- H i JL ADKINVILLE PRODUCE MARKET, corrected weekly by Shore & Doutliit. Corn bushel »- $0.75 '.'’heat ‘ “ - - ].00 Rye •« " w 1.00 Oats “ “ - .75 Peas ****«. - 2.(K) Beans “ “ «. 2.00 Chickens, old liens - .8 Chickens spring * •- ,12| Eggs |K;*r dozen - .12 Butt.er per pound >* ^ .15 JFIour - 2.50 Hams - J5 Bee's wax * ,2‘J Paid - - - - 12 A LOeKL NEWS Blackberry wine? — I >oti fc forget to sow lu.it tur flip patch. Grape .luno. Chocolate rvonn at Wurdtm's. Hoad the ad of Wilmoth-Hay <*s Clothing Co. ou another page. —Miss Daisy Nicholson is visit hig his sister, Mis. A. E. Hoi km Jr. — Mi. Jno. B. Woo.dev of High "Fount spent Saturday night in the r limit: A store house with living up stairs. W. li. Sher iner. —Mr. L. It. Davis of East Bend spent Monday night in town ou 1m sinews. — The Afonnal will close Satur day night* July 27 with a Oraud Conceit. —For Sale* An almost new Itol 3er mill. See 1). M. Vestal, Boon viile, N. C. —Col. N. Glen IVilliams, v>f ^ illiams, was in town on business tone.day last week. —Mr. li. VV, Crater, of Buck SlioaU>w3Mte4 his son, Mr. J. L. Crater, last week. •-FOli SALES OR. UB^r a house and lot in Yadkinville, for particulars seed. E. Zachary. —Dr. Dnnkins of High Point, spent Sunday night in town on his ••.ay to lioaring Gap Hotel. Att’y F. B. Benbow of Frank din sjient last uight in town, shak ing hands with old friends. M iss Dillaid CutJueiJ, of Win ston-Salem, i'*' spending a fewr •days with Miss Stella Tieece. — Miss Inh Shore has been ■ right sick with a light :£ ack of ; fever but is improving now. — Mr. »J. G Di\ n, of New Vork 'City, is visiting Frol'. Z. H. Dixon, who is his cousin, for a few days. —For Sale-A twenty four can, -canning out fit, never been used, t Iso cans, T. M . Young, Mocksville N. C. —Mrs. Monroe Hendricks was visiting at the home of Mr. S. Carter Williams Friday of last Aveek. -The Third Quarterly meeting of the Yadkiuville charge will be held at the Methodist Church next Saturday, duly 22. —Fall Creek Township Sunday School Convention will be held at Alt. Pleasant next Saturday. Let everydody come and enjoy them selves. —Miss Blanche llovall, who lias tx»eii visiting relatives here for several days, left last week foi, Brevard, where she will spend the summer. —We are up with repairing: the ‘first time in ten years. Hereaftei prompt and expert w ork. Hutchens the Jewelers .—"Misses Annie and badie Corners of VVilkesboro wlio have been visiting here the past week, left yesterday afternoon for their home. —Misses Pansy aud Daphne Wimbish of Wiuston-Salen spent the week end with Miss Blanche Mackie, returning Monday after noon with Mr. W. T. Myers^who visited homdolks here Sunday. —Mr John H. Dobbins has in his possession a petition, askipg subscriptou for the benefit of Mr. Todd, who lost his* barn aud a lot pf ot ler things by being struc£ by ightuing last week. pairs of shoes for sab at cost. Just the shoe for fall and winter wear. At Warden’s. Rev. J. C. Steers has been chosen as pastor of the Baptist church at East Bend. He fi le l liis fiirst appointment Sunday. hor sale, 700 bushels of nice white corn at crib on the J. C. Conrad farm. Price right. Apply to M. D. Spillman, he will deliver the corn, —We hereby offer a liberal ro reward to any person producing evidence to show how any man lives who spends a majority of his time around public places telling smutty yarns, and laughing at them himself. —There will be a farmers insti tute for men and women held here Friday, August the 18th. The meeting will be held promptly at' 10 o,clock. All interested in the I improvement of farm conditions are urged to attend. —Notice: Refreshments of all kinds will be on sale on square during the Musical Normal* Boys, bring your girls if you are not too chinchy. Ballard A Howell, Proprs. —\\ lieu in Yadkinville, visit C. M. Warden’s refreshment parlor. —Dr. M, A. Royal 1 of Winston ! Salem will be in Elkin, at Elk Inn, I Wednesday, July the 26th., for I one day only. His practice is limited to the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Glasses fitted. —On last Saturday eveuiug Miss Mattie Phillips was hostess at supper to a number of young ladies who were visiting in town. I Several of them attended and all seemed to enjoy the occasion. —Destroys Tobacco Worms in j one night. Does more and better I work than ten men. It is gurnu-1 i teed or your money back. Out-fit i complete >1.90. Write us about j it. Acme Distributing Go., Reids villo, N. C. o-8-2 —The Normal School of Music, • I which began Monday and is be-1 ing taught by Prof. Ruebush, is in full swing. 