Vol. xvii i Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. C. Wednesday, Feb. 1 1911. C.opy I No.4 7 LOCAL NEWS —Shore & Douthit lire paying f (.20 for wheat. —Mr. Hamr Renegar of Shore, Xvas in town yesterday. —Mrs. Grunt Wooten returned Sunday from a visit to her parents , ®ear Forbusih. —H. H. Mackie has plenty of Slice Cabbage Plants, frost prolf lr*c per hundred. —LumGlenn, col. who has been faithful blacksmith here for the past fifteen years, died last week of odl g>. —Atty’s. &: C, "Williams, F. W. Hanes and D. M. Reece left yeste rday for Statesville to attend .court. —Mr. Charlie Dmmagan is get ding ready to erect a five room J • dwelling on kw lots on Highland .Avenue. —FOR S.4LE: Two Mules Har Miess and W agon, will sell separate <or all together. Apply to Mrs. ! Nettie Williams, Rente 2. —Sir. W. H. Gough is getting .along nicely with his new two :story 8 room dwelling on South i Mam street. —A dwelling and store house at Mt. Nebo was burned down one night last week. Roth were un •oeeupied. —Mr Darwin Essie, has taken a positiou with the Yadkinville Bug 1 gy Co., he is an expert horse sheer ( and will-be j^lad to sors e you. 1 —The County Supt. of health J - keeps a supply of diptheria anti-! ■ toxine on hand all the time, which •< is absolutely free to those who are ] Hot able to pay for it. — Mr. D. S.^Reynolds was| sent • to Mocksvible yesterbay by Shff. Fletcher after one Miles King who was wanted here, andjjwho was in I) ivie Co. jail. He was placed in v jail here on his amval^last night. —Rev. 0. H. Utley preached an f interesting and instructive sermon 1 •on the Uiufluenc*‘ A modern Sun- v •day School” at the Baptist,church i Sunday night. This was Mr. Utley ^ last appointment here and his sue- o lessor has not been appointed. 1 I to Statesvilie where they were allowed 4o give bond till next term of Yadkin Superior Court. It is not thought that Cleve Mebride is seriously hurt and he is being gaurded by depu ties until he is able to be car ried to prison. Feeling is running high in favor of the officers. Press Meeting at Wins ton*Saiem On Tuesday and Wednes da}' of last week we had the , pleasure of attending the Mid * winter meeting of the N. C.! Press Association at Winston-! Salem, and we come away wis- ^ king that city and its good j citizens many happy returns 1 for tliir kind treatment while i we were their guests. The entire party stopped at the Zinzendorf Hotel. On the 1 fi:st day all the editors were taken over the eity in automo biles, and a smoker at night in the Board of Trade rooms. After the business session Wednesday there was a Recital it the historical Salem Aeade ny, which was perfect in every letail and given coinplimen hy o the editors. At night a banquet was given at. Hotel Zinzendorf given by the Board >f trade, and it was a most brilliant affair. The editors vho attended will long reme nfoer the Twin-City for the 'ordial entertainment, and we von Id be delighted to go to! ■>alein Academy again, —-«♦--» • i >-. —FOR SALE, a good Farm ix miles south of Elkin (laud all \ ovel) on Jouesville and Hampton illo road, containing 1S2 ae.ies, 8 ! oom house, good barn and other uildings all new. Can be bought . n easy terms. Apply to J). M j Leece, Yadkinville N. C. (( Bad shooting scrap Officers arrested ! Knowing what a desperate character they had to encoun ter Deputy Sheriff Joe Joyner of Iredell Co. and Constable I k'* Joyner, got three other men Mell Gross and his two sons, Chas. and Marshall, to assist in the arrest of Cleve McBride! last Sunday afternoon. Cleve it seems, had sent the sherfffs j of Yadkin, Davie and Iredell Co’s, invitations to come and get him, but on their visits he would be out. But he was surrounded this time at the home of Jim Hayes near Foot ville, and knowing there was I nearly a dozen warrents hang ing over him in the three cou nties for blockading and reta iling, he made a dash for tall timber, with the result that he was shot with a shot gun. After a chase of 900 yards, was caught. While the Deputy and Con stable was busy telephoning the sheriff and doctor Mr Sant Reavis a justice of the peace, who it is said is interested in the parties and probably in their crimes, was busy issuing wrrrents for the officers, and Deputy sheriff J^ K. Shugart was telephoned to come after all of them. The justice refu sed any of the men a hearing 3i* bond, except the depty Joe Joyner, with the result that all were placed in jail here