Yarikiimlle, Yadkin Connty N. C Wednesday, May 10 1911. No. 9 LoenL NBWB —AVtienjtii looking fine. — Mi. and Mi's. H. H, Miickie, liut«d out on route 3 Sunday. -Migg Lucy Fleming, wu visi ting Miss Stella Reece yesterday. —Mr. C. F. Dniiiiagau is erect iug a 5 room dwelling on West end. —For Rale Cheap! A complete Threshing outfit. Apply at this office, —The Yadkinville Telcplioue Exchange will close hereafter at jfcfXt P. M. —Miss Kina Augeil of Boouville was visiting in town the first of the week. —Mr. and Mrs. Heury B. James art expected home from Galax Ya., to-day. —Robert Todd is improving from au attact of pueumonia we ate glad to aay. —Mr. Ctrl P»u com# la Butiir 4i;«iglkt to spend • few days fiMi kom folks. •Him Martha Caruer is coufin t ed to her room suffering with an I attact of rheumatisim. —Big line Men's, Youths and Boys up-to-date Baits at Wilmoth ^ Hayes doling Oo. Elkin N. 0. —A lot of $8.00 to $5.00 solid gold rings, heavy, wide, only $2.50 to close. Hutchens, the Jeweler. ' The contract has been let for the erection of a bridge at the fol ks of Forbush creek, six miles East of town. -Mrs. AI. H. Hunter of Ncbr., co.ne in hist week and visited here * until yesterday then returned to her home. —-Mr. and Mrs. Charlie >\ ilsou left yesterday morning for Nebr,. where they ex}H3ct t» make their future home. -Shoes, Hats, Shirts and Un derwear going at wholesale prices at W^ganth-Haves Clothing Co. Klkin . C. —Take Notice; There will be, cost on all taxes not paid by Jun i 1st. 1911. W. T. Fletcher, Sheriff Yadkin County. Want the Town Commission era please have that old and ugly stump moved off the cornel of the court house equal e? —Mr. Manny Williamson route 2, has a fine Jersey Bull at his barn. Registered No. 91222. In surance $1.00. —The County Board of Health met in the court house Monday, and re-elscted Dr. Hardiug super intend ant of public health. — Dr. T. K. Harding has purch ased the Laugenour lauds near Footville, on which is some of the finest Forest Pine in the couuty. —Dont forget to call aud see Wilraoth-Hsyes Clothing Co. for Trunks, 8uit Cases and Hand Hags Our Rfiots are right on everything. —Mr. J. W. Pans, county tax sawaaor ia out all the time. He nays heia finding a good deal of lead not om the tax books before aitH. Miaa Margret Peele of Guil ford College spent a few dars here last weak. She was working in the interest of a Foreign Mission Society v > ;v —If you have a member of your \!.i»uih, or a relative or friend resi ding «t a distance, sand them The Ripple. It costs only 2 cents the week. T,ev. and Mrs. J. C.Styersare #^«*i»da and relatives iu Mr. Styern —Miss Mary Thomason has charge of the Millinery depart* meat of Shore *fr Doutliit, at tile same stand. S«ae her for Spring hats. —Lumber is an b eing for the erection of the two-story building * being erected by ^tr. O. V..Hntch* | eus for a jeweler store. Mr. 8. H. I Joyner is furnishing the material lor the construction. —-At the home of Mr. W. A Car* ( ter out on route $ Monday . morn ing a small outbuilding of some ; kind was set on fire by a small boy I who wanted to have some fun, and • a little girl coma very near being burned up* I —We extend our thauks to the faculty and senior class of the 8tut* Normal and Industrial Col lege of Greenstwro, for an invita tion to attend the Annual Com* 1 mcneement exercises which will be held May, 90-23. —The commencement exercises of the Yadkin vilife Normal School will fee held in tfee court house rii usunk l*ubiic gatherings were debarred fevmi tlipif some time ago but county commissioners granted this t rivilage. —Our townsman Mi. W. R. Bhermer who has pneumonia at the home of Mr. T 8. Douglass in Winston is improving some It is thought that he will lie able to re turn home iu a short time. Mrs. Bhermer is with him. — Shore & Douthit have recei- ( ved :i huge lot of Silverware to be given away absolutely free to cus tomers making a purchase at the store. Not a chance game. The * larger the purchase the better the ( present. Several have altreadv been taken. i —Prof. W, H. Reubush of Duv- • tou Va., wij! come here ou July 17 for the purpose of conducting a Normal School of Music. The necessary funds btyve been subscri bed. and the [ieoj»te of YadkinvrUe and the surrounding territory have a treat in store for them. —Mrs. Pen Shores, who lived out ;m route 1, died last Saturday ut the age of 45 years. She had been sick only a short time with pneumonia. Her remains were laid to rest iu the cemetary at Deep Creek Baptist Church Sun day in the presence of a large mint ber of relatives and friends. Mrs. Shore leaves a husband and ten children to mourn her death, all of whom have cur sympathy iu then Itereavement. —Iu the to wu election