No. 4 3 LOG TIL NEWS -‘-Mr. Ed Mackie visited liis parents during Xmas. —Mr. H. B. James made a • business trip . to Greensboro last week. —Messrs'Paul Roy all and Miles Gentry of Iowa came in to spend some time. —Dr.J.M. Phillips is visiting lus brother, Dr. Monroe Phillips in Wallace, Va. Mr. Thos. Mackie of the A. M. College, Raleigh, visited his parents last week. — We are indebted to the Yad kiuville Harness Co. for a beauti ful calendar. Mr. J. Thad Reece, a student of University at Chappel Hill, spent Xmas with home folk . —Mr. Julius Mackie visited his , parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Mackie, during Christmas. —Mess. R. L. Mackie and Thos. W arren of Winston paid our town a pleasant visit Xmas. —Misses Turuie Warden and; Laura Mackie spent a few days in Farmington last week visiting friends. —Messrs M. K., C. \., and Cecil! Dunnugan visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Dunnagau dur ing the Holidays. —Mr. S. H. Denkius, out on !ite 2, was in town and gave the ' ipple otlice a pleasant cull dur ing the Holidays. —Mi:. Jdvis Williams of Nor folk, A a. is visiting liis parents Mr. and Mrs. I. 0. Williams, on Itoute 2. —Mr. F. W. Hanes went to Greensboro last week to attend a meeting of N. 0. Bepublicau Ex. ■’om. of which lie is a member. — Miss Annie Folger of Dobson _tud Miss Dillard ' <jOuthvrel of j U ins ton speut the Holidays with j Miss Stella Beene. —Miss Daisy OJierrv of Wins- ; toil, visited friends in Yadkinville j last w eel^, ouet«i'iiing 4o her home ! Monday. • —Mr. T, H. Hutchens of East Bend Boute }, killed a porker that weigh'd 55t> Lbs. Mr. Hutchens knows how .to raise hogs. —Atty, U. C, ew has ev turned fixwn Kta,tefc\ville where he Las been in the Hospital for some rime. He .is very much improved. —'Married at the home of Mr. I). S. XieyuoidSj on Xmas day, by J. H. James., Lk<p„ Mr. T. H. JUeynolds .to M iss Eiili.e Dobbins. —Bud Vestal and Heurv Driver were before Mayor Logan Dec. 20, «on ,the charge of drunkness. Y e - taJ was tiued $5 each in .-cases and Dri»er $5 in one, — iiev. Ohas, H. I tley filled his ! ■regular appointment at the Bap tist Church Sunday night. Mr, Utley delivered au instructive ser 4Hon. well 6fcted for the occasion of a New Year lecture. —Near Boonville, on Dec. 27, | Zeby Hutchens, age 7., was ac- i cideutally shot by his brother, : and died a short time afterwards. The boy was a cripple. The .shooting was done ae the home of Mr. H. \V. Southard. j —One of our former aud clever [ boys. Thos. F. Dunuagan, who is I now city reporter for the AYinston ' Journal, spent New Years with his parents. Mr. Dunuagan is a bright young man and we wish ' him success in his Journalistic field. I —FOR SALE, a good Farm J i six miles south of Elkin (land all lev*d) on Jouesville andHamptou I ville road, containing 182 ac-ies, 8 j room house, good barn and other buildings all new. Can be bought on easy terms. Apply to D. M. Reece, Yadkin ville N. C. —Mr. M. AY. Shugart and Miss Luna Holton were happily mar ried at the home of the bride’s brother, Rev. E. A. Holton near Winston, Dec. 22. They visited their parents here during Xmas, and then left for Texas to make their future home. —Since our last issue license have been issued for the marriage of the following couples: C. A. W ilkins to lloda Martin, ’/. A. Shugart to 13. A. Shore, Gray Creed to Emma Hale,' Jus. Tally to Fanny Adams, F. 1. Baity to Carrie, Wooten, C. M, Myers to Addie Martin, Geo. D. Bolliu to Sarah Fortner, C. B. Hutf to Blan che Martin, John Ladd to Tempa McKuight, Heim Hutchens to Pearl Brown, M. M. Fleming to Efiie D. Angel, W\ D. Zachary to Sallie Iuscore, II. M. Haues to S. S. Gross, Taylor Day to Ellen Turner, J. L. Chappel to Mamie AA ilkins, D. F. Bell to Amilia Gentry. A gentleman asked ns the other day if we ever heard of an editor borrowing money. Can’t say, but we know H some who have tried mighty hard.—Ex. CERTAINLY Dispatches state that in Ky. they arrested a girl on the charge of insanity because she , imagined herself a princess. Here in Winston-Salem we have numbers of women who are regarded as queens.