Yadkinville, Yadkin County N. C. % i Wednesday, June 21 1911. No. 14 watting trie n,v. !pples at Wardens. , •country hams are in in is to have a celebration m. 'rost has been predicted on ■8 th, next. -'-Atfy D. M. Reece went up to rWilke»boio Monday to attend jjeourt. —Mr. IM Shugnit and family was visiting in town Sunday after noon. —For Sale Cheap"! A complete Threshing outfit. Apply at this office, —Att’y F, AY. Hanes is attend ing court at North Wilkesboro this week. Ml. J. Gough has moved his family to the AY? Ison house on Hampton street. —.lust 50 years ago the major ity of tlie wheat crop rotted in the iiield, in this country. —Mr. John JNorman, assistant itax ■otswetsor in East Pend township was here yesterday. H as I as reported to have f a 11 - •4'ii in several parts of tlx1 county hist Sunday aftej-noon. Miss Alice i.;ixo# is .at home .from Ji\vn Mkwt., where she hus Sheen the past vear. Au examination fov.tlie school iteacheos of Yadkin comity will be. held heire July U-] j. — Miss Mtnsfie White of Thick Shoals, is visiting Miss Eertha. liinshaw near town. — Miss Cornelia Mackie visited her grandmother Mi's.J., A. Sliuy .:irt out on lioute J a iev,' .days last week. The Town commissioners -are ;goii .to name all tlx1 streets in onvn thifltdo .not jxxw have .any uia me. —Prctf. <1. P Johnson returned ifrom a pleasure trip to Washing ton. He reports, a very jileasant itrip. -■ I\Lv. Charlie TXmuagmi .1ms mioved his family to his newly,fin-, ashed residence on West Alain ^street — Miss Creoi^ia .James returned yesterday from ,Rockford where she lias been .visiting relatives and ifriemls. —\Wi'fikeJnoro will have a Mas sonic picnic on Juno 2Sth. An •excursion will go from Greensboro .and \N iusfcou. — hour ot Elkins denit-gume • sports were iu town Sunday in an j Automoble. They took dinner ,yt 1 Hotel 8Aiore. .—A ](€ oi t frosn Wilkes boro flays th.it chestnut trees in the mountain forests aie xlyiiig yt .y ya jud rate. —There will iw a Picnic and j <Outin^ of 14th district of North j Carolina Odd l’eiloj,vs at Pinnacle duly 11, IW. —Mr. W. 11. Khertner has been right sick but is somewhat impro- , <ved at present He had a light touch of fever. —Misses Connie and Laura | Key nolds visited relatives out on ! ltoiite 1 several days the latter part of lasjt .veek. —The first and second ball team rrossed bats Saturday afternoon i whtcli resulted in a score of 15 to , 4 in favor of the Hirst team. —Key. IV. T. Oaruei and one of his horses had racket the other day iu which the preacher got the worst end of the bargain,--a badly bruised leg,. ■ —Itev. Turner Shore, who pvea ched two sermons here Sunday will preach at the Baptist church at East.Bend nextSundny morning at 11 o’clock. — One couple has secured license to get raurrried since our last issue Miss Lucy M. Davis of East-Bend and Mr. Eugene H, Jarratt of High Poiut. , - Highest strain White Legovn Also ready for service Em no. 145390 a fine * .. D. L. Samp n. a —Mr. 1). S. Reynolds went to Wikesboro yesterday to attend Federal court. He was accompa nied by Mrs. Reynolds who will visit friends there for a few days. *—There will be no Fourth-of July celebration here. Several, it seems wanted to go to Elkin | and consequently not enough in terest manifested by the people at la rge. -—Stoueman Adams who was m the Shite Hospital at Raleigh | made his escape and walked back to his old home. Deputy Sheriff Moxley took him buck Vo Hospital iasfNveek. —Tbe Hutchens was brought in Friday on a peace warrant and I was ordered to give bond untill Monday but some of the witnesses were not here Monday and no j trial was had. j —C. M. Waden, the working man, is at it again, selling (4110 I CER1EK to “beat tmo band” but ' says he is not in it for his health, but is looking for a few “pay as I you g<>” kind of customers. | —Severn] friends and relatives of Mr. \\. A, Hutchens gathered I at his home last Sunday and give j him a surprise birthday dinner, it j being his 50th rthday. Every one present enjoyed, the day im nlenselx. — l'lie Board of Commissioners announce that all of the health ■ordinances of the town will be rig idly enforced during the summer montlis and it will be to the inter est of every citizen to acquaint himself with these ordinances and I sy »e t rouble etc. J']i■' saw mil] of Me. (jraham ( Holcomb out on Route 'J was des ! troyed by tire ’ast Eriday night, togetlier with about 4.5,000 feet of I lumber. l/>ss is not less than .$1, I 000 which is net. Mr. Holcomb ! has title sympathy of the neighbor [hood in the loss of his mill mid dumber. I'he-origin of the fire is unknown. —1On Friday June 30th AJ is. Harriet Baity will celebrate tire one hundred and first anniversary <*f her birth at her home 5 miles south of town. Hundreds of peo- j pie will likely go and all should dike well#lied baskets. Jiev. Mr. j May will preach there that day. j Everybody is envited to come and 1 enjoy the day with Mrs. Baity, who is the oiliest person in this county if not in the state of North | Carolina. , W aliace=Kapp A quiet wedding wad cele brated June 14 at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Kapp at Kapps Mills, Surry county, when Mr. I. O. Wallace claim-j ed as lii.s bride Miss Mary | Kapp, Only a few