89 students are now , enrolled and it is expected that, more will come in yet. —All persons owing the Milli nery department of Shore A Don- ' thit must come at once and settle their dues. To avoid further trouble yon will please attend to 1 this withoutv - —f 'Mary Thomasson. —A Drama eulitled “Under the Laurels” will be presented by j local talent in the court house next Friday night. Admission 15 , and 25 cents. The proceeds to go for the benefit of the town ceme tery. Extras betweeu the acts. —There will be a box proper at Center Church Saturday evening, July 2*2, in the interest of the Mt. Airv District Parsonage, M. E.1 South. Everybody is invited to attend and bring a box, the old and young. The supper will be held in the school house or grove. —During the electrical storm Thursday of last week, lightning struck the feed barn of Mr. J. I. Todd, near Deep Creek Church, setting fire to it and burning it up together with a lot of feed and a good young horse. Also a lot of wheat, a wagon, and one cow and calf. j —The drouth of the last several weeks has discouraged all matri 1 monial adventurers by the sign of hard times, only one white couple having secored license to marry in ! the last month. They were Mr. j Evan Augell to Miss Sal lie Brown. Two couples of tue African color having stepped into double har ness by the names of Ellis Pleas ure to Flode Miller and Lehman Gad berry to Nancy Williams. --— Near Mt. Airy Thursday a 1 horse driven by Mr. David Holder, a Confederate vetran, took fright at an automobile ; standing by the road, ran a way and threw Mr. Holder out. The old man’s head struck a rock and his skull was crushed. He died next i%;. • * GREAT INCREASE IN TAKES OVER 1910 Value of Taxable prop• erty in Yadkin Shows Gain of $689,131. The assessors for Yadkin County have finished their work and their report shows a large increase in real estate over 1910. In 1910 real estate in Yad kin County was valued at while the report for 1911 shows it to be $1,971, 203, or an increase of $651, 555- 1 The total valuation of per sonal property for 1910 was1 £1,133,023, for 1911 it is $i,j I7°>599> or an insreaseof $37, 576 The total valuation of both personal and real property in , Yadkin County in 1910 was 1 $2,452,671, for 1911 it is $3, i 141,802, 01 a total increase of $689,131, | The increase in taxes for 1 1911 is $8,049 68, which is the result of the increase in both personal and real estate. 1 The report also shows that jin 1910 the real estate in this county was only valued at $186,625 more than personal property, but the increase over these figures this year is very I lai£e These figures are subject to approval by the Corporation Commission and may be slightly changed, but there! will be 110 material difference, Tlie tax rate that the above1 is the tax levy for 1910 and! may be changed as the levy 1 for 1911 will not be made un til August 1. Misses Reynolds Entertain The Lawn Party which was to ! have been given last Thursday; night by Misses Connie and Laura! Reynolds was postponed on ac-' count of rain until Monday night i of this i - . * .. xuuiviu- \ pille’s younger set assembled on j i.he beautiful lawn about 8 o’clock I and were entertained with various j games until 10:80. Delicious can dies were served dming the eve ning. The party was given in honor of Misses Sadie and Annie Somers of Wilkesboro, who have j been visiting the Misses Reynolds j for tlie past week. The evening was delightfully l spent and enjoyed by ah pioseut. New Industry Offered Us A proposition which means much to Yadkinvilie and sur rounding community is being considered by tlie business men of our town. A plant for the manufacture of chair timber and other pro ducts which would employ 15 I to 20 hands and have a.week ; ly expenditure of over $1,000 ' is the proposition now offered us. Our business men could dc no better thing at present than help secure this industry. | If stock to the amount of i $4,000 can be secured, it will | come. Vegetabt Freak. Miss Maude Essie presented to ! us the other day, a new specimen I of vegetable fruit. It js a cross between a squash and cucumber. The vines of each being planted near each other and and the mix ture of the two followed. It is ! shaped like a cucumber, has cu ! cumber seed etc., but grew on ft «squash vine. | This particular article is now \ exhibition at The Hippie WljSce tfor an y ope to see who wishes. Wise and Otherwise ? The man that advertises is the man that gets there. |-«•♦«»»» Good Roads and schools are the two greatest assets of any community. — -~ Nine times out o’ ten a un popular man is a feller that ’tends to his own business. -- The last legislature passed an act making it a misdemea nor, punishable with fine and imprisonment, to throw loose rocks, stumps, snags, chunks, or any other obstructions into the public road. Many farm ers will plow up rocks, etc., and throw them into the high ways, impeding the progress of vehicles. This is now clear ily against the law. --- President Taft has appoint ed a kinkey-hetided coon as i Assistant Attorney General , of the United States. Yes he | has. Mr. Taft has done many | noble deeds but this is one we | can’t quite swallow. I Has it come to such a pass ! in this Republic of ours, that | aniong a race of over ninety million lily-white, intelligent ; people that there can’t be found white men worthy to preside over our race? Air. Democrat. Republican, Jew or Gentleman, does this high official respect your sentiment when he throws such an infer nal insult as this into the face of every white citizen regard less of party, through whose veins course the rich Caucas ian blood? Our people should do the very best possible bv the negro ' but they must recognize his inferiority, and regardless of ' party favoritism should rebuke the high executive who fails j to respect the position he occu- g pies, by hugging up to the i black bu- uuiy is to torce j ^ prosecution on a white people. a -^ a ‘•Isn’t it funny how ‘great’ a minds run together? Here ) we were dreamily looking into € the future and thinking what 1 a delightful place the moun- j tains would be to spend a pos- t sible honeymoon, when a | glance at the editorial columns - of the Charlotte Observer re vealed the following squib: ‘‘Every as yet uuwedded mem ber of the North Carolina Press Association who was on the recent jaunt from Lenoir to Blowing Rock, Boone, Lin ville and Edgemont laid away for future reference the im pression that North Carolina affords the finest bridal tour in the world.” We agree with i the fore-going from the pen of ! the bachelor editor of the Charlotte Observer quite heart ily. Now let Gunter. DePriest, | Weathers, Bivins, Jacobson, f Huggins Rutledge, and all ye other an fettered brethren of r the Press loosen np and ’spress ] yourselves. And, by the way, , wonder who of the untram- 1 melled will l&k^the first to break ranks?” 1 The abovw we take from the ed j itorial colunjns of the Sder City | Grit. It seems to us, brethren, j that this particular vicinity, es ! pecially Boone, furnishes some 1 excellent material that goes to i make up the better half of a bridal 1 party. j i—»- — ———| I —A lot of $3.00 to- $5.00 solid, j gold rijigs, heavy, wide, only $2.50 [ close, fjutehens, ifie Jeweler WE ARE NOW RECEIVING Our spring line of Goods. The prettiest line we have ever carried. CaH and examine our stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, etc., before you buy. We also have a lot of UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, Men and Children as cheap as the cheapest. * We also carry a full line of Hardware. Groceries and mens Hats. In fact everything usually kept in a large store. We are also receiving a large lot of UP-TO-DATE MEN’S AND BOY’S CLOTHING Oui line of Spring MILLINERY is the most complete we have ever had. Consisting of the'latest Styles from the fashion resorts. We will do anvt’Maor o.,r nower *n make it to vn„.