here on May 2nd Att'y. S. C. Williams was elected Mayor over Mr. J. A. Log an, the vote being 14 to 30. The election was very quiet, and only two candidates were voted ou for mayor. Only one of the old board of commissioners was re-elected,1 he being Mr. Mackie. The pres-j eut board is eomi>osed of the fol- * lowing: M. Custevens, C. F. Dun-! nngan, H. H. Mackie, W. L Kelly and R. C. Puryear. This item of 1 news was overlooked by us last : week. —Jonah Mitchell, col. was *>la.c ( ed in jail here last Thursday even ing for the theft of $48.00 from Mr James Mathis near Shore. Jonah Teased up to having the money, bnt says he found it, but he seems to think it against the law to find anything, auyhow he made fortall ^timber as soon as he "found” the money and was caught near Wins ton by Forsyth officers. Jonah | say s it was all done so sudden he did not have time to study over the situation or he would not have confessed so easy. Afe Of Animal*. ’ lives 10 years. '•* 15 years. ^ars. , Grand Jurors Report i - [ To hie Honor C. C, Lions, Judge presiding: Wef the Grand Jurors beg leave to submit the following report. We have finished up the business given us in charge. . Many witnesses celled and failed to answer and necessar ily we could not act on several bills for want of witnesses. in a body and found the Inmates cared well for, but We recomend that a committee of three be appointed by the county commissioners to look after the county home and see that the poor are well cared fojigttd to look after the lands fcnasie that they are kept up, and that this Commute be reasonably compensated for their service^ We also visit ed the Xail in a body and found it in good condition, well kept and safe. We recommend that better arrangements be made for the prisoners to sleep. We visited Clerk’s, Sheriffs and Register’s office and found them in good condition and books properly kept. We examined the court house and' find that there ought to be a dozzen good chairs, also a good easy chair for the Judge to sit in. We further recommend iliat the over-head ceiling be given a new coat of paint and that the walls be whitewashed and cleaned up generally. J. A. Lillington, Foreman Grand Jury. Damage Suit Settled The Case of j. A. Logan and M. W. Mackie against J. D. Hodges, which lias been in the Superior Court here for some time was settled last week, when the defendant agreed to pay all the cost in the case and at the same time admitted that he was wrong wnen he said Messrs Mackie and Logan were implicated in the rubbery of the Post-office and County treasurer at this place in 1904. The plaintiffs were suing for $5,000 each, in seperate cases, for slander, which grew out of the writeing of a postal card to Prof. Martin, who was then County Superintendant of Publie Instruction. Mr. Hodges held the same office in t)avie county where he lives. The case was tried one time before, the judge holding that Hodges had a right to send the information on accouutjjf his official position. » This ends a suit that has been witched with a great deal of interest by people in Yadkin as well ae adjoining counties. 60th Anniveraary. Golden wedding are rare oc casions but a sixtieth anniver sary is more exceptional. This blessing was the privilege of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Joyce, o{ Danbury, N, C., who the past j week happily enjoyed the [ sixtieth anniversary in the | presence of many relatives and friends. The husband is 85 'ars old and his good wife is years younger. At one Toyce was solicitor oi listrict and as a Pointer* j ' It is getting so it costs about as inticli to rig up a lady’s! bead as it does to start a Nat-1 tonal Bank, Nowth^y say montf talks I because there’s a woman on the dollar. Well Well, we leam something new nearly every day. • ■— «Si> •—■■■ Ex-Governor Glenn said in Raleigh the other da/that the chances were bright for elec tiagra Ppmnmmi* m, 1912. Didn’t this same' man say thissftmething before the election of 1908? A Wash recent date all over the ing funds for the McNam&ra’s, Los Angeles for building in which 2 were killed. If this lispatch of Socialist rais of what SocialIsini means excuse me. ||| In the issue of the Raleigh Times, (Democratic,) on May 8th is something interesting. The left hand column on the front page reads: Democrats traveling r'icky road. In the opposite corner it reads thusly: Signs points to Democracy, ,Oh, consistency thou art a jewel. Shooting Affair. It bus ju«t come to our ears of a shooting affair tlmt oocured a ew miles south of here about two weeks ago. It appears that Mr. Sanford Caudle was accused of “reporting” some illicit distiler ies in that section some time ago, and they had it in for him. The intruders weut