesville, N. C. WiA Notice. flavine qualified as administrator of tuC estate of V. J. lloberson deceased, tlm is to notify »ll j>i*rsons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of .Jan. 1010 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate at e l efpjt st**d to make immediate settlement , This .Jan. t% i«09. A. P. llobersoi, Admr. of CVJ. Rolcr son, si. Carter Williams, Atty. liflilTil W11KSSSM3 MARBLE 'WCBKES 4-:o: Tombstones, Monuments, Iron Fences, Etc. We handle marble by car, can give yau best prices on same MILLER & REINS Co Props. N. WrLKE.su> ro, N. C. J. W. Williams, A?*., ASTfcEND G Valuable Land for Sale. A farm consisting of 110 acres, 00 acres in cultivation, remainder in oak and pine timber. Good orchard, seven room dwelling, plenty pf good out-buildings, one good tobacco baru. This farm is situated right at a church and an Academic School ainl a Masonic Lodge in flourishing condition. This is one of the most conveni ently located and best timbered farm in Yadkin county. A quick purchaser will get a bargain. 8. Cahtf.ii Williams, - Yadkinville, N. C. NOTICE! United fttates vs property seized fron. 8. L. Gough, of Yadkinvi'lc. N. G., S. F. '. B. Ko, 2, on October 30th, 1008, regi.~ tered fruit distillery No; 188 to wit copper stiil, cubic contents about 133 gallons, one copper cap, one copper worm, one aopper blow pipe, one copper pipe, tunnel, one gaudy belt, four em pty fermenters, one wood doubler, one llake stand, two empty keegs one apple mil| aud box, "me apple box and one horse po er, A ny person or persons claiming the above described property, or any part thereof,-’ill apply to (Jeo. II, Brown Oollector 5th Dist Statesville, X. C , within thirty daos firnn date of this notice find maxo such claim in manner add fotfn |>rescrib%d belo#, Otfeepwi«e will be forfeited to the sale: fat 'I.*?*-'/ . <.'■ BIG LINE HARDWARE READY-MADE C L O THIG shoes tO SLIT ANY-ECLY Fancy G r o ceries, Notions, ' Notions, Anything you Need we bare it. SOUTH OF THE COURT HOUSE * 7 , f ■ adkinville, N. C. >.:vA.v" UMiipwiiv tJMMBf.iaapi y m aiMaMMaflEJ T russes AH shapes, sizes and prices. A jit {guaranteed. Ko charge for fitting. Private room. Every thing in drtfgf. L Bmg -store, pl>ir.ston-Sei^rr». N. C. J. ,H IMCK1E & SDKS, Manufacturers of Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipes, Mail i Boxes, Heaters etc. Galvan* j ised Sheet iron and Valley Tin in stock. General repair work done on short notice, ..■■Tin Yi'.T iitii. .. The J. F. Ccok Furniture Co., Elkin, N. C. Furniture, general house furnishings, Coffins and J Gaskets. ’.*£• * We sell tile Princess Range—the moct convenient and 5* fjd best built range oit the market, at 30 per cent, to 4 m ^er cent. les§ than others charge. Come and see them, or write for discripticm circulars.

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