The Ya dki n Hippie Wednesday, feb. 10 1909 1 MP*" 1 1 _1 _ . — —Shortest rooiAh. —Sunday was a very disagreea We day. I —Prof. A. J. Martin was in ■ town Monday. £ —Mr. W. R. Bhermer went t® ; Winston Monday. * — Several new students entered the Y. N. S. Monday. £?, —The Yadkin Ripple, Home ■ and Farm one year for $1.00. ft —The Editor of tho Ripple; made a business trip to Elkin | Monday. ft —Mr., Miles Gentry and Mr.jl duo. HutcRsns left jast Monday lor some point in Iowa. | —Misses Adeline 8peas and Adeline Shelton, Huntsville, were visiting in town Monday. ff - The nice residence of Mr. M. W. Mackic has been comple t'd and he will soon move into it. —For $1.50 you get the Yadkin Ripple and the Union Republican J.2 months. 3 —Mr. J. C. Ray after spending a week or more in this county le-m turned to liis home in Tennessee. —The Missionary Conference held the Presbyterian cliuch last Friday and Sturday was wv.ll at tended. | —Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Sliermer have moved into the dwelling recently vacated by Mr. Sivester Mackie. | —The firm Shore <fc Douthit are planing to build a new store build ing. It will be a brick structure two stories high. —Miss Lei a Williams, of East J5end, and Mrs. .7no. Williams, of Jiotrisville, were attending the Missionary Conference the. past •week. — Notice, for sale 200 bushels of Mack spring oats at GOcts. per bushel while thev last. Manney barns, Yadkiuville, Route 2. «S —Mr. Frank Bland, of Rock ford, N. C., is at work on an air ship. Frank got his idecs from a visit to Jamestown a year ago and evidently believs when his vessel is complete the problem of naviga ting the air is solved. —At Scott’s Hill, New Hanover county, a few days ago, a negro boy, a pupil in a school, became enraged at a tea *,her, got his shot gun and fired on a party of chil dren in the school yard. None of the children were seriously hurt. —The old time plank fence around the public square in Yad kin yille shows signs of age and is gradually disappearing. Why rot sell the remains at public auction and appropriate proceeds of +he sale to the beautifying of the grounds. |h —Mess. Jno. Long President, H. D. Williams Sec. and Treas. and other officers of the Yadkic ville Telephone Company were in sown Monday looking after the interest of the Company. It is hoped that night and Sunday* services may be put on for Yad-1 kinzille, 5J —The Commercial Poultry, a' Journal published at Chicago^ states that “strictly fresh eggs^ have been retailing at 60c per dozen in New York and Chicago’*! for the last month. Tliey have® been running along about 20c per,, dozen here. If our,hens knew the j art of laying “strictly fresh” eggs? and getting them to market with-* in “two weeks,” the eggs here might command bigger prices and1 there would be no need of the hens “going on a strike” no mat ter what sort of weather. i Straws from Buck Shoal. ] Reubin Allred, son of Mi. M. D. L. Allred is very ill with Pneumonia, | A little child of Mr. Frank Pinnix died quite recently of Pneumonia and was buried at Asbury M. E. church. Rev. W. V. Brown conducting the] service. : The young ladies of* the Shore school had a basket supper at that place on the night of Feb. 5. The proceeds to go to purchase an unabridged dictionary. The young of the Oak Grove school have a very interesting debating society. The subject for their next discussion is: Resolveo that North Carolina is as good as Eto staW ' M. L. T. Notice. North Carolina f In Sup. Court Yadkin County ) Before Clerk M. W. Mackie, / C. M. Warden, 6. T: Hinsliaw, v 1 Ex Parte pursuant to an order of the ^ Yadkin county l»M%yhe 9th day of Feb, 1909 u thp^Npte entitled action I will IftH to ^he highest bidder at i>ub ii auction at the Court House don? in Yadimville on the 2»tf Oaf of Fibraarf, 190 9, the -following personul property To-TV it: One ^complete printing outfit consisting of one News-pa per press, a large lot of body and job type, composing stone, type cases, galleys, one Mustang Mail ing Machine and niUny other ap pliances too tedious to' mention, but including the entire property of Ttfe Yadkin jtOpple Publishing Company. The terms of the sale are ono ialf of®the purchase money in c-ash and remainder to be paid in ninety da vs from confirmation of sale, The title not to pass until all the purchase money is paid. This Feb. 10th, 1909. 