Sunday night without bond. Sheriff Deaton of Iredell ' ivas so aroused at this treat ment of his men that he seen- , red a writ of Habeas Corpus rom the judge now holding court in Statesville and come >ver yesterday and took them The above is a map of The Statesville Air Line Railroad which is now being buil fram i>at?Sn C l° M.';,Alry Vla Yadlcl,mlle- We are indebted to the Landmark and also to Mr ± a ill Brown of Charlotte for the above cut. PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON sells more Yadkin County tobacco than all other Warehouses put together. The fact is we have 1 done more to make Yadkin county tobacco popu lar with the buyers than any body else. You need ail the help you can get now in the sale o*f your tobacco and the ’ VERY BEST HELP. We know how to sell tobacco at Piedmont fur the .top of the Market. NOBODY CAN BEAT US. We want to sell the balance of your crop and will give you our^^* best efforts. Hoping to see you soon we sre YOUR FRIENDS, M. W. NORFLEET & CO. First Sale days; For Janurary, Every Monday, Wednesday and Fridav First Sale days for February: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. GLERKS ANNUAL REPORT iNortn uarolina, [ Yadkin County j To tlie Board of County Comm issioners of Yadkin county. I, J. L. Crater, Clerk of the Superior Court, beg leave to sub mit the following report of al fuuds in my hands by virtue or color of my office on the first Monday in December, 1910, when and from whom received, and to whom due, to wit: Deceived Jan. 25, 1907 from W, A. Hall former clerk of Supger j ior Court and due in the following continued from last week Nov 8 1909 from S C Wil liams & D M Reece comm to sell the C J Roberson lands due Roberson heirs 2,298,23 From J S Douthit admr of J INI Williams deed due Williams heirs 259.30 From C G Vestal admr of Ellen Swisher deed due Roxauna Vestal 2.19 due John Vestal „ From H C Williams com to sell the Hutchens lauds due Lincoln Potts 5.38 hrom David Shores admr of Elizabeth Shores deed due Elizabeth Shores heirs 9,03 From R E Holton admr of li D Martin deed due W H Norman 1.00 due W N Horn 1.00 due li L Poindexter 1,00 From S C Williams com to sell lauds due J L Sheek sliff 60 due C H Haynes stiff 1.20 due J J Mileliel d s 60 From J L Sparks exr of M J Sparks deed due Joyce Armstrong 12 08 due Pearl Johnson „ due Fred Armstrong „ due Mary Armstrong „ From D M Reece commr f C Brown et al vs Nancy Brown et al due Brown heirs 29.97 In case of Minnie Davis d al vs Thos Davis et al from the sale of the Josiah Davis lands due Davis heirs 66.22 From M D Murphy admr >f J H Murphy deed due Murphy heirs 21.12 Respectfully submitted Dec the 5th 1910 J. L. Crater esc Sworn to before me this Dec 5th 1910. B li Brown char, b c c North Carolina | Yadkin County j Office of Board of County Commissioners: Coon the filing of the foregoing import it is ordered by the Board or County Commissioners that B. R. Brown be appointed as a com mittee to examine the report and compare same with the records in clerks office and report his finding to this board. This Dec. 5 1910. B K Brown char b c c North Caiolina > Yadkin County I Office board County Commissi oners of Yadkin- County, the und ersigned having been appointed a* a committee to examine the fore going report of J L Crater Clerk Superior Court of Yadkin Co., and compare the same with the record.4 of the clerks office and fiud the same coirect. This Dec. o 1910 ♦ Respectfully reported B R Brown J W Cook Committee. l^UUU V'iliUIlUit t Yadkiu County j Office of Board County Comm. Upon receiving the foregoing report of B It Brou n, committee appointed by the Board to exami ne the foregoing annual report of J L Crater Clerk Superior Court and compare same with the record of this office, and having reported the same correct, it is therefore ordered by the board that the said I report of the said J L Crater esc be and the same is hereby appro ved and same be recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Yadkin Co. in Record oj official Reports and tile in his office. It is further ordered that the Register of Deeds t*ust a copy of said report at the Jpourt House door in Yadkinville and cause a copy to be published in The Yad* North Carolina Yadkin County \ I In Superior ^ Court before - NOTICE tlie clerk K. A. Mathews j T. 13. Vestal j The defendant T. 13. Vestal will take notice that on action eutitiled as above has been commenced in toe superior court