— j Winston lournal. Quite trite Bro. Gunter, but we have both in Yadkin ville.. From where we sit, we can not see why a few big preach ers, news papers and other j •selfish beings should criticise the mode of dress adopted by the fend nine gender. Just so long as the world desires beautiful women, we will have them, regardless of what it takes to make them. FOR SALE, Two pood yoke ca ttle, ape 5 and & one-half inter est in a Saw Mill; one Milch cow. Will sell at bargain a* I must raise some money, W. B. Binkley Crutchfield N. C. Mrs. Mackie Entertains IN HONOK OF MISSES NORMAN AND SPEAS One of the most charming affairs of the week was a de lightiul party given at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Mackie. Saturday night. Mrs. Mackie has al ways proven herself a charm ing hostess, and she fully sustained her reputation at this time. The party was given in honor of Mrs. Mackie’s cousin, Miss M}7rl Norman, of East Bend, and Miss Adeline Speas of Huntsville. The parlor was beautifully decorated with Holly and pre sented a neat appearance on the gay young people. Several amusing and inter esting games were played, after which all were invited into the dining room, where delicious refreshments were served. After supper the guests were amused in differ ent ways until the stroke of ii when the guests parted wishing Mr. and Mrs. Mackie many happy returns. WYO. LETTER Sheridan Wyo., Dec, io,’io Mr. W. E. Rutledge, Yadkinville, N. C. Dear Sir:—Please find en closed $1.00 for the Yadkin Ripple for one year. I like the paper fine and am glad to see such an improvement in it. Yours truly, G. C. Centry. A woman whose husband died recently, leaving her $2,000 life insurance, reported the sad news to her eastern relatives tliusly; “Jim died this week, loss fully covered by insurance” That Kansas City man who was fined $200 for breaking two of his wife’s ribs by hug ging her too hard, probably has the sympathy of all the fair sex, - 4f .»-— There was no issue of The Ripple last week except a small sheet for legal ads. which smallness was caused by the smallness of desire to work when everybody else was playing. —The Christmas tree at the Court house Saturday night was a great success. If you want the HIGHEST PRICE POSSIBLE FOR YOUR TOBACCO soil it at PIEDMONT Warehouse Winston f We have ‘.pent a life time in the Warehouse business and know what tobacco is worth and how to sell it for the HIGH DOLLAR. Follow the crowd to PIEDMONT, and you will be satisfied. YOUR FRIENDS, M. W. NORFLEET 8c CO. First .Li'e tk.y:; For November, Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday For December, Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday QQUNTY EXHIBIT North Carolina \ I Yadkin county f I o U VVilJiams Register oi Deeds of said county in accorda nce with sectL _ 1' S of the Revi sal of North Carolina of 1905 make the following report of all accounts allowed and audited by the Board of Commissioners of said county for 12 months, begin ning the first Monday in Dec. 1909 and ending Nov 30th 1919 and the ( amount of money received for co unty purposes etc. Claims Audited continued from last week Isaac Shore member b c c 4.00 j A M Smitherman ” ” ” ” (j.30 Ii W Zachary keeping co home July 97.05 Luther Yestal keeping girl 4.00 ! Yadkin Ripple printing | tax notices 2.00 Shore A Douthit goods for court house and co. home 3.50 Cal Long (col) for Sauudns Long 1.00 j j J W Cook exsmination of ! Mary Adams 2.00 Edwards A Broughton for | stationary 1.20 J L Crater examinations of insane persons etc 8.68 J J Pattns lumber for road 3.30 Everett- Waddy Co supplies RD office 21.79 for tax boc ks 25.00 S C Williams for hauling tax books etc" 50 J H James coffin for pauper 3.50 S C Williams for claims assigned 6.00 J E Shugart jail fees 18.60 J A Hoots member pension Board 3 days 6 00 C M Renegar witness claim 75 W A Ireland " ” 1.00 J D Phillips " ” 85 W A Wilmoth ” ” 2.15 Will Atwood for Martha Crutchfield 2.00 J W Shore repairing bridge 1.25 C G Norman building \ 50 W A Sizemore for keeping Addie Mason (3 00 Jennie Gough her support 2.00 R W Zachary keeping co. home August 99.25 J E Shugart D 3 fees and jail fees 20.80 J O Gragg lumber for feed barn and bridgo 20.86 W A Sizemore foi keeping Addie Mason 6.00 J H James coffin for pau per 3.50 J A Lilliegton listing prop erty 12.00 J S Clioplin work on road 2.25 J W Pass goods for jail 1.80 j Edwards A Braughton doc | ket etc 3.32 E H Robinson rebate on tax A G & Patsy Johnson sup port J W Cook J P faes J G Steele witness claim T 1) Smithermau ” ” W R Willard ” Wm Willard ” W C Stallings ” W F Milton W D Zachary ” Joe Cook Harding Steelman ” W 1 