'£F®m e. Yol. xmi Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. C. Wednesday, June 14 1911. LOQAL NEWS —Fan us! —Coats off please. —This is harvest times. —Born to Mr, and Mrs. Boone Taylor a sou. • —Sheriff W. T. Fletcher was in town Monday. —Mr. E. B. Vestal was in town Monday on business. —“High cost of living” will be displaced by “High cost of taxes” —The farmers are all busy now reaping their harvest »of wheat etc. —Mr. Geo. H. Hausei of Beth auia was in Yadkin to-day on busi ness. —Att’v II. C. Puryear made a business trip to Elkin one day last week. - Mr. J. 0. Gough attended the Federal court in Greensboro last week —The old reliable dew berry and blackberry crop borne next on the program. —Att’y 8. C. Williams returned from a pleasure trip down in Fla. last Friday. —Miss Clara Swariugen of Dav ie county is visiting her sister Mrs. W. 8. Douthit. —There is one more in the fam ily of Mr. Will Gough. Its a girl and arrived Thursday. —Mr. A. E. Holton and family visited relatives in Iredell county 8a turd ay and Sunday. —The residence of Mr. Hush Folger of near Dobson was des troyed by tire one day the past week. —Prof. Z. II. Dixon left last week for Tampa and Jacksonville, Fla. where he will spend several days. —A wind storm completely de molished the Methodist church in course o construction at Ilockford last week. —Leaf tobacco sales on the \V inston-balein market for May, aggregated 107,030 lbs, which sold for $9,941.83. —Mrs. J. A. Shugart out on lit. 3, is right sick. Her daughter Mrs H. H. Mackie spent Saturday to Monday with her. —There is a movement on foot to build an improved highway from Charlotte through Iredell county to the Yadkin line. —Dr. M. A. lioyall of Winston Salem will be in Elkin, Thursday June the loth, North W ilkesboro, June 16th, and East-Bend the 17th. —The Central office of the Yad kiuville Telephone company is be ing moved to the home of ..Mrs. Florence Wilhelm ou east main —Homebody has beau tieing a j cow on the Baptist church lot and j have almost ruined some small j shade,tree** that were being culti vated. —The following have secured license to marry: Lou to Renegari to Lydia Wallace, Lonnie Stinson j to Bosa Fleming, Frank Johnson i to Myrtle W ooten. —There will be a public singing ; at the Methodist church on Satur- 1 day evening July 15. This will be on Saturday before the Music School begins on the following Monday. —We notice in looking over the laws of the last legislature that the names of several justice of the peace appointed for Yadkin coun ty are misspelled, which makes the appointment void. —Mr. W. B. Shermei will close out his stock of goods at auction on June 17th. Also his household and kitchen furniture. All as good as new. Remember the date and everybody come. These goods will be shown to you any time you come to my place. -The “Old Yadkin Theater,” the first licensed Theater in Yud in county, will open for business Jtih 4th. The opening bill will b the Johnson-Jetfries Fight re produced in Moving Pictures. A ' Chicago Firm will furnish the Pictures and they paid $60,000 for the right to take the fight at Reno Nevada. Truly Yadkii* hi com ing ■ ‘ ~ —Dr Harding has a nice five room cottage for sale or rent. —Twin babies were born to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Adams out on Rt, 3 the first of the week, j —We also learn that a fine girl ' was bom to Mr, and Mrs. G. L. Adams, formereiy of this county ' but now of Winston, j —Highest strain White Legorn I eggs. Also reacfy for service Em elys Premier no. 145390 a fine Berkshire boar. J. D. L. Samp son, Yadkinvilie N. C. | —Notice! Boonville Land For 1 Sale: 75 acres, one mile north of town near the Crutchfield public i road. Also one. acre lot, in Boon i ville centrally located. For further j information, address J. C. Spencer 355 W. Walnut street Pasadena, I Cal. o-fi-7 I Life Life— Tia but a bieath, A morning breeze, A sighing wind Among the trees— Then all is calm. Life ’Tis but a thread That spans between The present and The great unseen — A slender cord. Life— ’Tis but a midst, A summer shower A burstin storm A silent hour Then sweet repose --— Ten Things to do in Typhoid Fever. In all cases of t}7plioid, how ever mild, the patient should | remain in bed. The course of the disease may be greatly shortened by keeping the patient in a prostrate position. 2. The vessels used in the sick room should be thorough ly scalded after use. 3. All food utensils should be washed and scalded separ ately before placing with dish es used by the family. 