8. Carter Williams, Commis sioner. Clerk’s Annual Report. Respectfully submited Dec. 28, 1908. J. L. Crater, C. S. 0. Sworn to before mo, this the 1 day of Feb. 1900. M. M. Crurnel, Chm. B. c. c. North Carolina, ) Yadkin County, j Office of Board County Commis sioners. Upon the fileing of the forego ing report it is ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that M. M Crurnel be apjxointed as a committee to examine the and compare same with the records in Clerks office and report his findings to this board. M. M. Crurnel, Chin. B. C. C. North Carolina, j ,j Yadkin County. [ Office Board Co rnty/Commis sioners. rrhe undersigned having been appointed as a committee £o examine the foregoing report of J. L. Crater, c. S. c. of Yadkin county and compare the same with the records of the clerk’s office and find the ^amc correcC Respectfull reported, M. M. Crurnel, ; Committee. This Feb. 1, 1909. North Carolina, | Yadkin County. I Office Board County Commis sioners. Upon receiving the foregoing reportpf M. M. Crumel, Commit tee,appointed by the Board to ex amine the foregoing annual report of J. L. Crater 0. S. C. and com pare same with tlie records of this office, and having Reported the same correct/TFb» therefore order ed by the Board that the said re port of the said J. L. Crater C. 8. C. be and the same is hereby ap proved and same be recorded in 1_^ the Register of Deeds office o Yadkin connty in Record of offici al reports and file in- his office It is further ordered that the Reg of Deeds post a copy of said re i port the Court House door it I Yadkinville and cause a copy ic be published in The Yadkin Ripple, a news paper published in the town of Yadkinville. This Feb. 1, 1909. M. M. Crumel Ghm. B’d Co. Com’rs, THE END. LOOiThERE!! * For the next thirty days we are selling you Clothing at a big REDUCTION, irorn 25 to 53 1-3 per cent less than their real value. These goods must be sold to make room for Spring Stock regard I less of their real vrlues. Also i a big line 01 Extra Pants at asstonishingly DOW Pices. We also carry a big line of Furniture to select from at lower prices than any point in this part 01 North Carolina. Cook Stoves, Heaters, Pipe and Cooking Vessels at the lowest possible prices. We sell the celebrated Majestic Washing Machine ana Ringers, the best one on the market for the money, v We guarantee the prices on every article we sell you. S. R. Wilmoth & Co. Boouviile, N, C, Jau. 27. ’09. Notice. . North Carolina i In Sup. Court, Yadkin County f Before Clerl. J. L. Lyncb Admr of y Clercy Hutchens vs. - Ellen Lyneb et al. ) By virtue of m older of the uperlor | Court in«de in thealx'ue entitled action I will sell at the Court Houre door in YadKinvilhi X. (J. on the J day of Mrch fW9 the. (oll/m-mg land. ^ bout 23' acres wlloted to L'iarcy Hutchens in the division of the following lands, hounded a., follows. Beginning at it Hies!nut on Coin branch rues rortii I! deg W with Ru^els line 15.65 chs to a black oaK, then south crossing chin Ih ft itch 15.90 ohs to a bunch of mu pics, then west 7 chs lou stone on the south bank of chin branch, then up the hranc h b chs to the beginning, containing 23 1-4 acres less out deed to Y. Williams and W. If. Lynch by Clercy Hutchens. Terms of sale one-hap to be paid in cash, the remainder upon a credit oi 3 months born! and approved seourety, bearing interest from date until paid. Title resortiad until purchase money is paid. Tnis .jan 27 1909. . •>. T- Lynch admr of clercy Hutchens. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that by viitue of the power vested in me through a mortgage deed made to me by G. L. Williams and wile H Williams ot Yadsin county N. C, on the 27 day ot Feb. 1907 and duly recorded in book no. 3 page 449, I will sell for cash to the highest bidder at the Court Home door in Yadkin county, on the 27 day of Feb. j 1909, at 1 o'elock p. m., the following tract of land, adjoining the lands of H. H. Williams, J. E. Hutchens and otines Beginning at pointers and an old stump in II. 1?. Williams’ line runs Sauth a bout 4 deg west 18 chs and .35 links to a stake then North 50 deg east 5 chs and 85 links to pointers then South about 78 deg east 9 chs and JO linns to John E. Hutchens corner tljen Nqjrth about 3 deg east along an old hedge, row 15 chs and 5C links to a hichory than East 80 links to a stone tnen North about 3 deg west 9 chs and 72 links to a white oak on east side of branch then down the branch north 17 deg east 3 ehs