<•*• »<*** Yol. XTIIl Y ad kinyille, Yadki n County No. 18 The Yadkin Ripple PaMiihed Every Wedneetfey Morninft W. EDW. RUTLEDGE, Editor and Prop. Reiered at the poet office in Yadkinvillf X. C. second class matter, under tl»e Act of Oonjrress of March 3, 1897. Subscription Rates, One Year - $1.00 Six Months 50 Three months - - - 25 Payable in Advance. WEDNESDAY JULY 12 1911. Below we give a scedule of the arrival of passenger trains at Rockford N. C. Going East arrives . West . 8:25 a. M. 5:25 P. M. . 11:25 a. m. <5:05 p. m Yadkin vilijE PitODUCE Mauket. corrected weekly by Shore A Doutliit. Coral per bushel Wheat ‘ Eye “ Oats “ Peas “ Beaus “ Chickens, old liens Chickens spring Eggs per dozen Butter per pound Flour Hams Bee’s wax Hard - $0.75 1.00 1.00 .75 2.00 2.00 .8 .12* .12 .15 2.50 .15 .22 52.] LOCAL NEWS —Cold drinks all the time at WardeuV —Deep Creek Quarterly meet ing will be held next Sunday. —Call at Warden1** refreshment sstauil for cold drinks. —The Annual Masonic Picnic will be held at Mocksville on Aug. II. —Oranges, Bananas, lemons, Pineapples, at Warden’s, —Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Oaks out on route d, a ten pound boy. — Ice Cream, Sherbets, Grape Juice, Lemonade, etc. at Warden’s For Bent: A store house with living room sap stairs. \V. It. Sher mer. Mr. Alex. Stimpsou died at his borne near Lewisville one day last Meek. —Prof. S. W. Hall of Bast-Bend was a business visitor iu town last Monday. —For Sale, An alu^rst new Hol ler mill. S(ie D. M. \ estal, B0011 ville, N. C. —Mrs. Beuj. Shore visited her sister Mrs. Harding at Farmington the last of the week'. Bev. F T, Shore will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday at eleven a. m. and eight p. in. -FOB SALE Oli KENT A house and lot in Yadkiuville, for particulars sec J. E. Zachary. —Died at his home out on route 2 oue day last week Mr. ‘Luck’ Dayis, at an advanced age. —Don’t forget the Dummy Bal loon ascension at Lamb’s 10c Shows every evening at 7:K(J. —For Sale-A twenty four can, canning oujb-fit, never been used, also cans, T, M. Fining, Mocksville N. C. —Miss Stella Reece returned Holiday from East Bend where she has been yisitipg Miss Laura Huff —Don’t fail to see the La Birds iu th3 comedy Acrobats at Lambs 10c Shows all this week at Yadkiu ville —We are up with repairing; the first time iu teu years. Hereafter prompt aud expert work. Hutchens & Ballard, Jewelers, —Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Sbermer went down on Route 2 last week to visit Mrs. Shermers parents They returned tp tp*n Monday. —Alias Helen Farrow, a trained anrse in the Twin City Hospital, at Winston-Salem, is visiting a1 the home of Dr Hardiu^ for $ few fe?«i j —Mrs. Harriet Baity, who cele brated her 101 aniversarv on June 30 and who was taken ill on that day continues very poorly at her * home 5 miles south of town. • —Mr. E. O. Pritchette of Rocky Mount, N. C, has been spending j several days here in the interest j of fraternal order, the W oodmen : of America. I —Houston Swaim an inmate of ; the county home, aged 40 years, | died in that institution last Friday and was buried in the Mackie grave yard Saturday. ' —The stockholders of the Yad kiuville Telephone Co. held an enthusiastic meeting in the court ! house last Saturday, which was very near to enthusiastic, j —Lambs 10c Shows in a tent showing Acrobats, Contortionists, Comedians, Mack face songs and j witty sayings,Funny sketches, all this week at Yadkiuville. —Mr. Will Douthit has resign ed his position as clerk for Shore