4. Bed linens, towels, wear ing apparel, should be plung ed into boiling water or water containing a strong solution of carbolic acid before they are washed. 5. Chloride of lime, wich can be bought in dozen cans, or b:.chloride of mercury, are safe disinfectants for vessels used in the sick room. 6. The caretaker should cleanse her hands with a dis infectant ( carbolic acid, creo lin, bichloride of mercury;, before taking food. 7. Treat all excreta from patient with disinfectant of sufficient strength that all typhoid germs may be killed before removing from the sick room. 8. Bury all excreta fiom typhoid patient. 9. Keep all flies from the sick room. 10. Write to your State Board of Health for literature upon the care and treatment of typhoid fever. BIG 4TH oY JULY CELEBRATION HEBE An effort is being made by some of the enterprising citi 1 zens of Yadkinville to have a Fourth-of-July ce 1 e b r a t i o n here that will eclipse anything in this section of the State. I If the present plans mature , we will make full announce ment in our next issue. « One of the most prominent I men in the state has agreed to come and make an address. t — - .. - - - •» - * * - • ✓ Marriages May be ypid. Married and Didn't Know it / Chicago Dispatch, - Municipal Judge Stewart to day held that thousands of j weddings of the immediate past were illegal and void be cause they had been performed by a justice of the peace from outside the city limits in an office he occupied in the coun ty building in Chicago. This j ustice of the peace was recen tly ousted from the county building. Tire judge volun teered an opinion from the bench that the Justice of the peace had no legal right to marry anyone in Chicago, he being a justice from outside of Chicago and because justices were abolished in the city in I9°5* At the same time Puilip Fi shman was telling Judge Coo per how he was married with out knowing it. He wanted the marriage dissolved. He said he inquired of a clerk in the county clerks office for a peddler’s license, With him was a young friend. A slip of paper was handed him he said and they were taken to justice Stacy’s offiice. He told the court he thought he was swea ring to something on the per mit when he and the girl said the customary “I do.’’ Later he found he had a wife. They t ried to malle the best of it lie said, but it was not a success. 3 Vacant House Talk about crowdsd tenants well it does not apply to Yad kinville, there is a house in this town that is unoccupied, and no one can be induced to move in. The house is built on the latest plans and has all modern conveniences, is sur rounded by good neighbors, wood and water furnished. We do not venture an assertion as to why, whether on account of its former occupants, the place of location, the latitude, long tkade, or altitude. All form er occupants get out the first chance and one in ten thous and can be induced to return without force. If you should ask the cause of the vacancy ask some one else. For furth er information ask the keeper of the—JAIL. Respect Your Mother Mark the young man who is coarse and disrespectful to his mother. No roseate path way can be hers who shall sustain to him the relations of wife. Not the happiest will be the lot of those who shall come to be his children. Not to, be envied in the neighborhood ever in which he must be reck oned as a citizen. It does not matter what the mental stature of that mother is, how old, how bent, how decrepit, the man to whom she is mother owes to her gentleness, tenderness and consideration. Did she fall back, and did the children by means of superior advanta ges, pass her in the face? But think of the toil and trial, her devotion and denial, her mind and the years she gave that | the children might derive the benefit. Think of her sacrifice no wonder if she fell behind, with her heart in her home, in the buds that were hers. The re is no rank? no station, no condition that may exempt a 1 manly man from a kind regard for his mother. Railroad Talk. Statesville, Special — The squad of convicts now at work I on the Statesville Air Line railway numbers 54, four ad ditional convicts were brought ; to the camps by Mr. George I Hayes, a guard at the State 1 prison at Raleigh. To see | the great amount of work done each week on the road i one would think the squad ! numbered nearer 100. Of course there are other laborers engaged in the work, but the j number of men in addition to j the convicts is not large. I ■ --- ■ ■ ----— j —For Sale Cheap! A complete j Threshing outfit. Apply at this oftice, lie port of the Condition of THE BANK OF