Yol. xviii Y ailkhmlle, Yadkin, County ]V. C. Wednesday, May • :JJ 11)11. LOCAL XEWS —Hot! Hotter!! Hottest!!! —Misses Nellie ami Bessie Ham lin attended commencement here this week. — Miss Beulah Folder of Koek ford. attended commencement here this week. —Mr. Walter Boy all. earner 01: route *1, was on the siek list last week two days. —Miss Lillian Hiiti' of East Bend spent the week end hen* with friends. J>out fail to read the commence ment exercises in anoth *r cohnnn. — Mr. I .loyner of East Bend died last Monday morning at an advanced age. —Tom Hutchens a native In diana for the oast 29 years \va* here las! week. triplets weit* born to Mr. and Mrs. Jim hitaker of Center on ? lie '21st. instn tit. Mr. ft 1*. Outer .uni Hid Arnold and W S. (louph of Elkin were hero \esterdax. - Miss Maud Martin spent few da\ s in town this we< k the .truest of Miss Cornelia Maekie. - Mr Frank Slieek and wife < f 1 hivie copnt\ visited at tie hone of M’. \V. S. Douthit Saturday Mr. Kniost \\ eisimr of C t • *n - shore, visited ids sister and oth *i relatives *•< r <]«e t r-t .•* this week. —Mi-, d. \V. Pass has a notice j to tax-pa;u this i^sne which ( will yon will find (ovum interest I io r< ad. Howard on. iv. ard .•oil Mess Mssoti ;"■({ M i *1 i a \ ioi'sN i i!’ vrn lii'j.' f« '-\ days 11n fii-; >»j : the wee!; — Mesdem-uies S- iiit* and i mi , Folder and Mr. T l. I>r\at0 of > Dobson attended eonmioncetuent | lie re this \x< ok. i Miss Jannua hi avis of ( .mi-* ayv\ usio d frauds her** a f<-\\ »;,sy h ihis week and look in ih*“ eonimi* iieetin ut. —])rs \i. A, lu> y a i ami S. Lawereme of Winston came up Monday in a Buick runabout returning yesterday. — I horn \\i r»' four deaths ;uui a j - -ore of prosfWtioiiK from boat i < 'hieago Thursday. 'i (to tempi*;*.- ' ur-" was d‘2 is. tin* t *euiug, —Mr. Fempleion, \ iec-IVos. of i Slap* 1'armors Union will addiessj the fa mors at tin* oourt iiouso j next Friday at 10 o’clock. Yndkinville and Boemvillel placed ball on our grounds last , evening which resulted in a'scor- j of i to H in favor of Yadkinviiie. j Dr. Monrou Phillips and hm > neice Jennie Phillips, of Wallace! ^ a., saint* in to take in eoniniomv mcnt ami visit relatives for ,•< fow days. —Mr. J. H. Hauser a canted*-ra te soldier, iias rotumod from Iet-i tlo Bock Ark., win r< In* att uded J tin* old sohliors re-union. Ho ie-i ports a good tinn*. John f jaws, aged 87 years and. who ha:-', fot the past €1 ye;trs,bd. Hpp. Kec. Hep. >*.»?! . Ree. Hpp. Hpp Bolero, Gertrude U til, Man Dixon aul) Where do You law? The Conceited G.asshopp^ _ TLie Pony Cart, A Bov s Speech, i m Going Hack to Grandpa s d A Little Frog s Goodh\e. too,1KS: i Mem Spring Time. Playing School, The Dead Bin!. The Willing Child Grape ami Beaut \. Phil’s Secret, t’iie Rhyme of a Good Little Girl, The Reaper's Choiee, _ ___ Put Down (). And ( ;tn \ ’J, Jack ami dill, W lien Mania U a-*' a Lit tie < < ill. The ! ‘iplomatie Hired Man, Dialogue - the Sewing Society. Solo, Voice of the Heart, Win s Afraid in the Dark?, -Limp up —Don't (V\ . Eutei laiuhig SisterV Beau. * A Dancing Daisit.-, Dirty Jack, That t lid Butt f fen. A Mode re j>eil-'. * hah*;ole, i lie Si t‘i i, ifg Lesson. Hec. Georgia Pcorgi , Lorge'Jul Isaac. N(){);>d\ 's Chiid 'J he Uu-tir Ikimv. Sal H e Alaekie and G Fatuilr riiianwriiiK, Bn.viug Suns.4, . . . I,1 i -f •! in I teatn. roes t Hire 1 hirdork’s , i ( < meert. Eflio Lee Harding. ('lamle 1 hinnagaii _Gun Ini Shugart. Fftie Lee 11; r.iing. I' red Hall. Leonard Kelly. _ Esta Vestal. Rufus Crater. Lore it a Wooten. Mary Harding, •lohn Zaehary. Minnie Dmit.hiL Fav Rutledge. I'1 rank H ading ! Maiv Chat r. i Hal Miller. I Hep. 1 lep Hep. Si do, Uec. 1 lee. Hee. G.-ftrr.de Hall, i In Haas I la i d ing \l \ Wilhelm • let 1 >. ■ Him frig Mar\ l>i\on. 1’ led Mackie. Katy !’. dd to rinule Hall. Ret* f >11. t, fie-. !uV. Solo. Hep. IhP. 1)ia !o George Maokie. ‘ ha Hie Todd. Ivdie I we 11arding, lad vs -lames. Aminov Barker. Lila Shore. Ft lie I Shore. Mary Miller. < Biuton Hail. The (\ Tuksday, \I \y ;o. ro O'clock, T M. Dov 1. *t,'\. 1 1! V< real ioU. Atithem, () Land> <>1 (11>'! Impediments of r !.• Som h, j If l* !’