V - Yadkinyille, Yadkin County N. C. :■> Wednesday, Jan. 25 1911. -1- - - No.46 6 LOCAL, NEWS Mrs. rl\ C. Myers is visiting hei ajou J. H. Myers iu Macon Ga. The Hippie, has just published the Tas Books for Yadkiuviile. Naua, 20 years old daughter ol .Ilev. 0: B. Clark, (col.) died Suu «day night, this was his last and ■13th child to die. -FOBBALE: Two Mules Har mless a$d Wagon, will sell serrate or all together. Apply to Mrs. ^Nettie Wifdams, Route 2. —H. H. Mackie has plenty of •■uice Cabbage Plants, frost profl doc pel hundred. —'In the near future The Ripple will print an Industrial Edition fvirthodown of Yadkiuviile, ami we want to get a write up ol‘ every man and bis business. The pri ooh f*or space will be very low, in oriier tlud -the small business can get iu as v-ell as the huge. —The Landmark says that iu 'Statesville the past few-dads there has been «. tremendions amount of ■tobacco sit d at McETweeu Planters Warchouv at good prices a lot of it being from Y rutin county It further states that kb is Warehouse is gaining iu popularity wi.tli far mers every day. —Mi . Mike Shores, age 4'f years .died at his home near Long-town last Thursday and was hurried Sa tin day . . *Mr. Shores leaves a >\ iui— ow and ^.children all of whom are livemg, h> a ineml> -r of Longtown order of.Farriers Union, and was ■buried by thpm. H-. vis hurried at Knobs Baptist church ef which he had Imvu a, inemb ?r .fol1 many years. Lev. T. (J. Myers preached the funeral. — Mr. iT. F Shore who has been hving here for tins past two years and worh’.ug for tile Yadkiuviile I> ;‘ph<me t'o.. has ivsigned his pasi^oii and will i.v. ibr States ville abc .it Fop. (] where he will be e>nploy .ml as convict guard on the St dcsville Air Line. >\ e 'ere sorrv do loose Mr. and AJ re. Shorn, but wish, thfan success in thei i new field. It is not known who v ill be telephone operator. —FOR SALE, a good Farm six miles s dli of Elkin (land ali 1) on ,) .esville and Hampton ville road, containing 182 ae-ies, S room house, good barn and other "buildings ali new . (km be bought •-on earn- .terms. Apply to I). M. Reece, Yadkiuviile Y. (’. TIi.k Kansas City Star lias ■panned to reflect that one mar riage in four ends *n divorce in Kansas City, >ne iu eight in Msssori and Kaneas and t welve in the United States. .> base figures are astonishing i a the eyes of Europeans where the divorce average is much smaller. In Switzerland there is no divorce in twenty two marriages, in France one m thirty, in Germany one in fort$f-four and in England one li 400. • Biliousness __ DsWitt's Little EARLY RISERS •y fyaaw. I Holton Appointed Again Washington, Jan. 18-Pres ident T aft today nominated , A. E. Holton. United States attorney for the western dis trict of North Carolina: John Duncan to the United States marshall district of South Car oliua and Edwin P. Morrow United States attorney for eastern district of Keutuckey. It was generally believed by those who iollow North Car olina politcs that former Judge* | Spencer B. Adams had been ] promised the place, but his at temped suicide a few days ago removed him as a possibility. This is Mr. Holton’s 4th appo intment, he having already served three terms. His term expired last March, and the matter has been hanging fire since that time. There will be 110 opposition to the c'ixrlimatioti of the 110m Ittlon b}T the senate. —--— The Chicago Tribute prints a lengtluy compation of benef actions, suicides, disaters, fire railroad' futilities and other data concerning accidents hap pening in the last twelve mo nths. Andrew Carnegie, with ■gifts of $ r 9.664,3 2 n for \’ear, heads the list of givers. The suicide record sliows 12,608 victims. The lose of life in general! I Is given as follows: Drowning | : 5,112; fire 3,562: mines, 1,004: j I storms 205; explosions. 95 1; telectoril, 189; lightning, 199: asphyxiation. 259; elvators, 112; automobiles 920. 