YADKIN —AT— YADKINVlLLE, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business June 7,1911 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts - $54,960.89 I Overdrafts secured 356.95 unsecured - 205.20 Banking House, furni ture and fixtures - 2,186.10 Due from Ranks and Bankers - - 16,r07.54 Cash items - - 6,495.98 Gold coin - - 2,402.50 Silvev coin, including all minor com cur rency - 1,425 50 National bank notes and other U. S. notes - 3,300.00 Total - 88,240.66 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in - 10,000.00 Surplus fund - - 3,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses, tax es paid and accrued interest on certifica tes - - - 1,992.27 Time Certificates of de posit - 46,944.92 Deposits subject to check - - - 26,052 33 Cashier’s Checks out standing - - 251.14 Total - - - 88,240.66 State of North Carolina, ) County of Yadkin, I ss‘ I, W. A. Hall, Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. \V. A. HALL, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 14th day of June., 1911. J. L Crater, C. S. C, Correct—Attest: J. E. Zachary. T. R. Harding. Isaac Shores. Directors. NOTICE North Carolina [ Yadkin Countv j In Superior Court. Notice. H. R. Dodd vs J. M. Simmons Sain T. Ray Pursuant to an order of Super ior C6urt of Yadkin county made in the above entitled action at Spring term 1911, I will sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Yadkinville on the 3 DAY JULY, 1911 The following real estate towifc: One town lot in the town of Jones ville. Beginning at a stake corner of lot no. 4 by map of River "View heights luns south-east 39 feet *6 a stake corner of lot 2 and 3, thence east 83.5 feet to a stake* thence north 57.1 feet to corner of Sam Ray’s and T. B. Hanes’ lot, Thence west 124 feet to beginning being lot no. 3 in block 6 as shown by map of Mathis, Simmons and Shores of Rivsr View heights. ! This June 2nd 1911. W. T. Fletcher, Com -♦♦♦»•»■■ Sick headache results from dia srdered condition of the stomach and can be cured by the use o Chamberlain’s Stomach find Liver Tablets. Try it. For sale by all dealers* WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Our spring line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before ybu buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware, Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts. We will do anything in our power to make it to your interest to trade here. YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & DOUTHIT A’ALUABLE PROPERTY TO BE SOLD North Caroliu i Yadkin County \ By virtue of a deed of tru^made and executed to the undersigned trustee, hy D. L. Pardue, of Yad kin County, on the 6tli day of Ju ly, 1909, a^nd default having been made in the payment of the same, 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the 24th day of June 1911, at 2 o’clock P. M., sale to be on the premises, the following described lands; lving and being in the town of Jouesville, Yadkin County, North Carolina, and ad joining the lands of J. B. Cocker ham, J. G. Ray and others, and fronting on Cherry Street. This is sold subject to a deed of trust held by the Elkin & Joesville Building A Loan Association for $361.50. R. J. Barker Trustee Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance to you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted in to blood. When the digestion fails 1 the whole body sutlers. Chamber- j laiu’s Tablets are rational and re liable cure for indigestion. They increase the tllow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and tone up the whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy I actian. For sale by all dealers. | Is Cleaner Than Carpet Paint your fioor around the border of the loom with L. and M. Eloor Paint. Costa about 50 cents. 11 gives a bright varnished finish, (.‘over the center of the room with your home made carpet rug. Looks plendid. Get it from f.A Loga n DO YOUR BANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin YADKINVILLE, N. C. The oldest and strongest bank ing* institution in the county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3,000. (Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of your banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy' will be extend ed to its patrons Ufy Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Vice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Vice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A- Baily, E. L. Gaither, Isajic Shore J. E. Zachary, T. It. Harding, M. M. Cntmel and C. B. Beavis. Watch This Space Next week. i