• I!.; ! ;1' • d d;i i» Trio < ' arm t t I) ussars. Misses Jioyall, S{*ea* and Pickett. j 1 he Hiuhl of ion* _ Inin >i f.t\(i M•,i k11*. idie Sewdar a> Sta; . -.a , Growi- \dlai Marlin, i [ fain) l . Ov * . : i ; ami ! a W , M isses Dixon anti *tann * i i'll "fiitaliou o! Diplomas Piano .Solo. So; ’in^, Kaclnd Koval!. he'y< ' ; '.'a' ' .union k > Hlan; K- * i a i i i np. is l' o. r •. ;; tr's* \ Uaiudif I h -:»in*e, Misses Shore a ini Harding. ’A‘am Knighthood Was in Flower. <., .o i., Janies, iair.i' Sidi, tiov Soldier, Ifuph Dixon. Sympathy, . Tunim Warden. \ ov'ai Dm11 —Pond Lilies, Misses Dixon and II dion. 'i’lie M isMou of V\ oman, finnans kelp.. Piano Duet, Li trie Flash (lamp, Mwse- la^iu an! } I ; : . Helen Ko!!er, \,1 I I’iano j iso, A. Max Day. Misses Shore, 2) an!no' and Shields. The Stud.\ of Pornestn- Science. i ’ In i !i<> v ill ('horns, M\ Own Fulled Slate;*. Announcements. Denedictioi: Si 15 O'clock P. M. DRAMA,-TUG DANGER SIGNAL, hi l wo Acts Tune, Two Hours Cast of Characters. ( ha-' Normals Enfield, alias Williamson ( iiesiei Nor,nan Dr. V’alerum Peter iluiioek Pat M;dlore\ Per-duns n Stadia Lniedd Mother i'dn* iDt Miss An/ile Norah •loin, j . (» :>o. L'-in o f.. MaelvSe Neisou 1 ddxns 1 ki ebei Vi rdfn A . I J. 1 j a rd sup _ d . \\ . i iai'ner New <*J Drandi*n Adeline Speas Hlanein Idixon 1L( fi el It >y i i} Flonmee Holton ( Tiackett, small son of Dr. Harding was painfully hut not farally hurl, Monday afternoon, when he tried to run across the street in front | of i horse driven by Mrs, \V. T Myers and Miss Lura Cherry of Winston. The boy was knocked down and badly . bruised by being stepped on , by tile horse. No biame is attached to the ladies' driving. J. JM Howell. a, p.tjmhir <1rug ^ist of (IrceiiKhwrp, K v„ says, "We line (’hainberl in’s ( ongh i Kerned > in our own household and ' know it ip excellent. For sale by all dealers. —For Hale Cheap: A complete | Threshing outfit. Apply at this . office, i hen: will he a .State Good Roads Meeting in Winston June I3-14. A committee has been appointed by Mr. H. R. Brown, chr. board of county commissioners to at tend this meeting, which 1 shows that Yadkin is in earnest about good roads. The delegates appointed are as follows: J. (). Conrad, I). I. Reavis, W. K. Rutledge, W. L. Kelly and G. T. White. Sick headache results from dis srdered condition of flu* stomach, | and ran hr cured l» v tin- use ol Chambmluill’s Stomach ami Livei , Tablets. Try it. For sale by all dealers. —A lot. of $3.00 to $6.0*) solid | gold rings, heavy, wide, only $‘2.5< ] to close Hutchens. tin' Jr ueir,. General News The ‘‘Good old Summer time is here with high temperature and we also still have the offe nsive pig pen with us, detract ing much from the pleasure of the evenings out of doors. When Charles Lucas,a far mer of Jackson, Tenu., enter ed his henhouse one morning last week, he discovered that t3 of his liens had been stolen in the night. Under the hen roost he found a gold watch, which he brought here and a jeweler pronounced it one of the finest timepieces he ever saw. He fixed its value at $250. —.—-— The first car of this seasons watermelons were loaded at Candler El a., the 19 for New York markets. It broke two records. The price it brought is $400. and this is the earli est date at which melons have ever been shipped from there The vines were planted in Januaiy and covered during the odd Weather. 1 ■-- -— Some time ago a gentleman told us to send him our paper and in getting his name 011 the mailing list he missed one copy, and. raised a mighty howl wrote us a letter in red ink, etc. S >me da vs ago we sent 1 ini a statement but as yet be h as not showed up. An editor can live on wind accord tug to some peoples way of thini ;ng. Catawba Caunty is claiming sir iwbeaaies as big as peaches. Tin-v lb or of the Times is fr< »m Mi.