relatives | and intimate friends of the I contracting parties were pres ent at the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. K. W. Turner, of Siloam. The bride is a sister of Mrs F. W. Hanes of Yadk iuville, and lias visited here on many occasions, making many friend I who will learn of her marriage with interest. The happy couple left im mediately after tlie ceremony for a ten days sight seeing j trip to Northern cities before going to Ashboro where Mr. Wallace is erecting a large mill Mr. and Mrs F. W. Hanes attended the wedding. Meeting of B. F. G. i On last Thursday afternoon | the members of the B. F. C. met with Miss Blanche Dixon After having transacted the business affairs, the club spent • an hour profitably and pleas i antly in the work of Embroid ery. Deficious relreshments were served. j Be good and you will be 1 happy. Gat'd North Wiluesboro Advance. ! known party or parties began to circulate slanderous and libelous reports in regard to myself and the products of North Wilkesboro Roller Mills , to the effect that a pure food I inspecter had visited same and placed me under arrest on the charge of adulterating flour. For a time I deenled it best to treat the matter with silent contempt, knowing the false j ness of the report, as did also the people of North Wilkes boro. However, instead of suffering the usual fate of such lies, the matter is still being agitated in some sec : tions and I take this method of branding same as a ma licious, wilful lie, and have every reason to believe that it was circulated by competitors for the simple purpose of dam j aging my business. So sure l am I of this that I hereby of fer a liberal reward for evi dence leading j.o those who nrsi stated said reports. l\ot , only this, but I wiil .also pay i a reward for any of the pro I duets of North Wilkesboro ; Rooller Mills which are adul i terated. Our mills are always open t:» our customers and i those interested, and we here by invite all.to call around at any time and familiarize them , selves with our method of do ing business. In some sections these slan derous reports have confused the Elkin Roller Mills with those of North Wi-lkesboro and my statement in regard to North W ilkesboro Roller Mills is equally applicable to th'e owners of the Elkin mills. It is a pleasure to state that those who are in a position to know, take no stock iii these slanderous reports, and the products of our mills continue to grow in public fovor. This of course is very gratif ying to me, and I regret that I have been forced to make the above statement. I hope, how ever, that it will be sufficient •warning to those who have at tempted to damage my busi ness, for if I secure the evi dence they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. To substantiate the above remarks, 1 herewith submit aj statement from the mayor and; chief of police of North Wilk esboro: To whom it may concern: This is to certify thatr to our personal Knowledge, A. O. [ Bray., has never liad any troub le with the pure food inspect ors. v K M. Blackbnrn, Mayor.1 D. S. Lane, Chief of Police Trusting that the above will convince the public of the fal sity of said reports, I am, . : j Yours truly, A. O. BRAY. -"•^•4 4 --———— Two negro women Mollie Martin and Telia Dalton, were placed in jail Mondav night for a term of 20 days al 1 because they did not have the neces sary money to pay a small bill i of cost which was assessed against them in Justice Wil lards court for lighting. It seems that that these two j dusky damsels had “beat up” j one Vick Lynch of the same jhue and color, in a fit of jel ! ousy. They were arrested yester j day afternoon by Deputy | sheriff Shngart at their home near Spillman school house, tried and fined one penny and the cost in the case, and being unable to raise that amount are lounging in the county jail 20 days instead General News I Tomorrow the coronation of King George V and Queen Mar} of England will take place in London. r The annual convention of the State Rural Letter Car riers’ Association will meet in Winston-Salem July 4-5. ----■+ + —— . i A single New York office building contains more than seven hundred and fifty miles of telephone wire. President and Mrs Taft cel ebrated their silver wedding! June 19th. This was the sec ond silver wedding to be cel- j ebrated in the White House. Wm. Anderson, a loborer of New York, fell 500 feet from I the new trust building, and 1 was badly crushed against the j pavement. His last word was ' a vviid cry when he started to ! 