to Caudles home one night and called him to come out, and being suspicious, he took his gun with him. * No sooner was he onlhe poarch when a shot rang out a short dist ance away, but missed its mark, , then Caudle let go one in the dire ction of the first one and someone ' give a yell, but it is not known if 1 the load took effect. It is understood that one of the party has coi fesued. JVo Saie of Whiskey No whiskey will be sold at Williams for some time yet according to the decision of t Judge Boyd of the federal court, who has rendered his | opinion, in which he decided ' that the betid given for the 1 30,000 gallons of booze stored in the big warehouse at Wil liams, this county, is good and ; has informed Collector Brown that he has no right to make a sale for the taxes. The* case has been pending in the federal couj t for several I weeks. The final shearing in ihe matter was held* last-vfc£k and the judge reserved a decis ion in the case until this week and now it is learned that he j has decided with the plaintiffs Williams aud Foster, and finds that no contingency affecting the vaiidity of the bonds has arisen and that they are still in force, the United States ■ Fidelity and Guaranty Com pany of Baltimore being the surety. District Attorney Holton has been giveu 30 days ia which to file exceptions. Now is the time to get rid of your rlicuimitisiu. You will find ChrmberInin's Liniment wonder fully effective. One application of its merits WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Our spring line_of Goods. The prettiest line we have . ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Childr as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware. Groceries and rqgSjHats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also recei\fl|| a largelot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLpTHlNG n-T-nf iT ,MPPV A.- complete wejiavj ever ha|. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts. We will do anvthiniorin oor pmver to mke it to your interest to trade here. SHORE & DOfTTI TIT Everything THAT’S GOOD -H- o O O O 0 O—H if yon want a gray suit, if you want a brown suit, if you want a black suit, if you want a blue suit—no matter wliat you want, if it’s good, we have j it in the line of “Tailors That I Satisfy,” and every sample is ’ all wool. Whether your taste runs toward the bright snappy pat- , terns or the more conservative weaves we have them all. / Remember, if we don’t please'you in every respect we would not let you take the garments from our shop. Qrd cr ycur Suit today. ROYAL & MYERS VALUABLE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD North Carotin i Yadkin County f By virtue of a deed of tru8t,madev and executed to the undersigned trustee, hy 1). L. Pardue, of Yad kin County, on the 6th day of Ju ly, 1909, and default having been .uade in the payment of the same, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the 29th day of May 1911, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described lauds; lying and being m the towu of Jouesville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, aud ad joining the lauds of J. B. Cocker ham, J. G. Ray aud others, aud fronting on Cherry Street. This is sold subject to a deed of trust held by the Elkin <fc Joesville Building & Loan Association for 9861.50. R. J. Baiker Trustee Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you tliau good digestion? Food must l>e eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted iu to blood. When tliedigestiou fails the whole body sutlers. Chamber laiu’s Tablets are rational aud re- j liable cure for iudigestiou. They ■ increase the fllow of bile, purify j the blood, strengthen the stomach, I and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy 1 actiau. For sale by all dealers, aw i ... .. « ■ 11 — For soreness of the muscles whether induced by violent exer cise injury, Chamberlaiu’s Lini ment is excellent. This liniment is also highly esteemed for the relief it affords in cases of rheumatism. Bold by all dealers. — 130 YOTJR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILIjE, n. c. Tlie oldest and strongest bank ing institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - 3.000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, takiug no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons Interest Pm Id on all Time Deposits. Officers *v Benjamin Shore, President. ' T. J. Byerly, Vioe-Pr©si. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaao Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Beuj. 8hore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore « J. E. Zachary, T. R. Hauling, M. M. Crumel and I C. B. Reavis.

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