- s:uiri and refuses to believe tin statement in the absence of proof. If the Editor of the News or Kuterpteseof New ton will send us some samples wc we will believe, otherwise not. Elkin Times. Weave from Missouri too if then arc going to’ send out some samples to prove. STMT^miAD W IT ILK i was being shaved t.lu shop jioor o;ened gently and in walked a Colored boy of filtc 11, w h< looked around in an < nburr i- >•■at’s all sah, and | please close de doali as pou gt j out!" Kx. Special Tar Listing Notice i Notice i.s hereby given to a] persons who have failed to list ali or any purl of solvent credits moi \ ey or any other personal property I on hand the 1st day of May f ill to call on t he assistant assessor ii { your township on or before the it day of June and list the same. Faiu kk to list will IIehult in your lining Double Taxed ant Pkohecdted. J. W. Pass, County Assessor j June 1st 1011 t-t * - *- ^ ^ ' ——Ji-JJL. JUL-J LJgL imwgju i mi ,1—i WE ARE NOW RECEIVING ()ur spring line,’of Goods. ^Plie^prettiest, line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SH( >ES, etc., before you buy \Ye also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies. Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also cairy a lull line of Hardware. Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. \Ve are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MENS AND BOY'S CLOTHING On i hue of Spring MILLINERY is the c ost evmplae v. y have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion-resorts \Le will do anything in our power to make it to your interest io trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, •‘SI I )RE Nr DOT Til IT t! r • a ■ .-wye- ke ae-nc a —ju** .■?.--wmu* atm*.« Everything you waul a brown suit, if you want a black suit, if von want a blue suit—no matter what you want, if it's good, we leo e Satisfy,” and every sample k, all wool.* Whether your taste runs toward the bright snappy pat terns or the more conservative weaves we have them all. Remember, if we don’t please*you iu everv respect would not let you take t ■.? garments from our sh Order your Suit to'lay. THAT’S ye y, y, 'M* 'A* ‘41* 'A* '• .* it iu the line of “'bailors Thru ROYAL & MYERS VALLA!’!,I' ABOPELTY’ TO BE s< >!.,!> j Nnri I; ( ;■ i > 111i ,* i V a ilviu ( omitv \ I ! By virtue ot a deed of trust,unme i mid executed to tin* undersigned trustee, uy 1 >. I.. Bard tie, of V ;ul i kiii County. n : the , IdiH), and d* fauli basing In*- , made 11! the pay it'iit of the sain I will m# !! to t lit* login ■ o bidder for ensh. mi t he *2-tli < In< *f •> mu* ! ti $1, at "J o'clot ! |J M.. sal* to be on*. tiit1 premises, tin* following described lambs; lying .inti being in tin1 town t»i' .Jonesviile, Yadkin i (‘ounty, Asottb Carolina., ami ad-j joining the lands ol d. B. Looker-J ]iain,d.(v». Lay ant! others, ami; fronting on ('berry Street. Tnis is sold subject to a deed of trust held l>\ the Eikin A .loesviile Building A lman Association for. 'sit ii • *( V ( It. .1. Bai ker Truster j Is their anything in all this ( world that is of more1 importance 1 te you than goolood, strengthen the stomach, j ami tone up the whole digestive! apparatus to a natural and healthy 1 ! aotian. For sale by all dealers, j Is Cleassr Than Carpet | Paint your floor around tin* oorder of | the room with L. amt M. Eloor Paint. [ Cost* about 50 cents. 11 gives a bright varnished finish. Cover the. center of the room with! vour home made oarp'n mi’ looks phmdi u. ‘ ;>*i it from !. \ L v r DO VO DR BANKING AVITI f T1IE Bank of Yadkin ' .VI ! ! N l. I •„ < . i iU*oh«*-N» v-ix't hi run treat bank ii11** institution in the comity CAPITAL - - $IOOOO. SURPLUS - - 3.000. Sin**e it< establishment, i)i*t.IS ■ * ,, hi*- p i ! in div blends 5i- its sfoekhohlers *:MO depositors. While tins is a small 1;. n\ vc: 't. is safe and sound, taking no risk a.^ souk of the argcr on.es do. ft extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as web as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being c--:>ne in this wav with this Bank, Kvery consistent cinivtciy will be extend ed to its patrons y f ZMerest Pa id on rime Deposits. Officer* Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. i>vei i v, Vice-1 ’res!. W. V. Hah, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance. Comm: Beiij. Shore, hr. J. ?I. Phillips and T. J. Bverly. Directors: V, . A. Bally, E. Tj.fi Miser, E- Shore .1. E. Zachary, I , .. Et