-... 3 '.. Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. 0- Wednesday, May 3 1911 t nJL NEWS Turnie Marler is wist rek&ives in Winston for-a few f ®Uays. tfBwii’ii a new arrival at tbfe Jbwc of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Tadd It’s a girl. —Mr. Dallas Gabard of Knox ville Tenuj. is visitiug relatives and friends Ifere. —H. Allgood of Winston Salem was in town first of the week on business, —A tty. F. W. Hanes made a Busiuess trip to Winston the last *of tiie week. —Mr, Hobart Todd is right sick' with pneumonia at the home of his father on west main st. — Big liue Men’s, Youths and Bovs up-to-date Suits at Wilmoth Haves Olo’liiug Co. Elkin N. C. —ISheriff Deaton and Clerk ol Court J. A Hartness of Statesville were in town this week on busi ness. —Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Un lerwear going at wholesale prices a: v* ilinoth-Haves Clothing Co. Elkin N. C. —Mr. W. R. Shermer is in Win ston-Salem, confined to his room with pneumonia. He and Mrs. Shermer went dowu last Friday j and he was taken sick. —Dont forget to call and see Wilraoth-Hayes Clothing Co. for Trunks, Suit Cases and Hand Bags Our prices are right on everything. —The many friends o ' Miss. j J ennie Phillips here will be glad t o learn tha? she won a gold med al in a recitation contest in the \\ allace (Ya.) High School. —Mr. Mauny W illiams on route 2 has a fine Jersey Bull at his barn. Registered No. 9122*2. In surance $1.00. —It was reported to Sheriff I letch ?r Tuesday that a wagon be. longing to Geo. Marshall in the camp lot contained a lot of Whis key but after being searched it was fouud to be a false report. —Mr. C. J. Wils >n having deci- j ded to go west will -el i hi., , at ire household and kitchen furniture , at auction on Saturday May sixth He also offers his house and lot for sale. —The Attorneys who attended Court here this week from o‘her towns were: H. H. Barker and J. F . Hendron of Elkin, Manley and Hendron and J. T. Ben bow from Y irsston, E. E. Gaither of lfiocks vide, \\ ade Reavis Hamoton v ill#, Dorman Thompson and Caldwell of Statesville. — Shore & Douthit have recei ved a large lot of Silverware to be given away absolutely free to cus tomers making a pu chase at the store. Not a chance game. The I larger the purchase the better the present. Several have all ready been taken. 3D Days for Contempt Billing- the afternoon ses sion o? Court Tuesday, the sheriff asked all the gentlemen standing around the bar to have seats, but one Ben Sparks, who was well filled with ‘‘mountain dew,” seemed to think he would hold equeal with the gentlemen of the bar and remaind in his position and a second request to sit down from the sheriff was re fused, where-upon Judge Ly ons ordered the man to get back. Sparks, or his liquor, seemed to have a hankering i for talking and he began to rgue the case with his Honor, i udge Lyons acted in a veiy polite manner with Sparks but he insisted on talking, and he was locked up for 30 days for contempt of court. Late yesterda}’’ afternoon Sparks sobeied up and was turned loose. The action’ and the way in which thd Judge j handled Sparks, giving him every chance possible to get out and stop talking, was very commendable. «* VALUABLE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD North Cardin * Yadkin County \ By virtue of a deed of trtist,made and executed to the undersigned trustee, by D. L. Pardue, of Yad kin County, on the 6th day of Ju ly, 1909, and default having been made in the payment of the same, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the 29th day of May 1911, at 2 o’clock P. M., the following described lauds; lving and being m the town of Jonesville, Yadkin County, Noith Carolina, and ad joining the lauds of J. B. Cocker ham, J. G. Ray and others, aud fronting on Cherry Street. This is sold subject to a deed of trust held by the Elkin & Joesville Building