- interest to trade here i : * YOUR FRIENDS, SHORE & HOTJTHIT A Burglars Awful Deed may not paralyze a home so com pletetely as a mother’s long illness But Dv.a King’s New Life Pills are a splendid remedy for women “They gave me wonderful beuefil in donstipation and female troub le,” wrote Mrs, M. C. Dunlap, oj Leadill, Teun. If ailiug’ try them, 2oc at all druggists. NOTICE. Notice of Sale North Carolina i In Superioi Yadkin County j- Court before ) the clerk J. VV'. Cook Ydmr. of L. J‘ Messick deed ) vs [ Eliza. Messick et al ) By virtue of an order of the suj: prior eourt made in the above en titled cause I will sell to the high est bidder, at public out erv, at the court house door in Yradkin ville ou Monday August 7tli 1911 it 19 o clock in. the following real -state to-wit: Beginning at aspan sh oak Isaac Browns line, then vest 84 poles to a pine Wiley Felts ioruer, then south 86 poles to a vhite oak, Wiley Felts corner,then vest 190 poles to a red oak near ittle Hunting creek then down the iame south 40” 91 poles to a sinsll iickory, then east SO poles to a j tone, then north 11 poles to 1 excepting 18 j cres sold to W. V Brown’s wife) ud i)h acres sold Nathan Pinnix j nd 151 acres sold to Clint Mes-i ick nud 7 acres sold to David Vishon and lb acres sold to Stev- | n Paidue leaving still 88 acres, ilore or less. The following are j he terms of the sale: one fourth >f the purchase money down in •ash at the sale and the remaining hre-fourtlis on a time of 4 months vitli approved security, Tnis June 19th 1911. J. W. COOK, Comm. Beubow & Hanes Atty’s NOTICE North parolina } Ju Superior Mary Willard efc al ) Notice John Brown et al ) Sale Pursuant to an order of Super ior Court of Yadkin county made on the 8th day of Feb. 1911 and a supplemental order made on the 6th day of July 1911 in the above entitled cause I will sell for cash at public auction to the highest bidder at the Court House door in Yadkinville on the Court before the clerk vs of 7 DAY AUGjyil. | rhe following real estate towifc: I [n Fall Creek township, Bounded hi the North by Virgil Adams lands and others, on the east by James Adams lands and others,on , the south by C M "W arden and others and on the west by Hem \ Flynn landsf containing 69 acres more or les£ For a better descri ption of a part of the lands men tioned above see petition hied ,in case G D B Adams admr. of Win. Adams vs Nancy Adams et al. Said lafeds containing and being all of the land belonging to the estate of Wm. Adams dec’d. This July fith 1911. S. C. Williams, Comnp i ir>0 YOUR RANKING WITH THE Bank of Yadkin | YADKINVILLE, N. C. I The oldest and strongest bank 3 ing* institution in the county I CAPITAL $10,000. I SURPLUS • 3.000. | Since its establishment, Oct. 1905, it lias paid in div idends to its stockholders $3,400.00 and $7,738.72 interest to depositors. While this is a small bank, yet it is safe and sound, taking no risk as some of the larger ones do. It extends thanks and best wishes to its many patrons for their past confidence, and solicits a rpntin— finite in tills way with this Bank, Every consistent courtesy will be extend ed to its patrons il°lt Interest Paid on all Time Deposits. Officers Benjamin Shore, President. T. J. Byerly, Vice-Prest. W. A. Hall, Cashier Isaac Shore, Viee-Pres. Finance Comm: Benj. Shore, Dr. J. M. Phillips and T. J. Byerly. Directors: W. A. Bailv, E. L. Gaither, Isaac Shore J. E. Zachary, T. R. Harding, M. M. Crumel and C. B. Beavis. Ashcrafts Drug Store Trade Street — — — Winston-Salem. ■M -*** The Ashcraft Drug Co. has opened a new Drug Store in Winston-Salem, where you will find a complete stock of anything carried in an up-to date drug store. We want your trade. You good people of Yadkin know Ashcrafts repu tation as druggists-most of you bought drugs of us for twenty years, as (Ashi ra/t & Owens.) Come in.and lets renew our acquaintance and do business together, You know we will treat you right. ASHCRAFTS. TRADE ST Next to Boyles Bros, J. H. MACKIE & SONS.; Manufacturers of Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipes, Mail Box es Heaters etc, Galvanized Sheet iron and Valley Tin; in stock. General Repair work done in short notQe, I It Startled The World when the astounding claims were * first made for Bucklens Arnica. | Salve, but forty years of wonder- * ul cures have proved tdem true and every where it is now known _ as the best salve on earth foi a Bums. Boils, Scalds, Cuts, Bruise Sprains, Swellings, Eczrma, Cha^ ped hands, Fever Jores and Pile*, Unly 25c at all druggists.