to point ers on west side of branch then north a bout 59 deg west 19 cha to beginning, including 5 1 2 acres more, or less. Sold to satisfy notes secured by said mortgage deed. This Jan. 22, 1909 R. G. Patterson, . Mortagee. Notice H-iving qualified as> Administrator o the estate of K. A. Roberson deceased this is to notify all persons having claims against the e»late of said deceas e l to the undersigned on or before tin I-th day of -Ian. 1VI0 or this notice wib be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Ai persons indebted to said estate an requested to make immediate seitlernen Hiis Jan. 12,1909. A, F. Roberson Admr. of T. A. Rober son S. Carter Williams, Atty.. Planters* Warehouse \\*e want to thank the farmers of Yadkin County^ for their patronage during the last month and assure them that we appreci ate it. While our market is not a iarge one we get the biggest markei price and look after youi tobacco carefully and we hope to sell the balance of your crop and can assure you that your interests will be taken care of. We want to increase our business and can do so with your help. We can take care of all you. Com e"a head and bring us your tobacco. ^Planters’ Warehouse, A. G. Matlock, Auctioned. Statesville, N. C. Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of C. J. Roberson deceased, this is to notify all persons holding claims against said estate to present i hem to the undersigned on or before the J2lh day of Jan. 1910 or this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recover} All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement This Jan. 12, J909. A. P. Robersor, Admr. of C. J. Rober son. 3. Tarter Willis ms, Atty. NORTH WILKESBORQ MARBLE WORKES -:o: Tombstones, Monuments, Iron Fences, Etc. We handle marble by car, can give yau best prices on same MILLER & HEINS Co, Props. WlLKESIX RO, N. C.< J. W. Williams, Act., ASTbEN J C K'Jl Valuable Land lor Sale, A farm consisting of 116 acres, 60 acres in cultivation, remainder in oak and pine timber. Good orchard, seven room dwelling, plenty of goo<h« out-buildings, one good tobaccp barn. This farm is situated right at a church and an Academic School and a Masonic Lodge in flourishing condition. This is one of the most conveni ently located and best timbered farm in Yadkin county. A quick purchaser tvill get a bargain. S. Carter Williams, Yadkin ville, N. C. NOTICE! United states vs property seized frorr. S. L. Gough, of Yadkinvi'le. N. C., R. F. D. No. 2, on October 30th, i008. regisj ■ered fruit distillery No. 188 to wit: One copper stifl, cubic contents about 135 gallons, one copper cap, one cop] et worm, one oopper blow pipe, one eoppei pipe, tunnel, one gaudy belt, four em pty fermenters, one wood doubler, one flake stand, two empty keegs, one apple mill and box, one apple box and one horse power, ^ny person or persons claiming the above described property, or any part thereor, •"ill apply to Geo. II. Brown Collector 5th Dist Statesville, N. C , within thirty daos fiom date of this notice and maxe such claim in manner and form prescribed below. Otherwise said property will be forfeited to the United States and advertised for sale i and sola. This 19th day of January. 1909, Geo. II. Brown, Collector 5th Dist. N. C. I By B. D. 7/avnes, Deputy Collector. Shore &loithit BIG LINE HARDWARE READY-MADE CLOTHIG SHOES tO SUIT ANY-ECDY, fancy Gro caries, Notions, Notions, Anything you Need we hare it. i SOUTH OF THK COURT HOUSE Yadkinville, N. C. Trusses All shapes, sizes and prices. A fit guaranteed. ISo charge for fitting. Private room. Every thing in drugs. * TiutfM-;; Drug store, S‘-Vf n s to ft - E 21 - m, N. C. J. .H MAGKiE & SONS. Manufacturers of Tobacco Flues-, Steve Pipes, Mail Boxes, Heaters etc. Galvan | ised Sheet iron and Valley Tin in stock. General repair uurk done | on short »otke. i 5 | The J. F. Cook Furniture L o.. | Elkin, N. C. y 13 • •*$ i Furniture, general house furnishings, uoffi. and ‘ | Caskets. 1 We sell the Princess Range—the most convex ient and 1 f and best built range on the market, at 30 per cent, to 4 | | per cent, less than others charge. Come and see them, or write for discription circulars, i > 1 HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING- IN I-IARDWARE JUST RECEIVED ONE CAR AD EACH, OLIVER CHILLED AND CHATTANOOGA PLOWS EL IN HARDWARE COMPANY, , 1 S • -v,x 1 1 * • A' ' ■

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