in Yadkin coun ty to sell real estate for partition and that he is required to appear before the clerk of said court at his office in Yadkiuvills N.C. on the 2nd day of Febuarv lull and answer or demiucur to the petit ion filed in said court, or the rel ief therein demanded will be gran ted, this Jan. 10--I911. J. L. Crater C. S. C. S. Carter Williams Attv. NOTICE Having qualified as admr. of the estate of F. P. Mathews dec’d this is to notify all peisons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned within one year from date of this uotice or same will de plead in bar of their recovery. All persons owing the estate please make im mediate settlement. This Dec. I9th 1910. J. O. Mathews, admr. of F. P. Mathews, dec'd. ' NOTICE NOTICE Parties due me accounts will settle with Prof. Dixon, and ob lige. M. A. Roy all, M. I). Jan. 6th loll. We have just received a complete and up-to-date line of: Fall and Winter MILLINARY And also a large line of Fall Goods consisting of Mens and Boys Clothing, Uderwear and Shoes Complete line of Ladies Dress Goods, Notions, etc. Only dealers in Elkin Shoes * » Come to see us, we will treat \ u rignt SHORE &, DOUTHIT argalns bargains^ Special offer for Feb. only! and FREE Japanese Rugs ■ \ 9X1 2 F^P EVERY SATURDAY ", 1 During- the mouth of Feb. we have arranged to conduct a special low priced sale at our store in Boonville. Every one that is looking for bargains will do well to visit cur stcre during this special sale. REMEMBER THE DATE. Commences Feb. ist and closes Feb 28 Below we give a list cf some of the reductions we have made, just to give you an idea of the great bargains you can get. Mens suits li $5.00 6,00 8.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 18.00 Suits, special price 2.98 “ “ *• 3.98 “ 498-598 “ 7.98, “ 8,98 “ 11.48 “ 13.48 4.00 5.00 6.00 8.00 10 00 Youths suits Suits special^ pj ice 2.48 2.98 3.98* 5.9h] 7.98 Boys-2 piece suits 1.09 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Suit special price .70 1.48 1.98 2.98] 3.79 3.98 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 * Mens pants Pants reduced to .98 1.38 1,40] 1.981 New line of Punts just received and will allow a liberal reduction. Big line Youths Long Pants and Boys Knee Pants to close out at very low prices. 25 cent Matting reduced to 19 25 “ Carpet “ 19 50 “ “ “ 89 1.00 Rugs “ 79 1.50 “ “ 1.19 2.00 “ “ 1.39 45 ct lace curtains “ 32 60 “ “ “ “ 42 80 “ “ “ “ 59 60 “ WindowrShade “ 42 50 “ “ “ 39 30 “ “ “ “ 25 25 “ “ “ 16 3 Boxes carpet tacks for 05 50 ct Waifel Irons reduced to 39 55 ct Frying pans “ 18 80 ct Stove mats “ 58 75 ct Shovel <fc tong set “ 5fi 20. HJ Davenports “ If 0 > 18.00 Folding Bed “ 12.49 25 “ “ “ 16.48 22.50 Dresser “ B>.48 20.00 “ 15 48 16.50 13.50 12.50 10.09 “ 9.00 7.50 6.50 “ 13.50 Chiffouir 11.00 Bed Lounges 10.00 “ “ 900 “ 1.00 Dining Chairs 75 “ l.(X) Rockers 1.50 2 00 2.50 3.00 10 ct Picture Moulding 6 ct “ 5 ct 4 ct 13.49 lo.uii 9.98 7.98 6.98 5.98 4.98 10.98 9.48 8.48 7.88 88 63 88 1.18 1.89 1.89 2.39 6 4 3£ n Gut this out Bring this with you and deposit in box at our store when you trade. Every Saturday during Feb. at 2 o’closk we will have some child draw out one name and the one drawn will be entitled to a nice Japanese Rug, 0x12 ft. And those who are present each Saturday at 2 o’clock may select the child to draw the name and we will give the child 5be in cash Remember that you can deposit this any dav during the week and that one name will be drawn each Saturday dur ing Feb. and that all names not drawn out shall remain in the box untill the last drawing. Sigu your name here_ ■T H Big line of Wood & Mettle Bed, Wash stands' Hall Racks, Center tables, Extension and , Dinning Tables, Cook Stoves and Ranges, Cooking Vessels, Piciure frames, High table cha irs for the babies and small Rocking Chairs for the children. We have only mentioned some I items here to show the bargains we are now offering. This sale is strictly Cash or Produce ' taken at Cash prices, The Big reduction now offeied is stric !y for the month of February and positively no longer.* WILMOTH & HAYES BOONVILLE 1ST- C kill Hippie a newspaper published „ p , thillks S- Carter Williaill* I id the town of Yadkiuville, l*apt. reary says ne till,its This Dec. 2th 1910. he got to the North Pole. Att*Y*8t~t.3«vand No&ary PtiWif B R Brown Chairman Any of us could think that. YadkinvH1^. C Commissioners

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