'i'lie nil road fatalities: killed 1,658 mgured. -v - One of the hardest duties in the world is to fill the news columns of a local paper with interesting items when there is renlly 110 news to write. It is for more vexing and perp lexing than a person who has never had any experience in newspaper work can well im agine. The paper must come out on time, and the reading matter has to be supplied from some source. When the brain of tie editor becomes worry, mind inactive and bis faithful scissors dull, is it for you im agi lie, any child’s play for him to probe the gas-bags of imagination and bring fourth a column or more af original “wind” that will both edify, delight and instruct his read ers? Verity the life of a ; country edttor is full of trials troubles and perplexions like : the wicked, he is doomed to 1 ot half his da}as. Farmers Will Pool Tobacco Crop 1911 Although not officially giv en out it is reliably stated that the tabacco growers of the sta te in session in Winston Fri | day 13th, passed a resolution calling upon the growers to pool the 1911 crop upon the plan of the burley growers of Kentucky. The resolution also calls for the establishment of a dry pri zery to faciliate the handleing of the crop. A second resolu ; lion was passed, it is said, by j which the growers agree to i decrease the acerage of the 1911 crop. This resolution was followed by a refusel to offer prizes for the largest yie lds per acre, because the prin cipal of offering prizes for the increased yields is in direct opposition to the movement for decreased acerage. --- WILKES CITIZENS FIGHT IN WKll Wilkes Patriot. “Leave ’em alone and let scrap it out!” did not have to be said to a couple of combata nts who engaged themselves in a few rounds here Monday. The pugilists in question were John Minton and Nelson Fos ter and the fight took place in the bottom of a 6o-foot well, The}' were both down in a j well at Hotel Smithy putting in a new wall, when they fell out—not out of the well, but with each other. There were j only two spectators, and reith er of these felt inclined to go down and act as pacificator. One of the onlookers, howe ver, whose veracity please un derstand, is not to be questio ned. says that the fight only! stopped when when he tied a pair of pot hooks to the well rope and fished Nelson out. He further avers as Nelson was making his unwilling ascent John grabbed him by the heel pulling off his shoe, which lie hurled after his wriggling ad ! versary. NO ,011, in turn, bid I John adieu with a quid of well ! chewed “Brown’s Mule.” Admr. Notice. Having qualified as Admr. of the estate of M. A. Myers dec’d j this is to notify all persons hold ; iug claims against stud estate, to j present them for payment within | 12 months from date of tliis'liotice ; or the same will be plead in bar of their recovery and all persons owing said estate are hereby re quested to settle them at once. This Jan. 16-11)11 JS. A. Nyers, Admr. 8. Carter Williams A tty. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON sells more Yadkin County tobacco than all other ^Yareliouses put together. The fact is we ha ve done more to make Yadkin county tobacco popu lar with the buyers than any body else. You need all the help you can get now in the sale of vour-tobacco and the 1 VLRY BES P HELi. \\ e know how to sell tobacco at Piedmont for ihe . -j top of the Mafket/ NOBODY CAN BEAT US. We want to sell the balance of your crop and will give you our very best efforts. Hoping- to - see you soon we are YOUR FRIENDS, M. W. NORFLEET &'i CO First Sale days; For Janurary, Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday First Sale days for February: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. *— QLERKS nNNUnt*\H REPORT % North Carolina, \ Yadkin County j To the Board of County Comm issioners of Yadkin county. I, J. L. Crater, Clerk of the Superior Court" beg leave to sub mit the following report of al ftinds in my' hands by virtue or color of my oihce on the first Monday in December, 191,0, when and from whom received, and to whom due, to wft* -Received Jan.* 25,. 