1 fall. | Luke Lea, of 'Tennessee, ; and U. VS. Senator performed a i heroic deed in allowing one quart of blood to be drawn from his body in order to save the life of his wife. The trans ; fusion operation was a success I ful one. i --- NOTICK ' North (kirolina, i ; Yadkin County . In Superior Coil it. H. It. Dodd . ! v* i J. 1M. Simmons | Notice. ‘ San. T. Hay J ; Pursuant to an order of Super i ior Court of ^ adkin county made ' in the above entitled action at I Spring term 1911, ! will sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House ! door ill Yadkuiville on the 3 DAY JULY, 1911 The following real estate to wit: One town lot in the town of doues viile. Beginning at a stake corner of lot no. 4 by map of Kiver View heights inns south-east HP feet U> a stake' corner of lot 2 and 3, thenco east 83 5 feet to a stake, thence north 57.1 feet to corner of Sam Hay’s and T. P. Hanes’ lot, 1 hence west 124 feet to beginning being lot no. 3 in block ti as shown b\ map of JMathis, Simmons and Shores ol llivsr \ iew heights. l his J une 2m 1 1911. \\ . I\ I1 leteher. ( kmi The Hftrfte JVosjm<iS \\ e desire to call attention to tlie advertisement <>J the State Noi mal and Industrial College which appear* in this issue. Ever3' 3 ear shows a steady growth in this institu tion devoted to the higher edu cation of the women of North Carolina. d he college last year had a total enrollment of 909 stud ents. Eighty-seven of the ninety-eight counties of the vState had representatives in j the student body. NineTenthsj of all the graduates of this in stitution have taught or are now teaching in the schools of North Carolina. The dormitories are furnish ed by the State and board is provided at actual cost. Two hundred appointments with free tuition, app >rtioned am ong the several counties ac cording to school population, will be awarded to applicants Exuit the middle of July. Students who wish to attend ; this institution next . year should make application as early as possible, as the capa city^ of the dormitories is lim ited. 1 —It you have a mein her of your family, or a relative or friend resi ding at a distance, send them The Hippie. It costs only 2 cents the ! week WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Our spring* line of Goods. Idle prettiest line we have ever carried. Call and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before y°u buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. We also carry a full line of Hardware. Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. V e are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN'S AND BOYS CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the latest Styles from the fashion resorts. We will do anything in our power to make it to your interest to trade here. ' YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & 130TJTITIT VALUABLE PllOBFBTY TO BE SOLD North Carol in > Yadkin County \ By virtue of a deed of trust,made and executed to (lie undersigned trustee, liy D. L. Parduej of Yad kin County, on the titli day'of -Ju ly, 1009, and default having been .mule in the payment of the same, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, on the 24th day of-June 11)11, at 2 o’clock E. 31., sale to be ou tlie premises, the following described lands- King and being in the t->\vn of -Touesville, Yadkin County, North Carolina,, and ad joining the lands of -J. B. Coeki r ha.m, -J. C. Hay and others, and fionting on Cherry Street. This is sold subject to a deed of trust held by the Elkin A -Joesville Building A Loan Association for $:-}('> l.otj. 11. J. Banker Trustee Is there anything in all this world that is of more importance tc you than good digestion? Food must be eaten to sustain life and must be digested and converted in to blood. When the digestion fails the whole body sutlers. Chamber lain's Tablets are rational and re liable cure for indigestion. They increase the illow of bile, purify the blood, strengthen the stomach, and lone up Hie whole digestive apparatus to a natural and healthy actian. For sale by all dealers. Is Gleaner Than Carpet. Paint your Hour around the border of /lie room with L. and M Eloor Paint. ( o.-t.> about 50 cents. | t uives a bright varnisited finish. <.'over the •.•enter of the room with your home made carpel rug. Looks nlendi t. <4 .t iV-> u J,.\ Login IX) YOUR I >A YIvUSTGr WITH Till] Bank of Yadkin YADKIN YlpLE, N. C. Tlie oldest and strongest bank ing institution in tlie county CAPITAL - - $10,000. SURPLUS - - 3.000. Since its establishment, Oct. 1005, it has paid in div idends to its stockholders SM,400.00 and $7,788.72 interest to depositors. \\ liile this is a small batik, vet- it is safe - and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best • wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a continuation of 3;our banking, as well as new accounts. Banking through the mails is safe-a large part being done in this way with this Bank. -Every consistent courtes}' will be extend ed to its patrons *4 - interest Paid on aSi Time Deposits. . Officers Benjamin Shore, President. h *h Byerly, \ ice-Prest. A\ . A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Yice-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. ?l. Phillips and I T. J. Byerly. Directors: X\. A. Baily, E. Xj. Gaither, Tsaac Shore d. E. Zachary, T. Li. Harding, M. AI. Cnnnel and C. B. Pea vis. I The Yadkin li ip >le < , .¥ I The Ripple was established 18 years ago. It has more subscribers than all other Yad hin county papers combined. It is the county organ. It is price $i.00 per year. The Progressive Farmer & Gazette. Made for Southern Farmers published at Raleigh, and is, without a doubt the best farm paper published in the South. It is price $1.00 per year. Now We have arranged so that for a limited time only we can send you both of these papers for the price of one Send us $1.00 at once and get abargiu Subscribe To-day

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