Baity J F Bo vender ” W C Hausar A W Wiliams ” ” » J V Howell ” N C Cranfil ” FF Brandon *’ G T White Sheriff fees Martha Crutchfield support W A Hutchens repairing Long’s bridge A A Burgess D S fees W J F Willard repairing bridge J H Shore phone rent Shore <fc Douthit goods for jail etc 2.15 8.00 2.20 1.30 1.30 1.25 1.25 75 2.05 1.15 K >0 1.05 15 55 80 1.35 2.35 2.40 1.45 4.95 2.00 6.00 90 13.50 2.00 17.43 Mina Davis her support 2 00 S W Stanley witness claim 5.40 C S Nicks building feed barn at jail 13.25 ' Saundus Long support 1.00! J \V Long serving road orders 90 Yadkin Itipple envelops 50 C E Mbxley conveying Mary Parks and Hebsie Adams to Hospital 4S.40 M M C"rtuninei member of bee 5.U0 j * S C Williams making out . tax 200.001 F A Templeton lumber for bridge 4.15 C J Edwards rebate on tax 8.07 Jennie Gough support 2.00 G C Davis repairiug;bridge 83.99 li W Zachary keeper of co home Sept. 9g 85 Wolf A Goslin supply for John Fulp 1.31 C S Benbow Serving road orders g0 J W P Baker coffin for pau per 300 E C Willard rebate on tax 2.15 Mina Davis suppor 1.00 A B Hobson blasting road 14.82 J A Collins work and nails on bridge 60 J W Seagraves rebate on tax 2.15 Shore & Simmons conveying paupers to co home _ 3.00 J H James coffin for pauer 3.50 G W Adams lumber for bridge 5.54 J H James coffin for Oliver Mann 3.50 J J Taylor building new ford bridge 30.00 F A Templeton lumber for bridge 9.04 S C Williams bal; on mak ing tax and completing books 9g.00 Edwards A Broughton sup plies 50 Jennie Gough support of child 2.00 L L Trivitt keeping A J A Patsy Johnson 4.00 C W Helton building bridg 23.00 J W Harding summoning judges and registrars 3,g0 \V H Smitherman building bridge across Logan creek 196.00 Cal Long keeping Saundres Long LOO W A Sizemre keeping Addie Mason 6. CO D I lteavis J P fees 1.10 J E Sliugart 1) S fees 90 J L Crater esc fees 4.45 J E Ziglar Shfl fees gO J A Logan mayor fees 70 W 1) Foster D S fees 1.00 J C Money fixing court house bell 1.75 P E Brown D S fees 30 F M Current witness claim 2.45 T A Craft ” ” 1.85 C F Reece ” ” 1.30 Yadkinville Buggy Co bolts and washers 3.50 A M Smitherman member b c c 13.g0 N D Mackie witness claim and hauling rock to jail 1.85 H F Hoots goods for co. home 1.40 J H Royal keeper court house 3.75 J E Sliugart jail fees lg.25 J W Pend ry asst, clerk to li c c 4.50 M M Crumel member b c c 14.00 T li Harding services as co Physician 41-66 John Drivel witness claim 1.20 E A Reece repairing bridge 2.75 Shore A Douthit goods jail and court house 3.74 Fleming A Woodhouse nails for bridge 32 J H James burial expenses of Rosa Brandon (pension) 20.00 J E Sliugart jail and D S fees 29.45 C W Poindexter summoning' twelve judges of election 7.20 Di- T.R Harding fumigating court house 10.50 F J Wooten waiting on soli citor 3.00 L L Trivett for A J A Patsy Johnson 4.00 Yadkinville Buggy Co table for court house 3.00 R L Crigger rebate on poll tax 2.15 J 1, Money repairing Dob bins bridge 2.65 Yadkin Hippie for printing tickets 1.50 J L Crater examination of two insane persons 4,00 A A Burgess summoning judges of election 1.80 Edwards & Broughton for order hooks etc. 5-75 Continued next week All the good people in Yad kin gounty do not take The Ripple—some of them borrow tfyeir neighbor’s coPy. i We have just received a complete and up-to-date line of: Fall and Winter MILLINARY And also a large line of Fall Goods consisting of Mens and Boys Clothing, Uderwear and Shoes Complete line of Ladies Dress Goods, Notions, etc. Only dealers in Elkin Shoes Come to see us, we will treat you right SHORE &, DOUTHIT PUT THEM v% IN OUR SAFETY DEPOSIT VAikr / yit / You want your valuables to bs safe. A safety dep osit vault will be the cheapest insurance you can get and will insure you not only against burglars, but also against fire We shall be gird to she w 3-011 our safety vaults if you will call. We will rent you a box in our safety voults. Then }Tour valuables wiii be safe. Make our bank your bank. ! 1 ( Elkin National DaiJy ! . An old proverb says ‘‘the best is none to gocd’ this is so of hardware and tools. Cheap material of auy bind is dear material in the loug run. Our lines have always been of the best and most durable quality, The best manufacturers make our hardware. Our personal guarantee stands back ef zny tool we sell. Elkin ftavdwiu-e Coinpany,

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