11)07 from W. A. Hall former clerk of Supger ior Court and due in the following continued from last week From Geo Braun et al vs Thos Bran et al due Ned •seats *z.uu July 14 I90G from J A Lilliugton admr of Rebecca Howard due heirs 15.03 June 4th 1007 from W H Adams admr of James Len ard deed due Leuard heirs 63.14 Sept 0 1007 From R C Pruvear comm to sell the P G Williams lauds due Girtie Shores ' 19.02 du3 Gladys Shores 0.51 due Boyd Shores 0.51 April 11 1008 from C J Ho mrie Comm to soil the S D Swaim lands due S^l) Swaim heirs 15100 From I> M Reece com to sell the Nancy Hutchens la uds due Nancy Hutchens heirs ~~ 9.20 From Jno H Martin admr of Andrew Cook deed due Andreev Cook heirs 17.41 Feb 18 1909 from W A A T L Holloman exrs af John Holloman deed due John Holleman beirs 5.00 From J S \\ illvard admr <>f Wm H Ferebee due Jettie Horn 5.97 due Morgan'Torebee 5.97 due Peter Fere bee 5 97 From C A Bell comm to sell the Johnson lands due Brown heirs 166.76 Oct 2 1909 from 1) M Ree ce comm to sell the Wiley Lewis Lands due Wiley Lewis heirs 27.25 continued next week Beware or ( )intments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly deiive from them. Hall s Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, (>., contains no mer cury, and is taken internally, ac ting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tin1 system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be j sure you get the genuine. It is taken internally and made in To ledo, Ohio, by F. J. oh ;ney and | Co. Testimonials free. •Sold by druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle •pike flail’s Family Pills for con i ation. i 0?d Soldier Tortured ‘‘Fur years I suffered unspeak able torture from indigestion,“con stipation and liver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith, a war veteran af Erie, Pa., “but l)r. King’s Nev Life Pillsrfixed me all right. Tlie\ are simply break” Try them for au.y stomach, liver or kidne\ trouble. Only 525c at Druggists Manufacturers of Tobacc< Flues, Stove Pipes, Mail Box es Healers etc. Galvauizec Sheet iron and Valle}'' Til in stock. General Repair work don in short notce. Lots for Sale -- O-r- ’ I have 12 nice resi dence lots for sale, in town of Yadkinviile. Terms reasonable. For further iu onna- • tion seo M. V. West ^ Carolina, ^ adkin County ^ K. A. Mathews ' Y8 T. B. Vestal In Superior Court before j the clerk NOTICE The defendant T. B. Vestal will take notice that on action entitiled as above has been commenced in toe superior court in Yadkin coun ty to sell real estate for partition j and that he is required to appear before the clerk of said court at his office in Yadkinvills N.C. on the ‘2ud day of Febuarv 1911 and answer or demurrur to the petit ion filed in said court, or tlie rel ief therein demanded will be gran ted, this Jan. 10--I911. J. L. Crater C. S. C. S. Carter Williams Attv. NOTICE Having qualified as admr. of the estate of F. P. Mathews dec’d this is to not’fv all peisous hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this notice or same will de plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate please make im mediate settlement. This Dec. f9th 1910. J. O. Mathews, admr. of F. P. Mathews, dec’d. < NOTICE ' NOTICE Parties due me accounts will settle with Prof. Dixon, and ob lige. i M. A. Royal 1, M. D. Jan. 6th 1911'. We have just received a complete and up-to-date line of: Fall and Winter MILLINARY And also a large line of Fall Goods consisting of Mens and Boys Clothing, Uderwsar and Shoes Complete line of Ladies Dress Goods, Notions, etc. Only dealers in Elkin Shoes Come to see us, we will treat you right SHORE &, DOUTHIT $10,000 STOCK OF DAVIS & CO-, To be Reduced at Unheard of Prices, for New Goods The Greatest Buying Opportunity of a Life Time , Come and look at the Staggering’ Prices we are making We will sell you $1.00 goods in the Dry Goods and Notion line for SOcts., 50ct goods for 4Qcts., 25et. goods for 2Gets., lOct. goods for Sets., Set. goods -lets. $12.50 Suits for $10.00, $lo.oo Suits $S.oo, $8.00 Suits for $6.50, $5.00 Suits $3.50, to 4.00. 1 Boys Suits at same rate of reduction; $1.50 Suits for 11.25, $2.00 Suits $1.-50. $5.00 Suits $3.50 and 4.00, jJest Prices ever heard of on Shoes You will wonder how we can sell the goods we are offering at such prices as we are lettiug the goods go for. This is the answer: We bought rlie goods in large quantities for cash when prices were low, or we could not sell them at these prices. We have got to make room for the spring goods. Come and see for yourself be fore the stock is run down or picked over. This sale will last only 30 days. Beginning Jam 211b. Come quick and you will stay long. Tiffs is strictly a cash sale. No good.', will be charged at these prices. YOURS FOR HU SUN ES , MORE BU SINES . EAST - BEND 1 rrr

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